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Gifted Connections [Book 2]

Page 13

by SM Olivier

  I leaned against the handicap bar in the shower as I let the water run over me. I used the entire bottle of the shampoo and conditioner on my raven curly locks due to its length and thickness. I knew my hair wouldn’t feel soft, but at least it would be clean. I washed my body and didn’t linger too much longer. I wasn’t tired, but I knew I should lay back down.

  As I was running a wide tooth comb through my hair, I contemplated downloading a movie or two on my iPhone. All thoughts of a movie were forgotten when I heard a commotion and a child’s cry out in the hallway. I stumbled to the door and gasped at the sight in front of me. Three pre-teens and a screaming boy with unkempt hair was being led by a group of Knights.

  The Knights were a group of men and women, mostly men, who were one of the teams that actively worked for William Bell. The Knights’ primary mission was to recover any gifted individuals that may be in danger. They were usually children. The Knights were generally on the front lines, so to speak. Their jobs were the most dangerous in the organization due to the situations they had to extract individuals out of. Will had informed me they hadn’t been dispatched as frequently as they had recently. With Horatio ramping up his ‘hunts,’ Will’s mission had become to thwart him whenever possible.

  “Noooooo! I want my mommy!” the youngest was screaming. His long dirty-blond hair was flying all over his face.

  The woman who was trying to carry him winced in pain as he threw skinny sharp elbows, fist, and feet at her. I could tell she meant well, but the boy was clearly frightened and proved it seconds later.

  Sharp metallic objects began to rush to the group of pre-teens and Knights. I knew without a shadow of a doubt that this was going to end badly.

  “He’s a freaking nutcase,” a girl around the age of twelve stated cryptically before she morphed into cat. “I told you guys to watch him.”

  I had to prevent myself from gaping at her. That was a first for me. I hadn’t personally met anyone with that gift yet.

  I heard a grunt from the nearest Knight as a scalpel imbedded itself in his forearm despite his best efforts to conjure wind and fling the objects away.

  I focused all my weakened energy on the young boy. “Stop!” I compelled him, silently. “Relax! They aren’t here to hurt you.”

  His wild pale blue eyes found mine and I let my barriers down. Feeling his fear, his pain, his loneliness, the physical hunger. I winced as I felt all his emotions, and I knew it probably wasn’t one of my smartest ideas as I advanced down the hallway.

  “Stop!” I heard one of the Knights yell at me.

  I held my hand up, “No you stop,” I commanded him silently. When I saw the other’s advance towards me, I commanded them to stand down as well.

  “Give him to me, please,” I requested to the female. She looked barely older than me and scared out of her mind. It wasn’t necessary for me to compel her. She was already scared out of her wits.

  She didn’t hesitate to hand him over. I immediately took his small frame into my arms. Feeling his little body wracked with tremors.

  “Hey buddy,” I said soothingly. “My name is Blake,” I explained to him as I slowly lowered myself onto the floor with him. “I know you’re scared,” I said softly. “I’m going to take the fear away, okay?”

  He scrubbed a dirty arm across his dirt streaked face, smearing more snot across it. He was probably once a very handsome boy, but it was hard to tell with his dirty, lanky hair hanging around his face. He smelled of feet and urine, so he was clearly in need of a shower and food.

  He nodded reluctantly. “My friend has a sister name Blake,” he said quietly. “I told her Blake’s a boy name!” he scoffed as only eight or nine-year-old boys can do.

  I giggled. “That’s what my sister told me all the time too! What’s your name?” I gently grasped his hands. “I’m going to take your fear away so these nice people can help you. They don’t want to hurt you,” I said softly as I pushed feelings of warmth towards him, wincing as I felt his pain and fear.

  “Chip and I want my mommy,” he said softly as he laid his head on my shoulder.

  “What the hell is going on?” I heard a great booming voice enter the hall. I stiffened only slightly before I recognized the voice.

  Chip stiffened in my arms as his eyes widened looking behind me. I could feel his anxiety rise once more. “You let my friend go!” he screeched, and I saw the metal objects begin to vibrate around us once more.

