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Heavenly Surrender

Page 6

by Justus Roux

  “Thank you Kannon for my wonderful present.” She gave the head of his cock one last long lick then moved up his body. He laid there enjoying his afterglow.

  “Your welcome,” he barely got out. “I will keep that huntress busy while you play.”

  “You are too good to me; you are going to spoil me rotten.”

  “I want to spoil you, Kali,” he said rolling her over and thrusting his cock deep inside her. “And I want to fuck you senseless,” he grunted as he rode her hard and fast.


  “No, damn it Ryo, I will not let Ryker be killed by that bitch.” Gabriele struggled to free herself from Ryo’s grasp.

  “It is a trick Gabriele. Ayden comes first.”

  “Ryo…” Gabriele stopped struggling. “I have to find Ryker. I will go alone, you and Saban can guard Ayden. Please I have to.”

  “And what if this is a trick to get you alone.”

  “It doesn’t matter Ryo. I can’t leave Ryker with her.”

  Ryo released her arm. “If you need help with Ayden I will come, I swear it Ryo.” Gabriele grabbed her shotgun, pistol and daggers. “I swear it,” she said again as she dashed in the direction she saw Kannon go.

  Ryo wasn’t worried about Ayden, it was Gabriele he was most worried about.

  Chapter 9

  Gabriele focused on Ryker. His smile, his voice, his scent…the more she thought about him the more urgency there was to find him. Where are you Ryker? That angel could of flown anywhere, damn it.


  “Ryker!” she called out. She could have sworn she heard his voice call her name.

  “Gabriele don’t come here.”

  She stopped dead in her tracks. She heard the alarm in his voice, but was it only in her head. Michael mentioned he could talk telepathically to Miranda when one or the other was in trouble. She closed her eyes and focused on Ryker. “Ryker can you hear me?”

  “Yes Gabriele I don’t know how I can hear your voice but I can. Stay away from here!” His voice was stern and commanding.

  “Don’t think to order me around soldier boy. Now tell me where you are.”

  “Damn it Gabriele that Archangel is waiting for you to show up. I will get myself out of this.”

  “I am going to find you one way or the other.” Gabriele shut her mind to him. She had no doubt left Ryker was her soul mate. This thought warmed her and frightened her all at once.

  “Damn it woman!”

  “Forceful aren’t you. Can’t you tell when a woman doesn’t want to speak to you? Tell me where you are or I will be forced to leap into the air giving that angel a nice target to hit.” She saw a picture, the interior of a cabin.

  “Please don’t come here.”

  “Relax soldier boy I know what I am doing.” Gabriele felt Ryker’s mind close. He was protecting her from something. She had to get to him that bitch Kali must be hurting him. She kept all her senses alert as she dashed through the forest. She would find him damn it.


  Kannon took to the sky when he felt Gabriele’s presence get closer. He has heard a lot about Asurul’s hunters. This woman would be no easy enemy to defeat. He hovered over the wooded area. She was close very close. He scanned the area below still no sight of her. He felt something impact into him sending him spiraling to the ground. He reached down and grabbed the small arms that were locked around his waist forcing him down.

  “Surprise bastard.” Gabriele used all her strength and shoved him into the ground, she released him just before impact. He staggered a little as he stood back up. Her eyes scanned his body but she couldn’t see a silver dagger on him.

  “I see you know your enemy huntress. I am most impressed. Unfortunately I lost my silver dagger, now what shall you do?” He smiled wickedly at her.

  “Kick your butt and take Ryker back with me.” She felt a surge of anger when Kannon laughed at her.

  “Oh you can try. This should be such fun.” He charged at her, she dodged his grasped. She was a bit faster than him, but she was pretty sure he was stronger.

  “Agile.” Kannon noted, as he charged at her again, this time he took flight just as she leapt into the air. He caught her halfway up. He held her firmly in his arms. “What a waste. You are so beautiful and strong, oh well.” He flew higher and higher, further and further away from Ryker. “I wonder if you will bounce when you hit the ground.”

