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To Love a Shooting Star

Page 17

by K'Anne Meinel

  Ellen thanked both of them for coming on her show. She felt it was one of her best shows ever. She gave Kate a big hug for being so brave and coming out of her shell to support Erin. She congratulated Erin for ‘coming out’ and wished her well. Erin and Kate gathered their things from the dressing room, one of the producers returned their pictures, and they hurried to their limo. They had to make their plane to Chicago. Norm had arranged for a private plane to whisk them across the country and they both settled in the seats comfortably. They were both exhausted from the stress of the last few hours. Kate fell asleep soon after take-off but Erin sat there thinking about the show over and over again, wondering if she had made the biggest mistake of her life but knowing she hadn’t. Looking at Kate she wondered if she had been fair to bring her into all of this and then smiling in amazement as Kate had blossomed on the show. Ellen had been delighted at their segments. Now on to Oprah.

  Both shows were competitors but yet on some stations they ran consecutively. Some places around the country they would be opposite each other. Oprah would ask some of the same questions, that would be inevitable and having arranged this knew that it was still a ground breaking day and had been willing to do it. By tonight they would be all over the news Erin knew but that had been fully discussed before making the decision to come out.

  Their private jet was met by a Park Avenue Limousine. Erin was relieved, she hated stretch limos. Kate had woken about five minutes before they landed and stretched wishing the day was already over. Erin had laughed but knew they were in for a longer stretch than Kate realized. By the time both shows aired they would be THE news item on all the networks. She had laughed when she realized how much PR this would be for the movie she had produced. It was good timing too, it hadn’t jeopardized the awards the movie had won on its own merits. Now people who hadn’t seen the movie or even ones who had would see it and look to see if they could ‘tell’ that its sexy star was gay. Kate too would receive the benefits, her books would be analyzed and read on principal, under whatever name she wrote. Her Macc Katell books might suffer because of her coming out and the fact they catered to preteens. Finally associating all her names together that she wrote under she had known that it could harm her career and been warned about it before they did this. Her Kate McCall books might see a boon in sales from all this publicity. Certainly her racier ‘Trina’ books would get a rush.

  Oprah herself greeted them at the stage door, something she normally didn’t do but hadn’t wanted one of her staff to do for her, this particular interview was too important, they were too important in what they were about to announce, it was ground breaking. She hugged them both and escorted them to their dressing room. One of the staff took the luggage from the limo so that Kate and Erin could change into different outfits for their interviews on Oprah. No one wanted to be seen twice in the SAME outfit especially on network TV!

  Erin had been right; many of the questions were the same. She had to remember not to sound like she had answered them already so it sounded fresh and new. She was flattered as she watched on the monitor when Oprah yelled that she had two time ACADEMY AWARD winner ERIN INGRAM on today’s Oprah for the FIRST TIME! and then she ran a montage of most of Erin’s films and commercials from age 3 and on. Oprah announced to her television audience that her studio audience had just finished watching Heart Strings and then she asked audience members to give their honest opinions of the film. The response was overwhelmingly positive. Erin received a standing ovation as she was announced and walked onto Oprah’s stage. She didn’t sit right away and instead acknowledged their accolades over and again. Oprah’s smile was her million watt one and she was pleased at the audience’s welcome.

  As the questions over films came fast and furious Erin realized Oprah was trying to get as much as should could into this one short hour of time. Erin’s normal slow answers were not going to do and at the first commercial Oprah thanked her for picking up her speed as she had so much to cover in so short a time.

  Erin’s announcement was met only slightly different with this nearly completely Midwestern audience. A lot of people came to Chicago just to be an audience member on the Oprah Winfrey Show. The audience took a little longer before showing her the support that she had received on Ellen. Maybe it was the fact that Ellen herself was gay and her audience understood that and supported her but Erin did not receive a standing ovation this time. At least she didn’t get booed off stage, she thought. Oprah was terrific and a very good host. She made sure the audience realized how brave Erin was being and offered insight into how hard it was in Hollywood to be famous and gay. She even mentioned Ellen and what she had gone through as well as mentioning that Erin had appeared on that show, a television first with the two shows.

  Oprah brought Kate out for her portion of the interview. Erin was surprised and pleased that Kate was a little better received than she had anticipated after her own announcement. Oprah brought out all of Kate’s pseudonyms and books and pictures on screen, promoting them well for Kate. The same pictures of the Mercedes, the T Rex, the dog, and the cat were brought out. Interviewing Kate the audience realized she was from Wisconsin and down to earth. It made the audience relax to realize that although Kate had money she still had a Midwestern attitude and they could relate to her a degree even if she was gay. Her relationship with Erin while private might help others in a similar situation on various levels. She wasn’t hiding. She loved this woman and it came through in the interview.

  Oprah finally asked though, something Ellen had not “do you intend to get married?”

