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Already Gone

Page 14

by John Fluent

  "But it appears that he didn't find anything that time,” Marcus said. "We don't know that for sure," Willy answered. "We don't know how long or how far he searched that day. My guess is he quit due to the blizzard."

  "We also don't know if anyone ever recovered any of the gold except for one documented case. I discovered that a group of workers digging a pipeline in the early 1900's found some gold in Buzzard's Roost. No one knows how much but the diggers walked off the job that very day and never returned."

  "That's not good," Marcus said. "Perhaps they found it all and there's nothing left."

  "On the contrary," Willy replied. "It's very good news indeed. The fact that they found any gold at all convinces me that we're on the right track. And it may very well be that the pipeline workers found one of Jesse's KGC stashes and not the gold bullion."

  "So many unknowns and so few concrete facts," Marcus said. "Is all the time and money we're going to spend on this expedition worth it?" "Oh yes, my boy it's well worth it and then some. The gold bars that Mexican burro train carried were valued at slightly over two million dollars. That's two million dollars in gold in 1876. Any idea how much that's worth today?"

  "I hadn't thought of that," Marcus replied. "Look at it this way,” Willy continued. “In 1876, the official price of gold was about $21.00 per ounce. Last I checked gold is going for $1200.00 per ounce. You do the math." "That's over 140 million dollars if I'm figuring correctly," Cracker blurted.

  "Wow," Marcus replied.

  "Wow indeed, my boy. Even if that estimate is off and if Frank or someone else found some of the bars it's still a staggering amount of money." "OK, assume we travel there and rent equipment and have a reasonably good notion of where to start digging," Marcus continued. "Do we need permission from private landowners or some local bureaucrat to dig?"

  "Probably, yes," Willy replied. "I'm looking into that. Trust me. I'll have it nailed down by the time we leave. For now let's hear the latest recording and see what else we have to go on." Fire up the recorder Cracker.

  This is Doctor Peter Billingsley. It is August 7th, 2014 5:30 in the afternoon. My subject is Miss Virginia McCracken of Pearl City, Hawaii. This is our sixth session. I have induced a deep hypnotic trance state, and Virginia is resting comfortably on the couch in my study.

  "Where are you now Virginia and what do you see?"

  "I'm watching a play on a stage. The audience is jeering and hooting at the actor."

  "What is the name of the play?"

  "Outlaws of Missouri."

  "Who is the actor?"

  "I don't know. The play is over. Folks are throwing tomatoes at the drawn curtain. They are filing out now cursing the actor. People are shouting and calling him a dirty little coward. One man is saying — come outside Bob — we'll show you what for."

  "What are you doing now?"

  "I'm backstage. I'm confronting the actor. His name is Bob. He is shouting that it wasn't Jesse; it was Bigelow, Charlie Bigelow. I'm pointing my revolver at him. He's shaking and shouting to – ask Jesse — ask Jesse. Find him and ask him. I didn't shoot him. I shot Bigelow."

  "Ask Bob for his last name!"

  "I can't. He ran out the side door of the building."

  Pausing the recording Willy exclaimed, "Well I'll be damned, Albrecht was right. Jesse did fake his death." "Who's Charlie Bigelow?" Marcus asked. "An outlaw who resembled Jesse. An enemy of his, actually. Bigelow pulled strong arm robberies pretending to be Jesse."

  "So it was Bigelow who Ford shot? And Bigelow was buried as Jesse?" Marcus declared. "Sure looks that way," Willy answered. "Then maybe Jesse did live out his life under a new name. That’s amazing," Marcus said.

  "Yes. Albrecht will love this," Willy exclaimed. "Bob Ford was starring in a play?" Cracker asked. "Yes, I seem to recall that Ford was in a stage play about how he shot Jesse. We'll let Albrecht do the research and sort it out," Willy replied.

  "That reminds me," Marcus added. "I need a copy of the recordings for him." "You'll have it, my boy. The sessions are over. We have all we're liable to get from Frank James." "What about Doctor Pete?" Cracker interjected. "I have another session scheduled for tomorrow evening." "Keep the appointment if you like, my dear, but Marcus and I have enough to go on for now."

