Book Read Free

Accidentally Perfect

Page 15

by Torrie Robles

  “Laney, why do you always have to be so difficult?”

  “Mother, why do you always have to be so difficult? Did you ever think that if you weren’t so pigheaded and hard to deal with that you would be coming with us to see where your grand girls and I are going to be living? Nathan is big on respect mother, and there is no way he is going to allow you anywhere near his home if you don’t respect him or me.”

  “Doesn’t the saying go, ‘respect your elders’?”

  “Yes, and doesn’t the saying go, ‘give respect where respect is given’? You need to learn a little bit about respect mother. It’s not just about people giving the respect you think you deserve. You also need to give it back.”

  We ride the elevator down in silence. My mother never says another word about where I’m taking the girls. Once we get out of the hospital, I see reporters off in the distance. I don’t have to explain anything to the girls because this time they aren’t shouting out questions or making accusations. “Alright, girls.” My mother says. “I’ll see you soon. Be good for your mother and father.”

  “And Nafin too, and Nafin too.”

  “Yes, and Nathan too.” She gives a small smile, and she’s off to her waiting car and driver.

  We get the kids secured in their boosters, and Nathan gives Brad the directions to his building. “Are you ready girls?” Nathan asks as we pull from the curb.

  “Yes,” they say in unison.

  “I think I may need to buy myself another car. I’m not sure how I feel about driving the girls everywhere in this.”

  “Why, is your Bugatti too manly for car seats and sippy cups?” I say with a smirk.

  “Hell no, I just want something bigger, secure while I have them with me. We were lucky this time, but I don’t want to chance it. I think I want a big tank.”

  “Yeah, I can see you driving the streets of Manhattan in a tank. Be serious Nathan.”

  “Well, I am buying a new car. I’m serious about that one.”

  The rest of the drive is quiet. The girls take in the scenery as it passes by. The buildings near Nathan’s home are exquisite. High rises of glass and steel line the streets. We slow and enter the belly of a modern looking structure. “Hello, Mr. Whitmore.” The guard greets Nathan.

  “Hello Clive, I want you to meet my wife, Laney Whitmore.”

  “Laney Richards-Whitmore, nice to meet you, Clive.” This bit of information earns me a dirty look from Nathan. I know we haven’t talked about, but I do want to continue to share my daughters’ name. I don’t want to lose that connection that I have with them. Plus they are starting a new school soon, and I want the staff there to make the connection. I don’t want any doubt from anyone that I’m their parent.

  “Richards-Whitmore?” He questions me as he parks the car.

  “Yes, and just to let you know, Lovey, I’m not budging.”

  “Lovey, huh? You think by giving me a cute pet name I’m going to back down on this subject.”

  “No, because you love me and you know how important the girls are to me is why you will back down on the subject.”

  “Alright Bear, you got me there. I’ll let this one slide.” He gives me a wink and get out of the car.

  I didn’t think I would be this nervous to bring the girls here. I just want everything to be perfect for them. I want all three of them to feel welcome and at home. I haven’t talked to my sister about what I asked her to do, but I know I can count on her. Once we get into the elevator to head up to my penthouse, the tension is unbearable. I haven’t made eye contact with Brad yet because I know he’s going to be pissed that I took a huge step with his girls. But they’re my family now, and I don’t feel I overstepped whatsoever. “Do you own the entire top floor?”

  “Yes.” Brad is asking the questions. “It’s totally secure; no one gets up to the penthouse without clearance from myself, and now Laney. The doorman is always on staff, and he has to buzz any visitors to the top floor. They aren’t allowed up if there isn’t a verbal confirmation.”

  “And the elevator?”

  “My team is coming over first thing in the morning to move the control panels further up. They are also going to install a finger panel. This way the elevator won’t open if the fingerprints don’t match. The girls will not be able to open the elevator and leave without my or Laney’s fingerprints.”

  “Brad, you have an elevator and stairs at your building. I’ve never thought the girls would leave your place without you.”

