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The Avenger Claims His Mates [Milson Valley 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove)

Page 9

by Jo Penn

  “Sir, the alarm was triggered on the south wall,” Norton said.

  “Vicus.” Eber Aston, gargoyle, came jogging around the corner. “Macario is unaccounted for.”

  Hissing, Vicus snapped his earphone in. “Eber, take two guards and search the entire Estate. Track him.”

  “On it.” Eber raced off, signally two guards to follow.

  Vicus got down to work, coordinating and searching. The mansion was quickly locked down, as were the houses and apartment block, River with three security searching each while Vicus searched the grounds, going straight to where the alarm had gone off.

  At first glance there appeared to be nothing, no disturbances, but Vicus was an expert at seeing what others did not and found the most miniscule. A creature had tested the perimeter wall, flicking a piece of stick to see exactly how sensitive the Aston security system was. A good sniff told him the creature was a wolf, a strong one.

  Eber joined Vicus at his call.

  “What do you smell, brother?”

  Gargoyles had an even better sense of smell than shifters did, which was saying a lot. Eber took a good sniff, eyes locking on the fence.

  “Stood real close to the fence, wolf shifter, powerful one. I can track her.”

  “You did well.” Vicus touched his brother’s shoulder gently. “I will track the wolf. You track Mac.”


  Vicus did just that, moving silently away, shutting everything out of his mind and focusing just on his prey. No one bothered him, no one noticed him. He was invisible to those not attuned to someone such as him. He searched for hours before finding the wolf with a small group fifty miles away, and dispatched them easily after reading their memories and learning of their plans.

  There was no remorse, why should there be? Not when the creatures were set on harming others, had harmed others in their pursuit of dominance. Oh, the creatures believed they were superior, that they deserved adulation just for who they were. They were stronger, more powerful. They should be worshipped.

  Vicus detested creatures such as this. They didn’t do anything but harm others and had such a high opinion of themselves. They wanted the world at their feet and they didn’t care how they achieved this, killing, torturing, and maiming whomever they felt were in their way. He’d seen firsthand the desolation and destruction they caused. It was horrifying. Most were termed Renegades, Vicus just thought they were scum.

  It was late when he returned home. He had kept in contact with security and was well aware of all that had transpired. Tomorrow he would inform Urian and the rest of the leaders in Milson Valley. Tonight he would check his family and see to his mates.

  Once the initial alarm had been cleared, most of his family returned to their places in the mansion, as did the staff. Blazh was, as usual, in an awkward position in his bed, thankfully fast asleep. Beside Blazh was Jayce’s apartment. This brother was also asleep. Vicus removed Jayce’s headphones and turned off the techno music. River was on this level and kept an eye on this pair, mostly, and was still up.

  “Your mates are in your apartment. Your wolf woke and was quiet. Blazh may have freaked your part-sprite mate out. Has the problem been dealt with?”

  “Not completely. The first scouting team has been eliminated.”

  River nodded, wincing. “I would advise not responding so liberally. Sometimes, dear brother, we must use tact.”

  Vicus peered at River, confused. “I do not understand your meaning.”

  Grinning, the full falcon shifter cocked his head, birdlike. “Think of it like this, Vic. Full disclosure and partial disclosure. Civilians require the soft, nice partial disclosure of an assignment, whereas leaders prefer full disclosure, including all the gory bits. Rest assured, your mates would not enjoy hearing of the gory bits.”

  “Gory bits? There were no gory bits. The kills were silent and clean, efficient. Not a drop of blood was spilled. Their intestines did not leak, nor did their bowels—”

  “Yes, that’s great, and exactly what I mean. Full disclosure for leaders, soft, sugar-coated partial disclosure for mates and most of our family. Except Eber, he’s a gargoyle and they get off on all that blood, gore, and massacring. But Blazh, he’d turn green and vomit on you, and you don’t like that, do you, brother?”

  Remembering all the times his siblings had vomited, and somehow managed to get some on him, Vicus shook his head blandly.

  “No, I would not enjoy that.”