  "And you'll keep paying the doctor if I do continue?" Cracker asked hopefully. “Oh, I never paid him to begin with Cracker. That was just a ruse to keep you involved. The good doctor is handling your sessions on a no charge basis."

  "No charge? How does he pay for that mansion of his then?" "Presumably with past revenue and the proceeds from his upcoming book. You'll be in it, of course. Who knows, you may be the star subject."

  "And that first session? Did I really leave my purse on the table in the bar or did you snatch it?" "I lifted it from your purse when you were preoccupied. Again just to keep you involved," Willy replied. "Did you know about this, Marcus?" Cracker asked angrily. "Yes," he stammered.

  "Goddammit, so you've just been fucking me and leading me on to keep me involved?" Cracker declared as she stood up from the table.

  "Well no. I mean . . . .."

  "Bastards. Both of you. Roy was right. He said I shouldn't trust you." "Wait a minute," Marcus mumbled. "There's more to it than that." "Really? And does your little Miss Priss know about us? Does she know what we’ve been up to?" Cracker asked angrily.

  "Uh well . . . ."

  "So you and she are an item?"

  "Let's keep Maggie out of this Cracker," Marcus protested.

  "Oh, I don't think so, Marcus. I think she needs to hear about what you and I have been doing. Perhaps I'll pay a visit to my old employer. I'll take my five hundred dollars now too, Marcus." she said, holding out her hand. “And the room key for the Pagoda. I'll not be staying there with you."

  Handing over the room key, and cash Marcus said. "I'm sorry Cracker. I really am." "Shove it, Marcus! You too Willy!" she said as she grabbed her purse and huffed out the door.

  "Did you have to give her your room key, my boy?" Willy asked. "What else could I do Willy? She wants to get her things from the motel." “Well, for your sake Marcus let's hope she doesn't call Roy first."

  "Man what a disaster. Just when I was going to try and patch things up with Maggie. I'd better get over to the Hiwakulani before Cracker does," Marcus said hurriedly. "Hold on son. First things first. Let's check out of the motel before Cracker tells Roy what happened."

  "And then what? This whole thing is a bust."

  "Then we cash in our chips and board the next flight to Oklahoma City. It's about a two-hour drive from there to Buzzard's Roost. I have a few dollars saved. You pull together what funds you have. We'll need it for supplies and gear." Throwing a few bills on the table, Willy continued, "Come on let's grab a cab to the Pagoda and then to the airport. We have to stay one step ahead of those two."


  Namaste: It looks like things are coming to a head for Marcus.

  Sumantra: Yes, I would say the end is in sight. Are you sure you want to see how this play concludes my friend?

  Namaste: Of course. I can't stop now. Besides I'm just beginning to remember. I think I have a hint how this will turn out. But I am puzzled about a few things.

  Sumantra: What is that my friend?

  N. You said earlier that you and I are part of the same entity?

  S. Yes indeed. In greater terms, we are all part of the same entity, of course.

  N. This entity is God?

  S. Yes, but obviously that name means many different things to many different people. I prefer to speak of the Creator as ALL THAT IS. What is known is that every soul that was created by ALL THAT IS was created at once. We, the souls were created from the essence of ALL THAT IS. We are the same stuff as it were. ALL THAT IS comes to know itself as God through us his spiritual offspring. As each separate soul seeks to know and experience its other portions, then ALL THAT IS learns Who and What it is. This is but a glimpse of ALL THAT IS as I am u
nable to yet imagine or comprehend all the implications.

  N. Who or what created ALL THAT IS?

  S. My belief Namaste is that ALL THAT IS is the creation of another entity. ALL THAT IS knows that there was another. ALL THAT IS is not aware of the other even though he has searched for him. This other Energy Essence Gestalt has perhaps gone his own way. Beyond that, I know not. We are talking here now about the unimaginable.

  N. You also mentioned that one's loved ones would be there to meet them when they pass over if that is one's desire.

  S. I did indeed. Everyone who has played a significant role in all of a soul's lives will be present and anxious to welcome him Home once again.

