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Harem Ship Saga MEGA BUNDLE: Complete 12-Volume Series

Page 14

by S. L. Hadley

“Why would you believe a man who abused you like that?” she suggested. “Why don’t you try it? Keep an open mind. I promise, it’s not shameful.”

  Inu wriggled a bit, looking conflicted. At last, he nodded and Kitty’s smile widened in response.

  “Good boy,” she purred. “Now, relax, and try not to cum too quick.”

  Despite her warning, there was no way Inu could prepare for the experience of being penetrated. Though obviously the sensations were a bit different for the drakashi, Kitty could remember vividly the first time she’d allowed anyone to claim her ass. She saw the memories written plainly across Inu’s face—the dull, dangerous pressure as she leaned in and his body resisted her, the breathtaking moment when his ass finally yielded and the head of her toy slipped inside, followed by the tingling ache as she slowly buried herself to the hilt.

  Inu lay there, gasping for breath, every inch of his body rigid and trembling.

  “Well?” Kitty asked, unable to keep a bit of teasing from her voice. “How does it feel?”

  Apparently unable to answer, Inu simply groaned and shook his head weakly. His legs, already raised, clung to Kitty’s sides and trapped her in place.

  “I think someone likes it,” she murmured in a singsong tone. Reaching down, she cradled his sac in one hand and tugged ever-so-softly at the balls inside, while the other gripped the base of his shaft and gave a slow, purposeful stroke up and down the length.

  “Yesss,” Inu whispered, so quietly it was barely audible. The verbal admission was so unexpected that Kitty nearly missed it. When her mind finally caught up to her ears, however, her grin broadened until it bordered on giddy.

  “You see?” she said, giving his cock an affectionate squeeze. “I told you it’d feel good. Now, I’m going to start moving. And, remember, the sooner you cum, the sooner you can fuck my brains out properly.”

  Inu nodded, but the second Kitty’s hips began to move it became obvious how woefully unprepared he was. The drakashi let out a whimpering moan unlike anything she’d ever heard, hips shaking violently as the faux-member slowly withdrew from his backside. Before Kitty even had a chance to slide halfway free, Inu’s legs bent at the knee to encircle the small of her back. He squeezed desperately, forcing her to plunge back inside in a sudden, powerful thrust.

  “Pleassse,” Inu begged. “No teassse. Fuck me like female. Hard. Fassst. Pleassse.”

  Kitty thought her smile could not possibly grow more intense, but Inu’s words proved her wrong. Leaning forward, she drove herself as deep as possible and used the opportunity to grab hold of Inu’s crest with a hand. Hauling the moaning male’s face toward her, Kitty kissed him passionately.

  As their lips parted, she wriggled her hips to tease Inu’s insides and stared into his half-lidded eyes. She kept one hand firmly in place on his crest, the other pumping furiously at his magnificent erection.

  “Of course,” she said. “Good girls get whatever they want.”

  As it turned out, there was a very good reason for Inu’s pleading. Less than ten seconds after Kitty released him, and barely a dozen frantic thrusts with her strap-on later, the drakashi’s cock erupted. Enormous ribbons of cum streamed from his tip, splattering across his chest, his stomach, and dribbling down over her fingers. Slowing the rhythm of her hips, Kitty watched in disbelief as Inu spilled himself in a seemingly endless fashion. His cum was so hot it practically burned her fingers, but she was so distracted by the sheer, impossible quantity of the stuff that she hardly noticed. Only when the flow had slowed to a dribble, pooling in the space between her thumb and forefinger, did she slowly release him and ease the used strap-on from his ass.

  Inu lay there, eyes closed and lungs working overtime, seemingly too spent to even think about cleaning himself. In fact, even after Kitty had cleaned and returned the toy to its proper place, he had barely recovered enough to open his eyes. Not that she met his weary gaze; she was too busy staring in astonishment at the literal wisps of steam wafting up from the cum plastered across his torso.

  “Damn, that’s hot,” she muttered, snorting at her own pun.

  To her surprise, Inu sat up. Propping himself up on his elbows, he studied his soiled chest for a second before shrugging.

  “Wassste of ssseed,” he growled. “Isss for femalesss.”