  “I know, but they’re getting older.”

  “They will be secure here Brad. Don’t worry.” He nods in agreement.

  We get off the elevator, and the girls take everything in. I didn’t like the idea of the elevator opening into my home so once I bought the place I had an entryway created and installed a nice front door. I get my key out but the door swings open and Natalie is standing there. “Well hello, pretty ladies.”

  “Auntie Nat!” They scream.

  She squats down greeting Amanda and Addie. “Well Addie, I don’t think I’ve ever seen pink crutches. How are you feeling sweetie?”

  “I’m okay. Tired.”

  “Well let’s get you inside, so you and your sister can take a look around. Nathan has a surprise for you guys.”

  We walk inside. Brad, Laney, Amanda and Addie take a look around. Addie struggles a little with her crutches, but Laney makes sure to keep her hand on her shoulder to steady her. My home is pretty spectacular if I don’t say so myself. This was the first place my realtor showed me a year ago, and I knew as soon as I stepped foot inside that it was meant to be. The entire length of the living room and dining area is floor to ceiling windows. I have a full view of Central Park and the New York skyline. At night when the city is alive with the glimmering lights, it’s absolutely beautiful. I can’t wait to share it with Laney. I’ve never been much for color, so I had each room decorated in grays, whites, blacks, and silvers. Comparing my house to Laney’s home, I know they are complete opposites. Where Laney’s home is bright, warm and welcoming mine is cool, and maybe not so welcoming. Definitely doesn’t reflect a man with a family. Seeing the three fiery redheads roaming about my house reflects the great contrast of what my life was, and what it now is. I know I will forever choose color over the bleakness of my past, red always being my favorite. “Would you like to see the surprises Nathan did for you guys?”


  “What did you do, Nathan?” Laney looks at me.

  “It wasn’t really me. I had Natalie help me with something over the past couple of days.”

  “Nathan, do we have our own rooms now?” Addie asks. Well shit, I didn’t think they wanted their own rooms. I had a wall taken down to give them a really big bedroom. But if they want their own room then I’ll have the wall back up by the weekend. I look at Nat, and she just shrugs.

  “No Bug, I thought you would want to have Amanda close, but if you want your own room then I would be happy to make that happen.”

  “No, I want Bear with me, I’m just making sure.”

  “Alright, then right this way.”

  Natalie ushers the girls toward the hallway where all the rooms are located. The penthouse is about eight thousand square feet. I know there will be plenty of room for the four of us, the only downfall is they won’t have a backyard like they have at Laney’s. That is one good thing about growing up on the family estate like I did. If I wanted to go out and play, I just ran outside. The girls won’t have that luxury. They will be cooped up unless we take the time and walk them across the street so they can play at Central Park.

  “Alright girls, I have two different rooms to show you. The first two doors are your bedroom doors. Amanda, why don’t you open and help Addie in. We grown-ups will stay back while you girls explore.”

  Amanda opens the double doors and she and Addie walk in. The girls squeal in delight. Amanda is running around looking at everything while Addie is wiggling trying not to lose her balance on her crutches. Aman
da is touching lifting and squeezing everything. She keeps telling Addie to look at this and look at that. She brings Addie the things she can carry so Addie can feel and snuggle for herself.

  Natalie completely outdid herself. The room’s walls are painted with shiny and matt pink stripes half way up. Darker pink swirls lay on top of the stripes giving the stripes a type of border. The rest of the walls along with the ceiling are decorated with black polka dots. There are pink and crystal mini chandeliers along the ceiling giving the room plenty of light. Each girl has a full-size bed with matching pink plush headboards with the letter “A” etched into the middle. The bedding is classic pink and white with black accents. The furniture throughout the room follows the color pattern of pink, black, and white. Each piece is different and antique looking. “The furniture is from mom’s collection. I had them sanded and repainted. The dressers on the far wall are from when you were little Nathan.”

  I look at her. “Really?” Biting her lip she nods.