  N. Where are my loved ones?

  S. Ah, I see why you are puzzled Namaste. Your loved ones will greet you. Have no fear of that but you have not yet fully passed to the Other Side.

  N. I haven't?

  S. No my friend. You have not. You have physically died and by that I mean you have left your physical body and your life as Marcus Reno, but you have one very important decision to make before you move on. It is, in fact, the most important decision you will ever make.

  N. Really? What is that?

  S. Let’s view the final chapters in this adventure and then you will see.

  N. I have more questions to pose before we continue Sumantra.

  S. By all means my friend. Please carry on.

  N. You say that there is no such thing as death. But I did just die did I not?

  S. Let me clarify my statement Namaste. There is no such thing as the end of life. Death is the end of your last physical existence, yes. That particular existence as Marcus Reno was over at the time of your death, but life itself is not. The life that you live – the life that you are – is eternal. It never ends. Remember, you never die. You simply change form.

  N. So the body I last inhabited as Marcus Reno is not real. It’s not who the soul really is.

  S. That is correct my friend. You were not and are not a physical body with a soul you were and are a soul enveloping the physical body. In the first stage after death, the soul comes to understand that the body with which it spent its last physical life is not real. It is not who the soul really is.

  N. So then I have “died” but I have not ended my life.

  S. Correct, you are catching on.

  N. A physical body is something I can have but not something that I am?

  S. Precisely my friend. Well said.

  N. You stated earlier that I have had 187 past lives.

  S. Yes Namaste.

  N. Is there such a thing as karma or karmic debt tied to or related to these past lives of mine?

  S. Not in the sense that I believe you mean. There is no punishment or tit for tat in the Afterlife. You are not required to atone for or to pay back anything.

  N. What about judgment then? Are we not judged in the Afterlife as a result of what we have done or failed to do while on Earth?

  S. There is no judgment in the Afterlife. You will, however, have the opportunity to look at all you have said and done in your past physical life. You will also see and experience what effect your actions had on another. You will decide how well you have done. No one else will judge you.

  N. You also said earlier that the goal of the soul is to wake yourself up. If one does somehow wake up and become enlightened while in a physical body does that then end the game?

  S. No, the game of life – the illusion if you will - goes on Namaste. If one or a few beings end the illusion that does not end the game of life for the remaining players.

  N. Was Jesus Christ an enlightened being?

  S. Yes, as was Gautama Buddha and Paramahansa Yogananda among many others. They are enlightened souls who have evolved.

  N. Then it is possible to live in a physical body in conscious awareness of who you really are?

  S. Yes, as Jesus and Buddha did. They and others serve as a model for the rest of us. But one need not be a savior to achieve some portion of enlightenment. Actually I do not particularly like the term enlightenment. I would instead say that the goal or purpose of the soul is to fully realize itself while in the body. In other words – To remember who you really are.

  N. How does one, as a physical being, wake up and realize who they really are and what their purpose in life is?

  S. Two words: Stop Thinking! First, be quiet. Still yourself and relax. Your incessant thoughts will begin to slow down a bit.

  N. Is this a meditation technique?

  S. Don’t label it. Don’t think about what to call it. Just relax and be still for a bit. Focus on your breathing. Listen to your breathing instead of your thoughts. If your mind fills with thoughts don’t think about it just let the thoughts slip away. Let them pass. If one has a mantra say it to yourself as you breathe in and out.

  N. What if one doesn’t have a mantra?

  S. Then I shall provide a mantra that all may use: I YAM AH. Say it to yourself as you slowly breathe in and out as an aid in quieting your thoughts. Be the awareness in the background. If sounds or feelings intrude let them pass. You are the awareness that is prior to thought. Don’t try to reply to your thoughts. Let them be – Let them pass. Let go. Drift into nothingness – into the void. Accept whatever inner sights you see and sounds you may hear. Merge with the essence of your soul. Practice this technique once daily for twenty minutes at a time and see what happens.

  N. This will help a human to awaken to who they really are?

  S. It is a start yes. A technique to center oneself in the present moment. Should you return to your life as Marcus Reno you would be well served to remember this method and share it with others.

