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Grey Star the Wizard

Page 8

by Ian Page

  The use of this Magical Power has cost you 2 WILLPOWER points.

  If you wish to pounce on the gaoler while he has his back to you, turn to 243.

  If you would prefer to run to the right, turn to 23.

  If you wish to turn left along the corridor, turn to 333.


  You snatch up the dead gaoler's Keys and run along the corridor, unlocking each door as fast as you can. One by one, the doors are thrown open, and prisoners pour into the corridor, rushing in all directions. If you decide to keep the Gaoler's Keys, mark them as a Special Item on your Action Chart.

  If you wish to go back along the corridor to take the left stairway, turn to 137.

  If you wish to go back along the corridor to take the right stairway, turn to 212.

  If you wish to enter a narrow passageway at this end of the corridor, turn to 333.


  The Najin land and encircle you. Their leader steps forward, yammering and pointing to the hills ahead. ‘They wish to lead us to Jnana,’ says Tanith. ‘He is their master.’

  ‘I do not like this, Grey Star,’ says Shan. ‘It is common knowledge that these beasts are used by the Wytch-king and the forces of Shadaki as spies and messengers. Surely this Jnana is a servant of the enemy?’

  If you wish to follow the Najin, turn to 161.

  If you wish to leave the Chansi Hills, turn to 106.


  As the Shadakine warrior crumples and falls, the excited mob roars its approval. They hail you as a hero and crowd around you cheering. A new sound floats on the harbour wind and the uproar subsides. You can hear the clatter of pounding hooves and the rumble of thundering wheels. A wave of panic ripples through the crowd. ‘The Wheels of Death!’ someone shouts.

  Three war chariots, driven by whip-wielding Shadakine, hurtle into the harbour. The chariot wheels have blades protruding from their hubs, and as the Shadakine plough into the crowd, the blades scythe down anyone in their path.

  In the confused panic, you see a chance to escape into a dark, narrow street.

  If you wish to run towards the main entrance, turn to 50.

  If you wish to run down the narrow street, turn to 40.


  You and Shan huddle together. You are surrounded by writhing tendrils, though, for the moment, they seem reluctant to attack. ‘If ever a garden needed weeding … ’ murmurs Shan.

  Somehow, you must get past the deadly Yaku. They have you trapped. ‘We need something to divert their attention for a while,’ you say thoughtfully.

  ‘Don't look at me!’ Shan replies, wide-eyed.

  Despite your desperate plight, you cannot help smiling. ‘Of course not,’ you answer, ‘but perhaps there is another way … ’

  If you possess the Magical Power of Elementalism and wish to use this Power to escape, turn to 181.

  If you possess the Magical Power of Enchantment and some Calacena Mushrooms, and wish to use this method of escape, turn to 206.

  If you do not have either of these Magical Powers, or if you do not wish to use them, you may attempt to fight your way out by turning to 12.


  You leave the fearful Stone where it lies and throw open the door of the antechamber. Standing in the circular room is Tanith, the young girl in the service of Mother Magri. ‘Grey Star,’ she says. ‘At last, I've found you.’

  ‘Beware,’ warns Shan. ‘She is a Shadakine slave. She cannot be trusted.’

  If you wish to attack the young girl, turn to 67.

  If you wish to question her, turn to 147.


  You are beginning to tire. Suddenly Tanith reappears, leading a wizened old man who is shouting angrily in a strange language. At his command the Najin cease to attack, flying up into the air and off into the distance as swiftly as they came. ‘Fools!’ curses the old man, dropping to his knees by the body of a dead Najin. ‘My children, my eyes and ears,’ he moans bitterly. ‘They meant you no harm. I sent them out in greeting.’

  ‘Jnana,’ says Tanith, pleading. ‘They did not know; they did not understand.’

  ‘Why did you bring them here, Tanith?’ asks the blind, old man.

  ‘We seek the Lost Tribe of Lara,’ you say, humbly.

  ‘You seek your doom then,’ Jnana replies. ‘The way to the Azanam is fraught with peril. Go now, you are not welcome here.’

  Turn to 106.


  You strike up a conversation with the red-faced merchant. His name is Shan Li, a trader familiar with all parts of the Shadakine Empire and many strange lands beyond. Carefully, you steer the conversation to the subject of the Lost Tribe of Lara.

  ‘Ah now,’ begins the drunken merchant with some relish, ‘the legend, eh? Well, there are many stories, and in my travels I have heard most of them. No word of the Laranese have I ever heard in the far north, the free kingdoms of the Lastlands, nor here in the Shadakine Empire. No indeed, the only story I ever heard that seemed authentic came to me in the city of Elzian where I was trading with the Magicians of Dessi. There I heard a story of the exile of the Lost Tribe to the cloud forests of the far south, that perilous place named the Azanam. Others, though, speak of the forested Shuri Mountains.’

  In a very loud voice, the merchant begins relating one of the many stories he has heard about the Laranese. You notice that many people are turning to stare, muttering and whispering. Before you can attempt to quieten him, a hand grabs your shoulder. You and the merchant have been arrested by four burly Shadakine guards.

