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Foul Play [Merricks, Montana] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 10

by McKinlay Thomson

  “Shall we move over to a table near the dance floor and grab another drink?”

  “Sounds good. I noticed a few of the others over there. We can introduce Sarah to them.”

  “I agree. The quicker Sarah meets people, the quicker she can decide to stay.”

  “She can’t stay, James. She has to go home and testify, but not to worry. We will just have to go with her and bring her back.” Blake smiled across the table at James. He had had him worried there for a moment. James knew that Blake wanted Sarah every bit as much as he did, but his comment still caught him by surprise.

  Sarah returned to the table, and they made their way closer to the dance floor. Blake dragged her out for a dance as James grabbed one of the free tables. It looked like every one of his friends had come out to dine tonight. The place was crowded, and he could name nearly every single person.

  As he scanned his eyes around the room, they fell on a group of ladies. He recognized a few of them from the club. They were unattached subs. He had tried a few of them when at the club, but none of them had what he was looking for. None of them was anything like Sarah. She was everything he thought he was missing in a sub and more. Even if they were only just starting to explore her submissive side, he still knew she was perfect for him.

  It wasn’t long before he had caught the attention of the unattached subs he was staring at. One of the more aggressive subs untangled herself from her friends and started to make her way over to his side. He didn’t know her name, as he had never bothered to find it out. They had never played at Silk Ties, as she wasn’t his type. She was too aggressive in her pursuit for a Dom, and he thought a Dom should be the one to pursue the sub, not the other way around. She had gotten a lot of attention with her antics, and it was giving her a reputation—and not a good one. He knew for a fact that the owner was considering canceling her membership.

  She reached his side just as the song ended. The sub entered his personal space, leaning against him and placing her palms against his chest.

  “Hey there, big boy. I’m Candy. I’ve seen you at Silk Ties, but you never come over to say hi. I was just about to head there now. Did you want to join me?” Candy stood there looking up at him through her lashes. They were caked in makeup, and she wore far too much perfume. Her breath reeked of alcohol, and he fought the urge to gag. His Sarah would never wear that much makeup, and she smelled like the apple shampoo they had stored in their bathroom.

  He stood there glaring at her, wondering how he was going to get out of this situation. If he was at the club he would have called over one of the monitors that watched over the unattached subs and had her punished for her boldness. But he wasn’t at the club and he really didn’t want to cause a scene with a drunken woman.

  “Lay a hand on him again and I’ll be mailing it back to you.”

  * * * *

  Sarah couldn’t quite believe what she had just said. The blatantly possessive comment came out of nowhere, but she was pissed. She had just finished her lovely slow dance with Blake when she turned around to see some drunken tart hanging off James. She didn’t know the woman or who she was to James, but that didn’t matter. He was hers, goddamn it. They had just shared the most unbelievable night of sex. She had called him Sir.

  How dare some floozy think she could put her greasy paws on her man? She may have only just decided that they were hers, but they still were and no one was going to touch them but her.

  “Excuse me! I was having a conversation with Master. We were just deciding to go over to the club. Take your fat ass back where it came from.”

  There was a collective gasp from the other patrons of the bar. Candy turned back to James, intent on ignoring her. She’d see about that.

  “Look here, slut face. James is my master. No one touches him but me,” Sarah replied. She had been called fat before. It didn’t bother her. She could say nasty things too.

  With a high-pitched scream, Slut Face, as now Sarah would forever call her, turned to face her and let her arm fly. The noise from the slap rang around the room as it connected with her face. Pain shot through her check and brought water to her eyes. She pulled her arm back and let a slap of her own go.

  “That’s enough, little girl,” Blake told her as he pulled her back toward him.

  Slut Face was getting held back by one of the bouncers, and James was standing there with a stunned expression on his handsome face. Sarah knew she had shocked her men. She had shocked herself, too. She had never felt that possessive over someone, and she had never had the courage to stand up to a bolder woman. She usually avoided any kind of confrontation.

