Book Read Free

Scarlett 3

Page 8

by Tiece


  Gwen jumped in the car with Rick as she closed the door shut once she’d sat down on the passenger seat. She’d started walking from the hospital, hell bent on not letting Scarlett or Anton come get her. She hadn’t depended on them for nothing in the past and she wasn’t going to start now.

  “’Preciate the lift,” she said, looking over at Rick as he pulled back out into the road and kept driving.

  “No problem,” Rick said, looking her over then glancing back at the road. “You look different… better. Where have you been?” He asked.

  “I’ve been in a clinic for the past week getting myself clean.” Gwen said as if she didn’t much care for a clean system.

  “You, gettin’ clean?” Rick asked as if it wasn’t believable.

  “Yeah, I’m told that I have to take better care of myself. Ain’t that some shit?” She grinned a little. “Hell, I thought I was taking care of myself.”

  “Well, whatever you’re doing it’s working. I almost didn’t recognize you.” Rick said. “Where are you going, anyway?”

  “You can drop me off over Scarred’s house.” She said, not really wanting to go there, but at the moment she didn’t have any other place to go. She was clean and therefore, her mind was, too. Even though she would never admit it, it actually scared her.

  “So, you’re going to see your son, huh? I haven’t seen him around lately.” Rick stated, already knowing that Scarlett and Gwen hated each other, but Anton was her heart.

  “Nah, I’m actually going there, because that’s where I’ll be living at for the moment until I get my own place.”

  “Damn, how is that going to work out? You and your daughter have a pretty rocky relationship.” Rick stated.

  Gwen looked over at him with disgust. “Listen, I don’t need you asking me one hundred million questions. Hell, I’d rather walk in the heat then talk about shit that I don’t wanna talk about. Matter of fact, le’me ask you some questions.” Rick knew that Gwen was always off her rocker so he just listened, because even the frail, high Gwen would smack a nigga. No telling what the sober, healthy Gwen would do.

  “What you need to know?” Rick asked with a frown on his face.

  “I heard about Slim dying. That shit was fucked up.” Gwen said, trying to feel Rick out.

  “Yeah, that was fucked up if you ask me. The hole has been quiet as hell since that shit happened.”

  “It’s quiet, because Slim was the man that everybody ran to if they wanted that good, pure shit.” Gwen stated. “He’d look out, too.”

  “You should know,” Rick commented, hearing that Gwen would beg Slim to let her suck his dick, but Slim wasn’t hard up for any blow jobs from a crack head that looked like the wind could take her away at any given moment. Gwen had a way of using this to her advantage, because Slim would graciously give her just enough crack to get rid of her ass.

  Gwen frowned, because the conversation had started going in a different direction. “What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”

  Rick laughed. “I was only messing with you.”

  “Don’t be fucking messing with me. Your ass used to be running to him for that shit, too. Your baby mama may not know that you put that shit up your nose, but Gwen knows everything.” She snapped.

  “I don’t put nothing up my nose. I only drink and smoke.” He lied, hoping that Gwen wouldn’t expose him.

  “Tell that lie to somebody else. I know yo ugly ass.”

  “I might be plenty of thangs, but miss me with that ugly shit.” He said, turning into Scarlett’s neighborhood.

  “That’s your problem. You thank them looks gon’ get you somewhere, but if they ain’t did it by now then they ain’t gonna do it.”

  “I need to hurry up and get you outta my car.” Rick uttered.

  “Out yo mammy’s car,” Gwen corrected him. “You ain’t never had nothing decent in your life. Don’t play with me. Your baby mama was about the most decent thang you had, but you couldn’t keep your dick in your pants or the liquor off your breathe long enough to appreciate her.”

  “And you’re the one to talk. You’ve always treated your kids like shit; especially your daughter who ain’t never did nothing, but try to help yo ungrateful ass.”

  “You know nothing about my relationship with my daughter!” Gwen said, getting highly upset by this point.

  “Everybody that either knows you or your daughter knows how you done treated her. Don’t play me,” he mocked. “Because, I know ‘bout you. Just because you’re clean don’t mean that you’ve changed,” he said while pulling in the driveway of Scarlett’s yard.

  Before he knew it, Gwen had smacked him across the face. “Don’t you disrespect me,” she yelled at him.

  “Bitch, you done lost yo damn mind,” Rick said, but had to quickly grab her wrist, because Gwen wasn’t done yet as she attempted to swing on him again. “Get yo ass outta here!”

  Gwen snatched loose from Rick’s grip. “I knew that I shoulda walked.” She snappily stated then opened up the car door.

  Rick rubbed his jaw. “Yeah, I shoulda let yo foolish ass walk, too.”

  “Fuck you!” Gwen said, slamming the car door shut as she got out.

  Rick casually grinned. “Fuck you, with yo stupid ass.” Then he let the window down. “Aye Gwen,” he called out.

