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Grey Star the Wizard

Page 6

by Ian Page

  If you wish to take the left-hand stairway, turn to 80.

  If you wish to take the right-hand stairway, turn to 45.


  You call encouragingly across to Shan who stares nervously over the edge of the precipice into the deep crevasse. ‘Come on Shan; it's easy. Quick now, there's no time to lose!’

  Shan returns your gaze with a doubtful expression on his face. He shakes his head. ‘I can't do it,’ he says, weakly. ‘I'll never make it across.’

  You persuade him to throw his Backpack across to lighten his load, but he still lacks the nerve.

  If you have a coil of Rope, turn to 194.

  If not, turn to 219.


  Following the road, you enter the forest. ‘This road is busy by day,’ Shan informs you. ‘Many merchants and traders use it to reach the Port of Suhn. If we are to hide ourselves and rest, we must leave the road and venture deeper into the forest for safety.’

  ‘The “pedlar” speaks the truth,’ says Tanith, glaring haughtily at Shan, daring him with her eyes.

  Shan turns purple with rage.

  Turn to 3.


  Suddenly a knife flashes at your throat. Raising your Staff, you unleash a blast of energy (costing you 1 WILLPOWER point) that narrowly misses the murderous cut-throat.

  With a yelp of shocked surprise, the cut-throat turns tail and rushes back down the alley. You realize that while you remain here you are in danger. Retracing your steps, you watch him run into the narrow street and turn a corner. You follow the sound of his footsteps for a while, but soon you can hear nothing.

  Turn to 195.


  You grab the Kazim Stone and throw open the door of the antechamber. Standing in the circular room you see Tanith the young girl in the service of Mother Magri. ‘Grey Star,’ she says; ‘at last I've found you.’

  ‘Beware,’ warns Shan. ‘She is a Shadakine slave; she cannot be trusted.’

  If you wish to attack the young girl, turn to 67.

  If you wish to question her, turn to 147.


  The dust storm continues to rage furiously; it gives no sign of abating. As darkness falls there seems to be no alternative other than to sleep here for the night, and hope that you will be able to continue your journey in the morning. You are hungry and must eat a Meal now or lose 3 ENDURANCE points. The night passes without incident and you regain 1 WILLPOWER and 2 ENDURANCE points.

  The following morning you continue on your way, following the banks of the Azan as it leads through the Wilderwastes and into the Azagad Gorge.

  Turn to 29.


  Gently, you shake the sailor by the shoulder. ‘Your pardon sir, are you feeling all right?’ you ask.

  The sailor opens his bleary eyes and frowns at you. ‘Who wants to know?’ he snarls.

  And before you have spoken another word, the angry sailor jumps to his feet and takes a wild swing at you, upturning the table and spilling ale everywhere.

  You are knocked off your feet, and hurled backwards to the floor. You must lose 1 ENDURANCE point. Dazed, you feel someone grab you by the collar and push you through the door. You tumble into the market square outside.

  Turn to 157.


  With Shan at your side, you run to the top of the stairs. Above your head is a trap door. You throw it open and step into a circular room. There are two exits. Through the crack around the door opposite, you can see a faint, yellow glow.

  If you wish to open this door, turn to 25.

  If you wish to take the other exit, turn to 41.


  Taking careful aim, you send a bolt of white lightning into the backs of the Shadakine crossbowmen, killing two outright at the expense of 2 WILLPOWER points.

  The three remaining men look dazed and confused at this surprise attack. Shan can contain himself no longer, and before you can prevent him, he jumps to his feet. Brandishing his sword, he charges towards the remaining crossbowmen, emitting a loud warbling cry. He is so close to them that you dare not risk another long-range assault for fear of killing him.

  If you wish to follow Shan to protect him, turn to 99.

  If you would rather leave Shan to his fate, turn to 145.


  Tentatively you push open the door and enter a smoky room. The inn is filled with the sounds of contending voices, shouting drunkards, and the laughter of serving girls. The customers are many and varied: merchants, seamen, fishermen, and all sorts of travellers rub shoulders here.

  If you have no money to buy a drink, or if you would prefer to save it, turn to 105.

  If you wish to buy a drink at the bar, turn to 339.


  The insect stops and lifts its head. Its antennae wave in the air, searching all around. Suddenly, it fixes its many-faceted eyes upon you and, before you can react, squirts a jet of brown fluid from a hollow horn on the centre of its head. You dodge to one side and the fluid misses you, hitting the floor. You look down at where it landed and see that it is eating into the stone. The insect opens its pincer-like jaws and drops the reptile corpse. Then, it scuttles back the way it came.

  If you wish to attack the insect with your Wizard's Staff before it escapes, turn to 91.

  If you wish to chase after the creature, turn to 98.


  In desperation, you raise your Wizard's Staff and unleash a crackling charge of energy that arcs above the heads of the crowd, and into the heart of the nearest Shadakine warrior. Your mind is in turmoil and you exert 3 WILLPOWER points on the attack due to its undisciplined state. The Shadakine warrior screams in pain and falls to the ground; blue smoke coils from the blackened wound in his chest.