  “Fight me you coward.” Gabriele squirmed in his arms. He had a death grip on her and she was unable to break free.

  “Oh I am being kind huntress. I could of just rip you limb from limb.” He soared higher and higher until they were above the clouds. “Goodbye huntress. I have to get back to Kali and make sure she kills your man quickly so he can join you in Purgatory. See I am not such a bastard after all, am I.”

  “No, not a bastard but a traitor to your own kind,” Gabriele hissed at him.

  She felt him whip her across the sky then the long descent down. There was nothing she could do. She couldn’t fly. She cared little about herself. “Ryker…” she whispered as she felt herself falling for what seemed like forever.

  She gasped when she felt a strong arm grab her. Damn it Kannon was going to toy with her. She squirmed but out of the corner of her eye she could see dark hair whipping around her face. “Tasmos?”

  “Yes huntress.” He brought her safely to the ground, and then let her go.

  “Thank you. But…”

  “Don’t you have someone to hunt?” Tasmos said taking to the sky to pursue Kannon.

  She caught her breath and steadied herself then went racing through the forest. Tasmos wouldn’t be able to keep Kannon away for long. No doubt Prolo will summon him back. What did Kannon do to Tasmos? She wondered as she moved forward.


  “You hold your pain well,” Kali said as she wiped the blood from her dagger. She ran her fingers along the two long cut marks she made down Ryker’s chest. She straddled his hips and looked down at him.

  “Untie me, unless you are afraid I will hurt you,” Ryker calmly said. He kept his mind shut from Gabriele; she would need all her wits about her to battle with the Archangel. He hoped he was vague enough in his description of the cabin that Gabriele couldn’t find him and therefore avoiding the angel all together.

  “Afraid, please.” Kali waved her hand over her body and just like that she shed her clothing. “I want to enjoy your body first before I kill you.”

  “Like I would want to fuck you.”

  “Like you have a choice,” Kali chuckled. Instantly she went on guard. “Kannon kill that huntress quickly!!” she yelled out.

  “Gabriele.” Ryker struggled with his restraints.

  Kali jumped off Ryker and dressed herself. “Kannon!!” She growled not sensing his presence but she could feel Gabriele closing in. “Well mortal looks like our little game will have to end earlier than I expected.” Kali grabbed the dagger.

  “Step away from him bitch!” Gabriele yelled as she slammed into Kali knocking them both through the wall of the cabin.

  Ryker gasped then began struggling with his restraints. He had to hurry to help Gabriele.

  “Take it easy soldier boy.” Gabriele cut through his restraints. She saw the blood run down his chest from the two deep cuts. “Here take this.” She threw him a pistol.

  “Where is she?” Ryker said cocking the pistol.

  “Oh don’t worry she will be back soon. Here.” She ripped the sheets and quickly tied the pieces of cloth around him stopping the bleeding for a moment. “You are injured, so just stand back and cover me.”

  “Like hell,” he growled.

  Gabriele aimed her gun up at the ceiling. “I mean it soldier boy, stand back. Besides you are a great shot.”

  Ryker grumbled and aimed his gun toward the door. “Come out demon bitch,” he growled.

  “Damn it.” They heard Kali yell then the sound of someone running away.

  Gabriele tightened her hold on her shotgu
n then breathed a sigh of relief when Ryo walked through the door. “Damn it I could have shot you,” she said lowering her weapon.

  “We must get back to Ayden,” Ryo said lifting Ryker over his shoulder.

  “I can walk you know.”

  “Yeah, but not as fast as we can,” Ryo flatly stated.