  I heard cat girl curse and declare ‘not again,’ as she morphed once more. I would have laughed if the situation wasn’t so dire. I didn’t have time to think as I saw the metal objects rise ready to strike. I lifted my hands and created a field around us. The metal objects harmlessly clattered to the ground.

  “Chip,” I implored him. “You’re safe,” I insisted to him as I turned and met Troy’s shocked eyes.

  I don’t know who was more shocked, me or him. Him because he narrowly escaped being impaled, or me because hanging limply in his arms was my little sister, Ella.

  Chapter 12

  “We were incapable of moving,” the tallest and biggest Knight member exclaimed.

  “She calmed him down,” one of the pre-teens exclaimed.

  “She created a force field too,” said the woman I had taken Chip from and who was shooting distrustful looks my way as she backed away from us.

  To my right, five leery Knights and three frightened teens. To my left, my limp sister and one of my connections.

  “What’s wrong with her?” I could feel my limbs shaking as I stood from my weakened state. Being sick and then using my gifts probably wasn’t one of my best ideas.

  To his credit Troy showed no fear, just interest.

  Things got a little more interesting as Will, Jemmy, and Gavin came walking around the corner. Will looked like he had just been dragged from bed, but Jemmy and Gavin still had swimming clothes on.

  Gavin was dressed in swim trunks and a sweatshirt. Jemmy was dressed in sweat pants and a hastily buttoned up linen top, her bikini top clearly showing.

  I had forgotten about the big game today and the party afterwards.

  Gavin rushed forward and grabbed Chip from me as he put his arms around my shoulders in concern. “What are you doing?” he asked anxiously. “You should be in bed.”

  “What’s going on?!” I exclaimed. “That’s my sister!”

  “Bronson, take the team,” Will said brusquely. “Go ahead and take the kids to recovery.”

  No one made a move towards Chip, and I was thankful for that. I didn’t think the little guy would go willingly.

  “Troy, in here,” Will said opening a door to my left. “All of you,” he said more gently as we all followed him into the room.

  When we got into the room, I noticed that there were four separate hospital beds and a much larger ensuite bathroom to the right.

  “What’s wrong with my sister?” I asked urgently once more.

  “Dehydration, exhaustion, malnutrition,” Troy said with a small frown of worry.

  “Fix her!” I exclaimed feeling close to panic.

  Will placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder. “I know this sounds callous, Blake, but you need to relax. You’re scaring him,” he nodded towards Chip. “And she’ll recover. We’ll have her feeling better in no time.”

  “Her mommy sold her,” Chip said forlornly as I stumbled to the bed, more exhausted then I realized. He struggled against Gavin’s hold and scrambled onto the bed and into my arms. “She said you would come back for her. She missed you.” He absently traced his hands against my arms. “We didn’t eat much. That man and woman from the apartment put us in dog boxes while they went to work. If they remembered, they gave us water and bread before they left us. I shared my bread with her, but she wouldn’t eat it. David tried to break us out. They got him. He didn’t come back.”

  “How long were you there?” I tried to sound encouraging, but inside I wanted to scream.

  He thought for a moment. “They too
k me from my mommy 56 days ago. Ella came on day 32. My mommy loves me. She didn’t sell me. I want my mommy,” he began to sob once more, and the metal objects began to levitate.

  “It’s okay,” I said soothingly as I rubbed his back. “It’ll be okay. We’ll find your mommy,” I said as I pushed calm thoughts to his troubled soul.

  Noah and another healer came rushing into the room. I hadn’t realized Gavin and Jemmy had left the room until that moment. I saw the wonderment and surprise in Will and Troy’s eyes as they stepped back to let Noah and the healer set to work on Ella.

  I wanted to rush to her and cradle her in my arms, but I knew it wouldn’t help her. She needed them more than she needed me. Troy had gently laid her on the bed beside me and stepped back as well.

  I sat there feeling helpless and useless as I saw them hook her up to a heart rate monitor and an IV bag. I felt nauseous and felt tears running down my face as they stuck a feeding tube down her throat.

