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Heavenly Surrender

Page 7

by Justus Roux

  “Oh no, you need your rest.” She gently pushed him away. “Besides I would be afraid I would hurt you.”

  “Okay then just kiss me good night.”

  “No, no, no… do you really think I would want to stop there. We will go to sleep.” She stopped him from removing his shirt. “With our clothes on.” Her heart about melted when he smiled down at her. She quickly climbed in the sleeping bag and turned away from him. She felt him wrap his arm around her waist and press his body against hers.

  “Good night Gabriele.”

  “Good night Ryker.” She snuggled closer to him and simply enjoyed the warmth of being so close to him.

  Chapter 10

  Gabriele couldn’t move, John and Steven made sure the ropes were secured before they left to tend to other matters. She was on the edge of a breakdown. How much more abuse could she take? Three years…three long years she catered to every one of Mr. Chandler’s twisted needs. Now his sons John and Steven used her body too, but they were far worse than Mr. Chandler.

  “Well…what to do?” John said as he and Steven came back into the chamber.

  “I know.” Steven walked over to her and untied the ropes. She fell to the ground. “Get up.” He kicked at her, but her body refused to move.

  She felt John’s hands lift her hips up then the invasion of his cock.

  “Oh then I get this end.” Steven pulled at her hair then rammed his cock into her mouth. Her mind went blank like it always did when these monsters used her body. It took every thing she had not to gag when Steven came in her mouth.

  “I am growing tired of playing with this servant,” John said pushing Gabriele to the ground.

  “Now that Elizabeth…you know she is untouched,” Steven smirked.

  “Relax father wants to deflower her first,” John added.

  Gabriele’s whole body went numb. She wanted to scream no! But the words wouldn’t come out. Mr. Chandler gave his word that he wouldn’t touch Elizabeth.

  “Don’t worry whore, we will still play with you.” John kicked her hard then both men left.

  “No…” Rage filled her. She wouldn’t let what happen to her happen to Elizabeth. Slowly she stood up and got dressed. She went over to the bucket of water and took a big drink, she had to get the taste of Steven’s cock out of her mouth. She quickly found her strength and left to find Elizabeth. She had to get her sister out of here.

  As Gabriele made her way down the hallway she spotted Elizabeth. She stood there with her gaze to the ground. Gabriele hastened her footsteps then froze seeing Mr. Chandler reach out and run his hand down Elizabeth’s hair. Gabriele leaned up against the wall, she had to do something, anything… then she spotted the sword. It was one of the many swords that Mr. Chandler had displayed around his manor. Without thinking Gabriele reached up and took the sword down. It felt heavy in her hands as she gripped the hilt tightly.

  “Get away from her,” Gabriele growled.

  “What do you think you are doing?” Mr. Chandler barked. His eyes widened when he spotted the sword in her hands.

  “Gabriele!!” Elizabeth cried out as Gabriele ran the sword through Mr. Chandler’s belly. Slowly Gabriele stepped back as he slid down the wall.

  “Oh my God, Gabriele what have you done?”

  “Come on.” Gabriele grabbed Elizabeth’s hand and dragged her down the hall.

  “Father!!” She heard John cry out.

  “We must hurry.” Gabriele pulled Elizabeth forward. They had to get out of here before…

  “You bitch.” Steven pulled his sword from its scabbard.

  Gabriele quickly spotted another sword, she hurried and pulled it from the wall, but this sword weighed considerately more than the other one. Her eyes darted over to John who had a hold of Elizabeth.

  “Which one of you bitches killed my father,” John’s voice dripped with anger.

  “I did,” Gabriele calmly stated. She gasped as John sliced open Elizabeth’s throat.

  “No…why…” She lifted the sword and charged at John but he easily deflected her blow.

  “You are but a woman…” John sliced at her arm causing her to drop her sword. “Did you really think you would get away with killing my father? Or that you would ever get away from us?”

  “Here.” Steven threw her his sword. “If you defeat John then we will let you go.”

  Gabriele charged at John, but he was much more skilled than she was. She didn’t feel the sword go through her stomach until she looked down and saw it embedded in her. She fell to the ground next to Elizabeth.

