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Deceived by the Shifter

Page 8

by Juniper Hart

  Jason shrugged indifferently. “I don’t have to force you,” he reminded her. “If you go back to Ketchum, I will simply spread the word that you married a member of a rival pack. When they find out what you did, your own members will shun you and probably overthrow your father for your betrayal. I would say it’s in your best interest to stay in Hailey. For your safety and for your father’s.”

  Jason felt a slight pang of guilt as he took in the look of sheer devastation on her face.

  “You would do that? You hate me that much?” she whispered, her lower lip quivering slightly.

  “I don’t hate you. It’s business,” he replied crisply. “It’s got nothing to do with my personal feelings toward you.”

  “You’re a monster,” she muttered. “A sadistic monster. Just let me go home! I will talk to my father for you.”

  Jason laughed. “No chance,” he replied.

  He turned toward the door to the warehouse.

  “Are you leaving me here?” she screeched. “I’m supposed to stay here in this warehouse like a prisoner of war?”

  Jason slowly turned back to stare at her. “Would you rather I send you back to your husband?”

  Hollie visibly grimaced, and that’s all Jason had to see.

  “I didn’t think so. Just lay low until your father signs off on a treaty, and I will get the paperwork going for your divorce from Aaron.”

  Hollie sank back against the wall and stared at him hatefully. “You can’t leave me to rot in a warehouse,” she insisted. “I have to eat.”

  “I’ll make arrangements to have you fed,” he assured her.

  “I have to shower!” she yelled. “I have to sleep!”

  Jason gritted his long, even teeth. “I will find better accommodations for you, Hollie, but you better lay very low, or I swear I will hand deliver you to Aaron personally.”

  Hollie nodded solemnly. “I promise,” she replied. “Hurry up. I’m hungry already.”

  Jason scowled and spun to leave her alone in the empty building. His cell phone rang in his pocket as he slammed out of the warehouse which had been silently owned by the pack for years.

  He hoped that no one would venture into the structure until he had found a place to secure Hollie.

  I really didn’t have a chance to think this through. Damn Aaron Gherring for putting me in this position…but this could prove to be a blessing in disguise.


  “What did you do with her?”

  It was Lance, and his voice was laced with urgency.

  “Why?” Jason replied, the hairs on the back of his neck rising.

  “Aaron wants to know where she is. He’s livid.”

  “You told him that I have her?” Jason asked, his voice rising indignantly. “What the hell were you thinking?”

  “He was talking about going to Ketchum to find her himself. He’ll get himself killed if he does that!”

  “He wouldn’t get killed,” Jason growled. “But I can’t say the same for you!”

  “Just tell me where she is, Jay. I’ve never seen him so messed up.”

  That’s because you’ve never bothered to look, Jason thought grimly.

  “I’m not telling you anything,” he snapped. “And tell Aaron that his marriage is going to—You know what? Never mind. Where is he? I’m going to have a chat with him myself.”

  There was a slight pause.

  “No, it’s okay, Jay. I’ll deal with—”

  “Are you going to make me drive all over Hailey looking for him, or are you going to tell me where he is?”

  Another silence ensued.

  “Lance! Tell me where he is! That is an order!”

  “He’s out looking for Hollie. He mentioned the warehouse, but I don’t know—”

  Jason hung up before his brother finished his thought, leaping from the front seat of his Jeep and scurrying back into the warehouse.

  Hollie was glued to her own cell, texting furiously as he slammed inside.

  She jumped and gasped when she saw him.

  “Are you kidding me?” he yelled, striding toward her to snatch the phone from her hands. “Give me that!”

  He cursed himself for not thinking about her cell.

  “We have to get you out of here now,” he told her.

  She stared at him. “Suddenly you’re in a rush?” she demanded sarcastically. “Why the change of heart? Did I inspire you with my—”

  “Just shut up and come on!”

  He grabbed her by the hand, pushing back into the bright sunshine, but as the door flew open, Aaron’s black Mitsubishi pulled up beside his Jeep.

