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Deceived by the Shifter

Page 9

by Juniper Hart

  In seconds, Aaron lay in a bleeding pile on the floor, Jason upon him, breathing wildly.

  She stared at Jason’s chest, which seemed ready to explode with the impact of air rising and falling from his body and waited, holding her own oxygen.

  Aaron didn’t move, and Hollie bit back a cry as Jason turned to her, his snout covered in red. Hazel eyes bored into her as he silently messaged out to her.

  Are you hurt?

  She shook her head, not trusting her voice, but she could see that Jason was morphing back, causing her breath to escape her body in a blast. Dizziness threatened to keep her down, but she jumped to her feet.

  “No!” Jason snapped. “Stay back. He’s only unconscious. He could wake any second.”

  She saw that he was right. Before her eyes, Aaron’s wounds were closing, his fur disappearing as he, too, took on his mortal shape.

  “You’re bleeding,” Jason said flatly, pointing at her gushing arm. He reached for her, but she pulled away, shaking her head.

  “It will heal,” she replied, but as she stared at the wound, her brow furrowed slightly. It should have stopped bleeding already.

  Not that I have anything to compare it to. I have never been hurt before.

  “Come with me,” Jason insisted, grabbing her unharmed arm and ushering her toward the bathroom in the main suite.

  Blood dripped conspicuously over the floor from her wound, and Hollie felt oddly guilty as she watched the spots on the otherwise pristine ground.

  I’m going to have to clean this, she thought, staring at the mess. She wondered if she was losing too much fluid as the thought seemed inane.

  “I’ve got gauze and rubbing alcohol here,” Jason told her gruffly, pulling out bottles from beneath the glass sinks. “You’re going to have to take care of it yourself. I can’t leave him alone out there.”

  “Go,” Hollie told him, swabbing her arm with the cotton.

  It seemed the moment he left, the cut began to close, and Hollie sat back, watching as her body healed itself.

  She sighed, placing a hand on her still pounding heart. If Jason hadn’t come back when he did, would I be dead? Would Aaron have killed me? She recalled the look of fury in his blue eyes, and she knew the answer. He would have killed me the same way he killed the others, she realized. He must be stopped before it’s too late.

  Gathering herself, she turned to run back out into the foyer. She needed to know what Jason was going to do with Aaron. But as she made her way through the long hallway, she could see Jason standing, his back tense.

  Her own neck went rigid as she neared him, sensing that something was terribly amiss.

  “What happened?” she called, rushing toward him, but he didn’t need to speak.

  The spot where Aaron had been laying was empty except for the puddles of blood where the struggle had ensued. The front door stood wide open, and the black Mitsubishi was gone.

  “Did you see him go?” she whispered, but Jason shook his head.

  “He was waiting for his chance as soon as we left the room.”

  “He won’t be back,” Hollie told him, but there was no confidence in her voice.

  “Oh, yes,” Jason replied tightly. “He’ll be back, and when he does return, it will be with a vengeance.”

  Hollie gritted her teeth, feeling herself swoon slightly, but Jason grasped her by the waist to keep her from falling.

  “Don’t worry,” he told her, peering down at her compassionately. “We’ll be ready for him this time. I’m not leaving your side until we contain him.”

  Hollie felt her shoulders sag in relief. She had never trusted someone’s words so much in her life. After all, Jason O’Connor, her psychological captor and blackmailer, had just saved her life.

  Chapter Ten

  Jason had always prided himself on being somewhat of a problem solver.

  It was one of the many reasons he was deemed a good pack leader. There was little that was thrown his way that he couldn’t handle. Perhaps it was his experience as an attorney or his natural abilities, but Jason rarely found himself in a situation he could not handle.

  Until then.

  He paced around the foyer, pausing to peer out into the yard as if expecting Aaron to return any second, even though he knew that the chances of the deranged Lycan returning were very slim.

  But who know what’s going through his mind? He’s not stable.

