Book Read Free

Accidentally Perfect

Page 4

by Torrie Robles

  “How dare you Brad, I am their grandmother. I would expect that you, out of the two of you, would see how important I am to them.”

  “You mean how you showed me how important I was to you my entire childhood, mother? Sometimes I wonder if you even carried me for nine months, let alone actually be my mother.”

  “Oh, I can promise you, my dear, that I did, in fact, carry you for nine months. My body grew to a monstrous size, and things were pushed into places that they shouldn’t be able to go. I also had to endure twenty hours of miserable labor in order to bring your self-absorbed, selfish-minded person into this world.”

  “Enough!” Nathan’s voice was both harsh and threatening. “Now is not the time to attack anyone, especially for things that were not that person’s fault.” My mother stood there staring in shock, completely speechless.

  “Sorry about that man.” Brad tries to break the tension. Michael takes this moment to stand and come up to me. “I’m Brad Richards, Laney’s husband.”

  “Ex-husband.” I pipe up having Brad look at me.

  “Right, sorry, ex-husband.”

  “I’m Michael, Laney’s boyfriend.” That was something that I didn’t expect.

  “Ex-boyfriend,” I confirm.

  “Laney, come on, you know that we just need to talk it out. That was a misunderstanding. What you saw wasn’t what it looked like.”

  “From what Laney has told me, it was exactly what she saw. Or is it normal to dig to China with your tongue in between your neighbor’s legs, while your girlfriend is trying to save lives of cancer patients? Or maybe I’m missing something because I believe what you did, um Michael gives Laney all the rights to call you her ex-boyfriend.” Michael didn’t have to come back. He just took a couple steps back to get out of the line of fire.


  “Mom, please, not now.”

  “Not now, then when Laney? Who is he to even speak to anyone that way, let alone me?”

  “I’m her husband; that is what it makes me.”

  “No.” This from me. This is not how I wanted this to go.

  “Yes.” Nathan’s hand squeezes my hand.

  “Laney,” Michael speaks up.

  “Not now, Michael.”

  “When are you going to grow up and get your life back on track, Laney seriously? You have two girls that are just going to grow up and mirror everything you show them. You hop from one man to the next, not working it out with their father, now this. You get married to a man you don’t even know. He is a nobody and no one, and you better not expect to allow him anywhere near my grandchildren. Brad and I will make sure you will never be able to harm them.”

  “Vivian, stop.”

  “That is enough. I have already warned you once., Mother or not, you will not speak to my wife that way.” Nathan turns from my mother not giving her another moment of his time and walks up to Brad. “I’m Nathan Whitmore. It’s nice to meet you, Brad.”

  “Nathan Whitmore?” This coming from my mother. “You mean Nathan Riley-Whitmore? From the Whitmores? The Whitmores?”

  “I don’t use my father’s name. There is no reason to give a parent the honor of carrying on their name when they were no parent to begin with.” His tone was flat, there was no hint of patience left.

  Laney was not kidding when she spoke about her mother. If I were in the picture longer, I would have kicked her sorry ass out after the first vile word came out of her mouth. But this is Laney’s call, not mine. “It’s nice to meet you, Nathan.” Brad squeezes my hand. I’m sure he’s trying to show his strength. He is the past, so I’m not worried about him. He was the first man to make a mistake in Laney’s life. I should send him a box of cigars, or maybe courtside seats to the Knicks, thanking him for his stupidity. I look over to Michael. I think he may be a problem. He seems younger, maybe a little full of himself. Maybe he thinks because he has that shaggy blonde hair or those baby blues that he has the key to Laney’s heart, but the problem is for him; her heart is no longer hers. She gave it to me the moment she said ‘I do.' I’m not giving it back.

  “I don’t understand,” Michael speaks up. “How can you be married when just two days ago, you and I were together? How could you do this?”

  “I don’t even know why you’re here Michael; we broke up. You screwed up; you made the choice to throw us away.”

  “I called him. I couldn’t get a hold of you, and Brad was in the emergency room with the girls. I didn’t know that you two were no longer an item.”

