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Gifted Connections [Book 2]

Page 12

by SM Olivier

  I looked up in shock as Will and Gavin came running into the room. I blinked in confusion as I realized my surroundings. I was in a stark white room, in a hospital bed. The ‘hands’ I thought had been pinning me down was, in fact, a needle and its tubing from an IV drip. I blinked again as I looked up at the machine it was attached to. I could see the sun out of the single window in the room. I struggled to sit up.

  “What’s wrong?” Gavin asked in concern as he rushed to my side. He tried to staunch the bleeding on my hand, as he gently pushed me back down in the bed. He reached over, and I could hear the whirl of the bed as the bed mechanism adjusted to a sitting position.

  Will turned immediately when he saw the mess I had made of my hand, and I could hear him calling to someone in the distance.

  I blushed and ducked my head. “Just a nightmare,” I mumbled, embarrassed.

  “Hey, honey,” a distinct voice sounded in my head. “Where have you been?”

  I stiffened for a moment before a small smile curved my lips. “Right here, I’ve been right here.” I answered back.

  It took me a moment to realize that I had also spoken the words aloud.

  Gavin looked at me in confusion. “Um yeah,” Gavin cleared his throat his eyebrows furrowed. “We brought you to the campus hospital.” Gavin pushed my hair off my face. “You gave us a scare. You were running over a 104 temp. They,” he cleared his throat clearly struggling for his next words. “say you only weigh 93 pounds, you were severely dehydrated, and they think you may have an eating disorder.”

  I barked out a laugh in surprise, but then I frowned as I looked down at myself. I couldn’t believe I was under 100 pounds. I knew I had lost a lot of my appetite and I had been pushing myself physically. I ran every day and lifted three times a week. I knew my pants had become loose on me and my shirts weren’t as form fitting. I shifted so that my sheet was covering my lower half and I could lift my gown. I looked down at my now prominent ribs and concaved stomach.

  I grimaced. “I eat, I just work out…a lot,” I looked up at him, hoping he believed me.

  “I know that,” he quickly reassured me. “I see you eat, just sparingly and you run like three miles a day.”

  “Five,” I muttered in embarrassment. “I guess I may have been over-doing it. What’s wrong with me, other than being underweight and having a fever?” I reached up with one of my hands to touch my warm skin. It was still warm, just not burning as it had been.

  “You might have caught a virus, and in your weakened state, your body was unable to fight it,” Will said brusquely as he re-entered the room.

  I blushed once more as I realized Noah was steps behind him and I still had my stomach and ribs on display.

  I quickly pushed my hospital gown back down. “I don’t have an eating disorder,” I quickly blurted out. “I may have been going overboard with my work outs lately, but I eat. I’m comfortable in my skin.”

  Noah came to my side, although I noticed he seemed slightly aloof. He picked up my hand, and I tried to grab his attention to no avail. I looked up in confusion, only to see Stacey leaning in the doorway, her eyes narrowed on me.

  “Why were you screaming?” Will asked as he looked at Noah, then Stacey, then me. It was clear his eyes were assessing.

  I looked over at Gavin and he shook his head. I knew he was trying to tell me he hadn’t told him anything yet.

  I smiled up at him in relief as I felt the warmth in my hand. I could feel the pain recede in my hand—the wound had closed itself. “I have, nightmares,” I explained quietly.

  “How often?” Will asked immediately.

  I could see Stacey’s avid interest as she leaned into the room. Her eyes watchful and calculating.

  “Not very,” I said off handedly as I looked over at Noah once more.

  Our eyes met, and I saw the concern in his eyes. I sighed as I leaned back. He wasn’t trying to push me away. He was keeping me at arm’s length due to Stacey’s presence. I could only assume he didn’t want her to realize that he had already moved on.

  “Is she okay to talk, now?” Will asked Noah with determination.

  He looked between his adopted father and me, his brows knit. “She really needs her rest, but it’s entirely up to her,” he said hesitantly.