  Scooting closer on all fours, Kitty reached out and wiped a small dollop of the stuff off his cock. It was no longer steaming, though still hot enough to be not-quite-comfortable on her fingertips.

  “Well, we wouldn’t want it to go to waste,” she teased.

  Slowly, making sure to capture Inu’s gaze, Kitty slipped the hand between her legs and began to smear the cum across her slick folds. Not that they weren’t already plenty wet. But fucking Inu’s ass and listening to the normally stoic male’s needy whimpers had left her craving cock. And if putting on a bit of a show meant he’d be ready to go a second sooner… Kitty gasped as she slipped a cum-laden finger inside herself.

  Inu rose to his knees, nostrils flaring and a hungry gleam in his eyes. The sudden change in posture sent rivers of warm cum dripping slowly toward his lingering erection. His shaft remained plenty hard, though not quite as substantial as it had been prior to his orgasm.

  Kitty looked up sharply in disbelief, finger frozen inside her pussy.

  “Are you… ready to go again?” she asked.

  Inu nodded, then glanced down at himself again.

  “Yesss,” he said. “But, ssshould wasssh?”

  Kitty shook her head violently, nearly kicking the drakashi in her haste to spin around. She dropped low, raising her ass and waving it invitingly in his directions.

  “Fuck it,” she snapped. “I’m tired of waiting. Hurry up and get inside me!”

  Laughing softly, Inu was all too happy to oblige her.

  Kitty groaned, but the drakashi moved so quickly that she immediately forgot which of his actions had prompted the sound. Inu pounced like an animal, grabbing hold of her hips in his dangerously sharp claws, lining himself up, and then plunging deep inside her eager sex in a single, merciless thrust. He doubled over, snarling as his hips bucked and pounded hers with short, brutal movements. Kitty shuddered, both with delight at the almost painful way his shaft stretched her wide open, and with disgusted arousal at the feeling of still-warm cum seeping between her back and the drakashi’s bulging abs.

  “Holy shit, that’s good!” she groaned, pushing back against Inu’s thrusts in an attempt to drive him deeper still. Her words had the desired effect; Inu’s cock swelled inside her, sending a wave of pleasure emanating out from her core. Every inch of her pussy ached, tingling with the sticky remnants of his cum and the knowledge that she’d soon be filled with the new.

  Had she not just seen him climax with her own eyes, Kitty would never have believed Inu it. The drakashi fucked her with animalistic intensity, as though she’d been edging him for hours. Every new thrust swung his dangling balls hard against her clit, sending bursts of arousal lancing down her legs and up her spine like lightning. Before long, the sheer power behind his thrusts had forced her flat against the bed, her legs spread as wide as her body could handle. Not that she could have risen if she’d wanted to; Inu’s muscular chest pressed down against her shoulder blades, allowing only the curve of her ass to rise.

  “Do it!” Kitty moaned, fingers clawing at the sheet. Her head buzzed with the nearness of her climax, begging her to do anything—whatever it took—to reach it. “Fill me up! Treat me like… ugh! Like I’m your drakashi bitch!”

  With a feral roar, Inu came a second time. His cock pounded into her several times more, then buried itself deep and began to throb. Another torrent of stinging-hot cum spilled from him, filling her belly with liquid fire as it painted her insides white. The sudden surge pushed Kitty over the edge, though Inu’s weight upon her back left her no choice but to lie there, squealing into the mattress as she came. Her body clenched down, milking the drakashi’s cock and squeezing him so urgently that his abund
ant cream was left no option but to leak out around his girthy shaft and drip an aching trail across her hyper-sensitive clit.

  Slowly as both of their climaxes began to subside, Kitty groaned softly and glanced back at Inu. The drakashi’s eyes were closed again, the muscles of his chest and shoulders bulging beneath his scales as he panted.

  “You done good, Inu,” she mumbled, light-headed.

  With an almost silent hiss, the door to Kitty’s cabin opened. Had she not already been looking back over her shoulder, she would have missed it. But there was no missing the look of shock on Nita’s face. The woman yelped, going scarlet and shielding her eyes with her hands.

