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To Love a Shooting Star

Page 18

by K'Anne Meinel

  Kate was the first to speak “I’m sorry, I broke down like that” her aching head was resting gently on Erin’s right shoulder.

  “What happened, what brought that on like that?” Erin was worried. She had never seen Kate like this.

  “I think it all came crashing down with the stress. I just needed to release it, first in the tears and then in making love to you.”

  It had been awhile since they had made love, this though had been incredibly intense and not tender at all. Erin smiled and Kate felt her grin against her forehead. Whatever the cause they were closer than ever. Erin held Kate closer if that were possible caressing her gently. “I love you Kate, always remember that.”

  Kate was drifting off to sleep and Erin began to doze herself. They were woken by Norm knocking on the door to their cabin and announcing they were landing in fifteen minutes. They laughed together as they quickly dressed unable to find hastily thrown underwear. They made the bed as neatly as they could and checking their appearances in the mirror they returned to the main cabin. Norm never said a word but they both wondered if they had made any noise that could have been overheard.

  It was late when they got back home to the Hollywood Hills. They got up early despite their late arrival and had a car take them to Sandy’s to pick up the boys and D.O.G. and C.A.T. that the boys had been taking care of. Erin laughed since she knew Sandy hated cats but had consented to watch the pets for the boy’s sakes. Sandy congratulated them both on their appearances. She genuinely was pleasant to them both. Erin knew that had to kill her as Erin hadn’t come out for her. She appreciated the effort though and thanked Sandy. The car drove the two boys, their tired mom’s, and their two exuberant pets who actively explored the back of the limo north to Santa Barbara.

  Sean met them at the house despite the fact that he was actively looking for a place of his own. He had decided he could now afford it and besides Kate’s house cramped his style. She had laughed at hearing that one. He had been looking for two months already and not found anything he liked. She suspected he wanted a place so he could have his girlfriend over any time he wanted without worrying about parental interference.

  They spent Saturday relaxing. Taking walks in the gardens, swimming in the pool. The boys discussed the shows they had seen and told Kate and Erin how supportive they were of them. The newspapers and tabloids as well as all of the TV tabloid shows were having a field day. Erin and Kate were the IT news of the day. Part of the morning on Sunday was relaxed before they had to return to L.A. to get ready for that evenings Academy Awards. The boys would all be staying with the pets in Santa Barbara. Part of it was to keep the paparazzi away from them. Kate’s estate was lesser known but not for long. Erin, living in a private community made it harder but not impossible for them to get pictures of their home. A guard was already stationed in Santa Barbara and several would accompany them to the awards ceremony and the parties afterwards. Erin was thrilled to have Kate accompany her at long last as her date to one of these things. Kate wasn’t so sure, it had been a rough couple of months, culminating in a horrific couple of days. They had been lucky not to be mobbed when they had flown in late Friday night, early Saturday morning but the fact that they had been met at their private plane had alleviated the problem.

  There were three men with flashbulbs at the gate in Santa Barbara when their limo pulled in but all the pictures they would get were of the limo, the house situated at the top of the hill prevented them from getting pictures around the back where the limo picked them up. Erin had her clicker as the limo pulled into the driveway in the Hollywood Hills and opened the gate for them. One of the bodyguards immediately phoned the private police protection that patrolled this private community to inform them of the paparazzi trespass. By the time Kate and Erin had each showered the paparazzi was gone from their gates. Their doorbell rang though with a makeup artist and a hair stylist sent over from the studio to help them both get ready for their big night. Erin wore a black sleeveless gown that set off her narrow shoulders beautifully and made her look taller than her 5’3” height. The make-up artist made her skin look like porcelain. Her natural beauty was enhanced by the subtle tones applied. The hairstylist gave her a feminine twist but left locks hanging down to her shoulders. She looked very elegant. It was Kate though that surprised and delighted everyone. She had chosen an off the shoulder red gown that cut away and showed most of her back and cut around to her slim belly showing her belly button ring with a glittering diamond dangling. She had bought a real diamond for her nose ring that sparkled in the lights. The makeup artist suggestion that she remove it for this night had been met with a glare and Erin had laughed. Kate’s flair for the dramatic and her beauty were actually enhanced by this sparkly little nose ring. The hair stylist had left her auburn hair long and brushed it until it shined adding a little sparkle to it with glitter. It hung to just below her tattoo but if she turned her head just right people could get a glimpse of the yin yang artwork that the dress did nothing to hide. Erin found her appearance very feminine and appealing. If they hadn’t both been made up at that point she would have kissed her she looked so beautiful. Not that Erin hadn’t thought her beautiful before but with professionals helping her with her appearance it was a nice touch. She looked devastating tonight. It gave her confidence and they both knew she would need that tonight.