  It was not that Jason worried for himself. He knew he could take care of himself; he was pack leader after all. No, it was Lucas Oliver’s daughter he was worried about. It was obvious she was not nearly as powerful as her father, and therefore no match for Aaron Gherring if he decided to return.

  Jason would have to keep her close if he wanted to keep her safe, but for how long? I should just send her back to her father, he thought, but that was not an option, not anymore. Not until I have assurances of peace. Otherwise, I have just invited war to our pack with open arms. She is in danger because of one of my pack, and her father will blame me.

  Jason knew it went beyond that. After pulling the enraged Aaron off Hollie, he had been filled with a desire to protect her beyond anything he had ever known.

  No one defies my authority, he thought furiously. Aaron Gherring will get what he has coming to him for this.

  He abruptly became aware of Hollie on her hands and knees, scrubbing the marble floors.

  “What are you doing?” he asked.

  She peered up at him, her eyebrows knit. “There’s so much blood,” she murmured. “I’m just trying to clean it.”

  He shook his head, hurrying away from the door to pull her to her feet. “Just leave it,” he told her. “I’ll call someone in to take care of this.”

  To his surprise, Hollie yanked her arm away. “No,” she replied. “Let me do it. You can’t explain this to an outsider. It will arouse too many questions.”

  Jason stared at her for a long moment. She’s had to clean up her father’s messes before, he realized. She’s the daughter of a powerful Lycan.

  He joined her on the floor, reaching for a damp rag inside the bucket, and she eyed him warily as he began to help her clean the spots of red.

  “How’s your arm?” he asked, dampness soaking into his knees from the wet on the floor.

  “Fine,” she answered quickly. “The mark is gone now.”

  “You don’t get hurt often,” he said.

  She shook her head. “Never before,” she confessed. “I’ve never even been seriously scratched on a full during a hunt.”

  Jason nodded and smiled slightly. “That’s a good thing, but it also means you take more time to heal.”

  Hollie paused, wiping her forehead with the back of her hand as she sat back on her heels. “Really?” she asked, her expression registering surprise. “I didn’t know that.”

  Jason nodded, also stopping to peer at her. “It’s like a practice makes perfect situation. The more you get injured, the faster you’ll recover. You should be grateful that you weren’t hurt more seriously, or you could have been out for hours and lost a lot of blood before your regeneration kicked in.”

  Hollie cocked her head to the side, biting on her lower lip. “I’m grateful,” she murmured. “I’m sorry I didn’t say so.”

  Their gazes locked, and Jason felt a warmth fill him as he read the desire in her eyes. Slowly, she crawled toward him, her dark irises fixated on his face as she covered the space between them. Tentatively, she put her hands on his face, drawing him toward her to taste his lip.

  This is a bad idea, he thought, but the tension in his pants seemed to silence any reservations he was having.

  Hollie’s tongue darted out, and he pulled her closer, the two on their knees as their lips teased hungrily. The rag fell from Jason’s hand, his palms gripping the sweet roundness of Hollie’s rear.

  She seemed to slide into him, knocking him backward as her kisses grew more intense.

  Atop him, she straddled his body, her hands yanking his
white button-down shirt open to permit her face to fall across his chest. He felt the gentle caress of her silken hair as she trailed lower.

  Jason drew her V-neck shirt over her head, and his fingers found the firm cups of her breasts, but they were out of reach before he had a moment to explore as Hollie worked her way lower. Without realizing, Jason found himself fully exposed, his member pulsating in Hollie’s soft hand where she stroked him gently.

  He groaned quietly, finding the smooth contour of her cheek with his hands. With slow, deliberate movements, she traced the groves of his crotch, starting on his inner thighs, working upward, her hand still playing with his tumescent shaft.

  When her mouth took him finally, he quivered beneath her, gasping as her lips became long, sucking motions.

  “Oh my god…” he moaned, feeling his sack contract like a tightly coiled snake, ready to spring its venom. Abruptly, Jason pulled her head back and yanked her toward him, noting the look of feverish desire in her eyes.