  “Get back inside and don’t make a sound,” he hissed, shoving her back inside.

  “Is that Aaron?” she moaned, ducking back inside the structure.

  He didn’t answer, shutting the door. Without pausing, he met Aaron as he bounced out of his car.

  As Lance had said, the athletic man was fuming. “Where is my wife?” he screamed, red-faced. “You kidnapped Hollie!”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Jason said calmly, his face stony. “But I would watch your tone when you speak to me.”

  Aaron’s expression only grew more hostile. “You can’t keep her,” he yelled. “She’s mine! We’re married.”

  “You’re a damned fool,” Jason roared, pouncing on Aaron with fury. He watched as terror filled Aaron’s blue eyes, and he struggled to break away from the leader’s hold, but the act was futile.

  “If you think for a moment that this marriage will stand, you’re more insane than I thought. You haven’t given one word of thought to how this farce of a union would affect our pack, have you?”

  Aaron struggled to breathe beneath Jason’s powerful grip, but he was going nowhere.

  “I will keep the girl here until my business is concluded, and then I will have your ridiculous marriage absolved.”

  “No!” Aaron choked. “She’s my wife! She wants to make this work, too!”

  Jason spat. “You need professional help,” he snapped, dropping Aaron from where he had raised him, a clear three feet above the ground. “Forget about Hollie Oliver, and go home.”

  Aaron stared up at him with big, enraged eyes.

  “Did you hear me?” Jason growled. “Go home and forget about Hollie Oliver.”

  He did not answer, slowly rising to his feet, and Jason could sense the rage emanating from Aaron’s pores.

  Without another word, Aaron retreated into his car and peeled out of the lot.

  Jason watched him leave, his body quivering with adrenaline.

  He's going to be trouble. More trouble than he’s worth maybe.

  Suddenly, he became aware of eyes boring into his back, and he spun.

  Hollie stood, her face waxen. “What’s wrong with him?” she whispered. “We don’t even know each other.”

  Jason smiled humorlessly. “Don’t flatter yourself, honey. It isn’t you. He’s got an obsessive personality. He will cling to anyone who gives him attention.”

  Hollie peered at him. “Is he dangerous? Did you mean what you said about the other women?”

  “Don’t worry about Aaron,” he told her gruffly. “He’s not going to come near you again.”

  She continued to study his face, and Jason found he was embarrassed by her scrutiny.

  “Come on,” he said with feigned annoyance. “I have to take you somewhere safe before he comes back looking for you.”

  Visibly swallowing, she nodded and allowed him to lead the way to his Jeep.

  “This is a small town,” she muttered. “Where will I go and be safe?”

  Jason had been asking himself the same question.

  “Just send me home, Jason. He won’t come to Ketchum. It’s too dangerous.”

  He smirked. “He was going there first,” he informed her. “And nice try.”

  “Well, where are you going to take me?” she demanded. “He could find me anywhere if he looks hard enough.”
br />   Jason put the Jeep in reverse and shook his head. “Not anywhere,” he muttered.

  Hollie stared at him expectantly. “No?”

  He shook his head, avoiding her gaze. “No,” he replied quietly. “Not at my house.”

  Chapter Nine

  Hollie was torn between anger, frustration, and gratefulness. She didn’t know which emotion to act upon or even how to act in Jason O’Connor’s presence.

  His house was a sprawling ranch style on the outskirts of Hailey, on the edge of Big Wood River and overlooking Della Mountain.

  From what Hollie could glean, the closet neighbors were over a mile away, and as she hung around the immaculate wraparound porch, she found herself oddly at peace with her surroundings. She was indignant that she was being kept against her will with the threat of exposure to her pack, but simultaneously, she was thankful that Jason was keeping her hidden from Aaron Gherring.

  How could I have thought he was a good guy? Hollie wondered, shaking her head at the realization that she had married such a dark being. But can I really trust anything Jason O’Connor says? He could simply be saying that about Aaron to keep me from causing trouble.

