Book Read Free

Accidentally Perfect

Page 5

by Torrie Robles


  “No Brad, don’t interrupt me. It seems that I am the only one concerned with the well being of the girls. You should back me up, being a teacher yourself, as to how important it is for the kids to be able to communicate. She is going to be left behind, struggle and heaven forbid fail.”

  “Mother, you need to stop it now.” Just when I thought I was going to have to throw that miserable woman out, the door swings open and I immediately feel the tension lift from Laney.

  “Auntie Staya!” Amanda screams.

  “It’s Stella, Amanda, use your words right.” Vivian berates her again.

  “No, actually Vivian, it’s Staya. That’s how Amanda says it, and that’s how I like it. If you have a problem, and you don’t care for the way she says my name, then you know where the door is. No one here will stop you.” Her chin is held high as she cocks her hip looking Vivian right in the eye. Wow, I knew that I liked this woman, but I think she just went up a few more notches.

  “Don’t come in here, Estell, in a family moment and start acting like you have any say in what goes on in Adele and Amanda’s lives. This is a family matter, and it’s up to us decide on how we raise these girls.”

  “Pardon me, Vivian.” I can’t hold my tongue any longer. I place my hand on the middle of her back and move her towards the door and out of the girls’ room. “But I believe the girls have two competent parents who are more than capable of raising the girls. Their mother loves them, and their needs are of the utmost importance to her.” I make sure that my voice stays at a normal tone so that I don’t scare the girls, but I assure you once the door clicks closed, my voice will be anything, but normal.

  “You think you know my daughter, Nathan? You’ve known her what maybe two days, and I’m giving her more credit than what she deserves, I’m sure. You are no more included than Estell is, in the raising of those girls.” She points back to the room. “Just because you have the power of a name behind you, you think that you can slip a rock on her finger and that gives you the right to tell me, their grandmother, their own flesh, and blood, how I can and cannot be with my family.”

  “Aw, you see Vivian that is where you are very wrong. Laney is my wife; she is my family and those two girls in there are now my daughters; my family. Your influence and manipulation of your daughter are no more. I will not allow you to bully or terrorize my wife or Amanda for that matter. They are no longer your concern. Laney will no longer need your help or approval on anything in regards to those girls. You should see yourself as lucky for having the relationship that you have with them. It is not a right; it is a privilege, and you best remember that for the next time you belittle my wife.”

  “If I never-”

  “Go home mother.” Laney comes up from behind me. It’s then that I notice most of the medical staff has been standing around watching the little exchange.


  “I mean it mother. I don’t need you here right now. The girls are fine; they have us here. Just go home and rest.” Vivian looks at me, then to her daughter, turns around and leaves. As she passes the waiting area, her husband gets up from the same chair he has occupied this entire time and followed her to the elevator.

  “Laney, I’m sorry, baby.” I turn toward her.


  “I didn’t mean for it to get that heated. I just couldn’t stand the way she continued to speak to you, and in front of the girls.”

  “Nathan, I love you.” Those were the last words I expected to come from her mouth, but damn, if they didn’t sound perfect. “I’m sure I’m crazy for saying them, for feeling what I feel, but when you brought the girls the flowers and how you spoke so highly of Brad. Then again when you came to my defense... Love is the only feeling that felt right to describe what I felt, what I’m feeling.” She went up on her toes and brushed her lips against mine. My hand instantly wrapped around her waist, and I smashed her body into mine.

  “I love you, Laney Bear.” The words were hushed so that only she could hear. “The moment I saw you, my heart was yours. I don’t care about time frames or what others may think. I love you, so damn much.” Then I crush my lips to hers.

  I am not sorry that I just told Nate I loved him. That may have been the most honest thing I have ever said in my life. I’m not worried what people may think. Okay, that’s not completely true, I worry about my mother. I think I may always worry about her and what she thinks. How can I not; she is my mother. I hope that as the girls grow into young women they care about what I may think, and I hope to God I’m not as judging, and my mother is to me. I haven’t felt this protected since my father was alive. With Nathan by my side, I feel the strength I thought I would never feel again. He is quickly becoming my rock, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. With his fingers threaded through mine, we walk back into the girls’ room. Amanda is currently cuddling with Stella while Addie is snuggled up into Brad’s side, both currently sleeping I am so thankful that nothing too traumatic happened to them. I couldn’t even imagine my life without those scarlet waves and cocoa colored eyes. “How are they doing?” I ask quietly.

  “They’re good Street. They are going to be just fine.” Brad reassures me.

  “Street?” Nathan questions.

  “My nickname Brad tortures me with.” I look up to Nathan, who is standing behind me, so close I can feel the results of our passionate kiss still lingering in his pants.

  “When she introduced herself she told me her name and I said, ‘Laney like a street lane,’ the name has stuck ever since.

  “I like my nickname better.” Nathan responds.

  “I agree.” I give him a small smile. “Why don’t you boys head down the cafeteria and get us something to drink and eat.”

  “I think that’s our cue to give the ladies some time alone, don’t you think Brad?” Nathan presses a kiss to the side of my head.

  “I think you’re right.” Brad scoots from Addie’s side without waking her and follows Nathan out the door.