  “Yes?” Kitty asked. She bit back a groan as Inu’s cock slipped audibly from her sticky, well-bred folds. Under other circumstances, she might have been embarrassed to be caught in such a compromising situation, but the pleasant soreness of her body and the tingling in her extremities turned her self-consciousness into amused self-awareness.

  To the contrary, Nita’s face was such a deep crimson it was as though she’d been the one discovered. She cleared her throat several times before speaking.

  “Satoshi is hailing us. He insisted on speaking with you.”

  “Ship-based?” Kitty demanded, rolling out of the bed and nearly stumbling. Her legs didn’t seem to be fully awake. She scooped up her shirt before Nita could reply, already dreading the stains Inu’s cum would leave on the fabric.

  “No. Ansible.”

  With a sigh of relief, Kitty dropped the shirt.

  “Why didn’t you start with that?” she laughed. “Let him wait! I need a shower first.”

  Even though her face was still hidden behind her fingers, Nita’s frown was visible.

  “A shower?” she asked. “But, there’s no image transmission. Just audio.”

  Grinning, Kitty grabbed Inu’s wrist and hauled the drakashi out of bed toward the washroom. His member had fully retreated back into his body, but he still moved with a male’s post-coital sluggishness. All the fight seemed to have gone out of him as well, and he moved with lethargic obedience at her prompting.

  “I know,” Kitty said, pausing in the doorway to glance back at Nita. “But I’ve got an idea.”


  A brief, cold shower did wonders, and not just to drive away the last bit of wistful exhaustion from Kitty’s mind. Inu seemed to respond positively as well, though he lacked the outward reactions of her body. It wasn’t surprising, given how quickly he’d cum twice in succession. Still, there was a certain energetic bounce in his step as Kitty led them from the shower and marched, stark naked and dripping slightly, to the bridge.

  Nita was seated in her pilot’s seat, quiet as the grave and apparently trying to distract herself from the blinking light on the communication console. She turned as they entered and there was a single instant before her grateful expression turned to one of exasperation.

  “Oh, for fuck’s sake,” she grumbled. Going red, again, she spun her chair away and steadfastly refused to look in Kitty’s direction.

  Flopping down in her seat, Kitty grinned. She stared meaningfully at Inu and, when he didn’t react, reached up to grasp one-half of his bony forehead crest. Tugging insistently, she guided him to his knees before her. Only then did she part her legs. Each one hooked over the arms of her chair, she gave him another significant look.

  This time, Inu needed no further guidance. He might be fully satisfied, but the same couldn’t be said for her.

  “Let’s see what… ah, Satoshi has to say.”

  Kitty’s words came haltingly and it was a challenge to maintain her composure, especially given the annoyed way Nita shook her head. Inu’s tongue was broad and blisteringly hot. A single lick of his tongue along her freshly washed slit was enough to send a resurgent wave of arousal through her lower half. To say nothing of the shudder that ran through her when he merely brushed past the side of her hooded clit.

  “Well, if it isn’t Kitty.”

  Satoshi’s voice rang out over the bridge’s speakers. There was no mistaking the restrained fury in his tone. Which, paired with the lack of video, gave the vaguely eerie impression of a disgruntled ghost.

  “Satoshi,” Kitty said. She was forced to pause, gasping silently as Inu’s tongue dipped shallowly between her folds. “Did you miss me already?”

  “Of course I missed you,” he replied. “Though, I suppose the same could be said for my men.”

  “In-indeed?” Kitty hooked her arms beneath her knees, eyes rolling with delight. “I must’ve left quite the impression.”

  “A poor one, I’m afraid.”

  “Oh? Care to… hnngh… enlighten me?”

  Satoshi growled and, for just a heartbeat, Kitty was irrationally afraid that he could somehow see her. The feeling passed as quickly as it had come, however, as Inu nipped gently as her clit and a chill raced down her spine.

  “You stole something from me, Miss Black. And I’d like it returned.”

  “Well, that—oh! Yes, that!”

  Satoshi paused, apparently thrown off balance by the unwarranted enthusiasm in Kitty’s voice. She could almost see him sitting there, surrounded by his closest lieutenants, each of them frowning in equal confusion. It made her want to giggle.