  Hollie couldn’t deny that what she had seen in Aaron at the warehouse was unsettling. He didn’t seem like the same person I met in Vegas, she thought, but she immediately reminded herself that she had met Aaron during a very inebriated night and knew nothing about him.

  Before Jason had come back into the warehouse, she had fired off a text to Amberlyn in a last-ditch attempt to save herself, but she had no idea if Amberlyn would take her seriously or do anything about it.

  She wasn’t willing to help me before. She likely won’t do anything now either. All Hollie could do was wait.


  She had been in Jason’s home for a day, but she was a conundrum of anxiety and comfort. Everything she wanted was available at the beautiful property.

  The fridge and bar were fully stocked, not that Hollie was either hungry or thirsty. She found herself instead roaming through the halls and studying the luxurious rooms as Jason returned to the law firm he partnered with his brother.

  She was in awe at the splendor and waste of space the ranch home claimed.

  What does one man want with all this? This is too much. Idly, she questioned why Jason had never married.

  He’s certainly handsome enough, and he’s got the prestige of pack leader.

  She reasoned that once he opened his snarky mouth, females ran for the hills. And yet he is hiding me here. He could just as easily hand me over to Aaron. He has no reason to put me up here.

  Hollie was expected at work that day, and she half hoped that the house director at the hospice would sound the alarm on her absence.

  If they do go looking for me and find me here, the truth will come out, or else they will speak to Amberlyn who will tell. If a search starts, nothing good will come of it. The best scenario I can ask for is that Jason makes a deal with Dad and sends me on my way after taking care of the divorce.

  Hollie reminded herself that she would still have Aaron to worry about when she returned to Ketchum.

  Will he grow violent with me when the divorce goes through? He might seek revenge because he wants to make the marriage work as he said. How did I get myself into this?

  She would never understand how it had happened as long as she lived, she was sure. Aaron said she was the one who wanted to get married, but she couldn’t believe that.

  Slowly, she made her way outside, a cup of coffee in hand and sat on the front steps of the house. There was nothing else to do but sit back and watch the day go by.

  Unexpectedly, she wished that Jason had not gone to work that day. Of course, that was not something she would have told him; she didn’t want him to know she felt any gratitude toward him.

  He's just as much of a bastard as Aaron, just in a different way. The only reason he didn’t hand me off to Aaron is because he wanted to keep me where he could see me.

  Or he wanted to keep her close.

  The idea gave her a small fission of excitement, and she thought of how easily Jason had overpowered Aaron the previous day.

  It seemed impossible that Jason had so easily taken on the man she had married.

  I wonder who would win if Jason and my father were to go head to head. Her reverie was shattered at the sound of a car approaching, and Hollie squinted toward the driveway. Is he coming home early?

  She was surprised to find she hoped so, but her heart began to thump as a black car came into view.

  Oh shit! It’s Aaron.

  Dropping the coffee mug, Hollie sprang to her feet and bolted into the house, setting the deadbolt in place.

  She fled to the back of the house and slammed the door to the bedroom she had slept in the previous night.

  Did he see me? Her question was answered as Aaron began to pound on the door.

  “Hollie! Hollie, I know you’re in there! Hollie, open the door!”

  She sat frozen in her spot, unsure of what to do. The rapping on the front grew louder and more insistent.

  What is wrong with this guy? How insane does he have to be to come to the pack leader’s house like this? He’s not sane; that’s what’s wrong with him.

  She waited, her pulse racing as he continued to scream her name.

  “Hollie, I know he’s keeping you here against your will! Come out, and I’ll take you out of here! Hollie come on! You’re my wife! I love you!”

  The words sent chills through her body and she gnawed on her lower lip. Maybe I should go out and talk some sense into him before he does something stupid, she thought, her head whirling.

  She was conflicted; she and Jason had not discussed what to do in case Aaron appeared. Neither had believed he would dare to do something so brazen. It went against pack protocol, but it was obvious that Aaron cared little about repercussions.