  Ryo followed Gabriele as they raced through the forest back towards the city. He could feel the dampness of Ryker’s wounds on his shoulder and knew Ryker had to be in pain, but he held it well. Ryo had to find Gabriele, he knew it was a trap for her, and now he will face Asurul’s anger for leaving Saban alone to guard Ayden while a demon General was loose. But at this moment it didn’t matter as he watched the way Gabriele’s long dark mane whipped behind her as she ran ahead of them, and the fluid way her body moved. He could have loved her in his mortal life. He heard Ryker groan as they leapt in the air to clear the highway. If this man is what Gabriele needs, who she loves, then he would help her protect him.

  Gabriele saw the look of relief on Saban’s face as they approached. She hurried inside and laid out one of the sleeping bags. “Set him down gently Ryo.”

  “I will be alright Gabriele,” Ryker grunted as Ryo set him down.

  Gabriele pulled out her first aid kit and readied a needle and thread. “I have no pain medicine,” she said frantically digging through her bag.

  “I will be alright without it.” Ryker grabbed her hand.

  “This will hurt.”

  “I can bear it.” His heart warmed seeing the concern look in her eyes.

  “I will do it Gabriele.” Ryo took the needle from her. “Go do a perimeter check.”

  “Ryker?” she said grabbing his hand.

  “This is nothing Gabriele, let Ryo stitch me up while you do your check. Now go.” He waved her away. She hesitantly left.

  Ryker looked at Ryo’s face as he concentrated on stitching him up. The pain was easy to ignore, after all he had to do this sort of thing on missions plenty of times. “You love her don’t you?”

  “Excuse me,” Ryo said looking into Ryker’s face.

  “You love Gabriele don’t you? That’s why you don’t like me all that much.”

  “I like you just fine. For the little bit of time I have known you. Gabriele is my comrade, so of course I care for her.” Ryo tied off the thread pulling a little extra hard.


  “Sorry.” Ryo swabbed the wound down with peroxide.

  “I won’t hurt her,” Ryker said quietly.

  “You better not,” Ryo said standing up and walking away.

  Ryker knew Ryo cared more for Gabriele than he let on. And somehow this made him feel better. Now Gabriele would have two protectors and as much as he hated to admit it, Ryo would prove the better at it. Maybe Gabriele was better off with Ryo. Ryker couldn’t stop that thought from coming into his mind. After all Ryker was burden with past memories of loss, this stopped him from completely giving his heart to Gabriele. Ryker slowly sat up. This was all crazy, he barely knew Gabriele and yet she felt like the other half of him, like it was meant to be as corny as that sounded.

  “Did it hurt much?”

  Her voice snapped him back. “No not too much.” He couldn’t help but smile at her, that look on her face a mixture of concern and …love. Ryker felt a sudden surge of emotion. Gabriele’s feelings for him could be easily read in her eyes.


  “What is it?”

  “Do you love Ryo?” He had to know.

  “What?!” She was genuinely surprised by that question. “I care for Ryo of course, but he is more like my brother. Why would you ask such a question?”

  “I am sorry. I shouldn’t have pried.”

  “Damn right you shouldn’t have.” Gabriele inspected Ryker’s wounds.

  “Ryo!!!” Gabriele’s whole body tightened up upon hearing Asurul’s angry voice calling out for Ryo.

  “Stay here.” She jumped up and rushed out of the building to find Ryo.

  “Ryo what did you do?” She hurried up to him. He was looking over across the lights of the city.

  “Left my post,” he calmly replied.


  “To find you.” He turned towards her. His long hair gently danced upon the wind as his eyes locked with hers.

  “You know Ayden comes first….” Gabriele looked back at the building when she heard Asurul yell out Ryo’s name again. “Stay here I will try and calm him down.” She started to walk away but Ryo grabbed her arm.

  “I will take Asurul’s anger upon myself.”

  “But Ryo…” Before she could speak another word Ryo was gone. She quickly went toward the front of the building and gasped seeing Asurul pinning Ryo to the ground with his hand blade to Ryo’s throat.

  “It was my fault Asurul,” she cried out.

  “You!!” Asurul hissed at her. “I will solve this problem right now.” He got off of Ryo and charged into the building.