  “How are you holdin’ up chicken butt?”

  “Really S?”


  “To be honest, I have no idea how I’m still upright. My entire life has been tossed in a blender over the past forty-eight hours.”

  “As long as it’s with tequila and lime then everything should be fine.”

  “Focus Stella.”

  “Alright, alright girl. What can I help you with?”

  “Well, for starters, can you tell me how on earth I got this” I flash my left hand, “on my finger.”

  “Oh that’s easy, Lanes, he asked and you said yes.”

  “How can you let this happen S? I’m freakin’ married to none other than Nathan Whitmore; the Nathan Whitmore. Did you know that Stella because I sure as hell didn’t, and believe me you are lucky my daughters are sleeping right now because I so want to tear you a new asshole right now!” I am trying to hold it together.

  “Hell, yes I knew who he was the moment he started walking our way. Why do you think I nailed you so hard with my elbow?”

  “That is probably the only thing I remember that whole night. Jesus, when he told my mother his last name I damn near fainted. I had no clue that was him. Whatever pictures I have seen of him over the years do not do him justice.”

  “Laney, how long have I known you?”

  “Too long.” I’m short with my answer.

  “Whatever girl. In the entire time, I have known you I have never seen a look on your face like I did the moment you spotted him. And it wasn’t because he caught you screeching whatever song was flowing either. You had this look of contentment on your face. Before words were ever spoken between you two, there was a connection. It was magical. I just happened to add a few alcoholic potions in that little brew of passion you two were both mixing and poof! Fat. Rock. On. Your. Finger. Plus, I’m sure the best sex you have ever had in your life. You, my dear, are welcome. Baby, you should start calling me your fairy godmother, bec
ause girl, I gave you your princess charming.”

  “My prince, huh?”

  “Come on Laney, you can’t deny that, can you?”

  “I just wish I remembered Stell, I can’t remember a damn thing.”

  “If I didn’t think he was good for you Laney, there would be no way that I would have ever pushed the issue. The not remembering is probably my fault, but I knew if you weren’t more than tipsy you would have thought too much. You are always thinking too much. You deserve to be happy, girl. You never had that spark with Brad, kids or not, he never was the man for you. He just happened to come into your life when losing your daddy was still so fresh. And Michael, Lord, do not get me going on him. He was a child. The girls are more mature than he is. He was a disaster waiting to happen.”

  “You’re preaching to the choir on that one.”

  “So was I wrong? Is there no spark between you two?”

  “No, you were right. There is something there. I love him, Stella.”

  “I knew it. I knew I saw it.”

  “He’s my husband S, and I know he will always put me first. He is going to love my girls and be the best step-father they could ever dream of. Brad will always be their father, but Nathan will be more, I think. He will put forth the effort so naturally. My girls are lucky to have one father in their lives, but now they are going to have two daddies. I just have to figure out a way to tell them.”

  I wasn’t the happiest person when Laney suggested that Brad and I get some food for them, but I know she hasn’t had a moment alone with Stella and I’m sure there were some things she wanted to speak to her about. “Laney was a little subtle when it came to needing girl time, huh?” Brad pulled open the cafeteria door allowing me to enter first, what a gentleman.

  “Yeah, I don’t think subtlety is Laney’s strong suit.”

  “You’re right, it’s not. But her boldness and bluntness are two of the reasons why I fell for her in the first place.” I looked over at him. I can feel the heat rise in my face at the mention of him having any type of feelings towards my wife.

  “Were those the same feelings you had when you were banging a fellow teacher while she was caring for your girls?” I know that is an asshole thing to say, but I’m not going to allow him to try to prove the feelings he may or may not still have for my wife. He clearly didn’t care about them when they were married. That is the only point I’m trying to make. We ordered a few sandwiches and drinks then moved down the line to pay. Brad doesn’t even attempt to pay, which is fine, she’s my wife, mine.

  “You don’t need to be a dick, man. I know I screwed up. I know I ruined my marriage, and I destroyed the family my kids had the right to have. It was tough; that time in our lives was tough. Not only was it difficult to have two young children running around but I was trying to be the best father I could be on top of becoming a new teacher while my wife was spending more time with her nose in the books than making sure that her family was taken care of.”

  “Listen, Brad, I’m not an idiot. I know you two have a past. I know that you two have had sex and everything that goes along with it. Those two girls laid up in the hospital room are proof of those activities. But there will never be an explanation good enough to justify why you would cheat on a woman as compassionate and special as Laney. I figured that out the first two seconds I laid eyes on her.” We grab the food once my name is called and head back to the room.

  “I know. I have spent the last few years kicking myself in the ass for doing it. I don’t think there will ever big a bigger regret in my life. It’s no one's fault but my own.”

  “Damn straight about that one.”

  “But what I did to my marriage has no bearing on what I feel for my daughters. I will always want what best for them.”

  “I’m glad we agree on that because I believe I’m what’s best for them.”

  “Wait a minute. I don’t think I heard you right. You’re what’s best for the girls, my girls?”