  The bodyguards had the limo backed into the vacant middle garage so Erin and Kate could get in without anyone seeing them. Their make-up artist and hairstylist as well as two of their four guards got in the back with them. Erin and Kate held hands as the limo drove them to the Kodak Theatre in Hollywood. As their limo turned down the main drag onto Hollywood Blvd. you could almost feel the excitement building in the air. Not that they hadn’t felt it at the other ceremonies but this one was different, this was THE ACADEMY AWARDS. Kate was surprised to feel Erin’s hand tremble a little and definitely sweating. Handing her a tissue they laughed as Erin wiped her hands on it. As they came closer to the red carpet, one limo at a time, the makeup artist and the hair stylist checked them one more time making little corrections and touchups. The limo would return them to their own cars after dropping off Kate and Erin.

  Finally it was their turn. Two of the bodyguards immediately got out of the limo from the front. They walked a few paces in front to not make it so obvious that they were guarding a star. Erin exited next and Kate could hear the crowd go wild. She herself took a deep breath and Erin turned back to hand Kate out of the limousine. The crowd began to scream themselves hoarse, not because of Kate but because Kate was with Erin Ingram! Two more bodyguards took position behind Erin and Kate as they began to walk down the red carpet. Kate glanced around but allowed Erin to lead her as she waved to the fans calling to her. Kate was surprised when her name was called but then disappointed when she realized it was just a photographer trying to get her to look at him for a photo opportunity. Bravely smiling she actually laughed as Erin whispered in aside ‘smile pretty for the cameras’. Seeing two beautiful women holding hands had the paparazzi as well as the fans going wild. The more legitimate press called Erin’s name time and again. Norm showed up out of nowhere and directed her to the appropriate interviews. A couple of them made the mistake of asking Kate to step out of the shot so they could photograph Erin and this pissed Erin off to the point that she refused. Kate and she were together they could go to hell she didn’t care and let one of them know it before Kate stopped her. Kate didn’t mind. Erin was the star, she could have her moment. Norm appreciated Kate’s understanding, they didn’t need bad press, and an angry lesbian, even one of Erin’s stature, wasn’t pretty. The past few days had been very hectic with their announcement. It had also been good for business he was crass enough to admit. Kate taking a back seat now and again might anger Erin a little but Kate handled her well. Erin made sure there were a lot of pictures of them together, even a couple of Kate alone in her own gown. When the cameras realized how beautiful Kate was at Erin’s side though
they loved her for it. The fact that Kate wore a nose ring, a belly button ring, and was that a tantalizing glimpse of a tattoo? Holy Cow that was NEWS! They were having a field day.

  Erin even consented to let Joan Rivers interview her. Norm had steered her clear of Joan for years because of her crass interviewing style but this time Erin didn’t care. She relished showing Kate off to everyone. She had come out with a bang. Love me, love my girlfriend. They ran into Ellen DeGeneres and Portia Di Rossi as they entered the theatre and headed for the bar together. Kate was introduced to Portia who she hadn’t met before but had admired for years. They chatted for a while relaxing comfortably around each other. The four of them had a lot in common of course but only one reference was made to that as Portia asked Kate how she was ‘holding up’ to all of this. Kate laughed and shrugged it all off. “It’s just this week’s news.” Her attitude was commendable.

  All too soon they were being herded into the theatre for the awards ceremony that had already been going on for hours. They all laughed as Kate quietly began saying “yee haw doggies get along there.” Erin hugged her close beside her.