  “We should still be an item.” Michael still thinks there’s a chance.

  “Are you really going there Michael, because I believe that Laney was done with you the moment she stepped on that plane to get away from you. Even more so when she met me and I know she was completely over you every time she came around my cock.”


  “I’m sorry, Laney Bear.” I pull her next to me kissing her temple. A gasp comes from behind me, only belonging to Vivian.

  “What did you just call her?” Her tone was accusatory.

  “Laney Bear?” I turn to answer her. “Is that a problem?”

  “My father used to call me that,” Laney whispers next to me. Another sign, this was meant to be.

  “Oh baby, I’m honored that you allow me to continue such a loving term of endearment.” I lean down and kiss her gently on the lips.

  “Mr. & Mrs. Richards?” the doctor calls from over Laney’s shoulder.

  “It’s Mr. Richards and Mrs. Whitmore, doctor. I’m Nathan Whitmore, Laney’s husband.”

  “Yes, of course, Mr. Whitmore. I would like to bring everyone up to date on the condition of the girls before they wake up. I’m sure Mrs. Whitmore you are anxious to see them.”

  I look over at Michael, who is sitting next to Vivian’s husband who hasn’t said one word. “It’s time for you to run along Mikey. We’ve got it handled from here.” I turn my back to listen to what the doctor has already been saying.

  “The break was on her growth plate. There is a possibility that she may have problems in the future with the growth of her right leg. I am hopeful the bones will mend since she is still so young. I don't see any reason why she can't grow just as normal as her sister. I’m not sure there will be a difference in the leg length, but right now we just have to wait and see.”

  “I’m going to make some calls. My family has given enough money to this hospital that I can call in some favors to get the best pediatric orthopedic physicians over here.”

  “You don’t need to go through the trouble, Nathan.” Brad thinks I’m just going to stand back when there is something I may be able to do to help Laney or the girls.

  “It’s no trouble, Brad. I’m doing what needs to be done to help my family.”

  “Nathan, please.” I know Laney doesn’t want the fight between Brad and me.

  “I’m not doing anything out of the ordinary, Laney. Addie needs help, and I’m going to make sure that she gets it.”

  “The doctor said she will be fine.” Really Brad?

  “I said there is a good possibility that her leg will be fine. But having a specialist is always welcomed. Whatever we can do to make sure Addie makes a full recovery.”

  “It’s settled then, let me make the calls.”

  “Nathan, like I said, you don’t need to go through the trouble.” I look over to Laney, who is standing there with tears falling down her cheeks. Her pain makes my decision for me.

  “Brad, I am doing this for my family. I will always do for my family.”

  “Those are my girls that are laying in those beds; they are my family.”

  “I don’t deny that Brad, but Laney is my wife, they are my step children, and I will always do what’s best for them, and for her. You lost the right to call them family when you cheated on your wife and children.”


  “Brad please,” Laney speaks up. “I need Addie to be alright. I need this.”

  “Fine, I’m
going to sit with the girls.”

  Nate doesn’t even put up a fight when I decide to go in and see the girls on my own. There really isn’t a reason for him to be upset that I didn’t include him, he doesn’t even know them. How did I not know that he was Nathan Whitmore? Everyone knows who Nathan is. I guess the pictures in the magazines and the gossip blogs don’t do him justice. He is so much better looking in person. This is just another bump in the road. I’m a mother, I’m not a diva, or the latest up and coming in the social circles that make up Manhattan. I’m a nurse, a mother of twins, and now, I’m a wife. He isn’t big into flaunting who he is and what he has. That might be why I didn’t notice who he was when I first met him. That, or the fact that I had a shot of every color under the rainbow coursing through my body when I first met him. Those eyes and that smile did me in, hot damn they would make you forget just about anything. But now, what’s important, are my girls.