  With howls of delight, the crowd surges forward and falls upon the remaining Shadakine warrior as he lashes out desperately all around him.

  If you wish to seize this opportunity to jump to the ground, turn to 196.

  If you would rather finish off the remaining Shadakine warrior, turn to 224.


  You wake the following morning feeling refreshed after a good night's sleep. Restore 1 WILLPOWER and 1 ENDURANCE point. Both Tanith and Shan have already risen and are waiting expectantly for you to lead the way.

  Turn to 18.


  Taking Shan's arm, you break into a trot, pulling him after you, though he seems to need little encouragement. Unfortunately your sudden movement attracts the attention of the Quoku, and a chorus of loud and rapid croaking fills the evening air.

  The Wall of Azakawa is still many miles away and you pray that you will be able to outdistance the Quoku. Even if you should be able to reach the cliff-face, you know no way of crossing beyond the wall into the Azanam. With a growing dread, you fear that your run will be in vain. Unless you can find somewhere to hide, or think of a swift way of scaling the cliff once you reach it, you will be caught. But despite your doubt, you keep running: you have no choice.

  Turn to 266.


  With a shudder, you step outside the pentacle and speak the sibilant words of the ‘forbidden tome’ known as the Song of the Dead. The ghost of the priest sighs and says, ‘It is done. Take the Amulet from the body of my former life. It will serve as a charm against the evil dead.’ You take the Amulet, which hangs by a silver chain around the dead priest's neck, and place it around your own. (Mark this Amulet as a Special Item on your Action Chart.)

  All is silent. Slowly, the cell grows colder. The sound of distant moaning fills your ears, followed by a mournful wailing that chills the soul, which gradually rises in pitch and volume. The dead have come to claim their vengeance. The use of the Power of Evocation has cost you 2 WILLPOWER points. A howling wind sweeps through the cell and the door bursts open. You turn and grab Shan's arm. He has stood, pale and rigid with fear, throughout your exchange with the dead.

  Illustration V—Shadow forms are flowing out of the walls and floor.

ly,’ you hiss. ‘Come with me.’ You run through the door and into the corridor outside. Shadow forms are flowing out of the walls and floor, and everywhere spirit shapes fly in all directions. You turn to your right and see the horribly mutilated corpse of the gaoler. Still clenched in his mortifying fist is a small Dagger. You may take this item if you wish. (Remember to mark it on your Action Chart under the Weapons section.)

  If you wish to take the Gaoler's Keys and free the other prisoners on this level, turn to 125.

  If you wish to take the left stairway without delay, turn to 137.

  If you wish to take the right stairway, turn to 212.


  The bolt of force that arcs through the air into the ranks of Shadakine warriors kills one of them at a cost to you of 2 WILLPOWER points. The knights gain ground at their opponents' expense due to the confusion of the Shadakine, who are now being attacked from the front and rear.

  The distance over which you are fighting necessitates the use of a great deal of WILLPOWER, and you realize that you can only increase your effectiveness by moving closer to the Shadakine. An attack from the rear at this time would almost certainly turn the battle in your favour. With this in mind, you burst out of the undergrowth and charge into the battle with a fearsome yell. Shan, puffing and panting behind you, swings his sword feebly. The knights on the bridge give a rousing cheer as you appear, and the Shadakine are pushed back as their resistance begins to falter. And then you are upon them: you rain blows in all directions, throwing them into disorder and wounding a warrior at the cost of 1 WILLPOWER point.13

  Turn to 189.

  [13] If you do not have sufficient WILLPOWER points, you may choose to simply subtract the specified number of WILLPOWER points. This may leave you with a negative WILLPOWER score, or if it was already negative, it will make your score become even more negative. Alternatively, you may choose the method used in Section 175 of War of the Wizards for resolving this problem: For the WILLPOWER points you lack, you use ENDURANCE points at a rate of 2 ENDURANCE points for every 1 WILLPOWER point (i.e. 2 ENDURANCE points = 1 WILLPOWER point).


  No matter how hard you try, you are unable to shake off the man who is following you. Soon he is joined by two Shadakine warriors. You have no alternative but to make a run for it.

  Turn to 241.


  The campfire bursts into vivid flame, flaring high into the air. Wreathed in the lurid light is the figure of Mother Magri, who intones the words of a spell in a strange, guttural tongue.

  ‘Grey Star,’ says Tanith, ‘beware!’

  If you possess the Power of Sorcery and wish to create a magical shield about yourself, turn to 139.

  If you wish to attack the figure of Mother Magri, shimmering above the fire, turn to 123.


  You bring your Staff down on the creature's unprotected rump. Its legs curl and crumple beneath it. At the cost of 1 WILLPOWER point, you kill the insect.

  Close inspection reveals the insect to be a Cave Mantiz. The Cave Mantiz live in colonies below ground in much the same way as their cousins the ants. They burrow their nests from the stone by dissolving it with a potent acid that they store in their bodies. You have entered a Mantiz nest, and despite the perils therein, you are greatly encouraged. If you can find your way through the maze of Mantiz tunnels, you should be able to reach the surface above the Wall of Azakawa and enter the Azanam.

