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Alpha Claimed (Alaskan Tigers Book 13)

Page 7

by Marissa Dobson

  “You’re not going to, baby. You have my word. You and Mella are safe here. I’m going to handle the situation with Donald and then…”

  “Then what? It’s not like we can go back to our lives. We know about shifters and from what I gather, that’s rare information for a human to have. Are you just going to kill us? No, that wouldn’t make sense. Why help me, only to kill me afterwards?” She was rambling but couldn’t help herself. Her nerves were getting the best of her and she couldn’t seem to bring them back under control.

  “No one is going to hurt you. Not Donald, and not anyone here. You’re under my protection. I know you don’t understand all of this yet but give me a chance to show you what my world can offer you and you won’t regret it.”

  “What happens…” She sucked her bottom lip between her teeth and stared at him for a long moment.

  “If you tell someone our secret?” he supplied, watching her closely. “Baby, I don’t think you’d do that. You don’t understand what’s happening between us yet but you feel it. I realize you’re scared but you need to give it a chance. Give us a chance.”

  “What about Mella? What if she tells someone? Will you kill her?”

  “Why is it always about murder with you?” He shook his head. “There are other ways to deal with a threat besides killing people. If our secret gets out, there’s more at jeopardy than just my clan. Though I think your sister will understand that she will need to keep this secret.”

  “You mean keep the secret in exchange for your help now? That’s going to sound like blackmail to Mella.”

  “Not in exchange for our help.” He slipped his hand up her cheek, cupping the side of her face. “She’ll keep the secret because it will jeopardize your safety if she doesn’t. As my mate, and trust me baby, I will have you as my mate, you’ll be in just as much danger as I am if she tells anyone what we are.”

  “You sound so sure of yourself.” Even as the words left her mouth, she knew he’d get what he wanted. He was right; she didn’t understand it but she could feel the draw between them. As much as she fought the connection, it seemed to grow stronger. With every touch and sweet caress, she longed for more. She wanted to feel his arms around her again, to feel the safety she felt in his embrace. It was unlike anything she’d ever felt before. Terrifying and exciting all at once. She only hoped Mella would understand. The last thing she wanted right then was to fight with her sister.

  “There’s something else you should know before she arrives.” Removing his hand from her cheek, he leaned back against the sofa.

  The moment the connection was lost, she longed to go to him, snuggle against his body, just to have the warmth of his touch on her again. “What’s that?”

  “There’s not room enough for you both here. I’ve arranged for Mella to have a room down the hall. It’s right on the other side of the cafeteria. Sparks and Rachel are close by and with the round-the-clock guards on duty, she’ll be safe.”

  “It’s fine. I’ll stay with her. We can share a room. You’re being generous enough to put us up and help me with my problem. Neither of us have a right to complain about the sleeping arrangements.”

  Wrapping his arm around her waist, he pulled her into his lap. A yelp of surprise slipped past her lips, but as he cradled her against him, she was left with a pure sense of contentment. “I’m glad you feel that way because you’re staying right here. Mella will have her own room and I want you right here. Remember, no complaining. You said so yourself.”

  “Wait. What?” She looked up at him. “Stay here? There’s one bedroom. You’re going to make me sleep on the sofa when I could share a room with her?”

  “I was more thinking of you sharing my bed.” He pulled her back against him. “But until you’re ready, I’ll sleep on the sofa. Hell, I’ll sleep on the floor if that’s what it takes. I want you right here with me where I can keep you safe. When I can’t be with you, Sparks, Zaz, or one of the others I trust will be here to help protect you.”

  “You said I’m safe here, that Donald couldn’t get to me. If that’s true, then why all the precautions?”

  “Even though I haven’t claimed you, you’re my mate. Until you officially reject me, then it’s my duty to keep you safe. Elder mates—”

  “What? Elder mates?”