  “Time to go, baby.” Blake took her hand and dragged her toward the door. By this time Slut Face was screaming at the bouncer to let her go. “It wasn’t her fault that the fatty had attacked her.” Liar. Sarah wished she could go back over there and slap her again. But she knew Blake would never let her. With a large sigh, she followed Blake out of the bar. She wondered if James was following, too, or if he was still standing there looking stunned.

  * * * *

  James stood there, shocked at the ferocious way Sarah had reacted. He didn’t know whether to be angry or proud at what she had done. Maybe he was both. She had put herself in harm’s way and that was unacceptable. Candy could have hurt her when they started to physically fight. On the other hand, she had declared to the whole town that he had belonged to her. That was great as far as their relationship was concerned.

  She looked like a little warrior woman when she had stormed up and demanded that Candy unhand him. He couldn’t remember her exact words, but he had nearly fallen over laughing at the look on Blake’s face. She was such a shy woman. Never in a million years would he have thought that she would act so bold in such a public place. Yes, he would have to say that he was proud of her. No one would dare try anything now, unless they wanted Sarah hunting them down.

  He smiled to himself and let out a little chuckle. Blake had dragged Sarah from the bar, so he had better catch up. He couldn’t wait to get her home. He was going to punish her for fighting and putting herself in harm’s way. Then he was going to make love with her. Sarah would be walking sideways for a week when he was finished with her. He was going to fuck her every which way from Sunday, until she had no thought to leaving them. She had declared them her men, and now she would have to live with the consequences, however pleasurable they may be.

  He rushed outside as Blake helped Sarah into the truck. Her little head was down, and he could tell she was embarrassed by what she had done. How could she be so forward one minute and so shy the next? It would take the rest of his life to figure this woman out, and that was just how long he planned to take.

  God, he loved her. Yes, he could admit it to himself. She had stolen his heart and he had no plans on taking it back. He loved her curves and full body and the way her eyes lit up when she saw something she liked. He loved how she responded to their touch, so uninhibited. But it was more than that. She was caring and trusting. Smart, too. Now he had seen the brat in her, he’d bet she would have them running after her all day trying to keep her in line. Once she had shaken off her shyness for good, she would be a force to be reckoned with.

  James jumped into the truck as Sarah scooted into the middle. Blake got into the driver’s seat and they took off. He wrapped his arm around Sarah and pulled her into his side, dropping a kiss on the top of her head. Sarah snuggled into him, and he sat back for the ride home. There was no need for words yet. They would talk soon enough when they got back to the ranch, and then the fun would begin.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Blake didn’t know whom he was angrier with, James or Sarah. James should never have let that woman so close to him. He should have known that it would upset Sarah and gotten rid of her the moment she approached him.

  Sarah had shocked him the most. He was proud of her for standing up for herself and her man, but he was the town sheriff. He couldn’t have his woman getting into fights. It’s not
that he cared what other people thought, because he didn’t, but if that other woman wanted to make a complaint against Sarah, he could do no other than follow it up. Even if it wasn’t her fault.

  She was supposed to be in hiding, not making a name for herself and getting in trouble with the police. How would he explain that one to Alex? Then there was the fact that by so aggressively approaching the drunken woman, Sarah could have been hurt.

  James had just stood there looking completely shocked and hadn’t done a thing to stop them. If the bouncers hadn’t come over and restrained her then it could have been a lot worse.

  As he drove the truck toward home he looked over at his brother and their woman. Sarah sat meekly snuggled into James. He looked like a cat who got the cream. His brother was wearing such a shit-eating grin. Blake was tempted to whip it off his smug face. It was James’s fault Sarah had done what she did. She shouldn’t be put in a situation like that in the first place.

  Yet he was also glad that she had come out of her shell. She was magnificent when she was fired up, and that had turned him on. His cock had been hard since they had left the bar, and he was tempted to pull the truck over and have Sarah take care of it.