  “Please Asurul,” Gabriele cried out.

  Ryker quickly came to his feet as Asurul charged at him. “She risked my son’s safety for you,” Asurul growled as he leapt into the air. Ryker quickly evaded his attack.

  “I told her not to come.” Ryker readied himself.

  Before Ryker could move again Asurul had him pinned against the wall. He held his hand blade to Ryker’s throat.

  “Asurul no!!”

  Ryker saw Asurul slowly back off upon hearing the woman’s angelic voice. “Ayden is safe so no harm was done.”

  “Ayden will awaken soon Isa; Lasax will no doubt intensify his effort to kill him.”

  “Asurul…” Isa reached up and pulled him away from Ryker. “Please stay here,” she said looking up into Ryker’s eyes.

  “Okay,” Ryker quietly replied. Isa was beautiful and looked every bit the part of an angel. Her delicate facial features, her long golden hair and just the way she carried herself all was angelic.

  “Asurul…” Isa led him out of the building. “This man is Gabriele’s soul mate, can you not feel it?”

  “Of course I do.” Asurul took deep breaths to calm his temper. “Ryo left Saban alone to defend our son.”

  “Ryo was compelled to help Gabriele.”

  “That is no excuse.”

  “Saban is a skilled warrior.”

  “But an inexperience demon hunter.”

  “Would you not help me if you thought my life was endangered?”

  “Of course.”

  “Even if it meant leaving our son with only Saban to guard him for a little while.”

  “I don’t know what you are getting at Isa. I love you…you are my world, my life.”

  “Asurul you have much to learn about reading other people’s emotions. Can’t you see Ryo loves Gabriele? Though she isn’t his soul mate, he still feels a love for her. Why did you think Michael made that silly rule up that the male hunters couldn’t be with her? He saw the way Ryo looked upon Gabriele.”

  Isa released Asurul and went over to Ryo. “Forgive me,” he quietly said looking to the ground. He could take Asurul’s anger but Isa’s disappointment he couldn’t bear.

  “No harm was done and you helped save Ryker.” She grabbed a handful of Ryo’s long silky dark hair. “I have always loved your hair.” She ran her fingers through the silky strands. “Your concern for your fellow hunter touches me, Ryo.” She placed her finger around his chin and lifted his gaze up from the ground. “I know you would have returned the second you felt Ayden’s life was endangered.” She smiled at him, instantly putting him at ease. “Your heart is big Ryo and when you do find your soul mate, she will be one lucky woman.”

  “I dare not to dream such a thing.”

  “She is out there, can’t you feel her energy?” Isa gently ran her hand over Ryo’s cheek.

  “Don’t leave your post again,” Asurul growled at Ryo as he grabbed Isa and pulled her to his side. “Gabriele your attack on Prolo’s Archangel may invoke Prolo’s anger. Remember
what I said about the silver dagger.”

  With that he left with Isa. “Well that could have been worse.” Gabriele blew out her breath.

  “What the hell was that?” Ryker said coming out of the building. “He wanted to kill me and I want to know why.”

  “He wouldn’t have killed you.” Gabriele went over to him.

  “It sure seemed like he would.”

  “Enough of this, I suggest we all get some rest,” Saban grumbled.

  “He’s right, beside, you need to heal.” Gabriele inspected Ryker’s stitches.

  “Will you stop fussing over me. I am a highly trained soldier, a couple of scratches are nothing to me.” Ryker reached down and grabbed her hand leading her inside the old building.

  “Men…” Gabriele blew out her breath.

  “What is that suppose to mean?” Ryker smiled down at her. He couldn’t help it.

  “Stop smiling at me darn it.”


  “Never mind, like I am going to tell you.” She couldn’t tell him that his smile could make her agree to anything and that it lifted her heart.

  She watched as Ryker spread out the sleeping bags for them. He stood up and turned toward her gently cupping her face in his hands. “Gabriele,” he whispered slowly lowering his lips to hers.


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