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Page 15

by Zara Cox

  “I intend to.” Ruthless possessiveness echoed through his voice.

  Lexi stiffened. She barely acknowledged the other couple as hasty introductions were made and they left.

  She rounded on Enzo. “You know them?”

  He nodded. “Johnny owns some nightclubs around LA. Club owners tend to know of each other. Good to know the competition, you know? So, you wanna stay here or go back downstairs?”

  She felt disjointed, out of sorts. Something didn’t add up. And the music was beginning to give her a headache. “Did you set this up? I mean to have them watch us?”

  “No, but I knew they’d be here. They’re regulars.”


  “Let’s just say I wasn’t prepared to come into this thing blind, so I asked around, made sure it was safe.”

  Her heart missed a beat. She didn’t know whether to be touched or insulted that Enzo had inadvertently engineered their audience. “I want to go home.”

  For a moment, he didn’t say anything. Then, he nodded. “Sure, if you want.” Sliding a hand over her waist, he guided her through the crowd. At the door, he exchanged a few words with Diego, who nodded and held the door open for them.

  The air-conditioning in the foyer, after the heat of the dance floor, sent a shiver racing over her skin. By the time they got to the bottom of the steps, Rita stood with Lexi’s purse and Enzo’s jacket.

  He shrugged it on and handed the hostess a generous tip. With a gracious goodnight, she melted away.

  They stood in silence as the driver brought the car round. Enzo helped her into her seat and slid in beside her. Lexi tried to think of something to say, but nothing sensible came to mind.

  What do you say after an experience like that?

  She looked out the window, barely registering the landscape as it whizzed by. She’d had her first, and most probably last, sexual escapade in a public place. She’d shed her Miss Prissy Prude name tag in spectacular style. The experience itself had been…surreal. Fulfilling, and yet…empty. So what did that tell her? She closed her eyes, mixed emotions twisting her stomach in knots. Was this what she’d spent all these years wondering about? Or had Enzo’s lack of pleasure cast a shadow over the experience? What did he think of her?

  The car bumped over a ramp. Wrenched from her thoughts, she opened her eyes. The driver was pulling up into a parking space. And it wasn’t hers.

  “Where are we?”

  “My place. It’s about time you visited.” There was no warm invitation in his voice, just a statement of fact.

  “But—I wanted to go home.”

  His jaw clenched, a sure sign, if she needed one, that he was displeased. “You’re not shutting me out again. For one thing, we need to talk about what happened tonight.”

  “You want a post-mortem? Why, weren’t you right there with me?”

  He unclipped her seatbelt and jerked his door open. “Yeah, I was. And yeah, we need to talk about it. Among other things. So, out!” Enzo got out and stalked to the elevator a few yards away.

  She scrambled after him. “Enzo, it’s almost one in the morning.”

  “So spend the night.”

  Her mind whirled with the possibilities. “Won’t…won’t Cara be here?” Things were okay between them, but Lexi couldn’t forget that it was because of Cara’s meddling that Enzo had taken her to the salsa club. And no way was she going to air what had just happened in front of a third party.

  He jabbed a finger at the button. “I told her to make herself scarce tonight.”

  “You told her you were bringing me back here?”

  He speared her with a direct gaze. “Yep. So deal with it.”

  The doors opened. He grabbed her arm and led her in.

  “Can’t we have this talk tomorrow?”

  “Nope.” He stabbed another button and the doors slid shut. He turned and approached until they were almost chest-to-chest. Planting his hands on either side of her head, he blocked her in. “I’m dying to fuck you. I’m sure you noticed I didn’t quite get there at the club. But I won’t until we clarify a few things. Me ending the night with blue balls isn’t quite how I planned the evening. So we’re going to have that talk, tonight.”

  Her face burned, but she held his gaze. “What makes you think I’ll let you fuck me again?”

  The corners of his lips turned down and he shrugged. “I don’t. In fact, I don’t know a helluva lot anymore, but I’ll be damned if I’m spending one more night wondering what’s going on in that head of yours.”