  “Yes, it’s simple isn’t it? I can give them everything they could ever want or need. Can you do that on your teacher’s salary? I’m sure wherever you live has got to cost you a pretty penny. Can you afford to call in sick when the girls get sick? How hard is it for you to accommodate to Laney’s schedule? Should she have to suffer to have her career just so you can have yours?”

  “It’s not always about financials Nathan, but being who you are, I’m sure you don’t understand where I’m coming from. What I make on a monthly basis has nothing to do with my ability to be the best father that I can be.”

  “I’m not talking about just financially. I’m speaking about freedom. I have the freedom to come and go as I please. Can you say the same thing? Can you drop your classes to get the girls if they need you? How many times do you think that is going to happen before the school administration is looking to replace you? Are you even tenured?”

  “We’ve made it work for all these years. Nothing is going to change, Nathan.”

  “I’m just saying I know that I can be there for them and Laney whenever they need me to, and I will be. You may be their father Brad, I will never deny you that fact. Laney is now my wife. They are my family, and I will always protect what’s mine and those three ladies in there, are mine. Do not ever doubt that. Your sperm doesn’t make you a father any more than if you jacked off in a paper cup and sold it to the highest bidder.”

  “I really don’t need you swinging your dick around me, Nathan. You’re acting as if I’m not there for the girls or ever have been. I am just as much a parent as Laney is. Don’t ever doubt or question me when it comes to being a father. There is no greater responsibility in my life. Laney may have married you for whatever reason she has, but there is no reason to go all caveman around me, especially since it is my blood coursing through Amanda and Adele’s veins, and not yours. Jealousy isn’t very becoming of you, Nathan.”

  “Don’t mistake my position as jealously, Brad. I know for a fact that there is nothing to be jealous of when it comes to you. Especially since Laney has been fucked by both you, and Michael on top of giving birth to those girls in there, but yet when she was around my cock she was still as tight as a goddamn vice grip, her pussy pulled the cum right out of me. Now that has to tell you something.”

  “I get it, big man.” He pats me on the shoulder, “Laney’s your wife. That’s one street I don’t intend to travel down again, but those girls will always be, lemme put it in a word you will understand, mine.” He pulls the door open and steps inside the hospital room.

  Well, that bastard sure did pull one out on me. Damn it, I completely had him pegged all wrong. I thought for sure with how easily Vivian was able to shoot him down that I could go all alpha male on his ass, and he would sulk in the corner just like he did with her. I guess not. He can beat on his chest all he wants and piss everywhere those girls walk to mark them as his, it doesn’t change anything in my mind. It doesn’t matter whose blood flows through whose body; blood doesn’t make anyone a parent. It’s the effort that’s put forth to prove who has the right to be a parent, and I give everything in my life one hundred and ten motherfucking percent. There’s no way I’m stopping now. No fucking way.

  Brad walks through the door while the girls are still asleep. They must be wiped out because they didn’t even stir when the doctors and nurses were here to check on them. I wait a few seconds and see that Nathan isn’t with him. That can’t be a good thing. “Where’s Nate, Brad?” He just pursed his lips without answering. I nod my head to Stella and make my way out the door in search of my husband. My husband - it sounds better and better.

  I look down the hall and find where he’s standing. Hands in his pockets of his running pants accentuating his tight firm ass. He’s staring out the windows; I’m sure lost in thought. The sun has long since gone and now the moon and stars are shining bright. I take a moment to take him in. To really look at him. I cannot believe I never recognized him. I’m not sure if that‘s a good thing or not. It’s not l
ike I’m over the hill or anything; I’m only twenty-eight. I should be paying attention to the gossip that floats through the streets of New York. Who doesn’t know who's dating who. Or better yet, who’s knocked up who. He was known as the bad boy of New York. Grew up rich, without a care in the world, but he turned his back on his family’s name and did his own thing. We all heard the stories of Nathan Whitmore; playboy, heartthrob, ungrateful, spoiled boy. None of them were true, I know deep in my heart that the stories I‘ve heard about him are not true at all.

  He is a specimen of physical perfection if I do say so myself. It doesn’t even have to do with the fact that I know what he’s packing in the southern region. Let’s be honest, I know I have yet to experience that beast at its full potential yet. Or maybe I did, and I just can’t remember it. How sad is that? I slide my eyes up and down his body, stifling a moan low in my throat. I absolutely love the effect this man has on me. His stark white t-shirt is stretched beyond its limits across the muscles that make up his biceps. His scruff is more prominent now, but still looks like he’s meant for it to be that way. “Hey.” I walk up to him and gently place my hands on his shoulders. I feel the tension. “Everything alright?”

  He turns and looks at me. He pulls me into him, and he wraps his strong arms around my body. I instantly melt into him. “Yeah Bear, everything’s good.”

  “Are you and Brad alright?”

  “Yeah.” He looks over to the food and drinks left on the table next to him. “Let’s get you fed, baby girl.” He picks up the food and heads for the hospital room. I know there’s something bothering him, but I’m not going to push. I hope he will tell me when he’s ready.

  “Nathan,” I call after him, he stops and turns around.

  “I do love you, you know. You know you can talk to me. I’m sure all this has put your head in a tailspin, and I understand if you need to take a breather. I would you know, understand.”


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