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Heavenly Surrender

Page 8

by Justus Roux

  “Heaven,” Kannon snapped. “Enjoy it while you can, once Prolo senses you….” A slow smile crept across Kannon’s face. “….you’re dead.” With that he took to the sky.

  “Heaven?” Ryker scanned the area for Kannon. “Where is Gabriele?” he shouted out.

  “Don’t worry I have plans for that beautiful huntress.” Kannon’s laughter enraged Ryker.

  “Get back here!” Ryker shouted.

  “You really want to die that badly? Keep screaming like that and Prolo will find you in no time.”

  “Who is this Prolo?” Ryker vaguely remember something Gabriele said about this man.

  “He is the leader of Heaven. Bye, bye, mortal.”

  Ryker sat down on the grass. He had to take in everything. “Gabriele.” He had to get back to her before that Archangel….Ryker shook his head and tried to clear his thoughts.

  “Prolo.” Ryker jumped to his feet. He looked all around him and again his eyes settled on the beautiful white castle. “You are in there aren’t you Prolo,” Ryker growled. There was no way he was going to just sit here and wait to be discovered. If Prolo was the leader of all of this then maybe he could reason with him. If that didn’t work then he would use force to get Prolo to send him back to Gabriele. Ryker reached back and smiled, feeling the grip of his pistol.

  But as soon as Ryker left the meadow everything changed. “What?” Ryker stopped when he saw his old house.

  “Daddy!!!” A small boy raced out of the house straight towards him.

  “Danny?” Ryker opened his arms and scooped Danny up.

  “Wait till you see what mommy has made for you.” Danny smiled. “I will give you a hint, it’s yummy.”

  “Yummy, huh.” Ryker gently sat Danny down and headed for the house.

  “Ryker, you are finally home.” Jenny rushed out onto the front porch and threw herself into his arms. “I have missed you so much,” she said, kissing all over his face.

  “Yuck,” Danny made a gagging sound.

  “I will show you how much later.” She winked at him then took him by the hand and led him into the house.

  Ryker knew this can’t be real, but it felt so real. Everything was like it used to be. Even the same sweet smells he remembered so vividly.

  “Ryker…I will find you.” He heard Gabriele’s tear filled voice. Her agony filled him.

  “Jenny…” He reached out his hand and lovingly stroked her cheek. He looked down and ruffled Danny’s hair. “This isn’t real.” Ryker choked back his tears. He wanted to stay with them, just allow himself to stay in this illusion. Let Prolo kill him then maybe he could be with them like this.

  “I love you Ryker. Damn you Kali….”

  He felt Gabriele’s love wash over him. His hand trembled as Jenny gently took it into hers.

  “I loved you so much Jenny,” he barely got out. “But I can’t stay. I can’t live in the past anymore.” He pulled both of them close to him and hugged them tightly. “Your memory will always be in my heart, but…” Ryker let his tears fall. This was killing him. He could be with them even if it was a lie. But he couldn’t leave Gabriele alone.

  “Ryker,” a sweet voice filled his mind.

  He looked up and saw a woman that looked so much like Gabriele.

  “This is an illusion. You have to say goodbye,” she said.

  “Who are you?”

  “Elizabeth.” Her smile was just like Gabriele’s. Everything about this young woman reminded Ryker of Gabriele.

  “You must come with me.”

  “I don’t know if I can,” he said looking at Jenny and Danny. For so many years the memories of them were all he had.

  “What is wrong Ryker?” Jenny said, running her hand over his cheek.

  “I don’t know what to do?” He pulled them close again.

  “Ryker you have to let them go. Their souls will be reborn. What you hold in your arms now is only but a dream…a wish.”

  “Maybe I choose to live in this dream,” Ryker barked at her.

  “Can you let Gabriele go for this dream?”

  “What are you?” Ryker released Jenny and Danny and stormed over to Elizabeth. “A trick sent by Prolo?” He grabbed hold of her. “Something meant to remind me of Gabriele.” Ryker was breathing hard; his emotions were all tangled up together.

  “I am Gabriele’s sister, that is why I remind you of her.”