  The arrival of the elevator stopped her from answering. Enzo led her down a short corridor to a solid oak door. He inserted his key, disabled the alarm and turned on the lights.


  Anything to stall this talk he was bent on having. “Water, please.”

  His eyes narrowed, but he stalked down a short hallway, which presumably led to the kitchen. She drew a shaky breath and looked around.

  Unlike the chrome and glass of their fuck-abode, this apartment was warmth and light, designed with comfort in mind. Huge cappuccino-colored sofas and teak coffee tables strewn with magazines were arranged in front of a large flat screen TV. Potted palms provided a pleasing contrast to the browns and creams and, on the walls, soft lights and pictures of jazz artists gave the apartment a welcoming feel.

  So this is where he lived. Where she would’ve lived if they’d married. Not surprisingly, she could see herself fitting right in here. Give or take a plump cushion or two and maybe a slightly lighter carpet…


  He stood behind her, minus his jacket, with a tall glass extended. She took it and sipped. Had he guessed the direction of her thoughts? God, she hoped not.

  He took a swig of his beer, his gaze never leaving hers.

  “So, did you enjoy it?” he asked abruptly.

  She didn’t need to ask what he meant. It was obvious - he did want a post-mortem. “This is what you wanted to talk about?”

  “Just answer the question.” He glared at her, a pulse twitching in his jaw.

  “It was…different.”

  His gaze moved to her crotch. “But you came. I felt it.”

  “I know. It was amazing.”

  His eyes glittered. Set jaws slowly unclenched. A ghost of a smile whispered past his lips. “Yeah?”

  She set her glass down on the table. “Yeah, but then you know having you inside me is always amazing. But tonight, at the club...something was missing.” It had certainly felt hot, special even, for a brief moment, then it was gone.


  Him. His heart. “I don’t know.”

  “Think you could get that something by trying again?”

  She seriously doubted it, because she had no intention of finding out. “No. I’m sure this was a one-time thing.”

  “You sure about that?”

  “Would you like to do it again?”

  He looked away, saying nothing, and took another long drink. When he glanced back at her, his gaze held a slight chill. “I’m not into voyeuristic sex. But you seemed to enjoy it. Hell, you were totally hot tonight. So I figured, if that sort of thing does it for you,” he shrugged, “then maybe we could work something out.” He paused a beat, “Does it?”

  She could’ve told him no and ended the conversation there and then. But then he’d move to other topics, ones she didn’t want to broach. Like why she'd been avoiding him.

  She was tired of talking. She wasn’t sure what he wanted from her, but discussing her one attempt at exhibitionist sex or anything else wasn’t what she wanted. As always, when confronted with the perfect temptation that was Enzo, she could only hold out for so long. He could stop her if he was bent on talking. She wasn’t about to make it easy for him.

  “Only one way to find out.” With unsteady fingers, she eased open the buttons from her waistcoat and shrugged it off. In the soft light, her nipples stood out in blatant invitation under the transparent mesh top. Lifting her hands, she ge
ntly cupped her breasts, flicking her forefingers over her nipples.

  Harsh breath hissed from his throat.

  “Jesus, Lexi!” His chest rose and fell rapidly. The bottle in his hand started to slip, but he caught it before it fell. He took another healthy slug, his gaze still glued to hers.

  Lowering her hands, she slid the button on her shorts free, followed by the zipper. The material slithered to pool at her feet. She kicked them away. The action caused her breasts to sway. He followed the moment, his throat convulsing in reaction.

  Enzo remained where he stood, a slightly mutinous look in his eyes. He didn’t like that she was wresting control from him. If he insisted on talking, he could talk while he fucked her. She walked up to him, her killer heels enabling her to stand almost eye-to-eye. She licked her lips, her heartbeat escalating as his nostrils flared. With one hand, she ran her fingers down his arm to cup the one that held his bottle.

  “Done with the beer?” Without waiting for an answer, she removed it from his grasp and set it down on the coffee table. Taking hold of his hand, she led him to the sofa. With a slight push, he sank onto the seat.