  “That’s right,” River said patiently, patting his shoulder, still smiling. “And what would Jayce do?”

  Vicus’s top lip curled. “Squeal till my ear drums bleed.”

  “Yes, and he would be traumatized. And Lacy?”

  “She has no problem with blood and vomiting.”

  “That’s right. You see the difference? Eber and Lacy are in the same group. They don’t mind all the gory, nitty little details. Blazh and Jayce are in the other group who do mind all the gory details and vomit or squeal. Now add your mates to the second group and consider if one were ill.”

  Vicus frowned. “One is ill? You mean Ran? His wolf spirit, yes—”

  “You misunderstand. Imagine.” River blinked. “What am I saying? Scratch that. Think of your mate being ill. Yes, you don’t like that, do you?”

  “No,” Vicus snarled.

  “Good, good. So use that to remind you that if you go into the gory, analytical way you usually tell of how you eliminated a target, it’d make your mates sick.”

  “I see.” Vicus studied his brother. “I am not completely emotionless.”

  “No, no, not at all…just…not quite in touch with the effect some situations have on your mates and family. Now you do. I am pleased you returned and are uninjured.”

  “Of course I am uninjured. Why would I not be?”

  River rolled his eyes. “Of course, silly me. Oh, that reminds me, Mac is protesting.”

  “Protesting what? That his family keeps him safe? That he has everything he could possibly want? That Lacy said no to his weekend away?” Vicus was confounded by this behavior.

  “He is protesting because he has said that it is not the human way to remain with their family their entire lives. They are not pack type creatures and, as such, he wishes to have his own place and move out. Immediately.”

  “It is illogical,” Vicus stated sternly. “He is weaker, vulnerable, and an Aston. Creatures will try to abduct him just to use against us. How will he survive by himself? Tell me, does this make sense to you?”

  River paused when about to speak, frowned, and shrugged. “I am not human, so do not know. Did your mostly human mate not leave his large horde of family?”

  “This is true. Perhaps he will understand Macario’s absurd behavior. Good night, brother, rest well.”

  After that strange and frustrating conversation, Vicus continued on, next checking on Lacy, who was snarling into her telephone, so he left her be, knowing better than to get involved in his sister’s dealings. Next door was Layke, who was already asleep, possibly exhausted after a long shift at the hospital again and supervising the packers for Deakin and Ran’s apartment. Eber was on the floor above and wide awake. He always kept peculiar hours and liked to tinker with computers, electronics, and other equipment.

  Lastly was Zander, his half-human, half-lion shifter brother. Vicus paused and watched his brother breathing, the slow and steady rise and fall of his chest. Reaching out, he brushed long silken hair from a stunning face and wondered, if not for the hundredth time, why when he had so much power, he was powerless in other areas.

  In his room, he scented his mates and went directly to them, finding both in the spare bedroom asleep.

  He was not yet accepted into their tight bond, but Vicus was nothing if not persistent and determined. To be able to touch his mates as he wished, when he wished. To hold them, feel that deep connection was now what he longed for. He left them to rest and went to his own room, stripping off weapons and meticulously checking each
, cleaning them before showering and resting.

  * * * *

  “You’re sure you will be okay?” Deakin fretted, trying to smooth Ran’s hair down. “We need to book you in for another haircut. I swear, your hair grows—”

  “Babe, chill. It’s just a bit of training.” Ran managed to remove Deak’s hands from his hair, which were convulsively grabbing instead of smoothing now.


  “Yep. Anyway, looks like you’ve got a bit of work piled up. Maybe you should get one of the administration staff to come down and help with that.”

  “Oh, fudge no! I’ve got it under control. You just go on and do your spirit thingy training, and don’t forget, we have my horde of siblings coming over this afternoon.” Deak gave Ran that squinty-eyed look. “Don’t even think of ditching me. You either.”

  “We will be there on time, our mate,” Vicus assured. “Come, our wolf, Enforcer Drax will be waiting.”