  She slipped up his body, her long legs embracing either side of him, licking her lips. Finally, he could touch her perfect breasts, his fingertips dancing over the intensely tight nipples, but he could barely focus.

  She had slipped out of her pants and panties, and in one quick movement, he was inside her taut center, watching her face contort in surprise at the size of him.

  Grunting slightly, she rocked her hips, dipping him fully. One of his hands grasped her slender waist, and he guided her, rocking beneath her as they fell into a hard push. In seconds, Jason was slick with her juices, and his thumb toyed with her throbbing pink bud, encouraging small cries from her as his thrusts increased from underneath.

  Harder he pushed into her, and Hollie mewled softly, falling forward slightly as she climaxed against his probing unit. It was all Jason needed, and he joined her, having held out only long enough to ensure that Hollie had seen her pleasure.

  Hollie collapsed on him as he finished his own orgasm.

  She smells incredible, he thought, inhaling the succulence of her chestnut mane. Her pheromones drove him crazy, and for a moment, Jason thought that he was about to grow hard again as she lay panting atop of him.

  “This is not good,” Hollie muttered suddenly, rolling off him and onto the floor.

  Jason stared at her, his golden-green eyes narrowing in confusion. “I thought that was good,” he replied. “Didn’t you—”

  “I’m not talking about the sex,” Hollie groaned, jumping to her feet.

  She’s amazing, he thought, grinning to himself. He knew he should not feel so giddy, but he couldn’t help it; he had felt so connected to Hollie, so…right.

  “Please stop grinning at me,” she begged. “This is really bad.”

  “Is it?” he asked flippantly, finally rising. “Why?”


  Jason realized she was almost in hysterics.

  “Why?” she cried again, beginning to pace the entryway with fervor. “I have made the biggest mess of my life in a matter of two weeks with no escape.”

  “It’s not that bad,” Jason sighed, suddenly irritated with her histrionics. “The plan is still the same.”

  Hollie whirled to stare at him, her mouth slightly agape. “What if my dad doesn’t give you what you want?” she asked. “Did you think of that?”

  Jason had not considered the possibility that Lucas Oliver would not cave to his demands, and he stared at Hollie in amazement. “You don’t think your father would trade your reputation in the pack for a peace offering?” he asked, his brow raising.

  Hollie turned away, folding her arms over her naked chest, and Jason was struck by her loveliness. “I wouldn’t bank on it. He’s not my number one fan. You might be doing him a favor by keeping me here.”

  Jason’s eyes narrowed.

  Does she really believe that, or does she think that saying it will somehow benefit her? Something about her expression told him that she sincerely thought her father would not trade.

  A pang of worry and anger pierced through him. No wonder she got herself into such a mess; no one has ever protected her, not really.

  “Well, I guess we’re going to find out,” he replied shortly, tossing her shirt at her.

  She caught it and pulled it back over her head, avoiding his gaze. “When are you going to talk to him?” she muttered. “It’s only a matter of time before someone comes looking for me. I was supposed to be at work today.”

  He eyed her speculatively, considering her words. “Does anyone know you’re here?”

  “Yes,” she replied, and he could see she was being truthful. “My friend, Amberlyn.”

  He nodded slowly. “Would she go to your father?”

  A sardonic smile fell onto Hollie’s lips. “No, but she would go to her own father, who would tell my father. I’m telling you, it’s better that you contact my father sooner rather than later or else you’ll have the Ketchum pack on your doorstep by sundown.”

  He nodded curtly. “Duly noted,” he agreed, but inwardly, he wondered if he finally had a problem he couldn’t solve.

  “Come on,” he told her. “Let’s clean ourselves up. We’re going to Ketchum.”

  The drive to Hollie’s hometown took less than twenty minutes, but it was made in silence, each of them lost in their own thoughts.

  If Lucas Oliver agrees to these terms, he will expect his daughter back, and I will have to give her to him, but if I do that, she will be easy prey for Aaron. Can I just hand her over knowing that Aaron will find her and try to finish her off?