  Ryker released her and slowly stepped back from her. “Elizabeth….” Ryker whispered. “But you’re…dead.”

  “My soul was chosen to become a guardian angel.”

  “Then why aren’t Jenny and Danny angels?”

  “No one knows why the Creator sends some souls back.”

  “Ryker I hope you are okay.”

  “Do you not hear the love in Gabriele’s voice or her resolve to help you?”

  “Damn it, yes I do.” Ryker turned towards Jenny and Danny.

  “You are not worthy of Gabriele’s love.” Elizabeth turned and walked out of the house.

  “Wait.” Ryker ran after her and abruptly stopped. Visions of Gabriele and Elizabeth working in a grand manor filled his mind.

  “All our lives Gabriele looked after me. I knew what she endured for me.”

  It felt as though someone knocked the breath out of him as Ryker witness a brief glimpse of what Gabriele had to suffer through. The pain, the humiliation she went through doing every deviant sex act for those three men.

  “She did all of this to protect me.”

  Ryker was forced to watch Gabriele’s last moments. He watched how hard Gabriele fought against those two brothers. He felt her regret that her weakness had killed Elizabeth.

  “She suffered all of that and yet she still gave her heart to you.” Elizabeth waved her hand and everything turned back to the meadow. “I watched her train to become a demon hunter. Her resolve, her strength is a marvel to behold.”

  “Yes it is.”

  “I will take you back to her if you can let go of your dream of the past.” Elizabeth moved closer to Ryker. “I feel the love you had for your wife and child. You don’t need to let their memory go, but you must give yourself permission to live again. For some reason you didn’t die in that crash with them. You were meant to live on. You shouldn’t blame yourself anymore for their deaths.”

  Ryker came to his knees and let all the emotions he had come out. His tears fell in a stream.

  “Letting go is painful but it is necessary if you want to move forward.” Elizabeth ran her hand down Ryker’s back. “Their souls will be reborn and they will find their other half. The love you have shown them will guide their way.”

  “Jenny and Danny I am sorry,” Ryker’s voice shook when he spoke.

  “The other half of your soul still lives Ryker and she is trying to find a way to get to you. We must leave before Prolo knows you are here.”

  Ryker slowly came up to his feet. “Okay take me to Gabriele.”

  Elizabeth smiled and grabbed his hand. She led him through the meadow towards a large tunnel.

  “Stop mortal,” a deep voice boomed.

  Elizabeth fell to her knees. “Bring him to me or die, Elizabeth.”

  “I will take you out of here,” Elizabeth whispered to Ryker.

  “No you will take me to Prolo.”


  “Take me now. I will not let you die because of me. I have to do this for Gabriele.”

  “Gabriele doesn’t have to know.”

  “But I will, now take me to him.”

  Elizabeth nodded her head and led him towards the white castle.


  The tension was almost unbearable as they waited for the source of the immense power they felt to show itself.

  “Tasmos?” Gabriele said, lowering her shotgun.

  “What do you want angel?” Ryo said, placing himself between Gabriele and Tasmos.

  “I have a solution to your problem huntress.”

  Gabriele gently moved Ryo out of
the way. “What problem would that be?”

  “You need a guide to show you the way to Heaven. I will show you the way.”

  “Why would you do that?”

  “I need you to do something for me. Will you listen to my deal?” Tasmos looked over towards Ryo. “Relax hunter, I will not harm Ayden.” He watched Ryo visibly relax.

  “What do you want from me?” Gabriele spoke up.

  Tasmos pulled on his necklace breaking it from his neck. He removed the chain and threw it aside. He ran his fingers lovingly over the silver wings of the pendant. He squeezed the pendant between both of his hands. Gabriele could feel the heat coming from the friction of Tasmos’ hands. After a couple of moments he opened his hand. He held out his hand towards Gabriele. “Take it.”

  Gabriele slowly took the silver bullet from Tasmos. The metal was still warm. “What do you want me to do with this?”

  “I want you to kill Kannon.”


  “The silver of that pendant was forged by Prolo, only this kind of silver can kill and Archangel. This is my price for taking you to Heaven.”

