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The Avenger Claims His Mates [Milson Valley 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove)

Page 8

by Jo Penn

  “Yes, I am what you searched for, my wolf.” Taking Deakin’s hand—the Avenger was always touching Deakin. Ran could understand that completely as he was just so touchable and yum—they entered through the doors and waited for Ran to amble after them.

  He wasn’t sure what he’d expected, but it certainly wasn’t what he found. Instead of a suite, Vicus had a two-level apartment inside the Aston mansion with a lounge room, kitchen, study, half bathroom downstairs, and two bedrooms upstairs with attached en-suites.

  The minute Deakin began gushing, Ran could see why his mate would. The furniture had a real chic, clean, Nordic feel to it, all open and fresh, and the study was real neat and tidy with plenty of filing space and organized stationary. Upstairs they found their overnight bags already there in the main bedroom, which had a large bed and the same chic, clean lines, but with darker colors—a navy blue cover and charcoal carpet that bounced and softened under your feet.

  Ran began to feel that itch under his skin that made him twitch a bit.

  “Hey, big brother.” A slender, very attractive creature appeared in the doorway. “Lacy sent me to see if you wanted to join us in the family room. Zander and Eber have just returned and Macario whipped up a few batches of his cheesy herb bread.”

  Ran’s stomach lurched at the thought of food.

  “Easy, mate. Deakin, hold our wolf.” Vicus wrapped Deakin around Ran before fixing his eyes on the creature in the doorway. “Jayce, we have discussed the use of your gift. I will punish you next time.”

  Wincing, the creature shrugged. “Sure, sure, okay, I was just playing around. Hi, I’m Jayce Aston, one of the hidden brothers chained to the house, never allowed out in public, banished to the basement—oh, shit!”

  Ran screamed as his head filled with images—the cries, the desperation, the pain—then, mercifully, everything went dark and quiet.

  Chapter Four

  “How is that possible?” River asked with genuine concern and curiosity.

  “That is something I will have to discuss with Sebastian.” Vicus paced the floor of his bedroom, hands behind his back and shooting glances at the two laying on his bed. “Lacy?”

  Layke was still coordinating the packing up of Deakin and Ran’s belongings from their apartment, but fortunately Lacy was here, and upon hearing Ran’s ear-piercing, anguished scream, had raced upstairs. By then, Vicus was cradling his little wolf, trying to block the myriad of memories that had flooded to the surface of his mind, bursting through the seal he’d contained them in so long. Blood had dripped from his eyes, nose, and ears, his face paler than normal and body feeling too light to be healthy.

  “He’ll be fine. Well, as fine as he can be with a failing wolf spirit. You need to complete the bonding. That will aid his spirit and make him immortal.” Lacy straightened from beside the bed and stretched her back. “For now let him rest. Don’t wake him, he’s exhausted, and let the other one rest also before he has a full blown panic attack, which will lead to an asthma attack. How did it begin?”

  Vicus gave his second youngest brother a look. At least Jayce had the grace to appear sheepish and contrite. Lacy rolled her eyes.

  “Of course, the siren. I hope this teaches you to not use your gift in that way. It can be harmful.”

  “I was trying to help Vicus! I could see he’d only mated and bonded with one mate, and the other wasn’t coming near him, so I thought—”

  “Well do not,” Vicus said sternly. “There is a reason you are not allowed out, Jayce. This was a good example of it.”

  “But the Starters pack let their special wolf out and he has a similar gift—”

  “Similar but in no way the same, and he can control it, you cannot as yet. You also will be snatched up by the nearest hunter or collector,” River admonished gently. “These are difficult times, Jayce, with Renegades and hunters, and even those who see a unique, different creature and wish to possess them. Learn your gift and use it to aid, not harm.”

  “I just wanted to guide him to Vicus, that’s all!” Jayce grumbled but nodded and sighed after a moment. “Okay, fine, sorry, I didn’t mean to cause him pain.”

  “Hi! Can we come in now?” Blazh called out from downstairs.

  “I’ll deal with the siblings, you take care of your mates. Congratulations, my brother, I enjoyed meeting them the other day in my office. They are very entertaining and delightful.” River gave a quick hug and herded their siblings out of the room.