  “The Elders of a clan are the Alpha and the Lieutenant. That’s me and Zaz, as of a few hours ago—he was promoted as the Lieutenant of the Ohio Tigers.” He slid his hand down her arm, soothing her. “Our mates are part of the Elder team, whether they’re shifters or humans. They’re protected. Every Elder mate has their own guards. The Elders normally do, too, especially after they’re mated.”

  Still not sure what to think of his claim she was his mate, let alone supposed to help him rule his clan and have guards, she decided to skip over that to focus on other details. “Zaz…the man who was here when you were out dealing with Merrie—he’s your Lieutenant. He’s an asshole.”

  “Why, sugar, because he wouldn’t allow you to leave here?” His lips curled into a smile as he watched her. “He was obeying my orders. Merrie was in a delicate spot and I needed to handle the situation before she turned rogue. You didn’t know about shifters yet. Even if you did, it would have been too dangerous for you. Her beast was too close to taking over. Having you out there would have divided my attention. I’d have wanted to protect you instead of doing my duty to her as one of my members. In here, I knew you’d be safe. Zaz wouldn’t let anything happen to you.”

  “You claim I’m your mate. Don’t I get a say in what I do? Or is it always going to be like this? You give orders and I’m forced to obey because my guards are there to make sure.” It didn’t sound like anything better than what she had with Donald. If she didn’t obey him, he took his anger out on her with his fists.

  “You get a say and as Alpha Female of the clan, you won’t be sitting back on the sidelines. Trust me, baby, you’re going to be out there more than my tiger is comfortable with. If I had my way, I’d keep you tucked up in our bed, where I know you’d be safe. But that’s not how this works. This isn’t the olden days when I could keep you locked in my den.” A smile stretched across his face and he shifted uneasily under her, allowing her to feel his hardened manhood.

  “You’re turned on by the idea of locking me up?” With her eyes wide, she stared at him. She wasn’t sure why that made her body heat with desire, or maybe that was from his reaction. “Are you…I mean I’ve read about those kinky things…but I’ve never…”

  “Don’t worry, Layla. The only thing freaky about me is that I turn into a tiger.”

  “In the bedroom?” She shook her head, pulling away from him. That would be too much for her. “I can’t.”

  “Woah baby, that’s not what I mean. My beast doesn’t come out in the bedroom, not like that anyways. There might be some growling as I make you mine, but I don’t turn into a tiger and pounce. I’m all man then.” He let out an uneasy chuckle. “When I said the only freaky thing about me is turning into a tiger, I meant in general. Though the idea of having you tied up on my bed, naked and waiting, does turn me on. It doesn’t mean I want you there always. Fuck that, I want you naked and in my bed every night but no whips and chains. I want you there because you want to be there not because I’ve got you tied up.”

  “Thank heavens.” She relaxed back against him. “I thought this freaky little tiger village I stumbled into might have been hiding a second secret. I don’t do whips and chains. The idea of being chained to anything….”

  Images of being handcuffed to the radiator rushed through her thoughts, making the burn marks on her back itch. She wiggled against him, her arm reaching back to scratch it, but no matter how much she dragged her nails over the spot between her shoulder blades, it wouldn’t end. With her eyes closed, she could see herself there, chained, the scent of her burning skin filling the air and making her gag. Please, Donald. I’m sorry! I didn’t— Before she could finish, he’d reached out and back sl
apped her with such force, she could taste blood.


  Her body shook but the memory held tight. Donald had pressed her back against the hot radiator, forcing tears to spring to her eyes. The pain burned white in front of her eyes and she begged for unconsciousness. That night, she’d thought her life was going to end.

  “Layla, open your eyes. Look at me,” the voice demanded. Part of her recognized the voice and wanted to go to it but she couldn’t.

  A prickle of pain seared through the memory, but this was different from the burning skin on her back. This was her neck. Without opening her eyes, she reached up. Her hand met hair and for a moment, she stopped. Donald’s head was shaved—this wasn’t him. For that reason alone, she dragged her hands through his hair, her fingers tangling in the silky strands.

  “Come on baby, open your eyes.” The voice was muffled as he pressed soft kisses along her neck. “You’re safe here.”