  His gaze moved from her face, down over her breasts and legs and back again. Fire blazed in the green depths, but she could see his internal battle. “We need to talk,” he rasped.

  “Fine. Talk.” She moved a step back and eased out of her shoes. She started to peel off the pantyhose. Slowly. A smothered groan echoed from his throat.

  “Dammit. Stop doing that!”

  She widened her eyes dramatically. “Why? I’m not stopping you from talking, am I?”

  “You know exactly what you’re doing.”

  Her eyes dropped to his crotch. “Is it working?”

  He groaned again. “Christ, Lexi, I never figured you for a tease.”

  She kicked away the pantyhose. “First time for everything. And tonight seems to be the night for firsts.”

  Earlier, she’d spied a remote for the music on the coffee table. She grabbed it and aimed it at the CD player. She suppressed a smile when throbbing salsa music filled the room. Rotating her shoulders, she watched his eyes narrow as she rose onto her tiptoes and danced in front of him. “So, do you want to find out how long this tease can hold out, or do you want to talk?”

  Wearing only her see-through top, the scent of her first climax and renewed arousal permeated the air. She knew he’d find her hard to resist. She yelped, then laughed when he suddenly grabbed her and pulled her to him. Her hands splayed out to steady herself on his shoulders and her knees settled on either side of him.

  “You enjoy playing with fire, don’t you?”

  “Only if it’s as hot as you,” she confessed before she could stop herself.

  A pleased grin spread across his face. One hand slid down her back and slowly over her ass. A playful smack landed on her smooth rump as his lips closed over one rock hard nipple and he bit her hard.

  She screamed, the sound swallowed by the music. Through the damp material, his teeth continued to graze her sensitive flesh, while two fingers plunged deep inside her soaked sex.

  Her muscles clenched hard, eager to find purchase on the source of pleasure. A fist in his hair kept him at her breast. With the other, she cupped his hand in encouragement, forcing his fingers deeper inside her, urging him to fulfill her body’s demands. Until she needed more. With more force then she knew she possessed, she pushed him away and stood.

  He looked dazed, hectic color scoring his cheeks as he panted to regain control.

  “W-what?” he croaked.

  “Stand up. I want to undress you.”

  Immediately, he stood. Bunching his shirt in both hands, she pulled and the pleasing sound of buttons popping made her smile.

  “Hey, that was my favorite shirt.”

  “Really? Shame. If it helps, you look sooo much better without it.” To confirm her adoration, she slid an appreciative hand over his hard torso. Muscles clenched beneath her fingers. She licked first one nipple, then the other, glorying in his sharp intake of breath.

  His belt and zipper fell away and, in seconds, he stood naked. And glorious. She stared. And stared. The sight of his taut thighs and impressive cock made her wet all over again. Liquid flooded her mouth in remembered taste and the hand she lifted to grip him trembled.

  He took a deep breath and let it out in a shaky exhale.

  “This is your show, baby. But I think I should warn you, I won’t last long so you better make up your mind. Is this a peep show or do you have something more…specific in mind?”

  She tongued his nipple as her hand rubbed his thick, engorged length. “Oh, you’re much too good to waste on a peep show.” Glancing around, her breath hitched as her gaze landed on a leather recliner in the far corner of the room. Perfect.

  He followed her gaze. With a tense nod, he grabbed a condom from his wallet and dragged her quickly to her chosen site. Standing chest-to-chest, hip-to-hip, the heat from his body burned hers. To torture herself even more, she rubbed her nipples against his chest as he slid on the condom. Enzo bit his lip as she dug her nails into his ass.

  “What now?” His fist was locked around the base of his cock and he looked decidedly desperate.

  Rising on tiptoe, she wound her arms around his neck, brought his head down, and kissed him, her tongue eagerly meeting his. When the pressure threatened to overwhelm, she pulled away. Reluctantly, he let her go. She turned to the recliner, planted her legs on either side and gripped the headrest.

  She flicked her hair over her shoulder and arched her back. “Fuck me from behind.”