  Your excitement is tinged with apprehension as you continue along a tunnel that is growing darker and darker. If you wish to expend 1 WILLPOWER point on lighting your Staff, you may: this light will last until you extinguish it without the use of any further WILLPOWER points. If you have a Torch and Tinderbox, you may wish to use the Torch for light.

  If you choose to proceed in darkness, turn to 122.

  If you prefer to light your way, turn to 141.


  Your Power of Prophecy warns you that you must go left. The use of this Power has cost you 1 WILLPOWER point.

  Now return to the adventure number you have noted down.


  The old Shianti priest is about to speak, when he gives a great gasp and dies in your arms. With tears in your eyes, you turn to Shan. ‘He is dead,’ you say sorrowfully.

  The merchant hangs his head. ‘Then we are doomed,’ he groans.

  You sit back, deep in thought. You are tired and quickly fall asleep.

  Turn to 258.


  Staff held high, spraying magical fire from its tip, you charge the Shadakine with unflinching fury. Shan struggles in your wake.

  The Shadakine warriors are thrown into disorder as they attempt to meet this new threat from the rear. Due to their confusion, the knights are able to press home their advantage, gaining ground on their opponents and raising your spirits with shouts of encouragement. You rain fearful blows in all directions with your Wizard's Staff. At the cost of 1 WILLPOWER point14, you fell the nearest Shadakine warrior. Much to his surprise, Shan claims another.

  Tanith now reappears armed with a loaded crossbow. Coolly, she aims it at the Shadakine officer. He falls to the ground dead, a crossbow bolt protruding from his neck.

  Turn to 215.

  [14] If you do not have sufficient WILLPOWER points, you may choose to simply subtract the specified number of WILLPOWER points. This may leave you with a negative WILLPOWER score, or if it was already negative, it will make your score become even more negative. Alternatively, you may choose the method used in Section 175 of War of the Wizards for resolving this problem: For the WILLPOWER points you lack, you use ENDURANCE points at a rate of 2 ENDURANCE points for every 1 WILLPOWER point (i.e. 2 ENDURANCE points = 1 WILLPOWER point).


  You examine the dungeon door, looking through the keyhole as you consult with Shan. Your Magical Power of Sorcery should enable you to produce sufficient energy to break down the door, but it is certain to require large amounts of WILLPOWER to exert a force great enough to burst the lock. You have no way of telling just how much WILLPOWER the spell will use, and once you have begun you will be committed to seeing it through to the end.

  If you wish to force the door with the Magical Power of Sorcery, turn to 109.

  If you do not wish to use this Power, or if you lack sufficient reserves of WILLPOWER, return to 172 and select another power.


  In an instant, your quick reflexes have saved you. You release a bolt of energy, costing 2 WILLPOWER points, that blasts the creature's head apart. The wound in your leg has lost you 2 ENDURANCE points, and painfully you clamber to your feet, limping from the swarming death behind you. You reach a shaft that leads into the tunnel from above. You peer up it and see light. A way to the surface at last!

  Clinging with trembling fingers to the nearly smooth sides of the shaft, you drag yourself up. Desperately, you haul your way up, kicking and stamping at the nightmare that advances from below. Using your last reserves of energy, you finally come to the top of the shaft. You are in a wide glade, surrounded by towering trees and dense foliage.

  Turn to 146.


  Continuing on through the market square, you notice your pursuer stop to talk with two Shadakine warriors. He is pointing in your direction and gesturing excitedly.

  If you wish to run from the market square, turn to 241.

  If you would rather try to lose yourself in the crowd, turn to 89.


  You follow the creature, but it soon disappears from view. The tunnel curves slowly upwards, and before long you are plunged into darkness once more. You stop running.

  If you have a Torch and Tinderbox, and wish to light the Torch, turn to 108.

  If you would rather exert 1 WILLPOWER point to create a small glow from your Wizard's Staff, turn to 115.

  If you do not have either of these items, or if you do not wish to use them, turn to 122.


  Leaping to your feet, you charge at the backs of th
e unsuspecting crossbowmen, your staff swinging and blazing a trail of magical fire. Shan attempts the same dramatic gesture, clumsily waving his sword, but fails to achieve the same effect.

  Before the crossbowmen are able to release their arrows, you are upon them. Add 2 to your COMBAT SKILL owing to the surprise of your attack, plus a further 2, owing to Shan's presence. You must fight the crossbowmen as one enemy and to the death.

  Shadakine Crossbowmen: COMBAT SKILL 25 ENDURANCE 32

  If you win the combat and wish to attack the Shadakine on the bridge at long range, turn to 88.

  If you win the combat and wish to charge the Shadakine, turn to 94.


  You have been prowling around the harbour for some time. So far all you have discovered are closed buildings, and shifty strangers passing in and out of the shadows, carrying mysterious loads.

  You spot two soldiers patrolling the waterfront. Their heads are shaven save for a long plume of hair that flows from the centre of their scalps. They wear armour of black enamelled steel, decorated with gold designs, and carry lethal-looking scimitars at their sides. They are Shadakine warriors, and they are shouting at you to remain where you are.


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