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Harem Ship Saga MEGA BUNDLE: Complete 12-Volume Series

Page 15

by S. L. Hadley

  “Ignore me. That’s the lack of sleep talking. Did you need something?”

  Yawning, Nita shook her head.

  “Not really. I was just surprised you’re up. I’ve hardly seen you since, ah… since we left Adrastos. Everything okay?”

  Kitty couldn’t answer. She tried to—her mouth opened—but when she tried to give voice to the lie she’d prepared, it simply wouldn’t come out. She looked away, wrestling with the question despite already knowing the answer.

  No, she wasn’t okay. The recent events on Adrastos had broken one of the Syndicate’s cardinal rules. She’d toed the line before, but this was a flagrant violation. She knew it and, by now, so would DeWitt.

  Nita reached out, gently taking Kitty’s hand in hers.

  “Do you want to talk about it?” she asked gently. Her eyes were so earnest that Kitty didn’t need to be a psyker to see there was no deceit there.

  Stars above, the forty thousand she’d paid for Nita was the best bargain she’d ever gotten.

  Before she knew what she was doing, Kitty reached out and pulled Nita into a tight embrace. She could feel the woman’s surprise, but there was no awkwardness as a moment later she felt slender, comforting arms cradle her back. Eyes closed, Kitty rested her cheek against Nita’s shoulder and fought down the urge to cry. She mostly succeeded too, apart from a slight wetness at the corners of her eyes.

  “I can’t,” Kitty whispered. “Not yet. Maybe when we get to Five-Three.”


  The hug continued in silence for a moment, until the silence and unusual location began to prickle Kitty’s nerves. She pulled back reluctantly, folding her arms across her chest and half-wishing she’d taken Nita up on her offer for a clean shirt.

  “Could…” she said, before hesitating. The childishness of her request made her blush and left her unable to meet Nita’s eyes. “Could you stay with me tonight?”

  Nita hesitated for a second and then smiled.

  “Of course.”

  “Thanks,” Kitty said. “I know it’s a weird thing to ask, but—”

  Her words ceased as Nita stepped forward and interrupted her with a tender, insistent kiss. Kitty’s eyes went wide at the suddenness of it all, but the sheer intimacy of the moment kept her from pulling away. Instead, she slipped her arms around Nita’s waist and savored the moment, even as her mind raced.

  Eventually, it was Nita who broke the kiss. Rather than pull back, however, she instead pressed herself closer and wrapped Kitty in another embrace.

  “I… I probably won’t be very good,” she said, a bit too hastily. “I’ve never done anything like that. At least, not with—”

  Kitty stepped back quickly, frowning slightly.

  “What are you talking about?” she asked.

  Nita stared at her in bewilderment, fidgeting slightly. Then her gaze dropped to her feet.

  “Sex,” she mumbled, softly. “With a woman. I guess I—”

  Nita stiffened suddenly, falling silent. Then her eyes went wide, so wide they were practically bulging. All at once, she groaned loudly, hiding her face in her hands and practically doubling over.

  “—completely misunderstood.” Nita’s words were muffled, but the embarrassment in them was unmistakable. She dropped to the ground, burying her face against her knees. “I can’t believe I did that! Fuck!”

  Kitty stood there, too stunned to respond. She wanted to laugh, but something told her that would be the worst possible thing she could do.

  “I can’t believe it! How could I… Idiot! Stupid! I’m so sorry, Kitty. That was—”

  “—Absolutely perfect,” Kitty interrupted. Dropping to her knees, she reached out and gently stroked Nita’s hair. “Seriously. I could never have planned something that adorable.”

  “Thanks,” Nita muttered in a small voice. All at once, she groaned again. “Just kill me.”

  Standing, Kitty grabbed Nita by the elbow and hauled her sharply to her feet. The woman did so grudgingly, her face scarlet and still half-shielded by her other hand.

  “I’ll do you one better,” Kitty said. Smirking, she leaned in and pecked her on the lips. “Since you offered, that is.”

  Grimacing, Nita folded her arms and self-consciously looked everywhere but at Kitty. Though her face was still one uniform blush, from her expression it was obvious she was toying with the idea. Given the humiliation she’d just experienced, it was quite something.