  “The mental health therapist is on her way in,” Stacey said almost smugly. At my confused look, she gave me an exasperated look. “Anytime we feel a patient is a danger to themselves, we are required to call the proper authorities. You suffer from an eating disorder; your scream was loud enough to hear down at the nurse’s station, and it’s clear from the scarring on your body that you may have had a cutting issue at one time.”

  I looked over at Gavin in shock.

  “She had to change you when you were admitted,” he explained quietly.

  I stiffened and looked over at Will. “I’m ready to talk, can you kindly send the therapist away?”

  I shuddered at the memories I had of the therapist I was forced to see when I was institutionalized at 10 years-old. I was caught talking to Jaxson after my father died and they tried to diagnose me with a split personality disorder believed to be triggered by the death of my father.

  “With your history of mental disorders, I strongly suggest they talk to her,” Stacey said coldly as she crossed her arms across her chest and haughtily turned to Will. “I did a search on our databases and found out Blake Thomas was admitted to a hospital over seven years ago and diagnosed with possibly having schizophrenia.” her red-haired pony tail nearly smacked her in the face as she turned to look at me. “Does Collin even know that you’re psycho?”

  “My father had just died,” I sat up in anger, ignoring the shooting pain in my limbs and body. “My stepmother hated me and thought if she told the hospital she saw me talking to nobody, they would put me away, while she continued to collect the money from my father’s trust.” I lied with an ease—that surprised even me. “Have you ever given your dolls voices? Did you have them talk to one another? Did you give them different voices?”

  “Stacey,” Noah snapped, his jaw clenching in anger. “She is a patient and she is recovering.”

  Will stood up and brushed a hand over his pristine suit. “I’m going to call the therapist right now.” He stopped by Stacey and gave her a pointed look. “In the future I would appreciate it if you go through the proper procedures. You only volunteer your hours here until you graduate, and we offer you a position. Was a supervisor notified of your decision to call for the therapist?”

  She gave him a sheepish expression and turned looked down shaking her head. “No. I’m sorry,” she mumbled.

  Will left the room and headed down the hallway.

  I could see Stacey was just as shocked at my revelations and embarrassed by her actions until she turned her gaze on Noah. “Where were you last night, while she was upstairs in your room taking a shower?” she asked coldly.

  I could see the war behind his eyes, before he clenched his jaw. “I don’t see how that is any of your business. We broke up. I felt we were mature enough to continue as friends since we will continue seeing each other in passing.”

  “Just as I thought,” Stacey said bitingly as tears shimmered in her eyes. She let out a cold laugh. “Tamara and Bridgette said you disappeared for quite some time and both of you came down with wet hair. How convenient for you to be defending her, when you screwed the slut. She’s the reason you broke up with me!”

  “Stacey!” he snapped with a deadly quietness. “I will not discuss this with you. It is highly unprofessional of you to even attack a patient verbally or discuss a relationship that is over. You’re spying on me, and I thought you were better than that.”

  It was Stacey’s turn to open and close her mouth before she turned on her heel and stormed out, but not before I saw her remove a cell phone from her scrubs.

  Noah looked over at me. I felt both embarrassed at the unexpected turn of events and warmth because it was clear he wasn’t straddling t
he fence any longer.

  When Will returned, he had kicked Noah out of the room and had taken a seat beside my bed. He had tried to kick Gavin out as well, but I had told him I wasn’t talking without Gavin by my side. I knew some of my story would be hard to believe and he was my witness.

  “Were you institutionalized at ten years old for playing make believe?” Will asked me bluntly.

  I knew I couldn’t lie to him now. I wanted to lay all my cards out on the table. “No,” I looked over at Gavin, wishing I had told him this before. He knew about my connection with Jaxson, but I never told him I was institutionalized because of it. “I was put into the looney bin when my stepmom and my dad’s boss found me…talking to another gifted individual after the funeral.”

  Will’s eyes furrowed in scrutiny. “Another gifted you say?”

  “One of the guys I’m connected with,” I informed him bluntly. “It was the first time he came to me, and at the time, I didn’t know how to communicate with him without words.

