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Grey Star the Wizard

Page 7

by Ian Page

  If you wish to run away from them, turn to 40.

  If you wish to obey the Shadakine, turn to 121.


  The first of the Najin is almost upon you when you unleash the power of the Wizard's Staff, killing one of the shrieking creatures in mid-air and scattering the others in all directions; you have used up 2 WILLPOWER points.

  Illustration VI—You unleash the power of the Wizard's Staff, killing one of the shrieking creatures in mid-air.

  ‘No!’ screams Tanith, running off into the barren hills. The Najin rally and gather around you, hovering. Yammering wildly, the first of the little creatures attacks you.

  There are nine Najin and they attack one at a time, attempting to claw and bite you. If you have another weapon, you pass it to Shan who then adds 2 to your COMBAT SKILL. (Remember to delete this weapon from your Action Chart.15)










  If you are still alive after five rounds of combat, turn to 130.

  [15] It seems odd that Shan would not return your weapon. You may choose to assume that you get it back once the battle is over.


  A flash of bright light ignites within the fire and seems to leap into your mind. You cry in pain, as if a piece of your mind has been torn away. You lose 2 WILLPOWER points.

  Stunned, you stagger backwards. The form of Mother Magri fades and is replaced by an impenetrable darkness that hovers at the heart of the fire. Two blank eye-slits and a gaping mouth are all you see as the black shadow leaps towards you.

  Turn to 149.


  Though you have beaten the Cave Mantiz, the remaining horde of deadly insects overruns you and tears you to pieces where you stand.

  Your life and your quest end here.


  It soon becomes impossible to avoid the massed clusters of Yaku vines, and gingerly you step through, passing close to the spiky hearts of these deadly plants.

  Your foot brushes a tendril. Instantly it writhes into life, coiling around your ankle with deceptive speed. You lose your balance and fall to the ground. Immediately you feel yourself being dragged towards the core of the Yaku plant, which lies only yards away.

  If you wish to slash at the tendril that has knotted itself around your ankle, turn to 248.

  If you wish to unleash a bolt at the centre of the Yaku plant, turn to 179.


  You notice a spare seat and sit down. Also seated at the table are three others, one of whom may be able to help you locate the Lost Tribe of Lara. You try to decide with whom to attempt a conversation.

  Illustration VII—Also seated at the table are a tattooed sailor, a drunken merchant, and a hooded character.

  If you have the Power of Prophecy and wish to use it, turn to 313.

  If you wish to speak to the tattooed sailor who sits snoring beside you, turn to 79.

  If you would rather talk to the merchant, clad in a gaudy robe and furs, and laughing drunkenly to himself in the seat opposite, turn to 131.

  If you wish to speak to a hooded character, cloaked in black, sitting quietly in the shadows in the corner, turn to 209.


  You leave Jnana and the Chansi Hills. Tanith walks in accusing silence; she obviously holds you responsible for a foolish act. You wend your way back to the Suhni River and cross it once more. You have been walking for perhaps half an hour when suddenly three Shadakine warriors burst out of the forest — you have been ambushed!

  Turn to 117.


  Shan stands motionless, his body frozen with fear. With one hand he holds his sword shakily aloft, while he covers his eyes with the other, peeping through the gaps between his fingers as the Quoku rushes towards him.

  At the cost of 2 WILLPOWER points16, you punch a flaming hole through one of the Quoku's wings and it shrieks in pain. The injured beast is knocked awry; it veers sharply to the left and crashes to the ground.

  If you wish to finish off the Quoku, turn to 307.

  If you would prefer to make another run for it, turn to 182.

  [16] If you do not have sufficient WILLPOWER points, you may choose to simply subtract the specified number of WILLPOWER points. This may leave you with a negative WILLPOWER score, or if it was already negative, it will make your score become even more negative. Alternatively, you may choose the method used in Section 175 of War of the Wizards for resolving this problem: For the WILLPOWER points you lack, you use ENDURANCE points at a rate of 2 ENDURANCE points for every 1 WILLPOWER point (i.e. 2 ENDURANCE points = 1 WILLPOWER point).


  In the torchlight you can again see your surroundings. The ceiling of the tunnel is very low, and you are forced to walk with your body bent over uncomfortably. At the end of the tunnel the exit widens, and standing a little straighter, you continue on your way.

  Turn to 135.


  You spend a great deal of time preparing yourself, pacing up and down the cell, while Shan looks on, mystified. When you feel you have reached the correct mental state, you focus your attention on the door. Your initial exertion of will has little effect and you gradually increase the strength of the spell. You have already used up 2 WILLPOWER points when the door begins to creak on its hinges, the thick wood warping. With a surge of effort you throw enough power at the door to use up 3 WILLPOWER points. The timbers snap and the joists squeal, but still the lock will not give. A last desperate attempt produces 4 WILLPOWER points of energy that splinters the door. A mighty noise echoes down the corridor as the door crashes to the ground. You have used 4 WILLPOWER points and lost 1 ENDURANCE point due to the prolonged strain!