  The room was eerily quiet as Noah and the other healer did their jobs. The female healer peeled the disgusting clothing off Ella, down to her underwear. I felt somewhat mollified at her gentle care of my sister. I could see the pain and disgust in her eyes. The pain of a seeing a child suffering to this degree, and disgust at the person that could inflict this kind of damage to a child.

  Noah quietly placed his handhis on Ella and began healing any of her visible wounds. I had to bite my lip from crying out when I noticed the scars she hadn’t had on her before. I tasted the metallic taste of my blood on my tongue, but I didn’t care.

  Gavin and Jemmy came back into the room carrying two trays of hospital food. I saw bananas, oatmeal, cereal, rice, carrot sticks, and other like items.

  Chip went to eagerly reach for the food as Gavin gently pushed it back. “How about a shower first kiddo,” he suggested gently.

  Chip bristled at him. “I’m hungry,” he said mutinously.

  I gently ruffled his hair, not caring I was probably dirty now too. “Go on, Chip,” I told him gently. Thankful I didn’t have to use my gift once more. I was exhausted. “You don’t want to get sick. The sooner you shower, the sooner you can eat.”

  He sighed but got up to follow Gavin into the bathroom.

  “You should eat, too,” Gavin said firmly as he looked at me.

  I shook my head and wiped my tears away. “I’m good. I just ate that sandwich you left me a little while ago.”

  “All of it?” he lifted an eyebrow at me as if he already knew my answer.

  It was my turn to sigh. “I’ll eat when my new friend comes back,” I conceded.

  Chip turned and flashed me a smile. Even below all that dirt he was a handsome little boy when he smiled.

  “I set up my phone to receive any messages Collin was receiving,” Gavin explained quietly. “There was a real cryptic message he received tonight, and I had to tell someone,” he said, slightly apologetic. “I was already at the Bell’s house and I knew I had to tell him.”

  I nodded. “I understand.”

  Ella was stable for now. She was sleeping peacefully in a bed beside me. Chip was squeaky clean and was full after eating half a bowl of oatmeal and a banana. The other healer had hooked him up to a fluid bag before helping him settle down in the bed on the other side of me. I didn’t want to leave the room just yet, and everyone knew that.

  Noah had left to give care to the other recovered children. That left Gavin, Jemmy, Will, and Troy.

  “He saved those kids’ lives,” Jemmy said adoringly as she grasped Gavin’s hands and smiled up at him. “They were going to be moved down south, and who knows where, next.”

  Gavin blushed, which almost made me giggle. I was longing to fall asleep once more, but I knew this conversation was important.

  “It seems like we have a mutual friend,” Will said finally. He had been quiet for most of the night. “Judge Myers.”

  I nodded and pulled my blankets up further, cautiously looking over at Troy. I didn’t know how much he knew at this point. “Before all this happened,” I explained. “You made me remember his number, so I could find him, ask him for his help.”

  At Troy’s confused expression, I knew he didn’t have a clue about our earlier conversations.

  “Someone’s been messing with our lives. Someone turned back time and made you guys forget about me,” I yawned, continuing to fight sleep.

  At Jemmy and Troy’s gasp, I knew they found my story to be farfetched.

  “Why would I give you his number?” Will didn’t seem terribly shocked, and I had a feeling he couldn’t deny the facts much longer.

  “Ella,” I continued to explain. “My sister—or as you know her, my cousin—had a premonition that we would be here. Before this all happened, you became my temporary guardian. My sister was going to be under my guardianship once I turned eighteen.”

  Will nodded. “Tonight, my team saw you create a force field as well as show signs of using the empath gift. Is this true?”

  I sat up startled, adrenaline coursing through me. I slapped my forehead. “I wasn’t thinking.” I looked warily over at Troy. “You warned me before about using my additional gifts in front of others. You didn’t want anyone else to know what I was capable of. You felt like this would put us in danger. You were right to suspect that there were people here in Horatio’s back pocket. I know Zach Young is, and Collin Scott.”

  “But Collin’s your boyfriend, isn’t he?” Jemmy asked in confusion. “None of this makes sense. Are you saying you use to live with us? Pops hasn’t brought anyone into the house since my brother and I came years ago. Why would people be after you? After us?”