  Kate was the one asked so she answered “well, we wear eternity rings” she showed the audience hers and the camera zoomed in on it, also showing her engagement ring “we both have engagement rings. But that’s it for now. It’s not legal in California where we live, so for now, we both know the intention is there, the promise is there, neither of us is going anywhere, we love each other. For now that will have to be enough.” Kate took Erin’s hand that had been clasped in her right hand and raised it to her lips. Erin squeezed reassuringly.

  “It’s legal in other states; you could go there and get married.” Oprah pointed out.

  Erin answered this time “but we live in California where it was legal for a short time. We hope that people will realize it’s unfair to judge people by who they want to marry, by who they live with, by their sexual orientation. We aren’t hurting anyone, we have no intention of hurting anyone. The most important people in our lives knew or know and support us. Marriage will someday complete it for us. We are hopeful that Californians will realize that and overturn their decision to deny people the right to marriage and benefits.”

  Oprah asked Erin “why now, why make this declaration now, at this point in your life?”

  Erin got quiet and answered “Why not now? I’ve been gay all my life. I kept my private life exactly that, private. For years I hid that side of my life. It was an open secret in Hollywood but not really discussed. After watching Kate shunted aside at the various shows and parties we go to I have had enough. Although we could have continued indefinitely I wasn’t willing to not acknowledge her. I don’t want to hide one of the most important people in my life. Although I don’t relish the media spotlight that is going to be turned on us I won’t allow her to take a backseat in my life or be blackmailed if she has the temerity to love me. This is who we are; we haven’t changed from who we were before the announcement. I am still an actress, director, and producer, Kate is still an author and writer. It’s only the narrow minded who are going to judge us anyway.”

  Oprah asked Kate “so your family and friends know and support you?”

  Kate chuckled and answered wryly “well if they didn’t know before they do now.”

  Oprah laughed heartily at that declaration and ended her show with thanking them for their bravery. Erin stood up and hugged Oprah who also hugged Kate. Erin hung around to sign autographs for audience members. A few even asked Kate for hers whether Ka
te McCall or Macc Katell. She was surprised about the latter one sure that homophobic parents all across America would pull her adventure novels from the kids’ shelves.

  Oprah personally thanked them for coming on the show. She, like Ellen thought it would be one of her best shows ever as it aired in the various time slots. Kate and Erin gathered their things once again and got in a limo for the ride back to their private jet. This time they were able to eat a snack as they discussed their day. Kate tried to apologize for monopolizing some of the conversations but Erin assured her it went well for both of them. She had asked both Ellen and Oprah to send her a DVD of the shows after they aired that day. By the time Kate and she got to New York it would be too late to catch either of the shows and see them as though a viewer and not as the interviewee.

  They landed without incident and their limo met them on the tarmac whisking them away to the apartment at Central Park East. Kate had never been so grateful to see a day end. They were starved and decided to go out instead of ordering in. Erin wanted to show Kate one of her favorite Italian restaurants. Even though no one really knew they were in New York and the stations across the country had only just aired the interviews, given the day they had had she decided they better not go without bodyguards in attendance. Erin frequently went with bodyguards to various events but this was the first time that Kate actually would experience it for herself. She had understood that Erin was the more famous of the two of them but she hadn’t really thought about angry people directing that anger at her for Erin being gay and coming out. They discussed it as Erin and she waited for the four guys to arrive from the agency Erin had called. Kate was amazed as they all wore nice suits and discretely carried guns. Four burly and handsome men, how intimidating. They boxed Kate and Erin in and they all walked to La Tourtini’s. Erin was right, the food was amazing. The bodyguards were placed at tables strategically around them to eat their own meals. Only a few people recognized Erin and only as they were leaving asked for autographs which she gladly gave them. Apparently they hadn’t seen the shows or the news. Kate and Erin had seen the news and it hadn’t been just in the Entertainment section of the nightly news but one of the headlines that they had come out not only on The Ellen DeGeneres Show but The Oprah Winfrey Show. One of the local network stations was promoting that Erin would be on Live with Regis Philbin and Kelly Ripa in the morning. That show should have a high rating after all their promotions.

  Kate and Erin didn’t care though at the moment. They were enjoying each other. Having the ‘worst’ behind them they were forgetting all the anxiety and just going back to normal for the moment. People certainly weren’t going to expect two of the most famous people on the plant for the moment to be out in New York City eating Italian. Erin knew that might not continue as the Paparazzi was sure to be back at the apartment now that they knew she was in town for her TV appearance in the morning. She wasn’t wrong either. The bodyguard’s body slammed their way through the crush. Kate had never experienced anything like it and was terrified. One of the guards had called the police ahead of time and several uniformed officers had been pushing back the throng as well. Erin held tightly to Kate’s hand as they were jostled between their bodyguards. Kate really knew the meaning of that word now. It was a relief to get into the lobby of the apartment building and away from the glare of the lights and popping of the flashes in their faces, their names yelled and even hands grabbing at them. Kate had known there would be press but hadn’t been prepared for it this soon or this intensely. She was shaking as Erin held her in the elevator. The bodyguards escorted them to the apartment and checked it thoroughly before two of them returned to the lobby to guard the elevator, two remained sitting on chairs next to the elevator in the foyer. Erin explained that until they went back to California that they would have around the clock protection, this shook Kate to the core, this intensity she had not prepared for.