  “Korbin.” His name came out as a whisper and her grip on his hair tightened, not out of fear but out of need. “You bit me.”

  “You left me very few options when you didn’t respond to the sound of my voice.” He pulled back, forcing her to lose her grip of his hair. “What happened to you?”

  “Too much.” Not knowing what else to say, she pulled her hand away from his hair and relaxed against his chest. “It’s over now, right?”

  “It is.” He pressed his lips to her forehead. “No one fucks with my woman.”

  “You give me hope but at the same time, I’m terrified to lose you. If the outcome is in his favor he’ll make me regret my choices every day of my life. Maybe I could have lived under his thumb if I hadn’t known there was something else out there for me. Something that appears to be so much more than I could have expected, let alone wanted deep in my heart.”

  “We’ll get through this and you’ll see there’s so much out there for you. I don’t just mean with me and the clan. You can do anything you ever wanted to. You’ll be protected but it doesn’t mean I’m going to lock you away here. You can have the life you never would have had with him. Most of all, with me, you’ll be loved and cherished.”

  “Loved? How can you possibly know that? You only just met me. I could be a crazy lunatic.”

  “Not a chance, baby.” His arms tightened around her waist. “Mates are perfectly matched. We’re meant to be together and if you accept this fact, we’ll be happy. I’ll make sure you’re happy.”

  “I wish I had your confidence.” Even as her words voiced her doubt, she leaned against his chest and rested her head on his shoulder. It all sounded so picture perfect but that wasn’t how her life worked. Nothing had ever gone according to plan for her. When’s the next shoe going to drop?

  Chapter Eight

  Twenty minutes before, Layla had been waiting for the other shoe to drop. She knew the world Korbin laid out for her was too good to be true and her sister’s anger proved it. Layla was the older sister but, in that moment, she felt like a stupid little sibling who could never do anything right. Mella was all she had left and right then, a part of her wished she’d been an only child. Then, at least, she wouldn’t have to defend her actions to anyone.

  She was quickly growing tired of it. She’d put up with a lot from Donald but normally, that had come in the form of fists hitting her body. He’d never cared about what she had to say. With Mella, it was different. Her sister wanted her to say something, but she was fresh out of words. Or rather, she couldn’t get a word in edgewise.

  “What the hell are you thinking?” Mella paced behind the sofa. Every few steps, she tossed Layla a look before shaking her head again. “I can’t believe you’re throwing away everything Daddy arranged for you. If he’d have cared enough about me to make arrangements to ensure I’d be looked after when he died, then maybe I wouldn’t be killing myself going to school and working two jobs. But no, he only cared about you and even though you’re set, will you share Daddy’s life insurance? No. It’s yours. Now you have some baboons show up at the restaurant and demand I come with them. This is kidnapping. Wait until Donald learns you’re hanging out with criminals. There’s going to be hell to pay.”

  “You have no idea.” She dropped down onto the sofa and wished she hadn’t asked Korbin to leave them alone. The strength and encouragement he could offer her at that moment might have helped her get through this conversation with Mella.

  “Donald deserves a better woman than you. He deserves someone like me. Someone who wouldn’t slip off behind his back and…” Mella stopped mid-pace and looked at her. “Are you fucking someone here?”

  “Please, Mella, if you’d just listen to me for a minute.”

  “You are, aren’t you? If you had me brought here and cost me my job so you could tell me that you’re leaving Donald I swear…”

  “Damn it, Mella!” She rose from the sofa and stared her sister down. How had she never realized how selfish Mella was? Nineteen and in her second year of college, Layla would have expected her to have grown up some.

  “I could never figure out why Daddy loved you more, but you were always the apple of his eye. Now look at you. How the mighty have fallen without Daddy’s guidance.”

  “Is that what you think?” Anger filling her, she tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear. “Daddy’s guidance. You wish he’d taken you under his wing more, don’t you? Well, little sister, I can’t tell you how lucky you are.”