  The lessor awards had been handed out earlier before the ‘big’ awards that were televised with the stars. Erin and Kate were led to seats down front. Erin’s status as a big star, her movie, and the news they had generated this week warranted them a front row seat. The cameras would be on them repeatedly tonight. Kate walked with confidence next to Erin as Erin held her hand. Sharing smiles they both were nervous but glad that they had each other to share it all with. Erin was stopped time and again and Kate was introduced to the movers and shakers. Seated directly behind them were Omar, Faith and George. Kate stopped to give Omar a hug as he murmured “wow, you know how to come OUT! You go girl” she laughed as he nodded towards Erin. Faith and George leaned over to congratulate them both on their bravery. Many people had words of praise for them both, whether they were from the movie itself or in the industry. Erin was grinning from ear to ear. Not that false ‘Hollywood’ smile but a genuine breathtaking Erin Ingram smile. Kate couldn’t help but smile in return, her own beauty turning a few heads.

  Finally the ceremony began. Billy Crystal was master of ceremonies this year. He couldn’t seem to help himself and both Kate and Erin were mentioned in song and monologue, the camera cutting to them to get their reactions. They actually were having a wonderful time. Billy pointed out that Heart Strings was up for SEVEN ACADEMY AWARDS! That if they won them all, Erin would have to get a new showcase for all the awards they had both won this year alone. Kate really enjoyed that one. They clapped and cheered for all the awards won before their own showing support for their fellow actors, directors, and crews. The amazing amount of talent in the room alone was incredible. Finally though, awards that Heart Strings was up for began to be announced. They won for Best Musical Score, as well as Best Cinematography, the appropriate members of the crew went up to accept their awards. When they announced the candidates for Best Screenplay, Kate thought her heart was going to pound out of her chest cavity. She was holding tightly to Erin’s hand that squeezed hers reassuredly. They were up against some stiff competition on all levels. James Cameron as well as Mel Gibson had new movies out that they too were up against Heart Strings on several levels. All five movies up for Best Screenplay showed clips. Kate didn’t appreciate seeing Erin made love to over and over again on a sixty foot video screen but she had to get past it, it was just Erin’s job. Seeing the naked butt of Ethan Drummings as he made love to Erin Ingram though was a little much. Since Ethan and his wife were sitting a few chairs down, Kate could see out of the corner of her eye that his wife was squirming a little in her seat as well, so at least Kate wasn’t alone. The tension though was unbearable as Alec Baldwin opened the envelope, hearing Heart Strings announced as the winner took the breath away from Kate, she was frozen as Erin jumped up to pull her out of her seat and hug and kiss her in front of the avidly rolling camera’s. America and the world got an eyeful. Omar came around to give first Erin and then Kate a hug and a kiss. Then both Faith and George. Omar put Kate’s frozen hand on his arm and escorted the stunned beauty up the stairs. The cameras got a great shot of her elusive tattoo as she looked down to pull her hem up on the stairs. Alec handed each of them one of the tall statues. Kate was tearing up and blinking rapidly to stop.

  Omar stepped to the mike first “I’d like to thank the Academy for this, it’s been a wonderful ride.” He smiled down at Erin and continued “I’d like to thank Erin Ingram for reading the initial story and for her introducing this wonderful lady to me to enhance it with her insight and humor” he indicated Kate who had both Faith and George’s arms around her. “Then Erin brought these two nuts who taught us so much of how to make what I wrote feel real. So to Kate, Faith, and George I thank you.” He backed away from the mike and Faith and George pushed Kate towards it.

  Alarmed she sent them an ‘I’ll get you for that’ glance. Take a deep breath, she looked at the statue and started “I’d like to thank the Academy for recognizing the wonderful talent that helped write this wonderful picture. Omar” her arm indicated him “for writing such an intriguing story, Erin for reading it and asking my humble opinion and then listening to what I had to say and asking me to write in the margins” she grinned down at her beautiful girlfriend who laughed back at her “and to Faith and George who taught me a part of my craft of writing that I hadn’t realized was missing, THANK YOU!” she backed away from the mike. She had said it hurriedly and still the guy with the watch was counting them down. Faith and George quickly thanked their families as well as the academy and Erin before the four of them along with Alec Baldwin were herded from the stage.