  It didn’t get better in the morning either. The four guards had been replaced with fresh ones only now there were eight of them, including two women. They were escorted to a SUV limo and four got in with them and two rode with the driver. The other two followed in another vehicle. The crush outside the studio was nearly as bad. Erin herself was a little rattled as the guards pushed her inside. The two female guards checked the dressing room and bathrooms before Kate or Erin could use either. Kelly Ripa came by to welcome them both but visibly snubbed Kate who was so amused by it she laughed after the host left. Erin was annoyed but her sense of humor was restored by Kate’s laughter. She was worried that Kate would crack under the intense pressure and it had only been 24 hours, instead she was amused and lifting Erin’s spirits.

  The interview didn’t go very well. It seemed Regis and Kelly were both a little uncomfortable by Erin’s announcement. They only wanted to talk about the film and it’s awards as well as its nominations. Erin’s personal life they didn’t want to touch. In the last five minutes though they announced that Erin was gay and mentioned Kate and who she was as though some token they were handing out. Erin was pissed. You had to really know her though before realizing it. Once the show was over she didn’t stand there chatting with the hosts or the audience and walked off the stage. She was surprised to see Norm standing there with Kate. Kate explained that the bodyguards had nearly decked Norm when he tried to get to her to speak to her, she was still amused by that. Norm wasn’t as amused over the incident. He didn’t like the interview Erin had just given either. He did have good news for her and David Letterman as well as Jay Leno wanted BOTH of them on their shows. David Letterman they could film tonight and Jay Leno on Monday afternoon. It had taken a bit to soothe ruffled feathers over that arrangement since they both had wanted to be first on the night scene but Norm had pointed out if Erin won the Academy Award that she would be a GREAT guest for Jay Leno on Monday, even if she lost.

  The only fly in the ointment was that both Kate and Erin wanted to go home. The thought of spending the day in New York didn’t appeal to either of them with the crowds of paparazzi swarming. Norm pointed out that they would have to weather the storm. Both Ellen and Oprah had gotten rave reviews for their shows. Norm’s office was fielding calls from all over to have Erin or Kate or both appear on shows, do appearances, and give interviews, satellite, phone, or in person. They had a lot of decisions to make, single or together. Right now though they both agreed they had to get through Letterman and then rest for the Academy Awards on Sunday.

  Letterman was a riot. Kate had never been a fan of late night TV but even she had fun with the funny man. They shared hilarious stories of the paparazzi and now she had some to share. He commented on her books and made her feel welcome. Erin was a known quantity and she certainly wasn’t ignored. They left the studio again with their bodyguards fighting their way through the throng and went directly to their private jet. Norm rode back with them this time. He had arranged a complete meal for them both so they could eat decently after a full day such as this. He had even called the Live show and told off one of the producers for the way things had been handled homophobically. Erin had loved him for it.

  Kate retired soon after dinner to lie down in the bedroom as they flew across the country. Erin checked on her an hour later to see her curled in a ball on the queen sized bed in apparent pain.

  “Are you okay?” she asked alarmed.

  Kate shook her head, it was apparent she had been crying.

  “Should we land? Do you need a hospital?” Erin was really getting upset. Kate was holding a fist to her chest.

  Shaking her head again she pulled Erin to her and sobbed on her shoulder. Erin held her tight and stroked her back in comfort. She had never seen Kate cry like this. She was sobbing unbelievably. Her whole body shook with it. Erin was at a loss of what to do but hoped that her holding of Kate would at least help. She wasn’t sure but it seemed to give her some comfort. Finally after a long time Kate seemed to get a hold of herself. The sobs subsided to slight hiccups of emotion. Her desperate hold on Erin rel
axed a little. Erin’s shoulder was soaked. Kate sniffed and you could still hear the hiccups or shudders through that.

  Finally Erin felt she had calmed enough to ask “are you going to be okay?”

  Kate still wouldn’t look at her burying her head in Erin’s neck she nodded but the sniffling continued for a while. It subtly changed as she breathed in the scent of Erin, her perfume, her natural scent. Kate found herself becoming aroused, going from one extreme emotion to another. She began to kiss Erin’s neck. When she reached Erin’s jaw line and tried to kiss her on the lips Erin pulled back in alarm “what the...” she tried to ask but Kate wouldn’t let her. She bore Erin to the bed and covered her with her body talking with her body letting Erin feel her need. Surprised Erin responded. Kate apparently needed this and she certainly wasn’t going to deny her. She was surprised at how quickly Kate aroused her. The tears were forgotten in the need for each other. They joined the mile high club somewhere over Denver, how ironic they would realize later. The mile high city, the mile high club. It was awhile later that they both wrapped themselves in the blankets of the bed and just held each other.


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