  You and Shan rush to the top of the steps and out into the corridor. Already, further down the passage to your right, you can hear someone shouting. You recognize the voice of the gaoler and the sound of his clanking keys.

  If you wish to confront the gaoler, turn to 243.

  If you wish to go in the opposite direction, turn to 333.


  Suddenly the rune begins to glow, burning its secret message into your mind.17 Its meaning gradually becomes clear. You hear the following words in your mind:

  In Azanam the tribe of Lara dwell, no longer lost,

  Beyond the gorge of Azagad, when the ‘Dragon's Teeth’ are crossed.

  Turn to 190.

  [17] This is the correct solution to the riddle in Section 264.


  You take aim and discharge a bolt of power straight at the top of the column. The Quoku lets out a long, chattering squeal of pain, but survives the force of the 2 WILLPOWER points of energy that you have exerted. Gouts of black blood flow from the ragged wound in its wing.

  ‘Its hide must be tougher than armour to have survived that,’ you gasp.

  You are unnerved and make a dash for it; Shan is already running.

  Turn to 266.


  You steer for the harbour and, as you near the stone quayside, you stand to furl the sail. You cut a dramatic figure: hair flowing in the wind; the reddening glow of the setting sun at your back, casting your shadow upon the shallow waters of the Sea of Dreams.

  The harbour is very busy; crowds of people rush to and fro. Sailors and fishermen line the harbour wall, busily unloading their crafts in an effort to finish before nightfall. You notice a flurry of activity further along the quayside; by the time you reach it, a small crowd has gathered, and you can hear the murmur of excited conversation. You throw up a rope and eager hands reach out to clutch the line, mooring the boat for you.

  The crowd
has grown and it is now obvious that you are the focus of their attention. You hear snatches of conversation: ‘An Ancient One, an Ancient One from beyond the Sea of Dreams … ’; ‘See you there? Surely a Shianti walks amongst us?’; ‘Saw him myself. Came right out of the east, calm as you please!’; ‘God of legend, saviour of our people, hail, hail!’

  Hands stretch out in greeting while others try desperately to touch your robe, pushing and pulling, as more and more people struggle for a glimpse of your face. ‘Who but a god could cross the Sea of Dreams. Save us, Lord!’ the crowd begins to shout. ‘Destroy the evil Shadakine. Throw down the Wytch-king!’

  You can feel the growing hysteria, and to your dismay, you are lifted up on the shoulders of some of the crowd and carried in the direction of two armed soldiers, who are rushing towards you with their swords drawn.

  ‘Destroy the Shadakine warriors, Lord!’ someone shouts.

  If you wish to do as the crowd suggests, turn to 84.

  If you wish to try to escape the crowd and the Shadakine warriors and possess the Magical Power of Enchantment, turn to 56.

  If you would rather try to escape without the aid of magic, turn to 28.


  You climb around the cave and head upwards. Gradually, the cliff-face becomes sheer and smooth, and soon you can no longer find another handhold: the nearest crevice in the cliff-face lies just out of reach. Your body is racked with fatigue and you barely have enough energy to continue.

  If you wish to reach for the crevice with an outstretched hand, turn to 138.

  If you wish to accept defeat at the Wall of the Azakawa, turn to 188.


  You concentrate the power of your mind and hurl the magical energy of Sorcery at the door. At first nothing happens, but eventually, after exerting 2 WILLPOWER points, the lock snaps and the door swings open.

  You cross to the other side of the landing where stairways lead off to the left and right.

  If you have the Power of Prophecy and wish to use it, turn to 92. (Note down this section number first, as you will need to return to it.)

  If you wish to take the left-hand stairway, turn to 80.

  If you would rather take the right-hand stairway, turn to 45.


  At the expense of 1 WILLPOWER point you cause your Staff to light. The light from the Staff will now last until you extinguish it — you will not need to expend more WILLPOWER points to keep it alight.

  You continue along the tunnel, stooping because of the low ceiling. At last it widens slightly: you have come to the end of the tunnel.

  Turn to 135.


  You gather up the power of your thought, forming a mental shield against the groping fingers of the Kazim Stone. A cloud of displeasure passes across Mother Magri's face. The magic of the Stone hovers at the edge of your senses; the explorative fingers probe your defence, searching for a weakness, a breach in the psychic wall. Your flesh prickles and creeps as the power of the Stone pries and pulls at your will, yet still you keep it at bay (at the cost of 1 WILLPOWER point). The old woman scowls, intent upon the glowing Stone.

  The intensity of the stone increases and you must use another WILLPOWER point to match its strength. Mother Magri glares at you, her face twisted with frustration. She doubles the force of the Stone's power, her eyes straining and her breathing beginning to quicken.

  If you wish to use another 2 WILLPOWER points to withstand this assault, turn to 150.

  If you would prefer to try to exert the influence of your will against your opponent from behind your shield of Sorcery, turn to 226.