  “Elizabeth I am sorry.” She reached over and grabbed Elizabeth’s lifeless hand.

  “Stupid woman,” Steven spat on her. “Hurry up and die so we can feed your body to the wolves.”

  “She might have done us a favor brother, all of this is ours now,” John laughed.

  Gabriele felt a coldness wash over her. The sound of John’s laughter was the last thing she heard.

  Gabriele woke up, the tears streamed down her face. “I am sorry Elizabeth,” she whispered.

  “Gabriele?” Ryker sat up and pulled her to him. She wrapped her arms around him and held him tightly.

  “I should have never killed him. I should have just tried and take Elizabeth away.”


  “It was my fault they killed her. I wasn’t strong enough to challenge them. Ryker it’s my fault my sister had to die so young, she was only sixteen.”

  “Why did you feel that you had to kill someone?”

  “They were using my body in ways I don’t care to mention again. But Mr. Chandler swore he would leave Elizabeth alone, he lied…he fucking lied. I couldn’t let him do those sick things to Elizabeth, I just couldn’t. My fear, my rage clouded my judgment and I killed him without thinking about the strength of his sons.” She held Ryker tighter. “I was so powerless to stop them from killing us.”

  “Oh Gabriele…” Ryker her held tightly to him. His heart ached for her, he didn’t know what to do, or what to say that would help her ease her pain. “How long did you suffer through his perversion?”

  “Three years.”

  “Gabriele.” He nuzzled his chin against the top of her head. “You protected your sister for that long. You shouldn’t feel any guilt.”

  “How can you say that?” She pulled away from him. “It was because of my weakness back then that I got us killed.”

  “Weakness?” Ryker grabbed her and pulled her to him. “I would hardly call what you suffered through for your sister weakness. It showed great strength. What if you didn’t kill him? He would have started hurting your sister. You had to do something Gabriele. You tried to fight both of them didn’t you?” He looked down into her beautiful blue eyes. “Didn’t you?”

  “Yes,” she barely got out.

  “You did what you could, Gabriele. I am sure Elizabeth where ever she is doesn’t blame you for anything and in fact if she knew what you went through just for her, she would feel loved.”

  “Ryker.” How can one man’s soft words erase all those years of guilt? But looking in his eyes she saw only love, no repulsion, no disgust. She reached up and pulled him down to her. She needed his tenderness right now and as if he knew, he slowly and gently kissed her.

  “Make love to me,” she whispered against his lips.

  Ryker carefully undressed her, taking his time letting his hands and eyes linger over her softness. She was so beautiful to him. He kissed her deeply as his cock entered her. He felt her hands gently caress his back as he slowly moved his cock in and out of her, all the while kissing her deeply. He wanted to take her pain away, erase and heal it. He tried to be as gentle as he could.

  Gabriele wrapped her legs around his waist then flipped him over so now she was on top. “I want to look at you,” she quietly said. His hands went to her hips as he helped her to ride his cock. Her hands wandered over the two cut marks on his chest. Her eyes moved up his body and locked with his warm brown eyes. “You are
the first man to ever make love to me,” she said, running her fingertips over his lips.

  He sat up and held her tightly to him burying his cock to the hilt in her. He tilted his head up and cupped her face in his hands. “I love you Gabriele.” The words he spoke were like a release to him. He never thought it was possible to love another woman again and yet…

  “I love you Ryker.” She blinked back the tears. He was so gentle, so tender and she could feel his love for her with every touch, every kiss, and every glance. This was too good to be true.

  “You have given me back my soul, Gabriele.” He pulled her to him and kissed her with every thing he had. At this moment they were one.


  “That damn huntress is pissing me off,” Kali pouted.

  “You should have killed that mortal when you had a chance.” Kannon walked over to her and sat down.

  “My evil little mind is spinning such a delicious scenario, Kannon.” A slow smile swept over her face. “Tell me what would Prolo do to a mortal that entered his realm?”

  “He would kill them, very painfully too.” Kannon looked over to her. “I don’t like where this is going.”