  “What the fuck you want?” She asked, looking back at him.

  “Come here right quick,” he stated. Gwen hesitated, but then turned to see what Rick wanted. She walked over to the driver side of the car.


  Rick pulled out a twenty dollar bag of crack. “If you want it it’s yours.” He taunted her.

  “Didn’t I say that I was gettin’ clean?” She asked, but the sight of the bag of coke was looking tastier and tastier by the minute.

  “If you don’t want it,” he said, shaking the bag in her face. “Thought you might need something to take the edge off with yo hateful ass.”

  Gwen snatched the bag of crack out of Rick’s hand before he could renege. “Fuck you.” She said, and then walked off.

  “I bet you took that shit, though. Yo ass might be clean now, but you’ll be back dirty in a few minutes.” He yelled out as Gwen stuck her middle finger up in the air at him then entered the house.


  As Rick was backing out of the driveway, he could see Nina pull up in her yard. Quickly he drove a couple houses down to her house and pulled in behind her.

  Nina got out of her Jeep and rolled her eyes at him as she closed the door shut.

  What does this nigga want? She quickly thought as Rick got out of the car with a smile on his face.

  “What’s up, baby mama?”

  “Nothing,” she nonchalantly stated.

  “You still acting stank and shit?”

  “If that’s what you wanna call it.” Nina said as she stood there. She wasn’t about to walk inside the house and have Rick follow her. He was the type that would take it, but back then she didn’t mind since she wanted it just as much as he did. Now it was a different story.

  “Where my kids at?” he asked as if he cared.

  “My kids are at my mom’s house. Is there a problem? I mean, I am the one that supports them, not you.”

  “Maaaan,” he dragged. “Lose the fucking attitude.”

  “I would if you would get lost.” She snappily stated.

  “I’m doing better,” Rick stated pulling out thirty dollars and handing it to her.

  Nina’s eyes widened with disbelief as she looked at Rick. “Well damn,” she said. “I can’t believe that you’re handing over money. Who did you rob?”

  “Quit joking around,” he said. “I ain’t robbing nobody. I’m just hustling a little bit so I can help you out more.”

  “What caused this?” Nina curiously asked, because Rick had never done anything in his life except babysit.

  “I woke up and realized that my kids needed me just as much
they need you and I wanna be a better daddy.” He spoke, sounding all sad and serious.

  Nina quickly grabbed the money. “Well, thank you,” she said as Stephen pulled up across her front lawn like he lived there.

  “So, is that why you’re acting crazy?” Rick asked as he watched the man that he’d envied for years pull up like he was running shit.

  “I’m not acting crazy. I’m just wiser now.” Nina said as Stephen got out of his truck. He uncaringly looked over at Rick, wishing a nigga would, but Rick knew better, and then he smiled at Nina.

  “Are you okay, babe?” He asked.

  “Yeah, I’m good,” Nina responded. Rick stood there as he watched Stephen walk up on the porch, putting his key in the door then entering Nina’s house.

  Rick grinned. “That’s how you’re doing it now?” He asked, looking crazy.

  Nina smirked, because it felt good to see Rick’s reaction to her finally being able to move on. “Stephen has always had a key even when you were around.”

  “Oh really?” Rick asked.

  “Yes, really.” Nina confirmed. “See, unlike you he doesn’t abuse his privileges.”

  Rick snatched his thirty dollars back. “Well, since I don’t have privileges then you don’t need this.”

  Nina grinned at him. “I ain’t worried.” She said then walked off. Rick thought that she would stand there and argue with him, but she didn’t.

  “Here, you can have the money back.” He called out.

  “You probably need it more than I do.” She said, not once looking back at him.

  Rick stormed off a bit upset and got inside the car. He was definitely mad with how things were going since he was normally the one that kept Nina in check. He crunk up the car, just ready to leave there then his phone rang. He looked at the caller ID, not able to recognize the number.

  “Yeeeah,” he dragged as he answered.

  “Hey, Rick. We need to talk.” The light voice on the other end of the phone stated.

  “Who is this?” Rick asked with a frown on his face.

  “This is Faye and I need your help.” She paused with a delay then started back. “And if I’m thinking right, you’ll need mine, too.”

  Chapter 8

  “This is a nice breakfast that you’ve fixed, Scarred.” Gwen stated. She didn’t really know how to be nice, but she was going to try her best not to make their gathering a bad memory.

  Anton smiled. “It’s good to see you looking so well, Ma.” He commented while putting syrup on his pancakes.

  “Thanks, son,” Gwen responded.

  Anton looked over at Scarlett who was quietly mixing her cheese eggs and grits together. “Thanks Sis for going all out on this big breakfast.”

  “You’re welcome,” she said to him then looked over at Gwen with a quaint smile. “I hope we can start off on the right foot.” She said to her.

  “I hope so, too.” Gwen stated.