  Backstage were photographers and journalists who asked all sorts of outlandish questions in front of a false screen showing the Academy Awards and the Oscar. The four of them together, each of the separately, the flashbulbs flashed over and over in their faces. Kate was especially singled out as she was asked over and over about her relationship with Erin. She laughed as much of it off as possible but it wasn’t easy, they were so rude. She referred to the previous interviews repeatedly and kept saying “I think we’ve said it all.” Someone even had the nerve to ask her to show off her tattoo. Pulling her hair up she showed them her back, the flashbulbs went off and she lowered her hair and turned around, they still wanted more, she told them it would have to do. Finally though someone else won something else and took the drama and spotlight off of her and the others. Omar was waiting to escort her back to her seat next to Erin. They took the fake Oscars from them for the time being . The real ones would be returned to them later engraved with their names.

  During the next commercial they returned to their seat. Erin was so happy for her and whispered “I am so proud of you, I LOVE YOU!” Kate returned the smile but then they turned their attention to the stage.

  Best Director was up next and Erin was tense. Winning she and Kate both rose and exchanged a hug and a kiss as she walked up to the stage. Kate remained standing giving Erin a standing ovation. She sat only when it began to quiet down in the audience behind her. Erin did the usual thanks to various people in her life who had helped the movie attain it’s incredible stature, the mover’s and shaker’s and the executives at the studio. At the end though she looked straight at Kate and knowing the cameras were on them both, Kate attempted to keep her smile and not cry as Erin said “and to Katrina McCall I THANK YOU for your understanding about this crazy business we call movie making, I LOVE YOU KATE!” and she backed away from the mike. The camera’s caught Kate wiping away tears as she smiled and clapped.

  Erin wasn’t gone very long as she was up for several more awards yet this evening. It wouldn’t do for her to win and not be there to collect. One year someone had been in the bathroom when she won an award, which was still being talked about. No one wanted that type of embarrassment.

  They lost for Best Actor, but up against Mel Gibson and his caliber, who could hold a candle. Ethan D
rummings smiled his ‘best’ fake smile for at least he had been nominated. They all knew he was deeply disappointed though. Mel was hilarious in his acceptance speech and the show moved on.

  Next up was Best Actress, Erin’s film clip was first, then one showing Meryl Streep, then two lessor known actresses one of them from England, the final and fifth actress a new comer twenty something snot named Naevet Ulino. No one pronounced that one correctly even if she was an American from the Bronx. The waiting seconds were like hours, Erin was holding Kate’s hand tightly and Kate could tell it was sweating slightly. Finally the announced name: “ERIN INGRAM” rang out in the auditorium. The crowd roared! Kate and Erin exchanged a kiss and a hug as they stood up together. Next Norm was hugging Erin and Omar, George, Faith, a couple of people leaned toward Erin to yell ‘congratulations!’ over the roar. Erin trotted up the steps to the mike, a huge smile on her face.

  She thanked the academy once again and several of the same people including her son’s. She admired the women she had been up against. Then she said “and to those people in my life, you know who you are” she looked directly at Kate “I thank you for your love, your support, and your understanding. THANK YOU!” She held the statue aloft in triumph as she was escorted from the stage once again. She returned immediately during the commercial. The last award was to be announced next. She as producer would accept if they won for Best Picture. Kate just grinned at her, Erin was beaming and flushed.

  The shortest commercial yet and they were back on the air. Billy Crystal had the audience roaring with a few choice jokes before he announced the candidates for Best Picture. The Mel Gibson film, a Harrison Ford action film, James Cameron and one of his incredible epic movies, Heart Strings, and finally an English film who if they won would make history as that type of film had never been up for an Oscar before. Betting on the long shot was heavy though as it was quite a film. Both Kate and Erin had loved it. Billy Crystal opened the envelope and Erin’s hand was shaking as she held her breath and then he yelled “HEART STRINGS!”


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