  I walk into their room, and they’re both awake and Brad’s sitting in the middle of their beds holding their hands. He’s there for them just as much as he needs to be. He doesn’t go above and beyond for them as I wish, but he is their father, and he has never let them down. However, in my opinion, he has never made it, so they’re first. He does just enough for them to make him tolerable. I know that there is no reason why I couldn’t be home with them full time and not work, but I’m not just working for my own sanity, I’m trying to show them how important it is to be your own person and not rely on anyone else. I make enough of a living for me and them, and I hope in time they will see how strong I try to be. I hope they see what they need to be to become strong, self-sufficient women. “Hi, my babies.”

  “Mama!” They say in unison.

  “I’m so sorry that I wasn’t here for you when the accident happened, babies.” Tears came to my eyes in an instant. There was no stopping the tears from falling.

  “It’s okay mama,” Addie says. “We were with daddy anyway, so you wouldn’t have been with us no matter what.” She was so wise.

  “I know bug, but I wish I was closer, so it didn’t take me as long to get here.”

  “Were you wif Auntie Staya?” This coming from Amanda.

  “Yes, sweet girl, I was with Auntie Stella. She will be here in a bit to see those sweet faces. It’s taking her a little longer to get here than it took me.” I move to sit on Addie’s bed and assess her right leg in its cast.

  “Why?” They asked in unison again.

  “Because I had a friend help me get back to you girls as fast as I could.” I looked at Brad hoping that he would help me, but I don’t think he wants to help me out of this situation.

  “Well who helfed you and not helf Auntie Staya?”

  “Just a friend sweetie., How are you doing baby girl? I hear from grandma that you have been very brave.”

  "I half been mama, so brafe!”

  “Why doesn’t daddy pick you up Bear so you, me, and sissy can share a bed.

  “Okay daddy, take me to mama pesfe.” Brad picks her up and sets her on my lap while I’m sitting next to Addie in her bed.

  “Does it hurt Addie bug?”

  “Just a little. The doctor said he gave me medicine to help me feel better. It really does feel better, but it does hurt still. Mama, do you think you can make it so that I’m not hurting at all? Do you think you can kiss it and make it feel better?”

  “Oh baby, I would love to kiss your boo-boo away, but I think it’s too serious for even my kisses to fix Bug. I’m sorry. We’re just going to have to let the doctor do what he needs to do to make sure your leg feels better. I promise it will feel just like new in no time.”

  “Wheref did you go, mama? Why were you far away?” Amanda is so sweet, so innocent.

  “Well, Auntie Stell and I went to a city with bright lights and lots of fun music. There were lots of people everywhere. There were tall buildings and every single one of them were so beautiful. You both would have loved it.”

  “I wanna go, mama.” This from Addie

  “Maybe when you feel better I’ll take you there.”

  “Willf your friend be there? Willf your friend take us there? Can daddy come wif us? That would be fun... to half an adventurf. Yeah, an adventurf!”

  “We will see sweet girls. Have you thought about what you want to do for your birthdays yet? It’s coming up, and then you guys get to start school. Aren’t you excited about that? You are getting so big.”

  “I want animals mama... lots of animals. I want to see them grow up, and I want to see what they eat and where they sleep. I want lots and lots of animals.” Addie is always trying to learn.

  “I wanna ride ponies with birfday cake and lots of presents and lots of friends.”

  “Yeah, ponies. We want ponies, mama.” They seem so excited.

  “We will see what your mama and I can do to see if you can ride a pony for your birthday babies.”

  “No, we want lots of ponies, right Manda? Lots of ponies in all different colors. Like My Little Pony. Yeah, My Little Pony!”

  “Yeah, pink, and purfple, and bluf ponies. With lots of balloofs and lots of candies.”

  “Yeah, the best birthday ever!” Addie shoots her hand in the air in excitement.

  “Ever!” Amanda joins in.

