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Scarlett 3

Page 7

by Tiece

  “You are too funny,” Sheila commented, almost with a laugh. “Jay was my man, bitch so don’t get it twisted. You were the one fucking him behind my back while fucking another nigga, too,” she rolled her eyes. “And you’re talking about he was your man? Bitch, please!”

  “Hold up, bitch, if you wanna talk some shit, talk it this way.” Faye cut in. “Because you’re acting like you wanna swing and my girl ain’t in no condition for that foolishness.”

  Sheila looked at Faye with a disgusted frown on her face. She quickly put her hand up in Faye’s face. “Bitch, talk to the hand. Looks like somebody already beat your ass,” she snapped looking at the bruise on Faye’s face that even the make-up couldn’t conceal.


  Scarlett could hear Sheila’s mouth from where she was seated and knew that something crazy must’ve been going on. She quickly moved out of the booth and made her way toward the restrooms where she could hear the women fussing.


  “Come on, April. Let’s go,” Faye quickly said. “We’re too pretty and classy to be in here following up this trashy hoe.” She said, attempting to pull April away.

  “You better be glad I’m pregnant,” April said, unafraid of Sheila. No sooner than they could turn to walk off, Scarlett was on Faye’s ass like white on rice.

  “Oh bitch, you tried me?” She said, instantly punching Faye in face. “I knew I’d catch your ass in the streets.” She went in on Faye so quickly that no one had a chance to grab her. Faye didn’t stand a chance in hell against Scarlett’s cocky ass. Sheila even leaned in and got a lick or two, and then she kicked her just for running her mouth as April eased off to the side. The baby she was carrying was her meal ticket and she wasn’t about to put that in jeopardy for nobody.

  From afar Scarlett could hear Nina’s voice. “Turn me loose,” she yelled at Stephen, but after he’d saw what was going on there was no way that he was going to turn Nina loose.

  Two men rushed over and broke up the fight as Faye staggered to get to her feet. Her eyes met up with Stephen who was holding Nina back, and then he turned his back and carried Nina out of the restaurant. Faye didn’t know how to feel being that her man didn’t come to her rescue, but then again, holding Nina back was probably saving her from an overnight stay or two in the hospital. Scarlett had really fucked her up by herself.

  Sheila pulled Scarlett by the hand. “Let’s go,” she yelled as they briskly headed for a quick exit. On the way out, Sheila pulled a hundred dollar bill from her purse and handed it to the bartender. “Keep the change,” she whispered. They hurriedly made it out to the parking lot, and then got inside Sheila’s rental car while quickly making their exit.


  Twenty minutes later, Stephen was pulling up to his house with Nina in the truck with him. She’d had her chance to explain to him what had happened after he witnessed Scarlett going crazy on Faye. He couldn’t believe that he had been so naïve to think that Faye was a good girl. She didn’t seem to be that devious, but now he’d found out a lot about her.

  “Are you okay?” Nina asked as she looked over at him.

  “Yeah, I’m good,” he responded, but a part of him was disappointed. He thought he’d finally found someone that could help mend him from the heartache that Nina had put him through, only to find out that it was all a lie.

  “You coulda took me home.” Nina said.

  “I know,” he responded. “But, if I’m taking you back at your Jeep in the morning then it’s better if you’re already here. Plus, your mom has the kids, so you’re good for an overnight stay.”

  Nina smiled inside, although she didn’t want him to know just how happy she really was. Stephen sat on the driver side kind of quiet. He hadn’t made any attempts to get out as thoughts about what Faye had done stuck out in his mind. Then his phone rang. He looked at the caller ID to see that it was her.

  “I ain’t answering this,” he said.

  “Well, if she comes over here looking for you, I’m beating that bitch’s ass again.” Nina stated, causing Stephen to quickly answer his phone.

  “What’s up?” Stephen answered as Nina rolled her eyes up in her head.

  “What happened to you?” Faye asked, sounding as if she’d been crying. “You just left me hanging.”

  “I actually saved you from much worse,” Stephen uncaringly stated.

  “What is wrong with you?” Faye asked, feeling a bit like she was being pushed to the side.

  Stephen didn’t waste any time getting to the point. “Why were you and Scarlett fighting?”

  Faye paused for a moment. “Uh, because she was taking up for her homegirl,” Faye said. “You know that she and Nina are close, so it doesn’t surprise me one bit that she’d try to fight me, too after hearing about me and Nina going at it.”

  Stephen sighed in the phone. He couldn’t bare another lie from her. “Faye, I ain’t doing this with you,” he said.

  “No, you can’t be talking like that, because I love you.”

  “I don’t think you know what love is,” Stephen said with a disappointed shake of the head.

  “I’m on my way over there,” Faye quickly responded, hoping that she could fuck some sense in him.

  “You don’t wanna do that, because Nina is here.” Stephen told her.

  Faye took in a deep breath. “You got that bitch over there?”