  If I go out and speak to him rationally, I can get him to leave, she reasoned, taking a deep breath as Aaron continued to howl.

  She remembered what Jason had said about the other women, but she pushed it from her mind.

  As long as he thinks I like him, I should be safe…shouldn’t I? She would find out soon enough.

  Cautiously, Hollie stole through the long eastern corridor and steeled herself. “I’m here, Aaron,” she called out tentatively from behind the heavy oak door. “I’m here, and everything is fine.”

  “Oh my God, Hollie! Are you hurt? What did he do to you?” Aaron bellowed. “Open the door. Can you open the door?”

  “You shouldn’t be here,” she told him urgently. “Jason is your pack leader. This is an act of outright defiance. You could be banished for this.”

  “I don’t care about Jason. Please, Hollie, open the door. I just want to make sure you’re okay.”

  Hollie bit on her lower lip, hearing the naked pain in his voice. Just show him you’re all right and send him on his way. Promise you’ll meet up with him later or that you’ll run away with him or—

  “Hollie, open the door!”

  Swallowing her fear, she pried open the door and peered at him. Instantly, he pushed the door inward, causing Hollie to gasp. He snatched her up into a hug and placed a long kiss on her lips. Hollie struggled against him, but he didn’t release her.

  “Come on,” he told her, half carrying her toward the threshold. “I’m getting you out of here.”

  “No! Aaron, I can’t leave. Jason will tell my pack what I’ve done, and I’ll be forced to deal with the backlash. I have to stay until he does whatever he needs to do.”

  Aaron’s blue eyes flashed dangerously, and he stared at her. “What does he have to do?” he asked suspiciously. “Are you sleeping with him?”

  Hollie’s mouth opened at the bizarre question. “Of course not!” she snapped with more annoyance than she intended.

  “You are my wife,” he reminded her, his voice growing lower. “You belong with me.”

  She wished she had not answered
the door.

  Forcing a smile, she nodded. “I know that,” she agreed. “And I will come to be with you, but after Jason agrees to let me go. It shouldn’t be more than a day or two. You just have to be patient.”

  “I don’t have to be patient,” he snarled, his face contorting in anger. “You are trying to brush me off. You’re in love with Jason. I can tell by looking at your face.”

  Hollie did not know what to say to disarm his mounting fury. “You’re acting…” she trailed off before she finished her thought, but it was clear she had already said too much.

  Aaron’s face turned crimson, and his fangs began to protrude through his jawline.


  She turned to flee, conjuring her own ability to shift, but she was far too afraid to inspire the rage she needed to complete the transformation. Her foot took one step, but before she could make another move, a clawed hand seized the back of her neck.

  Cringing, Hollie allowed herself to be drawn backward as she screamed at herself to shift. Change, Hollie! Change, dammit!

  Aaron had fully shifted, his teeth gleaming against his snout, his blue eyes icy beneath the lowered brow of his furry face.

  “Aaron, stop,” she pleaded. “There’s no need for this.”

  He threw his head back, howling, and dropped her to the marble floor with a crash.

  Hollie whimpered, pulling herself into the fetal position as he fell upon her, a paw raised to swipe maliciously into her delicate skin. Hollie squeezed her eyes shut, again silently praying for a shift before he mauled her, but she knew she was calling out to no one who would heed her desires. She inhaled sharply, waiting for the swipe which finally tore open her arm.

  He roared again, saliva dripping from his fangs, and Hollie turned her head to stare at his livid face. But when she looked up, it wasn’t Aaron any longer. It was Jason, fully transformed into a grey mass of enraged fur, sinking his own fangs into the depth of Aaron’s black body.

  This time, Aaron released a screech of pain as he tried to flip the pack leader off his body, but Jason’s hold was much too strong.

  They fell into a rolling pile, grunting as claws swiped out, splatters of blood streaking the sand-colored walls of the foyer. Hollie scrambled out of harm’s way, watching in horrified awe as Jason tore savagely at her husband.


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