  “Why would you want to kill a fellow angel?” Ryo injected.

  “Kannon took something very precious from me.”

  Gabriele looked into Tasmos’ green eyes; there was so much sadness in them. “Something as precious as what Kali took from me, right?”

  “Yes, huntress.”

  “I will do it.”

  “Gabriele, you can’t go up to Heaven, Prolo will kill you.” Ryo grabbed her arm.

  “I have to Ryo. I can’t just let Ryker die.” Gabriele smiled up at him. “Don’t worry I will be back. Someone has got to keep you on your toes.” Gabriele turned to Saban. “Be careful newbie.”

  Saban nodded his head towards her. Ryo knew he couldn’t stop her. So he said nothing more and only watched Tasmos fly away with Gabriele in his arms.

  Chapter 13

  Ryker told Elizabeth to stay by the gates as two very large Archangels escorted him into the castle. Everything glittered with natural beauty, and Ryker was almost overwhelmed by the splendor of this place.

  Ryker walked down the long hallway. A multitude of beautiful women gazed upon him as though he was forbidden fruit.

  “Don’t speak unless Prolo allows you to. Don’t make eye contact with him, keep your eyes turned towards the ground at all times,” the bigger of the two Archangels said.

  “I will not bow down to no one,” Ryker hissed back.

  “You would be wise to remember that Prolo is the Master of this realm, mortal.” The other Archangel pushed Ryker into the next chamber.

  Beautiful men and women filled the elaborately decorated room. Some wore nothing while others wore only sheer white wraps.

  “Tell me mortal who brought you to this realm. Was it Elizabeth?”

  “No, she had nothing to do with it. It was one of your Archangels.” Ryker glared up at the man sitting in the middle of a large plush bed. This man was beyond handsome. His face sheer perfection, his hair looked like spun gold and his crystal blue eyes sparkled like a diamond. Ryker kept his eyes on Prolo as he stood up. Prolo wore only a white silken piece of cloth wrapped around his waist. His body was perfectly sculpted.

  “You dare to look me in the eye.” Prolo’s voice was both deep and soft.

  Ryker kept his gazed locked with Prolo’s and was genuinely surprised when he started laughing.

  “You are brave mortal I give you that.”

  “Listen, I don’t want to be here no more than you want me here. Let Elizabeth show me the way out and I will leave immediately.”

  “I am afraid it’s not that simple.” Prolo walked over to Ryker.

  “Why not?” Ryker had to look up at Prolo; he had to be at least six foot six. Ryker could feel the power coming from him.

  “No mortal has ever seen the beauty of my realm. Why should I let you have the privilege without it costing you your life?”

  “Look, there is no need for violence.” Ryker’s hopes of reasoning with Prolo were quickly fading. He reached back and grabbed his pistol.

  “Do you honestly believe you can hurt me with that puny weapon of yours?”

  “Well we’re going to find out.” Ryker pulled out the gun and pointed it at Prolo. “I don’t want to hurt you, but I will if you don’t let me go.”

  “This is most amusing.” Prolo smiled.

  “I mean it. Did you honestly believe I would just stand here and tremble with fear?” Ryker cocked the gun back.

  Prolo waved his hand and Ryker flew across the room sending his pistol flying. He sat up and reached for it but before he could pick it up again, it flew into Prolo’s hands.

  “Nice pistol,” Prolo said examining it. “What is your name mortal?”


  “Well Ryker your mortal weapons will not harm me. So this little display of yours only served to amuse me.” Prolo motioned towards two Archangels. “However, I like your spirit so I will allow you to live for a little while longer.”

  Ryker struggled against the two Archangels but they were just too strong. They dragged him across the room and threw him into a cage. Ryker quickly got up and gripped the bars, to his amazement the bars were made of silver.

  “I made that cage myself,” Prolo said, walking over towards it. “This is where my naughty Archangels are held until I decide what to do with them.” Prolo grabbed Ryker’s hand and licked his lips very seductively. “I will have so much fun with you.”

  Ryker tried to pull his hand away but Prolo had a firm grip on him. “I can read all your thoughts Ryker….mmmm….you find me rather attractive don’t you.”