  He remained still, the only movement his eyes as they slid hotly over her. Their expression made her grip the leather, hard. When his gaze reconnected with hers, she smiled, a totally wanton, come-and-get-me smile.

  He straddled the seat and positioned himself behind her. Slightly unsteady hands disposed of her top, then slid from the small of her back to her stomach. His breath hissed as the scent of her arousal washed over them.

  Lexi’s eyes drifted shut when she felt the head of his cock against her entrance.

  God, she’d missed him so much this last week. From the way he panted urgently, he’d missed her too. Obviously, the episode in the club had done nothing for him. Large hands closed over her breasts, and he surged into her.

  “Jesus! Fuck!” he groaned.

  “Yes.” Sweet Lord, he felt fabulous inside her.

  Their groans mingled with the sultry music. His chest covered her back and with every thrust, she felt his heartbeat echo hers. Bending closer, his head aligned with hers, his breath gasping in her ear as he thrust harder.

  “This is what turns me on, baby. Having you to myself, hearing those hot little sounds you make as I fuck you. I live for that. I can't survive without it.”

  The heartfelt power of his words rocked her. She wanted to respond but she felt too vulnerable to risk saying anything without revealing her true feelings.

  So she reached back, clutched his head with one hand and moaned as her senses sharpened, focusing on the promise of ecstasy. Her muscles clenched around him and he jerked once. Lexi ground her ass against him, faster, faster. Then she was lost. The hand she clenched on the leather convulsed uncontrollably.

  One strong arm clamped around her middle and he groaned again as he continued to pump inside her. “Oh! Oh God, Lexi! Shit.”

  She felt him come, hot and furious, his cock thickening and jerking as he spent himself inside her. For a second, she wondered how it would’ve felt without the condom, skin against skin, shooting his seed straight into her womb.

  A bead of sweat dripped onto her cheek, dissolving the thought. Soft kisses followed as his spasms ceased.

  “So,” he whispered roughly when he could speak again, “what’s the verdict? Is the sex better outside or inside?” His tone relayed a slight tension.

  She twisted and met his lips in an open-mouthed, tongue-caressing kiss. “Inside.” His still hard cock jerked inside h
er once, twice. She gasped. “Definitely inside.”

  He relaxed, gave a husky chuckle. “You get a fucking A plus for that answer.”


  An hour later, Lexi jerked awake and blinked, disoriented. A soft snore and the arm clamped around her waist refreshed her memory. Drained after sex, Enzo had carried her into the bathroom and all but propped her up as they showered.

  Now, she felt invigorated, as if living out her fantasy had somehow set her free. A smile curved her lips as she turned toward Enzo. In sleep, his face was relaxed, almost boyish. A glance down disproved the notion, for he was all man.

  She reached for him. His eyes sprang open and, for a second, he just stared at her. Her hands curled more firmly around his hardening erection. He moaned, but when she caressed him further, he pulled away.

  “No, Lexi. Much as I want to make love again, we’re going to have that talk. Right now.”

  She froze. “I don’t want to.”

  What she wanted was to have one last time with him before she left. They had to talk, she knew that now. She couldn’t just leave LA without some sort of goodbye, even though it sounded tempting. But she wanted to postpone the inevitable for as long as possible. Sliding closer, she tried again.

  “Dammit, quit doing that!” He pulled himself out of reach, but his cock swelled all the same.


  “Because something’s going on with you. Something you don’t want to tell me about.” He frowned, and then his gaze dropped to her belly. “Are—are you pregnant?

  The image his question conjured up stopped her breath. Images she’d blocked out since the accident tumbled through her mind, torturing and wounding with their impossibility.

  While engaged, they’d never spoken of starting a family, but she’d always assumed they would. She’d spent hours thinking up baby names and imagining what their children would look like. Of course, that would never happen now. The triple precaution of the Pill, condoms, and her imminent departure would see to that.

  “No, I’m not pregnant.”

  “So what is it? Fuck, Lexi, why have you been avoiding me lately?”


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