  “This is too much Nathan.” Brad chimes in, making me take my eyes from the girls’ excitement.

  “No, it’s not too much. It’s really beautiful. I can’t believe you did all this Nathan.” Laney’s eyes are full of unshed tears. I bring her to me and wrap my arms around her.

  “I just told Nat that I wanted the girls to have their own room. The decor and everything that went with it was all her.”

  “Well, you did tell me to blow a wall out so the room would be double its usual size.”

  I give a small laugh, “Yes, I did do that.” The adults stand back as the girls continue to explore. “You did an excellent job, Natalie. Thank you for doing this for me.” I give her a smile.

  “I didn’t do it for you big brother; I did it for my nieces. I want to be their favorite aunt.”

  “You’re their only aunt,” I say

  “Why do you always have to be a party pooper, Nate? You’re always stealing my thunder.”

  “That’s what big brothers are for.” I give her a wink.

  “I still say the girls don’t need all this. Especially if this isn’t where they’re going to be permanently. You wasted your money and Natalie’s time, Nathan. This living situation isn’t supposed to be permanent. We agreed this is only while Addie heals. Once she’s able to climb stairs by herself, then Laney and the girls are supposed to move back home.”

  I am on my last nerve with this man. “Look, Brad, I want the girls to feel as if this is their home. Yes, the agreement was to come here while Addie recuperates, but there was never a time limit set. You said for the duration, not Laney and not me, you. I know you’re having a hard time with the idea of another man looking after the girls, my mouth hasn’t helped any. But the fact of the matter is they live with Laney full-time, and I want them to be fully comfortable and feel wanted. I don’t want them to ever feel that I’m just their mother’s husband. I want to be more to them.

  “Brad, my brother would never try take your spot in their lives. He knows how important a father is. He also knows what it’s like to feel like you're not wanted by your parent. You may have grown up with two loving parents, but the three of us didn’t. I think that messes up a person.”

  “I agree with Natalie, Brad. Nathan is just trying to make the situation acceptable for the girls. It’s very sweet of him really. You should feel lucky that your children have someone else to care for them and to love them. They can never have enough love.”

  “How is it I have to defend myself against two women now? This isn’t how this supposed to work. I think I’m getting the short end of the stick here.”

  “Believe me, Brad, I will not always defend the big oaf, brother or not. When he’s wrong he’s wrong, and you can bet your fine ass I’ll tell him.” Wait, did she just say Brad had a fine ass? “But Nathan’s right on with this one. I’m sorry.”

  “Alright, fine. Thank you, Nathan.”

  “Well, um, don’t thank him yet,” Natalie says, “We aren’t done. Girls, come over here. We have one more thing to show you.”

  The girls come when my sister calls them. She ushers them further down the hall to another set of double doors. “Alright. This is your special spot. Your bedroom is for you to sleep, but this is where the magic happens.”

  She opens the doors to another world. The girls scream so loud I may have gone deaf in my right ear. Three of the walls are painted a soft yellow with flowers and vines painted everywhere. There is a huge carriage in the corner that looks like it’s right out of Cinderella. A castle is built on the opposite wall with stairs for the girls to climb. The far corner looks like a dressing room with two full racks of dress up clothes. I can tell there are two outfits each. Now the girls can both be certain princesses at the same time, just like they wanted. There also looks to be a big tree full of tulle and sparkles. I’m assuming those are all tutus. The fourth wall looks like it’s a chalkboard where Natalie has written each of the girls names in cursive. The middle of the room holds a sitting area with a circular bookcase full of books.

  I sit back and enjoy the girl’s excitement. I see Natalie take the girls to the closet, and they both scream ‘Barbies’ at the same time. The closet is stacked with boxes of Barbies and clothes. It also looks like there are several dollhouses, cars, and other Barbie things. “I can’t believe you did all this Nathan.”