  Turn to 300.


  As you point your Staff towards the bridge, Tanith rises, takes a running jump onto the back of a crossbowman, and spoils his aim barely seconds before he releases a bolt intended for Shan. With the practised ease of a professional killer, she skilfully cuts the throat of the crossbowman with her knife.

  Meanwhile, you unleash a fork of crackling energy, which brings down a Shadakine warrior standing by the bridge, at the cost of 2 WILLPOWER points.

  Turn to 203.


  Submissively you hand over your money pouch. With a mock bow, the cut-throat takes it, grinning fiendishly. ‘And now a little silence from you, sir,’ he sneers. He lunges at you with great speed. The cut-throat is trying to kill you and you must fight.

  Cut-throat: COMBAT SKILL 10 ENDURANCE 12

  You may evade after 2 rounds of combat if you are still alive; turn to 27.

  If you would rather fight to the death and you win the combat, turn to 71.


  ‘You are right, Tanith,’ you say, ‘we need counsel. But who is this Jnana, and can he be trusted?’

  ‘He has no love of the Shadakine for, fearing the power of his wisdom, they blinded him many years ago in the ignorant belief that they could prevent his far sight by putting out his eyes. He sides with no one. He can be trusted. We must head for the Chansi Hills, which lie to the north of here. Come, follow me.’

  Turn to 58.


  To your horror you see another insect, larger than the first, blocking the exit of the tunnel. You have entered a Cave Mantiz nest. The Cave Mantiz live in colonies below ground, burrowing their nest out of stone by dissolving rock with the potent acid stored in their bodies.

  If you can find your way through this maze, you should be able to reach the surface above the Wall of Azakawa and enter the Azanam. But first you must deal with the creature that stands rearing before you. It is a soldier Mantiz and its clacking pincers and clawing, outsize forelimbs tell you that it does not intend to let you pass.

  Turn to 197.


  Treading lightly and with great caution, you move forward. You look all around, your eyes searching for an enemy lurking in the shadows, waiting to spring out at you from behind a rock or boulder.

  Shan is trembling visibly now and moves to draw his sword, but you motion him to stay his hand lest the sound should alert some dangerous beast. Still you can see nothing, b
ut the strange croaking call persists, increasing in frequency and echoing all around.

  If you have the Magical Power of Prophecy and wish to use it to identify the nature of your danger, turn to 345.

  If you do not possess this Power, or if you would prefer not to use it, turn to 61.


  With Shan the merchant hot on your heels, you dash up the stairs which lead to a small landing. There are two exits. The left exit is blocked by a heavy wooden door. To the right is an open archway leading into a narrow corridor. In the distance, you can hear the sound of screams and falling masonry. The ground below your feet trembles.

  ‘Which way?’ asks Shan.

  If you have the Magical Power of Prophecy and wish to use it, turn to 92. (Note down this section number first, as you will need to return to it afterwards.)

  If you wish to take the left exit, turn to 142.

  If you would prefer to turn to the right, turn to 163.


  As you reach desperately for a handhold, your foot slips and you fall away from the cliff-face. You plummet towards the ground, stomach churning and heart beating faster — but not for long. As you hit the stony ground, your body is broken, and you are killed instantly.

  Your life and your quest end here.


  You concentrate the power of your thought and, at the cost of 2 WILLPOWER points, a shimmering field of energy encircles you. The form of Mother Magri disappears from the heart of the fire to be replaced by a far more sinister vision. A great shadow of impenetrable darkness appears in the flames of the fire. You see two blank eye-slits and a gaping mouth as the shadow creature lunges towards you.

  Turn to 149.


  The sun has begun to set. Far ahead of you, heading west, you sight a small group of fishing boats. You see growing numbers of these craft as you continue on your way, occasionally spotting larger seagoing vessels. Then your heart gives a leap of joy. You can make out the distant shape of a coastline and a harbour full of hundreds of fishing boats and sail ships. In the orange glow of the setting sun, the domes and spires of a city point challengingly towards the sky. This is the Port of Suhn, the first city you have ever seen.

  Illustration VIII—This is the Port of Suhn.

  If you wish to enter the port before nightfall, turn to 112.

  If you wish to wait for darkness to descend, turn to 280.


  At the end of the sloping tunnel is an exit. You pass through and discover an even larger tunnel, curving away to the right and left. As you stand there, trying to decide which way to go, you hear the scrape of gigantic insect legs.

  A large soldier Mantiz is scurrying towards you from the right of the tunnel, pincers snapping and large, outsize forelimbs clawing at the air.

  Turn to 197.


  You push the heavy wooden door and give a cry of frustration: the door is locked.

  If you have the Gaoler's Keys, turn to 286.

  If you wish to try to open the door through the use of Sorcery, turn to 159.

  If you wish to try to open the door through the use of Alchemy, turn to 170.

  If you wish to take the right-hand archway, turn to 163.


  You give a cry of pain. Your future screams agonizingly in your mind. ‘Death! Death and Danger!’