  The Shadakine are spoiling for a fight, having tracked you for a day. Spitting war-cries, their white eyes rolling, they charge towards you. In berserk fury, the first of the Shadakine runs straight into the path of your staff, and you dispatch him easily at the cost of 1 WILLPOWER point. The events of the past few days have improved your battle skills immensely.

  The two remaining Shadakine are more cautious than their dead comrade, circling and snarling, jabbing at you with their sword tips as if taunting a caged animal. You cannot evade and must fight them to the death.

  2 Shadakine Warriors: COMBAT SKILL 15 ENDURANCE 25

  If you win, turn to 164.


  Standing at the foot of the towering cliffs, you look up. The cliffs are smooth and sheer; there seems no way of climbing them. The curling wisps of mist from Lake Shenwu swirl below, and you move across the scree at the base of the Azakawa Wall, searching for a way up. Your head feels fuzzy and you lose 1 ENDURANCE point.

  Suddenly you see a crack in the cliff a few feet above your head. It is a small niche, but is large enough to hide a man.

  If you wish to investigate the crack in the cliff, turn to 268.

  If you wish to return to the Shenwu Falls and the area around Lake Shenwu, turn to 293.


  Without hesitation, Shan obeys. Bringing his sword up above his head, he bellows a cry and plunges it deep into the Yaku plant. The tendrils that hold you shudder, tighten, and then suddenly wilt, freeing you both as the plant writhes in the throes of death.

  You have lost 2 ENDURANCE points in the struggle.

  Shan has saved your life and you thank him through the pain of your bruised and battered ribs.

  Turn to 128.


  You hurl yourself into the mass of fighting soldiers. At the cost of 1 WILLPOWER point18, you throw down two Shadakine warriors. Shan disarms a third with a lucky blow.

  The Shadakine warriors have become disordered by your attack, but you are still surrounded by four of them, who originally were commanded to guard the rear. You must fight them as one enemy and to the death. Shan adds 3 to your COMBAT SKILL for the duration of the combat.

  Shadakine Rearguard: COMBAT SKILL 25 ENDURANCE 30

  If you are still alive after three rounds of combat, turn to 189.

  [18] If you do not have sufficient WILLPOWER points, you may choose to simply subtract the specified number of WILLPOWER points. This may leave you with a negative WILLPOWER score, or if it was already negative, it will make your score become even more negative. Alternatively, you may choose the method used in Section 175 of War of the Wizards for resolving this problem: For the WILLPOWER points you lack, you use ENDURANCE points at a rate of 2 ENDURANCE points for every 1 WILLPOWER point (i.e. 2 ENDURANCE points = 1 WILLPOWER point).


  Two Shadakine warriors stand before you. ‘What are you doing lurking around here?’ asks one, prodding your chest with his fingers.

  You fumble for some excuse, observing that the Shadakine's eyes are completely white — they have no pupils. You try to persuade the two soldiers that you are a local fisherman, but they are deeply suspicious of your story and appearance and arrest you on the spot.

  If you wish to resist the arrest by attacking the Shadakine, turn to 265.

  If you do not want to reveal your powers and purpose at this time, turn to 300.


  With great care, you step forward into the darkness, following the tunnel by running your hand along the wall. After a few minutes, the tunnel ends. You stumble blindly in the dark. Suddenly there is a terrible pain in your right leg as it is grabbed in a pincered grip. You are dragged to the floor and devoured silently by an enemy that you will never see.

  Your life and your quest end here.


  Fortunately you have your Staff with you. You lash out with it at Mother Magri, expending 1 WILLPOWER point. However, your Staff passes right through her: she is only an apparition, created by the power of her thought. She cackles hideously and begins to chant:

  ‘Mundi Kleasá — Sorti Magri,

  Shasarak Shinto, Gordus Shando … ’

  The apparition of Mother Magri dissolves, to be replaced by a sinister shadow, an impenetrable blackness at the heart of the raging fire. Two eye-slits and a gaping mouth are all you see as the shadow creatu
re lunges towards you.

  Turn to 149.


  You decide on Enchantment as your mode of escape: perhaps the gaoler could be persuaded to open your cell door? A plan forms and you sink into a deep trance, weaving an elaborate illusion in your mind.

  ‘Fire! Fire!’ you shout, pounding on the door of your cell. Shan looks at you strangely, for there is no sign of any smoke. ‘Gaoler, open up before the whole place burns down!’

  After a little encouragement, Shan is soon persuaded to join in the charade and begins rushing around madly, yelling and pounding his fists on the door.

  Soon, the gaoler comes limping down the corridor and stops outside your cell. ‘I thought I could smell smoke,’ he comments. He can see great plumes of fire raging in the middle of the dungeon and billowing smoke escaping under the door. He is completely fooled by your illusion and his rattling keys are soon in the lock. The door is thrown open and you and Shan bound up the steps and out into the corridor. The puzzled gaoler is left peering into the cell, wondering why the flames of the fire give off no heat.


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