  Blake let out a large sigh as he pulled the truck into the driveway. They were almost home now, and then he could do something about his condition. He had plans for Sarah that involved more than just sex. It was his turn to punish her. Once the truck was parked, he rushed into the house to turn the lights on and prepare the bedroom. He left James to bring Sarah in, trusting that his brother would know what was on his mind.

  Entering his room, he grabbed his toy bag, condoms, and lube and took them to the master suite. They would have to move their things into the bigger room now that that was where they were going to stay. Blake put the bag on the bed and unzipped it. He took out his favorite paddle, a blindfold, and some leather, fur-lined cuffs. He then pulled out the new set of butt plugs he had bought but had yet to use. He set them up on the nightstand and placed his bag under the bed.

  Once he was ready, he entered the bathroom to clean up while he waited. When he heard James and Sarah enter, he finished up quickly and returned to the bedroom. Sarah was standing by the bed as James passed him and went into the bathroom.

  “Get naked, Sarah.” Blake stood behind her and crossed his arms over his chest. His patience was running thin. He wanted inside her badly, but first they had to sort out her punishment. His anger had calmed, but his raging hard-on had not.

  “Now, little girl. Don’t make me ask again.” Blake moved to a hidden switch panel on the wall. He pushed open the hatch and pressed the button that would open the shutter that they had installed in the roof and lower chains. Blake and James had designed the room with a lot of hidden places to hide their toys. When everything was hidden the room just looked like an everyday bedroom, but push a few buttons, slide back some walls, and the room turned into a full-blown playroom. They had a dungeon set up in the attic, but this room was special. Everything in there had sat untouched until now. They had never brought another woman up here and they didn’t plan to.

  Blake looked over at Sarah to see that she had followed his orders. She stood there shyly covering her nakedness, staring at the floor. Blake let out a large sigh. After the way she had exploded at the bar and yelled to the world that James was hers, he thought that she might be a little more confident around them.

  “Come stand over here, Sarah.” Blake crooked his finger at her. She walked toward him painfully slow, and he almost barked at her to hurry it up. When she reached his side, he turned her away from him and pulled her hands to her side.

  “Never hide your nakedness from us, Sarah. You are beautiful, and I want to see my sub’s body. Not just the part you think I should see.”

  James walked out of the bathroom and joined him and Sarah under the chains. He had removed his shirt and was wearing just his jeans. Blake knew that he was in Dom mode, which meant they were on the same page as to Sarah’s behavior.

  “Blake is right, little darling. You are gorgeous. There is nothing we would change on your delectable little body.”

  “Get me the cuffs, James. They are on the nightstand.” Blake rubbed his hands up and down Sarah’s naked arms to ward off any chill. As James moved to get the cuffs, Blake removed his own shirt to leave him in his jeans and boots. They often went shirtless when doing a scene, even at the club. But there they usually wore leather pants. Sarah would be mostly naked, even at the club. He wanted to parade her gorgeous curves, to make the other Doms jealous. He could admit to it.

  James passed Blake the cuffs, and he carefully put them around Sarah’s wrists.

  “What are your safe words, little girl?” he asked as he ran a finger inside the cuffs, making sure they weren’t too tight.

  “Green for go, yellow to slow, and red to stop,” she said. Blake waited a few seconds to see if she would say more. When she didn’t, he delivered a quick, sharp swat to her round rump.

  “Sir, I meant Sir. I’m sorry,” she said quickly, causing James to chuckle.

  “At least she knew what she did wrong,” James told him. “Now tell us why you’re going to be punished, Sarah.”

  “Because I got into a fight with Slut Face at the bar, Sir.”

  “With who, little girl?” Blake wanted to laugh, but foul language was something they wouldn’t put up with. Their woman was better than that.

  “I don’t know her name, so I called her Slut Face, Sir.”

  “Well her name is Candy, not that it matters, little darling,” James said before turning to him. “But I’d say that was another two swats for swearing, wouldn’t you, Blake.”