  “Now, now here me out, what if you take Ryker to Heaven. And don’t tell me you can’t do it because I know you can. If Syn was able to bring a mortal into Hell you should be able to bring one to Heaven.”

  “Tell me what will that accomplish?”

  “Two things, first, that damn Ryker would be dead, and two, the huntress will be so distraught it will make it easier for me to defeat her and get to Ayden.”

  “I don’t know. Prolo will be angry with me.”

  “He won’t know you did it. He might even assume Tasmos did it to distract him for awhile while he hunted you.”

  “That’s another thing. Tasmos would surely sense my presence the second I enter Heaven’s realm.”

  “You worry too much. He is probably still down here looking for you. So you will be safer in Heaven for a little while anyways.”

  “What do I get out of all of this?”

  “You can do with me whatever you like.”

  “Then I want to completely dominate you.” He smiled seductively at her.

  “You do this for me and I will be your obedient slave.”

  Kannon reached for Kali roughly. “Ah, ah, when you do what I ask of you.” She ran her hands up his chiseled chest. “Then I will call you Master.” The words were almost like bile in her mouth. Lasax was her only Master. “Now go, the sooner you complete your task the sooner we can play.”

  Kannon stood up and pulled her to her feet. He slapped her hard on the ass. “Give me your word demon that once I do what you ask then I will be your Master.”

  “You have my word, Kannon.”

  She watched Kannon take to the sky. Now she had to plan her attack on Ayden.

  Chapter 11

  “Something is wrong?” Ryker said, loading up his pistol.

  “I feel it too.” Gabriele cocked her shotgun and soon Ryo and Saban hurried out of the building.

  “I see we all are in agreement that something is up,” Ryo said, pulling his sword from its sheath.

  “Mmmm beautiful hunter,” Kali purred.

  “I don’t see her Ryo.” Gabriele scanned everywhere.

  “Show yourself demon,” Ryo yelled.

  “You are so hot when you are angry hunter.”

  Ryo motioned for Gabriele and Ryker to take the left side of the building and for Saban to take the right side. “Well come down and play with me,” Ryo called out.

  “In due time, I have many plans for you beautiful hunter. But first I want to play with your newest hunter.”

  Ryker lifted his pistol up when he heard the scampering going across the roof. Gabriele followed suit. “Gabriele go towards Saban, I think Kali is making him her first target.”

  “Why would you think that?”

  “That is what I would do. Take out the inexperience troops first then you can focus all your energy on the more seasoned ones.” Ryker kept his pistol aimed at the roof.

  Gabriele didn’t want to leave Ryker alone. He was mortal, making him the most vulnerable one here. But she trusted his instincts and hurried to Saban’s side just in time to see Kali leap on him knocking him to the ground.

  “Shit,” Gabriele hissed, she couldn’t get a good shot. She heard Ryker’s pistol discharge followed by Kali leaping in the air.

  Gabriele kept her gun pointed at Kali.

  “Damn mortal,” Kali hissed, then quickly jumped when Ryker shot at her again. This time she didn’t underestimate his skill.

  “Is Saban okay?” Ryker asked locking on Kali again. She was too fast and he couldn’t hit her.

  “I am alright,” Saban said standing up. “Watch out.” Saban threw his dagger toward Ryker but Kannon had grabbed a hold of Ryker and took to the sky.

  “Not again you bastard!” Gabriele shot at Kannon hoping like hell she wouldn’t hit Ryker.

  “Gabriele we can’t leave.” Ryo grabbed her arm and pulled her to him. He pointed towards Kali.

  “Damn it!! Where is he taking Ryker bitch?” Gabriele said, shooting round after round towards Kali.

  “Heaven,” Kali growled. “Once Prolo finds a mere mortal in his domain your man is dead huntress.”

  “You lie!!” Gabriele dropped her shotgun when it was empty of bullets and pulled out her pistol.

  “Do I?” Kali’s laughter rang out as she disappeared.

  “Gabriele…” Ryo placed his hand on her shoulder.