  N. Return as Marcus Reno? How am I to do that?

  S. Ah that is the great secret I referred to earlier. Let’s view the final chapters in this adventure and then you will see.

  * * *

  Chapter Eleven

  Already Gone

  SMOKING A CIGARETTE and drinking a can of beer he'd bought at a convenience store, Dunbar was anxiously awaiting his relief man as Marcus and Willy pulled up to the Pagoda in a cab. Slinking low in his seat, he compared the photo on the dash to the two men getting out of the car. That's them he thought. He waited until they entered the motel and made a mental note of their room number. Relieved that his shift would soon be over, he dialed Tisdale's cell.

  "It's Dunbar, boss," he said as Tisdale answered the phone. "They're at the Pagoda Motel. Both of them. Reno and Boggs." "Both of them, great. When did they get there?" Tisdale asked. "Just now. Room 108." "Don't move. Keep an eye out but don't approach them. I'm on my way."


  Satisfied that Cracker was still in town, Roy Dunn headed to the Pagoda to have it out with Marcus. Over the years, he'd met a dozen guys like Marcus. Candy-assed, pretty boys charming and conning their way through life. A car horn sounded behind him as he parallel parked in a spot across from the Pagoda. "Fuck you, asshole," he shouted, middle finger in the air as the car passed. Opening the window he lit a cigar and settled back in his seat.

  The Pagoda was a two-story brick and mortar structure painted a dazzling green with black wrought-iron balconies outside the upper windows. There was a handful of cars and one delivery van sitting in the parking lot. Cigarette smoke was coming from the driver's side window of one of the parked cars. Someone else appeared to be watching the motel. Dunn decided he'd better take a closer look.

  His cell rang as he was crossing the street. "Roy, its Cracker." "Where the hell have you been?" he replied angrily.

  "Never mind that now. I'll explain later," she said hurriedly. "Haul ass and get over to the Pagoda Motel. Marcus and a guy named Willy should be arriving there shortly. Sit in the car and wait for me to arrive. I can be there in about fifteen minutes."

  "I'm one step ahead of you. I'm at the Pagoda now."

  "What?" how did you . . . .."

  "I got a heads up that they're staying here, and I mean to have it out with Ren
o." "No, listen," she replied. "Don't beat on the guy. There's potentially big money involved here."

  "Big money for who?" "For you and I, of course," Cracker replied. "There's no you and I anymore Cracker. I know what you've been up to - So fuck off," he said, hanging up.


  Albrecht's phone rang while he was enjoying a vodka rocks at the Sky Room. "It's Tisdale. I'm on my way to the Pagoda Motel. My man there called. Both Reno and Boggs just drove in. What's my next move?"

  "Don't bother with Boggs but talk to Marcus. Find out what progress a Doctor Billingsley has made in working with Virginia. He'll know what you're referring to. No strong arm stuff Tisdale. Just talk to him and have him call me right away."

  "You got it, boss."


  Much to Holly's dismay, Maggie grabbed her purse and headed for the hotel's parking lot. "Don't go after him Maggie," she exclaimed. "You don't owe him a thing."

  "I have to warn him at least," Maggie replied. "I owe him that much. Cover for me." Setting the Toyota's GPS for the Pagoda Motel, she wondered if Marcus was staying there with Willy, and if so, what she would say to him.


  "I'll head to the lobby to pay our tab, Marcus," Willy said, picking his wallet up from the motel room table. "Finish packing and let's haul ass for the airport." "I'm almost packed," Marcus replied from the bathroom. "Call a cab from the lobby and I'll meet you outside."

  As Roy Dunn was walking across the Pagoda's parking lot, he spied Willy leaving room 108. Dodging behind a parked trailer, he waited to see if Marcus would follow. Both he and Roger Dunbar spotted Marcus at the same time as he closed the motel room door and headed towards the lobby.

  "Hey, Reno," Dunn shouted as he walked briskly towards Marcus. "I'll have a word with you." Turning sharply to his left, Marcus stopped dead in his tracks. "Roy," he said looking frightened, "You're looking for me?" he asked anxiously.


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