  With a great effort you try to locate the exact source of the danger but your senses only shout that it is all around, to the left and the right, above and below, in front and behind. In the darkness of your fear you understand one thing: you must keep moving, for it is the present that holds the greatest peril.

  The use of this Power has cost 1 WILLPOWER point and 1 ENDURANCE point, owing to the shock of the experience.

  If you wish to explore the basin and the area around Lake Shenwu, turn to 68.

  If you would prefer to find a way to scale the cliffs, turn to 118.


  All day long you have weighed in your mind which of your Magical Powers may best aid your escape, and as night falls, you prepare to make a decision.

  Turn to 172.


  The crossbowmen's expressions change to those of astonishment as the berserk merchant rushes towards them, red-faced and screaming comically in a strangled voice. Lunging ineptly with his sword, he engages the three crossbowmen with a series of eccentric strokes, none of which find a target.

  If you wish to fire another long-range attack at the warriors on the bridge from the safety of your hiding place, turn to 132.

  If you want to help Shan, turn to 99.

  If you would prefer to charge the Shadakine warriors on the bridge, turn to 169.


  Standing in the centre of the large clearing, hemmed in on all sides by giant Azawood trees and clumps of sprawling undergrowth, you stand and catch your breath. A look around the glade reveals a number of holes in the floor — entrances, no doubt, to similar shafts to the one you have left.

  In a relentless tide, hundreds of Cave Mantiz pour out of these holes and stream towards you. Suddenly a pair of waving antennae appears in the entrance of a shaft close to where you stand.

  If you wish to fire a bolt from your Wizard's Staff into the shaft by your feet, turn to 158.

  If you wish to dash straight into the undergrowth, turn to 232.


  ‘Tanith,’ you say, ‘you serve Mother Magri. What do you intend to do?’

  ‘I know where your Staff is hidden,’ she replies. ‘I can take you to it and help you to escape if you will take me with you. Decide quickly. There is great danger here and we have little time.’ You hear the running feet of the Shadakine guards coming from the stairs below and the voice of Mother Magri, barking orders and cursing the Shadakine in an angry tone.

  If you agree to Tanith's request, turn to 221.

  If you choose to ignore her words, turn to 63.


  Squinting in the dusky light, you see a webbed hand appear over the edge of the defile. Shan gives a groan of disbelief as the wounded Quoku heaves itself onto the ragged plain. Doggedly it moves towards you, dragging its tortured body, possessed of an inhuman vitality.

  You haul Shan to his feet and point to the south. ‘Look,’ you say, ‘we have nearly reached Lake Shenwu; one last effort now.’ You pull Shan to his feet and stagger across the plain at a painfully slow pace. Relentlessly, the Quoku trails behind, slowly gaining on you.

  With a cry of frustration, you see that your way ahead is blocked by a deep ravine that stretches nearly six feet across. The creature is not far behind you and you realize that there is not time enough to circle around the ravine. The Wall of Azakawa lies tantalizingly beyond reach.

  If you wish to jump across the ravine, turn to 49.

  If you wish to stand and fight the Quoku, turn to 233.


  ‘A Kleasá!’ Tanith screams. ‘A Soul-eater!’

  Illustration IX—‘A Kleasá!’ Tanith screams. ‘A Soul-eater!’

  You must fight the Kleasá to the death. For every round of combat, subtract 1 WILLPOWER point and 2 ENDURANCE points from your total. If you have erected a magical shield of Sorcery, subtract 1 WILLPOWER point and 1 ENDURANCE point for every round of combat as the Kleasá tries to claw at your soul.


  If you are still alive after four rounds of combat or have defeated the Kleasá within three rounds, turn to 165.


  The power of the Kazim Stone is overwhelming; it undermines your resistance, and pries into the corners of your mind; it disturbs the dust of your memories and trespasses upon the hidden chambers of your dreams.

  Mother Magri's eyes widen with spiteful pleasure. You are powerless to prevent her intrusion into your mind. You try to blank your thoughts, searching for the safety of the Shianti way, the solace of meditation, but it is useless. The Kazim Stone is too strong.

  ‘There now — I see it
,’ rasps Mother Magri, scrutinizing the vague shapes and shadows of the Stone. ‘Something's there, some hidden purpose or grand design. Agh! It is protected. Some power hides it. More wizard's sorcery no doubt. Will this mist never part?’

  The hours of your ordeal pass slowly. Mother Magri chants and intones every charm and spell in every language that she knows, but she cannot penetrate the curtain that enfolds your memory, shrouding that part of your mind that bears your quest. It must be Shianti enchantment bestowed, without your knowing, by the masters of the Isle of Lorn. However, Mother Magri does not relent, and you lose 4 WILLPOWER points and 2 ENDURANCE points. You feel the growing pull of insanity and a raging madness clamouring in your ears.

  If your WILLPOWER points total is above zero, or you have the Magic Talisman of the Shianti, turn to 348.

  If your WILLPOWER total has now fallen to zero or below, turn to 237.


  It should be possible for an alchemist to mix a potion of acid capable of destroying the metal lock of the cell door, though you will need the correct ingredients to make up the following formula:


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