  What other choice did he have? He couldn’t keep Hollie against her will, and even if he could convince Hollie to stay, Lucas Oliver would have something to say about it.

  The only thing I can do is explain the direness of the situation to her father and hope he keeps her under lock and key. In the meantime, I will hunt down Aaron myself and put a stop to his madness once and for all. Nothing about the situation made Jason feel good.

  “If you send me back to my pack, Aaron will come for me.”

  It was a flat statement, said as if Hollie was reading his thoughts.

  “He will try to come for you,” he replied slowly. “But your father can keep you safe.”

  She scoffed lightly. “How? By locking me away on his farm? I have a job, a life.”

  She stopped talking as if something occurred to her. “I can’t live like that. We have to find Aaron first,” she told him suddenly. “There’s no other way.”

  Jason gritted his teeth in annoyance. “You just told me that your pack will be on my territory if I don’t act,” he reminded her, and she sighed.

  “I know, but I’m having second thoughts. If what you said is true, Aaron could easily kill me. If you hadn’t shown up when you did…” she shuddered visibly.

  “But I did show up, and you’re safe.”

  “For now,” she retorted. “How long will it be before he’s successful? You should never have let him out of your sight.”

  Jason cast her a sidelong look in the passenger seat. “You’re unbelievable,” he snapped. “One second you’re grateful I saved your hide, the next you’re blaming me. Don’t forget that you got yourself into this mess. I’m trying to get you out of it.”

  “You’re only trying to get me out of it because it benefits you. If my father wasn’t pack leader, you wouldn’t care in the least.”

  Jason was quiet for a long minute. “At first, that was true,” he replied softly. “But now I think there’s more to it than that.”

  He pulled the car off to the shoulder, a vehicle blaring its horn as he made the abrupt maneuver.

  “What are you doing?” she demanded.

  He began digging through the Jeep. “I’m looking for your cell,” he replied. “I threw it in here somewhere.”

  “Why do you want my cell?”

  “You’re going to call everyone and tell them that you’re fine,” he instructed her. “Start with your work and tell them you’re going to be off for
a few days. Then, text your friend and call your father.”

  His hands closed around the iPhone and tossed it at her. Dozens of missed calls and messages lit up the screen.

  “And then what?” she asked, eyeing him with suspicion.

  “Just do it!” he snapped. “And stop questioning my every move.”

  She scowled back at him, but to his relief, she dialed out. Jason listened to the one-sided conversation.

  “Hi Lydia, it’s Hollie…no, everything is fine. I’m sorry I didn’t call you earlier… No, I can’t really get into it, but I won’t be in for the next few days… Sorry, I know it’s last minute… I appreciate it… Wait, Lydia… Yeah, I just want to know how Augustus is doing… He died? I wish we could have figured out what was wrong with him, too.”

  Jason’s head jerked up, and he stared at Hollie as she finished the conversation with her co-worker. Hollie shoulders slumped, and she wore a frown, obviously saddened by the news of the dying man.


  When she ended the call, she began to text, but Jason stopped her.

  “Who is Augustus?” he asked and she looked at him.

  “A patient at my work.” She seemed like she was about to say more, but she stopped herself.

  “Where do you work?”

  “I’m a hospice nurse.”

  Jason could not make sense of what she was saying. “Augustus was a dying patient?” he asked incredulously. “Is that what you’re telling me?”

  “I can’t discuss my patients with you,” she snapped. “But if I am a hospice nurse and he is a patient, I would think that is a safe assumption, wouldn’t you?”

  He ignored her sarcasm. “How did he die?” Jason urged. “Is he Lycan?”

  A look of concern crossed over Hollie’s face. “You knew him?” she gasped. “Was he one of yours?”

  “What happened to him?” Jason insisted, the hairs on his arms rising. “How did he die if he’s Lycan?”

  “Silver poisoning. He was a walking vegetable,” Hollie replied miserably. “He couldn’t talk or feed himself. He didn’t shift at a full, which is when I knew he wouldn’t come back. It’s just so horrible.”


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