  “Yes. Yes, I would. Nobody likes a gutter mouth, Sarah. You are far too much of a lady to be using language like that.” Blake turned Sarah around to face him and clipped her cuffs together in front of her. With her arms pinned in front of her, it squashed her hefty tits together. Her large nipples were hard and pointy, making his mouth water.

  “You trust us, don’t you, little girl?” he asked.

  “Yes, Sir. I do.” Blake didn’t waste any time. He took her hands by the cuffs and raised them above her head. Then he clipped them to the chains and walked back over to the panel on the wall. With a press of a button, the chains started to retract back into the ceiling. Sarah was soon dangling from the chains on her tiptoes, totally at their mercy.

  “Not too uncomfortable are you, baby?” James asked as he circled her to stand at her front.

  “No. I’m fine, Sir.”

  “Good, cause you’ll be there a while. I hope soon you’ll be comfortable enough to call me Master James. But I can wait until you’re ready.”

  Blake walked over to the nightstand and picked up his paddle. It had always been his favorite. It looked like a large ping pong paddle, the handle worn from use. He had owned it since he had first discovered BDSM and had no intention of getting rid of it. He took it back over to where Sarah waited, and he stood in front of her.

  “Do you know what this is?” he asked her as he waved it slowly back and forth, like he was testing a tennis racket.

  “Yes, Sir. It’s a paddle.”

  “Good. Now, I’m going to give you five swats for the fight in the bar, and five swats for putting yourself in harm’s way. Candy could have really hurt you if no one had intercepted. Then two swats for swearing.” Blake looked closely at Sarah to see her reaction. “That is a total of twelve swats. You will count and apologize after each one. Understand, little girl?”

  “Yes, sir.” The chains jangled and clanked as Sarah shifted around under them.

  “Then let’s get started.” He moved around behind her. James sat on the bed where he could see Sarah from the front. James would watch her to make sure she didn’t try to take more than she could handle. They had to be diligent until they knew her limits.

  Blake patted her ass with his hand, teasing her. He knew she was expecting the paddle, and she jumped in response.

  “Just try to relax, baby. And don’t forget to count.” Blake brought the paddle down on the fleshy part of her ass. It was a medium-strength slap, which echoed around the room.

  “One, sir. I’m sorry, sir.”

  “Beautifully said, little darling.” James sent him a nod to continue. His next slap held a bit more heat, and Sarah moved forward, swaying in the chains.

  “Two, sir. I’m sorry, Sir.” Blake rained the paddle down on her ass, pausing only for her to count and apologize. She had started to cry on the fifth slap, but James indicated that she was okay, so he continued with her punishment. He delivered the last slap to her red ass and walked around to her front to check on her. Tears were streaming down her cheeks, but she wasn’t sobbing.

  Blake looked down her naked body to her pussy. Juices shined on her lips and dripped down her thighs. She was turned on again. Blake loved how she got excited when they punished her. She was perfect for them, and he was falling in love with her.

  After Ellen, he had thought he would never find that someone who would complete him, didn’t think he wanted to. Then Sarah had come into his life, and now he couldn’t imagine it without her.

  “You were amazing, baby. You took your punishment well. Now for your reward.” Blake stepped back and sat on the bed as James moved forward to kneel at her feet.

  “I’m rewarding you for not only taking your punishment, but for you bravery at the bar. Yes, you shouldn’t have antagonized Candy like you did. You put yourself in danger. However, the way you stood up for yourself and declared me yours, that deserves to be rewarded.”

  James leant forward and licked Sarah’s pussy from opening to clit. He slurped up her juices and growled against the bud, making her shudder.

  “You taste so good, little darling,” he said, then went back to pleasuring their woman. Blake palmed his erection through his pants and did some groaning of his own. Sarah was swaying in the chains as James licked her pussy, his hands on her sore cheeks to keep her close.


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