  “Ryo how am I supposed to follow Ryker to Heaven?” She turned towards him and wrapped her arms around him holding him tight. “Michael leapt into Hell to get his soul mate back, but how am I suppose to ascend into Heaven?”

  “You would chance Prolo’s anger to get Ryker back?”

  “I would take on Lasax, Prolo, and Necoblas to get him back, Ryo.”

  “Then we will find a way, Gabriele.” Ryo held her tightly to him. He would find a way to get Ryker back for her. But right now they had to move Ayden, it wasn’t safe here for him anymore.

  “I will summon Asurul,” Saban offered. Ryo nodded his head as he held Gabriele.


  Asurul looked down at Gabriele, her hands were gripped on her shotgun as she stared off into the horizon.

  “I will not let Isa risk herself showing you the way,” his voice was stern. He could feel Gabriele’s anger.

  “Then you have condemned Ryker to die,” she said between gritted teeth.

  “Ryo come here.” Asurul kept his eyes on Gabriele.

  “Asurul.” Ryo bowed his head toward him.

  “Gabriele is not to leave Ayden’s side.”


  “You heard me.”

  “How can you be so cold?!” Gabriele yelled. “I am not asking for Isa to risk herself. I only want her to show me the way.”

  “I will not allow this!” Asurul’s voice boomed.

  “Ryker…I will not leave him to be tortured by Prolo.” Her hands gripped her shotgun harder.

  “You will stop this now.”

  “No, I will not.” Gabriele was surprised when Asurul kicked the shotgun out of her hand. She slowly walked up to him. “Look at what you risked to be with Isa.” She looked up into his dark eyes. “You of all people should understand why I have to get Ryker back.”

  “This is a trap Gabriele. Look at this situation like a huntress, not a woman in love,” Asurul’s voice was much gentler. “I will not risk Isa or Ayden.” He reached out his hand and placed it gently on her shoulder. “I am sorry Gabriele. If there was another way I would gladly let you seek out Ryker.”

  “I will find a way.”

  Asurul turned towards Saban and Ryo. “Be careful. This is an elaborate trap set by Kali. Ayden will awaken soon…keep him safe.” Asurul looked once more at Gabriele. He could see her pain. But he couldn’t risk his family for Ryker. The demon in him knew what Kali was up to. He wasn’t sure wh
o was really her target, Ayden or Isa.

  “We will be on high alert,” Ryo spoke up.

  “Don’t leave Ayden unguarded even for a moment.” Asurul closed his eyes and disappeared. He had to seek out Michael to help. Gabriele’s mind was on Ryker and he needed three hunters to watch over Ayden.

  “AHHHHH!!!!!” Gabriele shouted out. Again she was powerless to save someone she loved. All these hunter skills meant nothing. She slowly sank to the ground.

  “Gabriele,” Ryo whispered as he went towards her. He knelt down behind her and wrapped his arms around her. He felt her melt into his embrace.

  “I don’t know what to do, Ryo,” she quietly said.

  “We will think of something.” He held her tighter. He could feel her pain and frustration.

  “I was powerless to help my sister now I am powerless to help Ryker.” The despair in her voice made Ryo’s heart ache.

  “Something powerful comes this way,” Saban said going on guard.

  Ryo and Gabriele jumped to their feet. Ryo bent down and picked up Gabriele’s shotgun and tossed it at her. “You are not powerless to help Ayden, Gabriele,” he said drawing his sword. He watched Gabriele get ready for whatever was coming. Her strength inspired him.

  Chapter 12

  Ryker slowly woke up. His body felt sore and his head ached. “Where….” was all he could say as he looked out across the meadow towards the large white castle. The beauty of it was beyond words.


  Ryker spun around hearing his son’s voice, but nothing was there. He took several deep breaths, was he dreaming or was he finally driven mad.


  “Jenny.” Ryker covered his ears. Their voices and the sound of their laughter flooded his mind. “This can’t be real.”

  Ryker felt someone push him violently to the ground. “Snap out of it mortal,” Kannon hissed.

  “Where am I?” Ryker slowly came up to his feet.


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