  “Why not? I think I’ve made myself very clear when it comes to you and the girls. Why wouldn’t I do this? I want my house to be our home, Laney. For good, not just temporary. I have no memories here other than ones of myself. I want to make new memories with you and the girls. I want to watch them play dress up and dolls. I want to have them serve us tea, and I want to be their knight in shining armor, saving them from the villain. I want to be everything my father wasn’t.”

  She doesn’t say anything. She wraps her arms around my neck and kisses me. My hands find their way to her waist pulling her into me. “I love you.” She tells me.

  “I love you too.” She will never know just how much.

  “Alright, you two. Stop sucking face.” Natalie comes up pulling us apart.

  “The closet is full of Barbies, dolls, and whatever else the people at FAO Schwarz suggested I get for two little girls. I also got all my Barbie dolls and all my old dress up clothes from the attic at home when I picked out the furniture. I thought the girls would enjoy them. Let’s give the girls a chance to play and get comfortable.” She ushers us out of the playroom and back into the living room.

  “Natalie, you didn’t have to do that. I don’t want the girls to ruin your toys. Those are your childhood things.”

  “You didn’t happen to bring my G.I. Joes did you?” Nathan grabs my hand and leads me, Natalie and Brad over to the couches.

  “No brother, the girls don’t want to play with those nasty things.”

  “You never know, they may be tomboys.”

  “I’m afraid, that’s not true,” Brad says. “I’ve been trying to get them to enjoy football and baseball since they were able to stand and nothing has stuck.”

  “Well, thank you for allowing the girls to play with your toys. I’m sure that means a lot to them.”

  “Don’t even worry about it. I have no plans on getting married, and if I do want children, then I already have plans to adopt when the time’s right.”

  “Why wouldn’t you want to get married?”

  “Didn’t have the best example. I always promised myself that I would never allow a man do to me what my father did to my mother.”

  “Not all men are like that Natalie. Look at your brother. Do you see anything that resembles your father? Brad isn’t a bad man either.”

  “Even while he was cheating on you?” Nathan asks.

  “We all make mistakes. I have to take responsibility on the part I played in that. I’m not condoning the cheating. I think that’s the coward’s way out.” I look at Brad, “Sorry but it’s true.”

  “I know.” Brad responds.

  “Anyway, Br
ad gave me two precious gifts. I will forever be thankful to him. Just because he cheated on me doesn’t mean he will always cheat. I think if he finds the right woman then cheating would never cross his mind.”

  “I think you’re giving me too much credit Street.”

  “I agree.” Nathan piped up.

  “Any who. The girls are welcome to my toys. I know they’ll take good care of them. If there comes a time I ever need them back, I’m sure it wouldn’t be a problem. Who knows, maybe I’ll just adopt a boy to give the girls a run for their money.”

  After Natalie’s comment, the room got uncomfortably silent. I still haven’t had a look around, and I was dying to take everything in. This is Nathan’s home. This is a part of him. I wanted to know everything there is to know about the man I married and am now living with. I see Brad looking out the windows that line the living room. “It’s beautiful isn’t it?” He notices that I’m looking at him.

  “That it is. It’s amazing the kind of views money can buy, you know?”

  “Look, um why don’t Brad and I get out of your hair? I’m sure the girls are getting hungry for dinner and then I know they will want to take care of whatever nighttime routines they have.”

  “Yeah, I still need to figure out their clothes and stuff.”

  “Oh, well Nathan had all that stuff brought over this morning. The moving truck came first thing. I have it all put away in their dressers and the bathroom across the hall from their room.”

  “You had all their stuff packed and moved over here?” Brad looked upset.

  “I’m not sure. Nathan and Amanda packed up everything last night while I was sleeping.”

  “Nathan packed?”

  “Yes, is that a problem?”

  “It is getting late.” Nathan breaks the tension. “I’ll order in tonight, is that alright Laney? I’ll just order some burgers and fries.”

  “Nathan, don’t forget about the charity event I’m hosting this weekend at the house. You and Laney need to be there.”


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