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The Avenger Claims His Mates [Milson Valley 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove)

Page 7

by Jo Penn

  “Please wait in the car for me, Deakin.” Vicus guided his other mate to the car, helped Deakin up and inside, then closed the door and re-joined Drax. “It seems Ran’s wolf spirit has slumped in a few short hours.”

  Drax gave a sharp nod. “That’ll happen, especially with moving, having Renegades led by an insane ex-Alpha after him, acquiring a new mate, and dealing with events from his past he tried to bury deep. Get him settled at yours with Deakin, make sure your security detail is doubled. We have soldiers on more patrols around the Valley also. In the morning I want Ran out at the pack lands first thing. He needs to learn to mingle with his own kind again and trust us.”

  Seeing the true concern and caring of the big Enforcer, Vicus briefly, very briefly, he wasn’t the touchy-feely kind of paranormal, squeezed Drax’s arm before opening the back door and climbing in alongside his mates.

  With a bodyguard in the front passenger seat and another driving, plus the Humvee being bullet proof, bomb and fire resistant—as much as could be—Vicus was able to relax a touch. Not much, not with someone after his mate, and since he was an Avenger he’d never be a laid back, inattentive creature, but he knew they were safe and he had backup just in case some shithead dared attack them.

  Deakin was fretting, hands nervously plucking at himself while Ran sat slumped, gazing out the passenger window. It was to be expected, the pair were going through upheaval and uncertainty. And neither knew him.

  Vicus had the advantage with his gift of being able to see inside another’s head. It wasn’t exactly thought or mind reading. Vampires could hear thoughts a little more clearly when a creature was projecting or just loud thinkers, though, mostly, those elegant creatures caught images and thoughts. What Vicus could do was see into another’s mind and memories, and wipe memories, which helped in his profession. The gift had given him insight, glimpses into both his mates. Both were very different from one another, but shared a deep love and bond, one that would never be broken even if one perished or someone interfered with the bond. They’d still feel their connection and love, and from what Vicus could see, would wither without the other.

  That was the way of mates. That was why the stronger usually protected the weaker, whether that be physically or emotionally, and most paranormals lived in groups, such as packs, pride, covens, herds, guilds, and the like.

  Even Vicus did.

  “This is it?” Deakin sat forward in the seat, the seatbelt nearly strangling him and it did jerk him back. “Gah!”

  Ran cocked his head, managing a tiny, amused smile.

  “There’s something wrong with this seatbelt,” Deak complained as he fumbled with the release button.

  Vicus leant across his little blonde-haired mate, removed Deakin’s fumbling hands, and undid the seatbelt.

  “The seatbelts are specially designed for added protection and as restraints.”

  That may not have been the best thing to say, Vicus mused as both mates stared at him wide eyed. Hmm, they would require a little time to adjust to now being mated to an Avenger, one of the best and with peculiar traits and gifts.

  “T-this is your h-home?” Deakin pointed a shaking finger at the high, double reinforced gates they had stopped in front of.

  Vicus, as usual, decided providing only the most necessary information and sticking to the facts would be best at this stage. He could explain fully and more in-depth, actually share more of himself and his family with his mates, at a time when they were settled or were at least ready to listen and, hopefully, care.

  “Yes. The entire property is as secure as any compound could possibly be. There are bodyguards and security, staff, and the security system is one that I designed myself along with Baron Sanchez, Dimitri Surkov, and a few others, which makes the system one of the best and very personalized.”

  “Oh…okay?” Deakin practically jumped as the gates slid open smoothly and noiselessly. “Th-is is the old area, what they call the Village, isn’t it? When I researched, the real estate here was…err, yeah, pricey.”

  Vicus merely smiled. Property in the Village, so termed because this was the original village of Milson Valley before it expanded and boomed, becoming a small to medium city. Where Deak and Ran had been living was often called East Milson City, a very modern, trendy area that was for young singles and middle to well-paid professionals. The North City was full of expensive townhouses and penthouse apartments, while the West was leading out to the large suburbs that only the extremely wealthy could afford, such as the Armstrong witch and wizard coven, who had property out that way. The South was for middle class and working families.