  Letting his mates rest, Vicus took his time showering, changing, and eating one of the pre-made meals always left in his fridge and freezer by the kitchen staff. While looking over his next assignment, he heard Deakin rouse and go through the process of showering before coming downstairs.

  “Hi.” Deakin cautiously peaked into the kitchen.

  It would take a little time before his mates were comfortable here and saw the apartment, and the Aston Estate, as their home. Vicus gave a smile. It was small. He did not smile often, far too serious with anyone but his family, who accepted him as he was, to soften his hard edges for. He saw he would have to work on those hard edges for both his mates as they required reassurance and softness.

  It would be difficult. River often told Vicus that, though he could be soft, gentle even, he was not good at understanding certain things, far too analytical, that he was wired a different way. Vicus was unsure exactly what that meant, and then he would look at one of his siblings, or even creatures on the street, and understand.

  He was different. His feelings were…different. Contained, perhaps, or he just did not have the same reaction or expectations as others. Nor did he express them so openly. He did feel, of course, was deep thinking, but as an Avenger he had never been squeamish and had very definitive views on right, wrong, and the level of force to use.

  With his mates though, something inside Vicus was opening. He saw their connection, felt it and wanted that for himself also.

  “I had the chef do a vegetable stir fry with egg noodles for you.” Vicus assisted his mate to sit at the long table in the large kitchen, arranged a placemat, bought out the water and a glass, a napkin and cutlery, and removed the dinner from the food heater.

  The shocked look on Deakin’s face told its own story. Probably in his house growing up, it was fighting for a spot at the table and first in, first served. Then with Ran, Deak did most of the taking care of, though from memories Vicus had seen, there was a very romantic, loving side to Ran before his wolf spirit began to wilt so badly, and the mate had surprised Deakin with flowers, chocolates—the sprite mate could demolish a box of sweets in seconds, it was impressive—and with food. That was a big thing for wolves. They wanted to see to their mate’s needs. The biggest were shelter, protection, and food.

  Vicus also had the urge to take care of his mate, pamper Deakin, and not just with gifts, but by ensuring things were done in a way that eased and made him happy. Like coasters under cups, pristine placemats, and open affection.

  “Oh, ah, thanks.”

  “Eat,” Vicus instructed quietly and retook his seat across from Deakin. He watched quietly for five minutes, giving his mate time to settle and not be so nervous and tense, and eat. He was enjoying the food, which was a good sign. “I have spoken to Sebastian Sanchez. He will meet myself and Ran at the Starter’s pack tomorrow to see why the mind sweep of our mate’s traumatic memories did not work. I apologize—”

  “Wait.” Deak held his hand up in the traffic cop way again. “First, thanks, this is really good stir fry. Second, why are you apologizing?”

  “For allowing our mate to be hurt.” Vicus’s face may not show the anguish over this, but inside he was torn to shreds. He would never forget his wolf’s screams of agony and terror, the pain in his gorgeous sapphire eyes.

  “Huh, well, okay, but it’s not your fault, and probably not Lord Sebastian’s either. Something happened. It didn’t work. We just need to figure out why and stop it from happening again, because I never want to hear Ran in pai
n like that again.” Deakin speared some vegetables with his chop sticks. “He never really talked about it, but he did sleep talk. Something happened to him and his friends in the basement of the Alpha’s house… I think some of them died, but I know at least one didn’t, aside from Ran, as I overheard him talking to someone named Johnny a few times during the last ten years. Sometimes he even takes money from our account and sends it to whoever this Johnny is.”

  Vicus found that very interesting. There were a couple of Johns, Jonathans, and Johnnys from the old pack Ran belonged to, but not one around his age, and not one who was reported missing.

  “Was the money transferred directly to another account in Johnny’s name, or was it a cash withdrawal?”

  “Johnny Linus, direct transfer. I kept the record of it as it was odd. I’ll give it to you later.” Deakin looked at Vicus, his soft blue eyes sad. “Ran was a virgin when we first got together, and he has never strayed. I know something happened in his old Alpha’s basement. I know he ran, but until now, I didn’t know he’d changed his name and was only eighteen when we met. I’m still a bit freaked about that.” Deakin looked it, muttering and stabbing more vegetables. “When I met him he walked with a limp and rarely smiled or met anyone’s eye.”