  “When can I expect you?” he asked.

  Kitty chewed her lip, exhaling a shaky breath as her head lolled against the seat. Still held aloft, her naked toes curled with pleasure. She’d been eaten out plenty of times, but never when talking to someone, much less someone as dangerous as Satoshi. Somehow, the bizarreness of the whole situation served to massively increase her body’s responsiveness.

  “Holy shit,” she groaned. “It won’t be long.”

  Once again, it took Satoshi a moment to respond. Something about the timing made Kitty suspect he was beginning to catch on. Not that she cared; she had more important things to think about.

  “I’m not sure you appreciate the seriousness of the situation,” he said. “Even now, my men are preparing to hunt you down. And unless we resolve this matter quickly, I’ll have no choice to retaliate against DeWitt and the rest of your associates. Now, return my property!”

  “That’s a problem,” Kitty said, voice trembling. Abandoning her grip on her knees, she began to roughly knead her breasts. Her nipples were painfully stiff and sensitive against her palms.

  “What is?”

  “People aren’t property. And I’m becoming quite fond of this one.”

  “That’s…” Satoshi’s voice was so strained it was very nearly a snarl. “You’re going down a very dangerous road, Kitty. You don’t want me as an enemy.”

  Panting, Kitty reached down blindly between her legs until her hand came to rest atop Inu’s head. Her palm was just damp enough to afford her a slight grip on his smooth scales and she took full advantage of it to press his face more enthusiastically against her pussy.

  “Can’t stop now,” she groaned. Her climax was in sight and the first involuntary spasms began to seize hold of her insides. “I’ve got… gotta see this… through.”

  “This is your last chance. Are you certain you want to challenge me?”

  “Fuck, yes!” Kitty squeaked, slipping over the edge. She shuddered violently, insides clenching down and gushing her juices onto Inu’s wriggling tongue. A roaring filled her ears as her orgasm rocked her in earnest. Some half-conscious part of her managed to keep quiet, though it was more from a desire to not drown out Satoshi’s inevitable response than to mask the sounds of her pleasure.

  Kitty was still cumming, though her peak had mostly passed, when Satoshi finally responded. The anger had vanished from his voice, replaced by an icy, emotionlessness that somehow managed to be even more threatening.

  “Very well. Unfortunate. It seems you’re just a foolish slut, after all.”

  With a faint crackle of static, the connection went dead. Kitty sagged in her chair, limbs going slack as she let out a long overdue moan. For a few seconds, she slump
ed there, fighting to catch her breath.

  All at once, she began laughing.

  “That,” she said, straightening and looking down at the drakashi between her legs. “Was the most fun I’ve had in years!”

  Shared Bliss

  Harem Ship Saga

  Volume Seven

  By S. L. Hadley

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  Leaning against the doorway of the Feronia’s harem room, Kitty Black sipped at her café and wore a faint smile that was equally bittersweet. Across the room’s many beds, her men sprawled and snored, utterly oblivious to her presence. Though, given how still she and the darkened room were, it was doubtful they’d have noticed her even if they’d been awake.

  Not that she minded in the slightest. It made things easier. Ever since her… distracted conversation with Satoshi two days earlier, she’d kept to her cabin for that very reason.

  Something touched her on the shoulder and Kitty jumped a foot in the air. She managed to strangle her scream into a muffled yelp, but the rest of her café spilled across her shirt anyway.

  “Shit!” Nita whispered, scrambling pointlessly for something to mop up the remains. “Sorry, Captain. Didn’t mean to scare you.”

  Kitty brushed the apology aside with a shake of her head and held a finger up to her lips. She held the soaked portion of her shirt away from her skin, ushering her pilot from the room and into the hallway. Only once the door had shut behind them did she balance her mug on a narrow handrail and strip off her shirt.

  “Don’t worry about it,” she said, using a clean portion of the garment to wipe her chest dry. Wadding it up, she propped the soggy clothing next to her mug. “It was getting cold anyway.”

  “Do you want me to get you another one? Or a clean shirt?”

  “Who are you, James MacGuiness?”

  Nita stared at her blankly. Kitty laughed softly, waving dismissively.


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