  “I don’t look at men that way,” Ryker growled.

  “And yet you find me attractive. I am flattered.” Prolo closed his eyes. Ryker felt a strange sensation fill his body. “Oh poor you, to lose a wife and child like that.”

  “That is none of your business.” Ryker struggled harder to break free of Prolo’s grip.

  “A soldier….ahhh a very skilled soldier, interesting.” Prolo closed his eyes again. “You had loving parents, oh lucky you.” Prolo smiled.

  “Get out of my head!!” Ryker yelled. He concentrated on blocking out everything else especially….

  “Gabriele.” Prolo’s eyes opened. “You found your soul mate. You are indeed a lucky mortal.” Prolo let Ryker go and started laughing as he headed back towards the large bed. “This is indeed interesting. You are the soul mate to one of Asurul’s demon hunters.”

  “Leave her out of this,” Ryker growled.

  “She is very beautiful isn’t she?” Prolo laid down on his bed. “A woman like that would make a fitting plaything for me.” Prolo sat up. “Not to mention she will bring me Ayden.”

  “No she won’t.”

  “Really…” Prolo motioned for two women to come to him. “Once I have made love to Gabriele she will do whatever I want.”

  “No she won’t you conceded bastard.”

  “Oh, I do like your spirit Ryker. In case you are right mortal and my charms don’t persuade the beautiful huntress to obtain what I want….” Prolo stood up and allowed the two women to remove his covering. “I am sure she will do anything to save your soul.”

  “Damn you!!!” Ryker pulled violently on the bars.

  Prolo put a hand on each woman’s head and lowered them down to his large cock. Both women immediately started licking at the shaft and head. “Watch how eager they are to please me, mortal.”

  “Go to Hell!” Ryker yelled hitting the bars.

  “Afraid I can’t do that mortal, Lasax wouldn’t like my intrusion in his territory.” Prolo gently ran his fingers through the women’s hair as they continued to lick at his cock.

  Ryker sat down on the ground and turned away from Prolo. He could hear the wet noises of the women lapping at Prolo’s cock and Prolo moaning with pleasure.

  Gabriele… Ryker closed his eyes and focused on the first time he made loved to her
. That look in her eyes, the gentle caresses of her hand. He focused so hard on Gabriele that he drowned out everything around him.

  Chapter 14

  “What are you doing back so soon?” Kali was surprised when Kannon grabbed her from behind.

  “I have taken Ryker to Heaven, no doubt Prolo has found him and he is already dead.” Kannon roughly turned her around to face him. “I am your Master now, demon,” he growled.

  “Ah, ah…I said when Ryker was dead. Did you see him die?”

  “No I didn’t actually see him die.”

  “Then you are not my Master yet.”

  “You lying bitch.” He pushed her violently into the bed.

  “I didn’t lie Kannon, when you bring me proof that he is dead then I will be your willing slave.”

  “Not good enough.” He lunged for her and pinned her to the bed. Kali could feel his anger and frustration. She couldn’t afford to lose her hold on him now. She pretended to fight against him. She was pretty sure she could overpower him, after all she was an ancient demon General and he was but a fledging Archangel, but let him have his illusion of dominance.

  He pinned her under him and began violently ripping her clothes from her. She felt his anger with each rough touch of his hands. “You will obey me, demon bitch…ahhh… after everything I have done for you, everything I risked for you.” His voice dripped with rage as he roughly groped at her breasts.

  “Get off me.” Kali pretended to struggle under him.

  “No,” he growled. He reached down and pulled his cock out of his pants then forced her legs apart with his knee.

  “Don’t you dare take me like this,” she hissed.

  “Shut up.” He smacked her hard across the face. With one violent thrust he filled her. He thrust hard and fast. He kept her arms pinned above her head as he violently fucked her.

  Kali looked up into his face the sheer anger, almost hatred that brewed in his eyes frightened her a little.

  “Tell me I am your Master,” he growled as he glared into her eyes.

  “No I will not,” she hissed at him.

  He thrust so hard it almost caused her pain. “Tell me or I will fucking kill you demon.”


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