  So not sexual assault, that was one good thing, but Vicus knew, from experience and training, how many different ways there were to harm another. He held out his hand to his cute mate. Deakin didn’t hesitate to slip his little hand into Vicus’s, his eyes sad and distressed. Vicus caressed gently, needing to sooth and ease his mate.

  “I will find Johnny, and if he requires protection, do so. I will end Titus McCracknel.”

  “Okay,” Deakin squeaked, eyes wide.

  Hmm, perhaps he should have been a little more subtle. “My mother was an immortal shifter, a peregrine falcon. She was a beautiful sight to behold and one of the fastest from her flock. As well as a falcon shifter, my mother was half witch. She met my father when quite young and they become close, casual lovers. As they grew older and did not find mates, they had children together. Lacy and Layke are the eldest and are witch and wizard, full, respectively. I was born next, and as my father is a non-immortal lion shifter, I am half lion shifter, with wizard and falcon shifter blood, and am immortal.”

  Deakin gaped. “I thought my family was a mix! It’s always fascinated me how individuals can take after one or the other of their parents, or receive a mix of them. Can you shift into a lion and a falcon?”

  “Yes.” Vicus tapped Deakin’s plate, reminding the man to eat. “River is full falcon, immortal. My other brothers are a mix of gargoyle, lion, wizard, sprite, as you saw, siren, and there’s one human.”

  Deakin’s face fell sadly again and he played with his food. “I have one of those.”

  Vicus could smell the upset pouring off his mate and quickly scanned Deakin’s memories of his human brother. It was an insight into how he truly did feel of the twenty siblings he had. Even though he didn’t want to live in the same house, even the same city or state as them, he loved every single one and talked to them every few days…every single one. The human brother was older and Deakin knew, as did his parents and siblings, that he would pass before them.

  “Macario”—Vicus stroked Deakin’s hand—“is my full human brother. He is forty but has a few strands of lion shifter, which slows down his aging slightly. Lacy searches for his mate. As you and your family are now our family, Lacy, she is very sisterly smothering, will begin searching for your brother Jazzy’s mate.”

  Deakin pointed a chop stick at him. “You wouldn’t say that about her if she were here, would you?”

  Vicus flashed his fangs. “I value my tongue. You will also.”

  Deakin flushed, then noticed the file on the table. “Is that about Ran?”

  “No, it is the information for my next assignment.”

  “Oh… When do you leave?” Deakin looked anywhere but at Vicus.

  “Not until the threat to our mate has been dealt with. Macario, come in.”

  Macario, Vicus’s full human brother came around the corner carrying a container and slid it onto the table. He looked older than them all, early thirties possibly. While most of the brothers and their sister had hair that were varying shades of white to dark blonde and golden amber eyes, Mac had red hair and blue eyes, a scattering of freckles across his peaches and cream complexion, and slender cheeks.

  “Hey, sorry to interrupt. Chef made those desserts you like.”

  Since Macario was the sibling who only visited Eber and Vinn in their apartments, Vicus continued to stare at his brother. It didn’t take long. No one could withstand his stare, not hardened criminals, not soft as butter brothers like Macario, only the strongest creatures didn’t crumble immediately under Vic’s hard look. They did crumble eventually though.

  “Oh! Did I forget to mention I’m catching up with some friends for a long weekend?” Macario ruffled his floppy red hair, which was more orange than red. “See, yeah, I’m sort of broke and Layke said you were looking at the finances this month, so I was wondering if you could spot me—”

  “Uh huh, lending money for a weekend away is just buying trouble.” Deakin snickered.

  “Um, sorry, I’m Mac Laverate.”

  “Hello, I’m Deakin Myers.”

  Vicus rose and firmly, but ensuring he did not harm his human brother, clamped his hand around the back of Mac’s neck and squeezed to get his brother’s full attention.

  “You are Macario Aston. Come, brother.” Vicus leant down and spoke very quietly in his brother’s ear. “Now is not the time to disobey me, Macario. I will be back momentarily, my mate.”