  I sighed. “I did live with you guys. I know this is hard to believe, but it’s true. Collin’s not really my boyfriend. I knew things were off when I woke up a few weeks ago. I hadn’t seen Collin since high school, accept for,” I paused and gasped. “Tonight! At Jax’s party. I caught Rose and Collin hooking up in the pool house.”

  Troy let out a skeptical laugh. “Rose and Drake are the strongest couple I know. They’ve been together forever. When we left earlier they were in the hot tub, with each other.”

  I shook my head. “It’s all a ruse. At least, on her part. She loves him, but not enough to stop her side gig with Collin. Ask Remy,” I gave him a dead pan expression. “A few months ago, she tried to proposition him,” I bit my lip, trying to find the right words, to continue. Do I tell them about the possible pregnancy now, or do I bide my time? This was a lot to drop on them all at once.

  Troy and Jemmy both reacted in shock. “This is crazy,” Troy stood up and left the room pulling out his cell phone as he went.

  “It’s true,” Gavin said stoically. “I saw Rose and Collin sneaking off before and though I’ve never caught them in the act, there’s definitely something going on.”

  “I already had my team’s memories swiped,” Will said quietly, finally. “And I’m erasing the cameras that are in the hall. “I think it’s best if your sister and you come back to my house until we figure all of this out.”

  Jemmy still seemed stunned and confused as she looked at all three of us.

  I shook my head. “I don’t think that’s a clever idea. Not yet. I would appreciate it if you take Ella. She loves you,” I stated, looking at Will. “You taught her how to play chess and she beat you every time. But I can’t leave Collin yet. I still need to find out how Bridgette’s involved, although I think I already have a feeling.”

  “Bridgette’s a bitch,” Jemmy muttered as Gavin stood up.

  Will shot her a look of warning, but he didn’t bother correcting her.

  “Blake, you need to go home with them, when you can. I don’t trust Collin, and who knows what that snake’s capable of. You still have the bruises he gave you yesterday,” he said insistently.

  I grimaced as I pushed my gown further on my arms. “I have to,” I appealed to him. We just started tracking his phone. I can’t just leave suddenly and move in with the Bells. They’ll s
uspect that we’re on to them, and we don’t have enough yet. I know it’s more than just the three of them right now.”

  “This is insanity, Blake. You aren’t even an adult yet, you can’t single handedly take this group down,” he paced angrily.

  “I agree,” Will said uncomfortably.

  “I’m gifted,” I said with a finality. “I’m stronger than Zach and Collin. If at any time I feel threatened, I’ll leave.”

  Jemmy snorted, but not unkindly. “Sweetie. They are two of the most powerful men we know. There’s no way your gift is that strong…yet.”

  I sighed and used the last of my strength I had to stand up. Earlier when I felt my gifts swirling within in, I think I had a clue what my new gift was. Without blinking an eye, I compelled her to recite the alphabet backward as I lifted the chair with one hand, produced a fireball in the other, had Gavin laughing uproariously, created an illusion of a juggling monkey, and created a forcefield.

  I’m pretty sure I heard Will curse for the first time ever as I passed out. In my weakened state, I had used too much energy in one day.

  I woke up back in the room I was originally in and started to panic, but then I saw that Troy was camped out on the chair beside my chair. He was sprawled forward in the chair, with his head on my bed.

  Before I found out about my connections, he had been my ideal “type.” I always had an attraction to tall, dark, and handsome. Troy checked all those boxes and then some. With his Italian heritage, he had dark hair, and honey brown eyes. His long sooty eyelashes and tan made many a girl envious. He kept physically fit with the combination of his martial arts and weight lifting. His hair was kept like most military men—short on the sides. I had never seen it long; he was a stickler for clean cut appearances.

  He ran a successful security firm, and I think that’s what kept me from forming my connection with him sooner. We hadn’t gotten to spend too much time together. However, in all fairness, I had been upset at him for a few weeks since he had called Jace into one of his security details. Which wouldn’t have been too big of an issue if Jace’s ex-girlfriend hadn’t been there. I knew they had been friends, I was okay with that. I wasn’t okay with the fact that the tabloids had blown their relationship out of proportion and I had let my insecurities get the better of me.


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