  It amazes me how resilient these girls are. Addie’s just gone through surgery, and here she is, up and excited about a birthday that’s weeks away. You could never tell they just went through something so traumatic. They’re such troopers. I look over at Brad, and I can tell that he has been through the ringer. I don’t think he’s showered since the accident. His clothes are wrinkled and torn. I’m so lucky that nothing happened to any of them. I’m not sure what I would do if things had turned out differently. If I had lost any of them, I’m not sure I would have been able to survive. Even Brad, he is the girl’s father. I wouldn’t wish that loss on anyone. There’s a knock at the door, and Nathan sticks his head in. “Hi, I was just curious on how the princesses were feeling?” In his hand were two bouquets of pink carnations.

  “Come in. Girls, I want you to meet my very special friend, Nathan. Nathan, this big girl right here is Adele and this one on my lap is Amanda. Girls can you say hi to Nathan.”

  “Hi, Nafin.” Amanda is soft spoken, maybe a little shy. I don’t blame her. Nathan’s good looks can be a little intimidating.

  “Hi Nathan, thank you for getting our mama back to us.”

  “No sweet girl, it was my pleasure.” Nathan bent down next to the bed. “Someone told me your favorite color is pink, so I brought you these. I hope you like them.” He hands the girls each their owner set of flowers.

  “Wow, I’ve never gotten flowers before.” This coming from Addie.

  “We pickfed flowers for mama before, but wef never got flowers from anyone. Thank you Nafin.”

  “You’re welcome young lady. How are you gals feeling? I heard you two were very brave and that your daddy has been here making sure you were okay until I was able to get your mommy here. You guys are very lucky to have a daddy who loves you so much.”

  There is no denying what I have been feeling for this man since the moment I laid eyes on him. This was more than just lust, more than just an alcohol induced decision on my part. I loved Nathan Whitmore. I loved this man who accidently walked into my life. There will never be any denying that fact, and I couldn’t wait to tell him.

  “Yes!” They both say. “Daddy is great. The best daddy ever.” I looked at Nathan while the girls showed their excitement towards Brad. My heart broke for Nate. I’m not sure why, but I wanted my girls to have the same enthusiasm towards him as they did their own dad. Maybe it’s because I know that his relationship with his own father is almost nonexistent, or maybe it’s because I can feel what he has to offer. The love seems to just radiate off of him.

  “I couldn’t be the best daddy ever if I didn’t have the two sweetest girls in the whole wide world.”

  “How are my two lovelies.” My mother comes into
the room completely breaking the moment. The peace that I was feeling only a moment ago came to a sudden stop.

  “Grandma!” Addie yells; Amanda is staying quiet.

  “Oh sweet baby, how are you feeling?” My mother walks over to the other side of Addie’s bed smoothing her bedridden hair.

  “Look at the flowers mama's friend Nathan brought for me and Bug.”

  “They are lovely aren’t they. Did you tell Nathan thank you, Amanda?” My mother is looking towards Amanda, who sinks into me looking for comfort; she nods her head. “Use your words Amanda.”

  “Not now, mother. She’s been through enough for today.”

  “She has been through enough? Adele has undergone surgery, and she’s still able to speak and use her words like any five-year-old should. Come on Laney, she is almost in kindergarten. How do you expect her to communicate and learn if she won’t even answer her own grandmother with a simple yes or no answer?”

  It infuriates me how god-awful that woman is. How on earth can a mother treat her child like she’s yesterday’s trash and expect for her child to have any type of respect for her? I get why my father is the way he is, because he was just a natural born asshole, but how can a woman carry a child for nine months, bond with it, look into that sweet innocent face and not feel a thing? From the way that she acts towards Laney now, I’m sure this is how she has been her entire life. No wonder Laney was so lost after her father died. It was like she lost both her parents the moment he took his last breath. “What are people to think if she doesn’t answer them?”

  “She thanked me for the flowers Vivian, and she did so verbally.” I am not about to allow this woman to upset the girls or their mother.

  “Well that’s a first, I usually have to drag the words out of her. No wonder she has a hard time with speaking. She doesn’t practice it enough.”

  “Mother, Amanda is just fine. She’s just tired. Give me and them a break.”

  “Are you really going to tell me how I should act around my grandchildren?”


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