  His eyebrows rose once more. “You know who you are connected to, and you knew that at ten?”

  I couldn’t suppress my giggle. “I didn’t know then, but I know now.”

  “Collin?” William enquired. I shook my head, no, and he continued. “You know, when you were younger, we suspected you were capable of compelling people, but it seems you have learned to expand your gift. You have more than one connected?” He asked as he looked over enquiringly at Gavin.

  Gavin gave a quick to shake his head.

  I think Will expected me to be shocked, but I was incapable of even feigning it. I was tired, and I knew I was prepared to let him know it all. “Collin isn’t one of them. Gavin isn’t one of them, either. I have six of them.”

  It was Wills turn to snort at me in disbelief. I opened my eyes wide. I had never heard him snort. “That’s highly unlikely. Is that something your…dad had you believe?”

  He was starting to irritate me. I knew what I was saying sounded unbelievable, but I had no reason to lie. “Nope, my uncle never knew of my connections.”

  He barely suppressed an eye roll. “Where are these other connections of yours?”

  I sighed, tired of playing this game. “I’m not sure. I imagine Jaxson is preparing for his championship game. Drake most likely is finishing dinner. Jace was on an assignment,” I scrunched my nose up. “Well, he was the last time I had to live through this day. Troy should be on his way home to watch his younger brother play his last game in high school, and win, by the way. Noah was just here, so…,” I couldn’t help the sadness from coloring my words. I shook them off. “And Remy is probably wrapping things up for the day at We 7 so he can attend the game as well.”

  Will gasped. His face turn red. “Do you think this is a joke? You know I had a check done on you as well and I see that you have been an excellent student and seemed to be rather well adjusted, but I’m not amused by your latest antics. Trespassing in the music hall. Stealing a student from her class. What game are you playing? Has Horatio sunk his claws into you?”

  Gavin looked like an avenging body guard as he stood from his chair on the opposite side of me. “Show him Blake. Show him your mark.”

  I sighed as I leaned forward and revealed th e ηon the back of my neck, under my hairline.

  Will nearly fell out of his chair as he turned a disconcerting shade of white.

  Chapter 11

  Collin chose to come rushing through the doors at that time.

  “Blake, babe,” he looked anxiously at Will and I, but his eyes narrowed at the sight of Gavin, who was still holding my hand in reassurance. It was a purely platonic touch between friends. Our fingers weren’t intertwined.

  “What’s going on?” he bit out, although I could still see the panic lingering in his gaze. “I couldn’t find you anywhere today and you weren’t answering your phone.” He placed my phone in my lap. “Someone found this and turned it in to lost and found. I’m glad they didn’t try to pawn it.”

  Likely story. I tried to give him a smile. “It seems like you were correct. I’ve been pushing myself too hard lately and when I caught a bug, it kind of wiped me out.”

  “She had a temp of over 104 degrees and she was dehydrated,” Will informed him as he casually sat back down.

  Collin leaned over my side, effectively disconnecting Gavin’s touch. “And your…friend was there for you,” Collin said bitingly, although his touch was gentle as he pushed my hair from my face.

  I gave him a painstaking sigh. “He’s just my friend. I’m really tired of explaining myself.”

  “I did what any guy would do for a friend—I made sure she obtained the proper treatment.” Gavin stood from his chair, bristling. “You knew she was sick this morning. Why would you allow her to go to school in her condition?”

  Collin snorted, “You know her well enough by now. She’s a touch stubborn.”

  Gavin opened his mouth to speak once more, but Will was quick to intercede. “Boys, I think Blake’s had enough excitement for one day. I think it’s time we left so she can get more rest. If her temperature stays down, she can be released tomorrow morning.” He stood up and walked to the door, holding it open.

  “But I just got here, can’t I spend a few moments with her, by myself?” Collin looked over at Gavin pointedly. “I was worried sick for my girlfriend all day.”

  Will looked torn for a moment. “If it’s alright with Blake, but only for a few moments.”

  I nodded reluctantly. “That’s fine. I’m really tired and I would love to go back to sleep.”