  “I mean, I like men,” she said, finally.

  Kitty laughed.

  “So do I!” she said, jerking her head toward the harem room. “Quite a lot, in case you hadn’t noticed.”

  “Yeah… no kidding.”

  Reaching out, Kitty cupped Nita’s chin and gave it a grandmotherly pinch. To her relief, the woman didn’t flinch or shy away from the contact.

  “Nothing says we can’t share,” Kitty said.

  Nita rolled her eyes, sighing. Then, almost imperceptibly, she grinned.


  “Alright,” Kitty whispered. “Who’s the lucky guy?”

  Sharing the doorway with Nita, Kitty couldn’t help crouching slightly. There was a terrifying naughtiness to the whole charade, as though they might be discovered at any moment. Just inches away, she could tell Nita was breathless with excitement as well.

  “I don’t know,” Nita whispered back. “It’s been so long… I don’t even know where to start!”

  Kitty grinned, jostling her partner-in-crime with her hip.

  “We haven’t got all night,” she reminded her. “What’re you in the mood for?”

  “How should I know?” Kitty grumbled, returning the shove with her own hip. “I don’t know what any of them are like!”

  “You’ve met them all!”

  “Not like this!”

  Slightly exasperated, but mostly giddy, Kitty pointed to one of the bed. It had no blankets, but the occupant was coiled up so tightly he obviously didn’t mind.

  “What about Vhosa?” she said. “He’s got two dicks.”

  Nita looked at her a bit too fast.

  “One for each of us,” Kitty clarified.

  Nita relaxed visibly, but slowly shook her head.

  “He’s a bit too… alien, I guess?” she said.

  Kitty shrugged, pointing out another bed.

  “Ammon, then? He’s human.”

  “He’s an asshole.”

  It was getting harder not to laugh, but Kitty managed it.

  “Fair enough. Myorie?” she asked.

  This time, Nita paused and Kitty knew it was decided. Unsurprisingly, however, the woman was rather coy about it.

  “I don’t know him that well,” Nita said, chewing her lip. “What’s he like? In bed, I mean.”

  Kitty leaned in closer to whisper directly into Nita’s ear. All the while, she never took her eyes off the sleeping male.

  “I don’t want to ruin the surprise. You won’t be disappointed, though.”


  “Oh, come on. He’s Tritonian. So, you know… gills!”

  “Gills?” Nita echoed, frowning.

  Once again, Kitty nudged her gently, this time with an elbow.

  “He never needs to come up for air.”


  Creeping silently through the harem room was nerve-wracking for absolutely no reason. Even so, Kitty had to practically drag Nita behind her. From the way the woman fought her, she’d have thought Myorie was going to eat her in an entirely different sense.

  By the time they reached the appropriate bed, however, Nita’s struggles had ceased. And for good reason. Out of all of Kitty’s consorts, the Tritonian was the one that most seemed her type. So much so that Kitty was surprised he hadn’t occurred to her first.

  Myorie’s skin was navy blue, so rich and dark that it appeared almost black in the poor light. There was no missing his strong, slender build, however, befitting one as comfortable in the water as he was. Unlike the others, he didn’t snore, thoug
h a steady rise and fall of his chest and the large, silver dorsal fins on his back confirmed he remained oblivious to the fate that awaited him.

  Silently, Kitty leaned down. With one hand, she covered Myorie’s mouth, while the other gently shook him by the shoulder. He awoke instantly, struggling for a split-second until his steely, grey eyes focused. They glanced between Kitty and Nita’s faces, widening slightly with recognition.

  Making a cautious follow me gesture, Kitty lifted her hand from his mouth. Then, without bothering to see if the male would obey, she took hold of Nita’s arm and scurried from the room.

  Once safely outside, the pair of them erupted with barely suppressed laughter. They kept their voices down, but one shared look was enough to confirm both had experienced the same bizarre adrenaline rush.

  “Why was that so much fun?” Nita said, trying and failing to limit herself to a whisper.

  Rather than answer immediately, Kitty instead took Nita’s face in her hands and kissed her playfully. The woman squeaked against her lips but wrapped her arms around Kitty’s shoulders a second later.