  Marching Macario out of his apartment, he wasn’t surprised to see Lacy standing in the hall with her arms crossed and tapping one foot, golden amber eyes narrowed.

  “I knew it. Thought you’d go around me, didn’t you, Macario? Well, guess what, now you’re stuck here all weekend. No poker games, no hook-ups and weed, and no going out with your friends.”

  Macario tried to pull away, Vicus giving a warning hiss that stilled his brother. At least Mac learnt.

  “I’m past the age where I need permission.” Mac glared at them. “I spoke to the human Council and they said you can’t make me stay here—”

  “Oh, you just keep pushing those buttons, little brother.” Lacy reached out and snatched Mac from Vicus, their brother yelping in surprise.

  “Look, just stop okay!” Mac sighed. “I’m not like you guys. You need to start understanding and respecting that. And I’m old enough. In fact, I’m actually middle aged for my kind, able to do whatever I want.” Mac stepped away as Lacy released him, and nibbled his bottom lip. “It’s time to let me go. We’ll always be family, and I appreciate everything you’ve done for me, but it’s time I went and did my own thing…human type things.”

  Lacy looked so stricken Vicus automatically stepped to her and folded his strong, independent, mothering sister in his arms while reminding himself that he couldn’t harm what was causing her pain, as that was his adored younger human brother.

  Sometimes it was confusing when he could not simply eliminate what the problem was.

  Macario shrugged helplessly. “I’m just not like you guys. Anyway, can I borrow some money? And maybe get my trust account you set up for me when you found me as a kid? I found a place I like and wanted to get it before someone else did.” Mac nibbled his bottom lip and avoided eye contact. “It’s in Hawaii.”

  “Oh, no way in hell!” Lacy leapt out of Vicus’s arms and poked a finger into Mac’s chest. As a paranormal, Lacy was a good deal stronger than their human brother and the finger poke caused him to stumble back a step. “You know what? I’ve worked too hard to let you pull this ‘I’m just a human so respect my ways’ shit! I’ve lined you up with three dates this weekend. You’ll attend whether you want to or not. Got it.”

  “Argh!” Mac stormed away.

  “He’s driving me insane,” Lacy growled.
/>   “And he’s the placid one,” Vicus commented drolly.

  Macario usually was fairly even tempered and was best friends with two of their siblings. Macario was also highly intelligent and a financial accountant who worked for the Alliance here in Milson Valley. The reason he was broke was due to the fact Lacy was trying to monitor their brother, for Mac was being exceedingly difficult of late.

  “Yes. I may have found his mate. We just have to get the creature here.”

  This interested Vicus greatly. Years ago when they had discovered their father slept with a human female and produced a full human child, they had fought for custody, won, and kept the then four-year-old sheltered and protected, always remembering Mac was more fragile than them. Unfortunately, over the last ten years Mac had gone from being amiable to pushing them away and wanting nothing to do with them.

  Lacy began the search for Mac’s mate, very worried that their fragile human brother may have an accident and die. She had a lot of witch skill, and with a little help from a seer who happened to be Alpha Urian’s mate, Finn, she said she was narrowing in.

  “Who?” Vicus got right to the point.

  “Three candidates—”

  A shrill alarm went off through the building, stopping abruptly after only a moment. Both Vicus and Lacy moved quickly. Vicus moved with the swiftness of his falcon and the fierceness of his lion, snagging Deakin who had been eavesdropping at the partially open front door and tossing his mate over his shoulder, ignoring the squeal and little fists slapping his back. Upstairs, he dumped Deakin on their bed and grabbed a few weapons he had stashed around the place.

  “What’s going on?” The man began puffing on that Ventolin, which seemed to be a fairly permanent attachment.

  “That was the Estate alarm. Norton, you and Spanner are to protect my mates,” he ordered the two security men who raced into the room to await orders.

  Reaching down, Vicus swooped his wolf mate up, the creature still out cold with the aid of Lacy’s provided drugs. With his other hand he got Deakin up and moved them through a secret passage, Norton leading the way, Spanner behind them. It only took a minute to get his mates into the safe room with family and staff who needed protecting, Vicus shutting the door in his part sprite’s anxious face, but not feeling bad about it. Protecting his mates and family came first.


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