  Vicus glanced across the road before the gates closed and saw a black sports car in the very old mansion there. As he thought, the property had been purchased and would soon be undergoing remodeling, and modernizing would begin.

  He was pleased by that and knew some might not be as happy. Not that another group of paranormals were moving in and buying up a large, old estate in the Village, rather with who may lead the group.

  “How many live here?” Deakin asked nervously.

  Vicus did not want his mate nervous. This was Deakin and Ran’s home now. He wanted them comfortable and happy here. Taking one of Deakin’s hands in his, Vicus slowly massaged the small, smooth, pale appendage softly, while also soothing with his own pheromones.

  “My family lives here, along with our private staff, whom we also feel are part of our group. We do not term ourselves a pack, pride, herd, or one of the shifter terms, rather we are more a coven, the Aston coven. Though, like so many groups these days, we are made up of different paranormal types and humans. We have thirty security staff, including bodyguards who rotate shifts. All but seven live here.” Vicus pointed to a path off to the right as the Humvee pulled up in front of the house. “To the right are the garages. Past them is a separate entrance where there are five houses, all large, five-bedrooms that contain half the security. There are another three houses with security on the other side of the property, which is seven acres.”

  “Wow, that’s…wow. And the other staff?”

  “We have ten non-security staff. A chef, a sous chef, two kitchen helpers. A house manager, her assistant. Four cleaners. Two officer managers. There is a staff building behind the house that has been renovated into a mini apartment building while the house manager and assistant both live in the house.”

  “House? It’s a…mansion! Holy fruit loops.” Deakin gaped at it. “You know, if my parents had been smart and in anyway sensible with money, they could have bought a place like this—okay, okay, not quite like this. Like, maybe an acre with at least five rooms instead of three anyway—seventy years ago in their town, before the big property price boom, and we wouldn’t have been cramped in like sardines and going insane with siblings always sticking their hands in my stuff!”

  While Deak glazed over a little, Vicus studied his wolf mate. Ran just yawned.

  Having grown up in a wolf pack, Ran had seen mansions and large pack houses. Vicus had looked up the pack his mate had grown up in and, though before Mikkos Milton took over, the property was a little rundown, it was still well set up and large.

  Deciding Deak was going to give himself another asthma attack, Vicus once again began massaging his mate’s smooth hand and released calming pheromones, pressing a little closer to his mate to enable them to sink into him faster. Deak calmed, marginally. Vicus opened the door, Greyson and Tobias both standing guard outside and communicating with the main security room in a specially designed room below ground.

  Tobias opened the door on Ran’s side and stepped back, giving the wolf space to climb out without feeling crowded. Wanting to see what his mate would do, Vicus easily guided Deakin away from the car and to the front of the mansion with a hand on his mate’s back, while keeping a discreet eye on his wolf.

  Drax was right, of course. The wolf immediately followed their mate, shuffling along, hands in his pockets, and only looking around a little.

; The front door opened before Vicus reached it, Tilly, the house manager, stepping back and greeting cordially while informing him of where everyone was in the mansion and outside, what they were doing, and schedules. The woman was scarily efficient. Deakin practically drooled over her, peaking awed glances.

  Vicus snagged his other mate by the back of his neck, gently tugging Ran back the few steps he had managed to take. Immediately, the wolf’s head lowered and he shuddered lightly, shoulders slumping more. This was a concern, though admittedly, Vicus could not help enjoying having his hands on his wolf mate.

  “Thank you, Tilly. Tilly Simpson, these are my mates, Deakin Myers, who would very much enjoy a scheduled tour with one of your special folders we provide guests and staff, but with family information added. And Ran Markson.”

  “I will arrange the folder and schedule a tour, Mr. Myers. Please expect a tour invitation via SMS and respond accordingly, outlining available times.”