  “Lucky? How is working two jobs lucky? While you get to sit on your pretty little ass all day and spend every night being taken care of.”

  “You have no idea what went on with Donald or the hell he put me through. Every bad day he had, or every time a criminal slipped through his fingers, who did he take it out on? Me. I was the one who felt his fists nightly. It didn’t matter what happened, it was my fault. Nothing I could do was good enough. Every day I lived in fear that I wouldn’t survive the next beating. Do you know why I was scared? Not because he’d finally murder me like he did Dad, but because you’d be left at his mercy.”

  “Murder? Dad?” Mella shook her head. “No.”

  It took Layla a moment to put the pieces together and when she did, she dropped back onto the sofa. She hadn’t meant to say those words aloud for Mella was never to know what had happened to their father. It was better that she believed the story everyone else did: that it had been a mugging gone wrong. If she knew the truth, she’d be in danger. All this time, she had been protecting Mella from Donald and now she’d let the truth slip. Shit.

  “He wouldn’t.” Mella grabbed hold of the sofa, her face pale.

  “Come sit down.” She touched her sister’s hand. “Please.”

  “Tell me he wouldn’t. Tell me you’re just saying these hurtful things to get back at him for whatever he’s done to upset you.”

  “I’m not going to lie to you. I’ve done enough of that over the years. I’ve been hiding the truth from you for so long that it’s freeing that you finally know. Dad found out what was happening and what kind of man Donald truly is. You know Dad—he had to confront him. Confronted us. I watched the whole thing unfold and I was too terrified to do anything. I’m sorry, Mella.” She squeezed her sister’s hand. “If I knew Dad had found out, I would have spoken to him before anything could happen. There was nothing he could do. Nothing anyone could do.”

  “Until now.”

  Korbin’s deep voice had her turning to the main door. Relief flood through every cell of her body to see him standing there. She wanted to go to him but Mella was starting to listen. Layla hadn’t gotten to any of the important stuff, or to Korbin and his clan. Going to him at this moment would no doubt bring Mella’s rage back to the surface.

  “Who the hell are you?” Mella eyed him quizzically. “Are you the one my sister is fucking? What were you thinking putting these insane ideas into her head?”

  “You okay, Layla?” Korbin asked, coming closer to the siblings.

  “Answer me.”

p; “Mella, enough.” She nodded to Korbin, letting him know she was okay. “He’s opened his home to us. The least you could do is show some respect.”

  “Seems to me he’s getting more than your respect.” Mella pulled her hand back from underneath Layla’s and stepped away from her. “I want to go home.”

  “It’s not safe,” Korbin stated as he came around to stand next to the sofa. “This man that you seem to think so highly of shot your sister today. She showed up here near death’s door from the loss of blood and you can’t even give her a few minutes to explain why you were brought here. If that’s what siblings are like, I’m glad I’m an only child.”

  “Prove it. If you were shot, prove it. Let me see the wound. Then I’ll listen to you about Donald. Otherwise I’m leaving and I’m going to tell him where you are. Let him deal with this fucked up situation.” Mella crossed her arms and plopped down into the other living room chair.

  “I figured you’d say something like that, so here.” Stepping passed Layla, Korbin handed Mella a small stack of print outs. “Those are images from the surveillance cameras. You can see the blood soaking through her shirt, her pale skin, and the fear in her eyes. She ran through the woods from Donald’s house. I checked; taking a direct route from Donald’s house, it’s a little over seven miles. Though I suspect her journey was longer. She could have died before she arrived here and you act as if this was all arranged to spoil your day.”


  Hearing her nickname broke the dam that had been holding back her tears. Mella hadn’t called her Lala in years. Looking back, she realized now that had been the first sign they were drifting apart but back then, she’d thought Mella was growing up. No need for a childhood nickname. Back then it had pained her a little to lose the special nickname that only her sister had called her. Now to hear it was like a knife in her heart. They had been torn apart. Some of the distance between them had been maintained to keep her safe from Donald. How much had she lost in the process? She missed her sister, her best friend.


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