  “Well, what was Rick giving you when you went back to his car?” She bluntly asked.

  “Huh?” Gwen said, trying to play it off.

  “I was washing out the skillet and watching y’all out of the kitchen window. There seemed to be conflict and then he handed you something. What was it?” Gwen looked dumbfounded. “I,” she paused then looked over at Anton. “We don’t want you going back down a destructive path.”

  “I can take care of myself, Scarred. You need not worry about me.” Gwen said, hoping that her response would end the matter.

  Scarlett smiled, but was very serious. “Do I need to check your pockets? I don’t want, too, but I will.”

  “You don’t need to do shit,” Gwen stated, becoming instantly irritated with Scarlett’s interrogation session.

  “I just wanna know what he gave you. I don’t want you back on that shit and living in my house.”

  “Do you think I need you?” Gwen asked as Anton shook his head. This nice, meaningful breakfast had started turning into a familiar nightmare to him.

  “I didn’t say that you needed me, but I’m not gonna tolerate you going off the deep end again.”

  “What do you care? You visited once while I was in recovery. What, you think this breakfast made up for your absence?” Gwen smugly asked.

  “Nope, I sure don’t. Do you think that getting clean has made up for all the torture and heartache that I’ve endured being your daughter all of these years?” Scarlett asked.

  Gwen stood up and wiped her mouth. “I wouldn’t give a fuck if it did or didn’t.”

  Anton stood up. “Y’all stop all this crazy nonsense. Ma, sit back down and eat.”

  “I ain’t sittin’ at her table. I thank she thanks she’s too good to be in my presence.”

  “Get off of the pity train woman! Those violins are playing the same old sad, sorry ass tune.” Scarlett said. “Now either empty your pockets or get the hell outta my house.”

  Gwen stood there knowing that she had drugs in her pocket and the sad thing is that she couldn’t wait to shoot it up her arm. She looked over at Anton and shook her head.

  “I don’t have anything in my pocket.” She lied. “Don’t you believe me, son?”

  “Ma, just empty your pockets,” he sadly said. “This can be over with just that quickly.”

  Gwen grinned. “You’ve completely turned my son against me,” she said, shaking her head. “I don’t need you to trust me or you,” she said looking from Scarlett to Anton. “I’m out this bitch!” And just that quickly she made an exit out the door and was out of sight.

  “Damn, Sis you messed that one up.” Anton said, feeling bad that their family breakfast had gone from sugar to shit in no time. He hadn’t even taken two bites off of his pancakes and the war between mother and daughter had started.

  “I’m sorry Ant, but Gwen had drugs on her. I saw Rick give them to her. I was looking at them through the window the entire time.” Anton disappointedly shook his head. He’d been going to see Gwen every day during her recovery and she promised him over and over again that she would not take drugs again. He wanted so bad to not believe Scarlett, but Gwen not going in her pockets to prove her case was what sealed the deal.

  “Damn,” he said. “She promised me.”

  “I know she did, but Gwen is always gonna be Gwen. That’s just something that we’re gonna have to accept.”

  “I just don’t wanna see her kill herself like that.” He said, knowing that the drugs were bad enough, but being HIV positive on top of that was a lethal combination that would only lead her to a quicker grave.

  “Look, you can’t focus on Gwen right now. You need to be thinking about yourself. You and Tommy are in some serious shit here. A man lost his life over y’all not carefully thinking things through. I mean, my God… What were you thinking? You didn’t have that to do, Ant.” She said, now becoming upset with him.

  Anton dropped his head. “I know. This is all that I think about. I feel bad, because of what happened.” He broke down. He was truly hurt and wished nothing more, but to be able to take it all back. Scarlett rushed over to his side and allowed him to cry on her shoulder. She felt bad for him even being caught up in something so reckless and stupid. Now, there could be trouble coming his way, but she was going to do whatever she could to make sure that it didn’t.

  “I called Kirkwood College a couple of months ago.”

  “Don’t start that shit,” Anton irritably cut in.

  “Well, anyway,” she said ignoring his comment. “I spoke with someone about getting you registered. I knew that you didn’t wanna go back then, but I called back yesterday to get you in.”

  “I’m not-”

  “I don’t wanna hear that shit!” Scarlett sternly stated. “You are this close to taking your ass to jail and you got the nerve to sit here and talk shit about me trying to help you have a better life. Boy, don’t make me choke your ass out in here this morning. Your mama already done almost made me lose it on her ass.”

  “I don’t wanna leave though, Sis.”
Anton sincerely said.

  “I’m sorry, but you have no choice. It’s not going to do you any good to sit around here with all this worry on your mind. Plus, if you’re half way across the country no one will ever think to look for you there.”

  “What about Tommy?”

  “Tommy will have to understand.” Scarlett said as Anton disappointedly shook his head and walked off in the direction of his room.


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