  Vicus carefully began easing his smaller mate, keeping his touch without the lust he felt cursing through his body, calming the shudders and tension. Though, where Deakin relaxed and responded to Vicus, Ran did not. The shudders stopped and tension reduced, but he was wary and obviously did not wish to be touched. Knowing Ran’s wolf spirit was ill and did not sense Vicus as mate explained this. Which was difficult, as Vicus had claimed his mate and the mate bond, the pull between them, should have his wolf all over him, rubbing and affectionate.

  It was fortunate Vicus had been taught patience from a very young age.

  For now, his mate needed his patience and care, and always his protection.

  “Blazh, come meet my mates.” Vicus spoke softly as he nodded to Tilly and moved both mates along the wide hallway, past the visitor sitting room, past the drawing room, and across the hall into the family sitting room.

  Blazh, his youngest sibling, glided along behind, always so cheerful and sometimes nervy with a tendency to blow things up accidentally when frazzled.

  “Oh my Goddess, you have a sprite!” Deakin squeaked and did the strangest thing. Holding up one hand as though a traffic cop, he leapt the foot between him and Vicus and hid behind him. “They’re everywhere! Oh, fudge, you said you would let my siblings over here tomorrow!”

  “Smooth.” Ran snickered and flopped onto a sofa, nearly cracking his jaw yawning.

  Blazh just grinned and did a nervous little foot shuffle, eyes darting between them all. His youngest brother was always well protected, often from himself, and pleasant to be around. There were no hard edges to Blazh. Now he wiggled a little, eyes bright, and bobbed his head. He was also the shortest brother and never able to sit still.

  “Hi! I’m only part sprite, but Vicus told me you have full sprite siblings! That’s cool, I want to meet them—huh, the wolf fell asleep.”

  Ran had, just dropped his head and went straight to sleep.

  “He always does that, can sleep anywhere.” Deakin eyed Blazh up. “You don’t want to meet full sprites. They’re insane, always jumping and wiggling and squealing. How many brothers do you have? I’ve met Layke, River, who I have to say is my favorite so far—oh, sorry, you seem nice too, despite the spriteness you’ve got going on.”

  Blazh just continued grinning and wiggling, shuffling his feet. Vicus gave his littlest brother a hug before responding to his mate.

  “Most creatures are fond of River, and most adore Blazh. I have seven brothers and one sister. Also, an adopted brother, who is currently away, as are two of my brothers, who are due to return today. My sister works at the hospital with Layke, they are twins and both doctors there, though different types of specialization. Blazh, you are meant to be training.”

  Blazh jumped a foot and bolted, waving a goodbye over his shoulder. Deakin gave a shiver and clenched his fist. Hmm, it would take his mostly human, part-sprite mate a little while to adjust to another sprite close by.

  “Any other sprites in your family?” Deak asked faintly.

  “Yes, you…and by extension, your family.” Vicus gave a small half smile. “Do not fret, mate, I will protect you from the assortment of sprites.”

  Deakin studied Vicus seriously before nodding slowly. “I will hold you to that. Ran just squeaked and ran away. He’s not a very protective or territorial wolf.”

  “No, and we do not need him to be. He is perfect the way he is, as are you.”

  “Yeah, he is. Sooo, that’s a lot of family. Where are your parents?”

  Vicus drew his mate closer, unable to resist touching Deakin. Pale and a little subdued, Vicus wished to coddle his mate, help him feel better and reassures, as well as needing to be close and touch him for himself.

  “My mother passed fifty years ago.” Vicus leant down and pressed his lips to the corner of his mate’s sweet little mouth and nibbled, heating at Deakin’s gasp and body shudder.

  “B-but, that sprite brother—Blazh, he’s only y-young—oh fruit loops, yes.” Deakin melted against him, clutching Vicus’s leather, form-fitting coat.

  Licking his mate’s lips, Vicus nodded. “Yes, Blazh is a mere twenty-two, very young. Like most of my younger siblings, he is born from one of my parents and another creature. My parents were not fated mates, nor joined mates.”

  “O-h…Ran couldn’t scent you. We don’t know what type of creature you are. Are you a creature?” Deakin pressed his groin against Vicus’s thigh.