  “Because,” Kitty said, ending the kiss with another laugh. “You’re about to get laid. That’s why.”

  “Should’ve done this weeks ago!” Nita said.

  The words sobered Kitty instantly, landing like a punch to the gut. She swallowed hard, then forced a smile and kissed her again to mask it. This time, when their lips met, it was tenderly—almost seductive.

  “Um, Kitty?” Nita mumbled, jerking her head slightly.

  She turned and spotted Myorie standing in the doorway, watching. Though his face revealed little, there was an unmistakable hint of amusement in the way he leaned.

  Kitty beckoned him closer.

  “Sorry to wake you,” she said, slipping free of Nita’s arms. “I—we didn’t think you’d mind though.”

  Myorie smiled, displaying a mouthful of small, sharp teeth. Making a small gesture with his webbed fingers, he gave a deferential bow.

  “Myorie,” Kitty said. “It’s been a long time since Nita took a lover.”


  “I expect you to look after her needs ahead of mine, is that clear?”

  If the Tritonian was surprised by her words, he gave no sign of it. To the contrary, he flashed Nita an affectionate smile and bowed to her as well.


  Giggling like mad, Kitty was practically naked by the time the three of them reached her cabin. Clad only in her panties, she balanced on one leg as she leaned against Nita’s shoulder and pulled off the trousers snagged on her ankle. Nita didn’t seem to mind, all her attention was focused on Myorie. Or, more specifically, dragging the Tritonian through the doorway.

  Myorie seemed caught off guard by their enthusiasm. Though he was clad in only a small, tight-fitting loincloth, he’d made no effort to disrobe. Instead, he stumbled after them, shaking his head every so often in an apparent to wake himself to further alertness.

  He didn’t get many more chances. Before Kitty had an opportunity to do more than toss her now disentangled trousers aside, Nita had already driven Myorie onto the bed. As soon as the three of them were alone in the room with the door shut, however, an aura of hesitation settled almost immediately.

  Kitty and Nita shared a look.

  “Well?” Kitty said, looking her up and down. “He can’t do much while you’re dressed like that!”

  Nita blushed furiously, glancing shyly at Myorie. For a moment, it appeared she was about to lose her nerve. But then, turning her back to the bed, she took a deep breath and stripped off her shirt. As soon as it was off, the rest of her clothes followed so quickly that Kitty didn’t even have a chance to appreciate it. When at last she was naked, Nita shielded herself with her arms, unwilling to turn around.

  “That’s better,” Kitty said.

  Approaching slowly, Kitty enveloped Nita in a gentle embrace. The woman’s body was impossibly soft against her and as yielding as she could possibly have hoped for. In fact, the mere feeling of their breasts pressed between their bodies was enough to summon a rush of arousal.

  “Want to tease him a bit?” Kitty whispered. Trailing her nails down Nita’s back, she grinned mischievously at the quiet gasp it elicited. Her smile turned ravenous as her fingers traced their way lower, giving Nita’s firm, round ass a playful squeeze. “Maybe put on a show?”

  Nita shook her head, squirming free of Kitty’s embrace. Her cheeks still burned a bright red.

  “I don’t think so!” she protested. “Not when there’s a perfectly good dick sitting right there!”

  Kitty laughed. “That’s the spirit!”

  Taking a deep breath, Nita turned and crawled onto the bed. Though she didn’t touch him, her attention was glued to the still-motionless Myorie. Even when Kitty silently joined her on the bed, the woman did little more than scoot over to make room.

  “So,” Nita said, a faint tremble in her voice. “Myorie. The captain says you’re quite good with your tongue.”

  The Tritonian chuckled—an odd, two-toned sound that was simultaneously deep and almost a squeak—and gave a slight nod.

  “Would—um… consider this a test of your abilities.”

  Hesitating for just a second, Nita scrambled in a less-than-dignified manner to the head of the bed. Once there, she flopped down on her back and closed her eyes. Even so, she kept her legs tightly pressed together in obvious embarrassment. A small tangle of dark curls peeked out between her thighs, the only visible evidence of the womanhood hidden between.

  Myorie glanced at Kitty, who frowned and nodded emphatically in Nita’s direction.