  “I’ll get you some food,” Gavin said as he went to follow Will out the door. “You need to eat,” he said firmly when I was about to protest.

  I knew I had to eat, but food sounded so unappetizing now and I really did want to fall asleep once more.

  My heart was racing as the door closed and Collin turned to me. Gone was the worried boyfriend. His eyes transformed into one of anger.

  “Do you know what I went through today? I went to all your classes and you only showed up to the first one. I went back home, and you were nowhere to be found. I called you constantly, only to find you didn’t even have the courtesy to keep your phone on you. I didn’t even find out you were here until Stacey informed me.” He was pacing back and forth. “This crap needs to stop. You need to start taking our relationship more seriously.”

  I could only gape at him. Talk about Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. “You do realize I’m sick right?” I rolled my eyes at him. “You act like I intentionally got sick so that I could enjoy a stay in the hospital.”

  His eyes narrowed even further. “Well, technically, it is your fault for not taking care of yourself.”

  I snorted, tired of this conversation and exhausted from everything. I rolled over and pulled the white sheets around my shoulders. “Maybe it’s time we call it quits then since I’m such a burden to you.”

  He was quickly by my side once more. “Blake, babe, I’m sorry. Don’t say that. I was just worried sick. How about I pick you up from here tomorrow morning, pick up some movies on the way? We can relax on the sofa all day long, just you and me.”

  I yawned and closed my eyes. Debating whether I should just follow through with my threats. We did have the hi-tech gear installed on his phone. I technically no longer needed to subject myself to his company. Gavin had the capability of viewing all his activity from his lap top at this point and time. “Give me tonight,” I said wearily. “I think it’s important for me to think about.”

  He sighed and ran his hand over my head. I had to will myself not to flinch. I no longer liked all his casual touches. After connecting with Noah last night, it only increased my desire to be with my connections.

  I had reached my limit of sleep by the time midnight rolled around. I woke up feeling weak, but a lot better. My skin felt clammy, and I longed for a shower. I knew I needed a shower and looked around my room, spotting my duffel bag. I went to get up, only to realize I couldn’t use ba
throom with my hand still attached to the iv machine. I pushed my button for the nurse and waited patiently.

  After waiting for over 10 minutes, I took matters into my own hands. I disconnected my tubes, wincing at the slight twinge of pain. I then walked gingerly across the room. When the room spun, I realized I was starving and looked over to table near my bedside. I noticed a large sub wrapped in white deli paper and knew immediately what it was. I sat back down and tore open the paper with gusto.

  Gavin and I had a mutual liking of the little sub shop on campus, and I craved the fresh turkey, stuffing, and cranberry sauce on a weekly basis—if not daily. I normally ordered a small, but I had a large one in front of me, and I was going to try my hardest to eat it all. There was also a bag of jalapeno kettle chips next to a bottle of Dr. Pepper. I opened both after shoving 5 bites of my sub in my mouth. I knew I looked ravenous, bordering on homeless, but I didn’t care. I was hungry!

  I tried in vain to eat the whole sub, but I still had a half left when I finally threw in the towel. I burped when the carbonation of the pop hit me, and I giggled at myself. I would be appalled at my behavior and appearance if others were around.

  Finally, I decided to get up and attempt to take a shower. I wasn’t dizzy any longer, and my stomach wasn’t gnawing on itself, but I felt extremely frail. I turned on the water and waited for it to warm up while I took in the inventory of the bathroom. I realized my bladder was going to burst, so I quickly sat down and sighed. I noticed the tiny white, thin towels folded neatly on the back of the toilet and a small pouch of tiny shampoo, conditioner, and liquid soap, along with a cheap tooth brush and a small tube of tooth paste. I wasn’t complaining. It was something. It wasn’t what I had grown accustomed to lately, but it was still a heck of a lot better than when I lived with my stepmom. I let out a sound of relief when I noticed clean gowns on the back of the door.

  I hoped whoever brought me my duffel bag packed a clean pair of underwear in there.


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