  Suppressing a groan while trailing his fingers over his mate’s back, Vicus sighed, knowing he had to have this talk with his mate, both mates.

  “Let us wake our wolf and go to our room. There are a few important facts you need to know, mate.”

  * * * *

  Ran wasn’t usually one to be grumpy. Most said if he were any more laid back, he’d be in a coma, but right now he was cranky and edgy and was so sick and tired of being woken up!

  Baring his lengthened canines at the Avenger who said he was their mate, Ran backed away slowly, instinctively knowing not to make any sudden moves and to watch his flank in unfamiliar surroundings.

  “Calm, pup.” The Avenger’s tone was soothing, calming, and irritating all rolled into one. Lowering the hood of his coat, the big creature pinned Ran with gold-amber eyes. “You may rest soon. First your wolf needs to feel safe and secure. I can help with that—”

  “Oh, stop being such a grump,” Deakin admonished snappily. “We’re both tired and overwhelmed, so shush and listen to what Vicus has to say. Then we can eat, ’cause I’m starving and could do with a good egg noodle stir fry, then we can get some rest.”

  Ran blinked and gagged a little. “Err, okay.”

  Deakin’s eyes narrowed and his face got that frustrated, scrunched up look. “Why did you do that gagging thing? Well? Fine, if you don’t want a stir fry, choose something else, but it has to be healthy! No hot dogs, none of those chili cheese fries, and don’t even get me started on that calzone you had the other night! Heart attack waiting to happen with all that cheese dripping.” Deak gagged a little now also, Ran blinking rapidly and stepping back. “I love a calzone as much as the next person, but the amount of oil—”

  Vicus slid a hand over Deak’s back and, like that, the part-sprite mate shut the fuck up in the middle of his just getting started tirade for once. Huh, maybe instead of backing away from Deak when he went all insane, Ran should have touched him. Hmm, he’d done that once or twice, usually just a kiss…still, it was fun watching Deak get all worked up.


  Next he’ll whistle and I’ll be expected to trot along behind him like a good little wolf. Ran grumbled. Who the Hell is this guy anyway?

  “I am your mate, Ran. Once your wolf spirit is beginning to repair, you will scent and feel this.”

  Ran frowned a little, trailing behind Deak and Vicus Aston up an elaborate staircase, then along a hall, through an archway, up another set of stairs, and down another hall.

  Apparently the tall, slender, but well-muscled Avenger could hear thoughts, Ran contemplated.

  “Not entirely hear thoughts. One of my gifts as an Avenger is to see into another’s mind, see memories, and know what it is they think. At present I am monitoring you and you are a touch annoyed, which causes you to project your thoughts and feelings. Through here.” Vicus led the way through another archway, up another half flight of stairs, and to a double set of doors.

  Ran watched, hands deep in the pockets of his old, baggy jeans that Deakin wished to throw out and squabbled with Ran over numerous times. Ran frowned down at a new tear in the jeans. That hadn’t been there the last time he wore them, making him suspicious his OCD mate had put it there deliberately in order to get rid of them.

  Naw, wasn’t Deakin’s style…maybe? No, that’s something Ran would do.

  “I will give you the code for the doors, but inside the house we generally do not lock the doors to our own individual spaces. Until you are both settled, I understand if you wish to.”

  “Who says we’re gonna settle in here?” Ran asked curiously.

  He wasn’t exactly arguing or challenging, he was curious as to why Deakin was just going along with this when he usually didn’t just go along with anything. His man had his own set of rules and knew what he wanted, which Ran had always admired as he wasn’t completely sure what he wanted, and that kept leading him into trouble and searching for whatever it was that would fill the empty space inside him.

  Not that he ached or anything, it was more just a dull sensation that nagged at him to keep going, keep looking, he’d find it. Ran eyed Vicus who was watching him studiously. Was the stunning creature the reason he kept drifting, feeling he couldn’t stop, something was never quite right?

  That’d never made sense to Ran, especially considering he had Deak. Why’d he ever want more? Deakin was awesome, real cute and eccentric, no malice, and fun.


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