  Ran looked around. “Maybe I should stay and help Deak—”

  “Oh, Lordy Lord, no! Err, I mean, thanks, honey, but me and McGee have it sorted. Shoo.” Deak did a shooing motion with his hands.

  “Who is this ‘McGee’?” Vicus’s voice, usually a firm, softly spoken tone, became hard and demanding. “There will be no other creature near you that I am not aware of, mate. I have two bodyguards assigned, if there is any trouble you will be protected and returned home immediately.”

  Deakin looked around anxiously. He’d be loath to leave his office space. Ran could just see the twitching begin with the need to tidy and organise.

  “McGee is a fictional character we use as a scapegoat or all around good guy. Like in The Importance of Being Ernest.”

  Vicus stared at Deakin blankly. “Who is this fictional character?”

  “Doesn’t matter! Gee, I’ll download the film! How do people not know this?” Deakin began muttering under his breath as he sorted files.

  Ran backed away cautiously, knowing better than to get in the way of Deakin’s sorting and cleaning. Vicus’s gold-amber eyes pinned him so he shrugged and pointed.

  Inclining his head, Vicus snatched up their mate and gave Deakin a sound kiss with lots of sweeping touches over his body, then deposited him on his desk and led the way out. Ran glanced at Deak to see the guy glazed over and touching his lips. He wondered how good that had been. He’d seen the pair kiss a lot now, and though not feeling left out, he was becoming a little more curious.

  After being so exhausted and drained yesterday, Ran had woken with a bit of energy and his brain firing up. He’d even taken a bit of an interest in his surroundings and knew immediately to avoid the female sibling and that siren, Jayce. He was just a bundle of trouble. And there was the silent, creeping around one that had him feeling jumpy. Oh, and that gargoyle creature, he was awesome to stare at and wicked powerful by the feel.

  River was amusing and made great pancakes that Ran had gobbled up faster than River could make them. Layke was still a serious dude with a stick up his ass and a sedative syringe in his pocket that he offered to give to Deak when his mate got a little testy over the amount of syrup Vicus poured on his pancakes. Yeah, Ran could have told Vicus it had to be exactly 5 ml, but hey, what was the fun in that?

  Ran blinked when they left the city council building and Vicus drew him close, keeping an arm lightly around him and sniffing Ran deeply. As they climbed into the large Humvee, he tried to catch a whiff of the Avenger, a little frustrated when he couldn’t, and ended up burying his nose right into Vicus’s neck.

  Still nothing. Weird.

  “Who is Johnny Linus, Ran?” Vicus asked on the drive to the Starters pack grounds.

  Ran contemplated lying. He contemplated pretending he didn’t know what the creature was talking about, and even thought of just evading or not answering, but knew all tactics wouldn’t work and deep down he was beginning to see that possibly someone could help. Nibbling his thumb nail, he looked at Vicus’s profile, the sharp slashes, the harsh lines, the definitions that made up the man, and decided if he were going to trust someone, his mate would be that person. Right?

  “Justin Crane,” he said quietly.

  Vicus gave a nod. “I recall the name. Another pup from your old pack. Do you remember what happened?”

  Flashes of memories began to bombard him, his head splintering. As suddenly as it began, it stopped, the pain easing, and he found himself panting and sitting in Vicus’s lap, the powerful creature’s arms around him.

  “Shh, there is no need to remember. You are safe, protected.”

  “He killed him…” Ran frowned. “I don’t remember.”

  Vicus said nothing, simply holding Ran with exquisite care and stroking his arms and back. When they arrived at the Starters pack, Ran withdrew, moving off Vicus’s lap. The Avenger didn’t stop him. It was strange how the big creature’s touch soothed at times, others, stirred Ran up and made him tense. Maybe part of him was feeling Vicus as mate, another part frustrated he couldn’t scent him.

  When they had all been together yesterday back at the apartment where Ran and Deak had set up home, and the Avenger had touched Ran, stripping his clothes, claiming him with a mate bite, he’d felt nothing but pleasure and need and had been awed watching Deakin with the big creature. So part of him must know Vicus Aston was his mate, and was connecting to him, but it was still a bit weird and a struggle.