  “Watch your mouth when speaking about the mother of my children.” He said as Nina smiled, feeling like that was the Stephen that she knew and loved.

  “So it’s like that?” Faye asked as if she was the innocent one. Then the dramatics of the tears started. “I can’t believe that you’re doing me like this?”

  “I’m doing you like this? You’re the one that made up a lie about why Nina was fighting you. She didn’t even know that you and Rick were sleeping around back in the days.”

  “I sho’ didn’t!” Nina called out in the background.

  “I never said that we slept together,” Faye hurriedly stated.

  “Yes, the hell you did!” Stephen said, getting offended that she’d think he was stupid.

  “I said that she kept hearing about us fucking around and that’s why she was mad.”

  “You don’t make any sense right now, which also means that you can’t be trusted. This conversation is over.” Stephen then hung up in her face. He was sickened by her and how low she’d go to get her way.

  He looked over at Nina. “I told you that the bitch was a big liar.” She said.

  “Yeah, I guess I had to see it for myself.” Stephen responded. He’d had a few drinks in his system, too and was feeling like he needed to let off some aggression. Watching Nina’s sexy ass wearing a short mini skirt had him going. Without saying anything else, he grabbed her and spread her legs wide open. She didn’t have on any underwear, not to his surprise, and he didn’t waste any time eating her out.

  “Damn,” Nina said. “In the truck, baby?” She asked, knowing that Stephen was never spontaneous at all.

  “Yes, in the truck,” he said, still working his way around the insides of her warm furnace with his tongue as he enjoyed giving her the most pleasurable time of her life.


  Scarlett lay on her bed feeling exhausted from the night. She wasn’t totally satisfied with the way that she’d beat Faye’s ass, but it still felt good. She smiled at just the thought of having April witness what she was going to get once she dropped that load.

  The thoughts about her and Sheila speedily making their way to her house while laughing and talking took her back through some good memories with her. Sheila wasn’t always a bad person, just a little envious. Scarlett believed that it came from Sheila’s upbringing. She was, at least, eight years older than Samantha and was always used to being the only child. She was selfish from being spoiled rotten and wanted things all to herself. She would tell Scarlett, back when they were in school, that she did
n’t like to share and that she didn’t care for Samantha after she was born, because she took the attention away from her. Scarlett knew that Sheila always wanted to be the center of attention. It was no wonder why she acted so jealous hearted of her after she’d started coming up.

  She held her hand up in the air and stretched out her fingers. Her hand hurt just a little from pounding Faye in the face and feeling her knuckles slamming into Faye’s teeth. She deserved that ass whooping and Scarlett was happy to oblige.

  Her phone began to ring and she quickly answered it, seeing that it was Luke. “Hey,” she spoke.

  “Hey Love,” Luke spoke back. “How are you feeling?”

  “I’m good,” she said, already figuring what the call was about.

  “So, you know April called me,” he started.

  “I know,” she nonchalantly stated.

  “She told me that y’all had another altercation and this time inside of California Dreaming.”

  “She probably told her other baby the same thing with her mousy ass,” Scarlett sarcastically uttered. “And for the record, she and I didn’t have an altercation because if we did, the bitch wouldn’t be still pregnant. The altercation was between me and Faye.”

  Luke didn’t really like the comments that she was making about the baby, because it was a chance that it could be his, but he didn’t push any buttons. “Do you feel better?”

  “A little,” she responded.

  “Is it over now?”

  “Meaning am I done with the bitch?” she questioned.

  “Yeah, meaning that,” Luke stated.

  “Yeah, I’m done as long as I don’t see her again.” She honestly told him. “I’m surprised that her needy ass didn’t come running to you afterwards, but then again Sheila overheard her say in the restroom that Jay is the one that really has her heart and that she’d rather him be the daddy.” At that moment, she wanted to hurt Luke just as bad as he’d hurt her and if he had an inkling of feeling for April it would make him think twice.

  “That doesn’t surprise me,” Luke said. “He was the nigga that broke her down then completely broke her heart. I was the nigga that showed her the real, but women of her nature that’s used to being treated a certain kind of way can’t handle the real. Loving men like Jay is an addiction to a lonely soul that’s looking for something real, but knowing that it’s never going to be there. It’s rather sad if you ask me.” Scarlett sat quiet for a moment; because that was the way she used to feel about Jay, all along knowing that he wasn’t good for her.

  “Well, uh… I’m sleepy,” Scarlett said, just ready to hang up the phone. She’d said something harsh in hopes of hurting Luke and he had easily turned the tables on her.

  “You want any company?” Luke asked.

  “Nah, it’s late. Plus, I’m having company over early in the morning. The same company that I told you we needed to talk about.”

  “Talking about the woman that you’ve attempted to tell me about twice last week, but then changed your mind?”

  “Yeah, that woman, but I promise we’ll talk about it soon.” She said. “I’ll call you in the morning.”