  Smoothly, without a hint of hesitation or shame, the Tritonian slipped forward on all fours. He began by nuzzling Nita just above her knees, running his cheek against her skin in an encouraging fashion and planting small, delicate kisses as he went. As the seconds passed, his webbed hands crept closer, though never quite touching her directly. In the end, however, they proved unnecessary.

  Groaning, Nita unhooked her ankles and parted her thighs ever so slightly. The hair surrounding her sex was visibly damp, evidence of how persuasive Myorie’s attention had already proven. That knowledge was obviously not lost on Nita herself, who immediately folded an arm across her face. Even with her eyes buried in the crook of her elbow, however, there was no missing the now semi-permanent blush that remained on her cheeks.

  Stripping off her panties, Kitty stretched out beside her. Blinded as she was, Nita jumped slightly as Kitty’s arm draped luxuriously across her stomach.

  “Ready?” Kitty purred. “You look tense.”

  “Don’t remind me,” Nita muttered back.

  “Really?” Kitty said. She laughed, giving one of Nita’s stiff, perky nipples a playful flick. “You just can’t make up your mind, can you? First, you’re all—”

  Kitty’s words were interrupted as Nita stiffened suddenly, gasping aloud. A quick glance southward confirmed that Myorie had made his way to the apex of Nita’s thighs and was currently up to something. Given how everything below his nose was hidden by Nita’s pubic hair, it was easy to guess what that something might be.

  “Oh,” Kitty said, simply. “Well, I guess that answers it.”

  Grinning, she leaned over and placed a tender kiss on the nearest of Nita’s breasts. If the woman objected, she gave no sign of it. If anything, she seemed to enjoy it, if her muted gasps and moans were anything to go off of. Or, at least that was what Kitty told herself as she took Nita’s nipple into her mouth and suckled gently.

  It had been so long since Kitty lay with anyone but a male that it caught her off guard how easily it was to suck on Nita’s tit. Most of her consorts, if they even had nipples, guarded them as protectively as they did their balls. Which made it a refreshing change of pace to have a partner who didn’t squirm away—a change of pace that left Kitty craving a bit of attention, herself.

  Abandoning Nita’s side, Kitty crawled her way around back. She could feel Myorie
’s eyes watching her as she passed the Tritonian’s side, but he was unable to tear himself away from the moaning woman before him. Which meant his own exposed goods were utterly defenseless and ready for Kitty to play with.

  “Up,” she said, tapping him lightly on the backside.

  Myorie complied at once, lifting his backside even as he continued to service Nita with his tongue. The change in position left him vulnerable, though not undesirably so.

  In many ways, the Tritonian’s genitals were identical to a human man’s, albeit somewhat bluer. His sac was a bit smaller, flushed tightly against his body. But the size and shape of his member were approximately what one might expect. Its main, unique quality made itself known shortly after Kitty wrapped her fingers around the base, however. The first teasing pump proceeded normally, but on the downstroke—or upstroke, as the angle would have it—the tip of Myorie’s cock curled to follow her fingers like a prehensile tail.

  Leaning in, Kitty chuckled and teased the narrow spot between his balls and member with the tip of her tongue. As her fingers continued to stroke him, the curling of Myorie’s shaft grew so pronounced that she was nearly licking his tip as well as his base.

  “Now, now,” she murmured. “None of that. You want to surprise her, don’t you?”

  Reluctantly, twitching furiously with the effort, Myorie’s member uncurled from her fingers to dangle straight down.

  “Good boy.” Wriggling her tongue higher, Kitty teased his balls for a second before continuing onto the male’s perineum. And, traveling still further, Kitty heard the Tritonian let out a strangled groan into Nita’s no doubt thoroughly soaked cunt. She swirled the tip about Myorie’s puckered hole for a second before bearing down.

  “Please!” came a desperate whimper. “Please! I need you inside!”

  It took Kitty a moment to realize it was Nita who’d spoken, not Myorie. She pulled back, half-disappointed and half-relieved, as Myorie scooted forward to give Nita what she’d asked for. Still, enjoyable as the sight of Myorie burying himself slowly in Nita’s eager sex and the accompanying moans were, Kitty couldn’t help but feel left out as the two lost themselves in the pleasures of each other’s bodies.


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