  He peered outside the car cautiously. Every time Ran came to the Starters pack grounds—this would be the third time now—he was amazed at how large and set up it was. The pups here seemed to like it. Other wolves were chatting and joking around while pack soldiers mingled, everyone accepted. The place had a nice feel actually.

  Not that Ran wanted to hang around much. He was used to a different lifestyle now, not the pack mentality one.

  A moment later, he watched the dozens of wolves who had been casually hanging around chatting, some gardening, others just shooting the breeze, all freeze. He could virtually see the hackles rise on some, while others had their tails tucked down between their legs. Another second later, everyone split.

  He glanced at the tall Avenger who, as usual, wore that black leather coat with the hood up. The wolves had caught sight of the Avenger and run for their lives. Didn’t seem to bother Vicus though. The Alpha meanwhile, rolled his eyes as he joined them.

  “Maybe if you didn’t wear the coat all the time,” Urian suggested.

  Vicus ignored this. “How long is my mate required here today? Enforcer Drax was not specific.”

  From a distance, Ran could see a huge cream-colored wolf trotting towards them. The creature was massive! Not wanting to make a complete ass of himself, but a little spooked by the truck-sized wolf, he shuffled closer to Vicus until he was right behind him and the Alpha. Yeah, the truck wolf might have second thoughts of snacking on the runt when seeing he had to go through an Alpha and an Avenger.

  Ran shivered a little when said Avenger moved him closer to his side, pressing them together, and ran a hand over his back. Okay, it soothed him a bit for some strange reason, maybe because he understood the Avenger wasn’t going to slice and dice him for the hell of it, and yeah, because the creature was his mate…possibly. Damn, he’d really like to be able to smell the man.

  The truck wolf walked towards them, shifting mid-step. Ran had never seen that before. He hadn’t even known shifters could do that! But Drax was then standing there stark naked, which had Ran gaping a bit at first, then dropping his eyes and looking away, flushing like a school kid.

  Thankfully, the Alpha tossed Drax his clothes and the man got dressed, covering up all that manly goodness. Luckily, Deak hadn’t been here. He’d have drooled himself into a little puddle at the big creature’s feet probably.

  “We’ll be here a few hours. Welcome to join us, it’ll be good in fact, help the pup feel a connection to you.”

  Vicus gave a nod. “As you wish.”

  For the next hour, Ran spent time with other wolves
in human and animal form, mingling, relearning their traits and pack mentality. Then Drax said it was time for him to shift. Ran freaked a bit and may have again hidden behind Vicus, who had watched from the side everything Ran did, and even scared a few wolves and a bear off when they got too close to him. And it was funny how the Avenger didn’t even have to say anything, or even move. All he did was give off a vibe and everyone simply froze before scrambling away.

  Except Luka. Drax’s younger brother just loitered around, got in the way, gave unwanted advice and encouragement, and was sort of irritating in a fun way. Ran’s older brother, Mikkos, had always been a pretentious, self-involved dick who dismissed Ran throughout his childhood because he was a runt. So when he got picked on, taunted, or hit on, Mikkos scoffed and said it was Ran’s own fault for being a runt and to grow a back bone.

  “What’s the big deal?” Luka had begun stripping off his T-shirt. “I’ll even shift with you.”

  “Hell no.” Drax grabbed his brother by the back of the neck. “I can do without the riot. Tripp, didn’t you say Luka had work piling up on his desk?”

  Tripp, the Starter pack’s second and a gigantic big bear, grinned and reached for Luka.

  “Yep. Let’s go, pup.”

  Ran went ram-rod still and stared in shock when Luka arched away from Tripp and began growling at Drax and the second while giving off some heavy pheromones that had everyone but Drax, Vicus, and the bear twitching. Ran had never seen a grown man have a tantrum before.

  Tripp stepped back from Luka when the man growled and snapped his fangs at him.

  “I’ll do crowd control while you calm him down, Drax.”

  Drax gave a sharp nod before leaping over and landing on Luka, bringing him to the ground, the smaller brother howling in frustration.


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