  “Okay,” Luke responded. “I love you.”

  “Love you, too,” she responded then ended their call. She sighed as she lay in the bed thinking about all the crazy going on in her life. It was bound to get even crazier once Gwen returned home, because ain’t no telling how she was going to behave. She still had a smart mouth and, at times, Scarlett couldn’t tell if she was ever really going to cut her any slack.

  She threw her phone over to the side of her on an empty pillow. How she wished that Luke was lying next to her, but she couldn’t fall weak. She turned on her back thinking that this was a very good time to play in her pussy and catch a much wanted orgasm after thinking about how Luke had ate her out the prior morning.

  “Damn, I wish he would come over.” She thought then her phone vibrated indicating that she had a text message. “If this is him,” she said, picking up the phone. “I’m gonna tell him that he may as well come on over.” Reading the message caused her to smile really big.

  Hey, beautiful. I can’t sleep and for some reason I can’t shake you off of mind. Troy

  She debated whether to text back or pretend she was sleep as she started excitedly kicking her feet in the air. “What are you doing, Scarlett. Get it together,” she quickly checked herself.

  I’m about to go to sleep, but It makes me smile to see that you were thinking of me. Red

  She laid there for thirty minutes waiting for a response, but she didn’t get one. Troy already had a lot of mystery to him and it definitely turned her on. The only thing she felt that she needed to focus on was her feelings. He already was making her feel giddy inside and she didn’t know if that could end up bad or good. Finally, she fell asleep.

  Chapter 7

  Scarlett woke up to her phone ringing. To her surprise, it was Troy calling. She jumped up and started clearing her throat, not wanting to answer the phone sounding like an old man.

  “Hello,” she practiced, but still sounded like a ninety year old man. “Damn,” she said and quickly ran into the bathroom to brush her teeth and rinse her mouth. Five minutes later, she was back in her room picking up her phone to read the message that he’d just sent her.

  Sorry, I was calling to apologize. Troy

  Apologize about what? Red

  One minute later…

  You text back, but don’t answer? Am I in the dog house already? Troy

  Scarlett smiled then messaged back.

  No. Red

  No sooner than she could get the message sent Troy was calling back.

  She cleared her throat again then answered. “Hey you.”

  “Oh, she answers this time.” He teased. The sexy tone in his voice definitely matched his looks, making her feel giddy inside.

  “If you must know, I was actually brushing my teeth when you called.” She playfully said.

  “Oh okay,” he said with a smile. “I wanted to personally apologize for not responding to your message last night.”

  “Yeah, yeah… I see what kind of games you’re playing. First you make a girl smile then leave her hanging. I’m gonna have to watch you.”

  “Really,” he grinned.

  “Yep,” she responded. “I know your kind.”

  Troy laughed. “Well, how about my kind takes you out on a date tomorrow night. I’d like to show you a different side of me.”

  Scarlett blushed. “A date?” She questioned. “You don’t think it’s too soon for a date do you?”

  “I think that the timing couldn’t be more appropriate. I need to unwind and relax, because I have so much going on and I’d like to be in the presence of some good company.”

  “Hmmm,” she said, thinking about how rocky things had been between her and Luke. “I could use some good company myself.”

  “Well, it sounds like a date then.” He said with a smile as his phone beeped. “Look, babe… I’m gonna have to take this call, but I will most definitely hit you up tomorrow to make sure that we’re still on.”

  “Okay sounds good,” Scarlett said as they ended their call. She smiled, but still felt a little hesitant about their date as she headed in the kitchen to prepare breakfast for Gwen’s homecoming.


  Troy answered his line to greet Dmitri. “What’s up, partner?”

  “Nothing much, man.” Dmitri answered. “I called to tell you that my go to guy is taking a totally different approach on this one, but don’t worry we’ll get the answers you need soon. We’ve located your girl and it seems that she has already left for college and is staying at an aunt’s house nearby campus.”

  “I didn’t know that she was going to be leaving this early,” Troy stated.

  “She probably left early, because she’s running from something.” Dmitri informed him.

  Troy sat quiet for a moment. He was hoping that Ash didn’t have anything to
do with this, but it kept pointing in her direction. “Damn,” he whispered. “Well, find out what you can and hit me up as soon as you do.”

  “Will do,” Dmitri stated. “Oh and have you decided when you’re laying Slim to rest?”

  “Me and Unc actually go view his body tomorrow morning and finalize all of the arrangements. Um… His funeral will be on Tuesday. It’ll be something small, but nice.”

  “Okay, I understand. I’ll send my condolences in the form of a flower arrangement.”

  “Thanks, man… Just holla at me later whenever you get that information,” Troy said and ended their call. He sat thinking ponderously, not knowing what to do. He was beyond hurt that his best friend, cousin, and nigga that was like a brother to him was gone. All he wanted was to know who killed him and why was it even necessary. He didn’t care who was behind it. He just wanted them to pay for it one way or the other.


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