Already Gone
by John Fluent
Do you believe in life after death? Marcus Reno didn’t. That's all just nonsense as far as he was concerned. Such a shame too as he has reincarnated many times. But Marcus didn't believe in reincarnation. “That’s just New Age crap,” he often said. Besides, he certainly didn't want to suffer to pay back all the bad karma he had accumulated in life. At the time of his death he didn’t believe in an Afterlife, so he didn’t experience one. Activities were going on around him, but he wasn’t able to perceive them. Floating out of his body, he entered a velvety, peaceful darkness where there was nothing - nothing at all - until he met Sumantra and learned LIFE’S GREATEST SECRET. Then he did the most incredible thing – he went back to the physical world he just left to complete what he came to Earth to experience this time. Along the way, he learned that we are much more than our physical bodies and that his particular life as Marcus Reno was only one of an infinite number that his soul could experience. He realized that suffering and disease arise when our consciousness forgets its immortality and starts to believe that our current life experience, in the world of space and time, is all there is. And he learned that there is no such thing as karmic debt and that suffering is not good for the soul unless it teaches you how to stop suffering. He discovered all that and much, much more.