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Small Town Secrets

Page 18

by Allie Harrison




  Just seeing so much pain etched into his strong features made her feel like long, ghostly fingers had slithered into her chest and tried to rip her heart out through her throat.

  Whatever he’d just learned or heard or done, it surpassed her own horrid day. She didn’t hesitate but ignored her brother, rushed to the man who held her heart, and took him in her arms.

  He crumpled into her embrace like a child needing comfort, and Lizzy gave him everything she had as she held him close, wishing she could soothe all his pain. “Tell me what happened.”

  Against her shoulder, he shook his head. “Not yet. I can’t yet.”

  “Okay.” She settled for just holding him.

  Over his shoulder, she met Tony’s gaze, who whispered softly, “I’ll lock the door on my way out.”

  She nodded.

  Once outside, Tony used his key to lock the newly fixed deadbolt. He waved through the window, blew her a kiss and mouthed, “I’ll call you later.” Then he was gone.

  She didn’t know what exactly Mac needed. She knew they needed each other. Desperately. She let him go just enough to lead him up the stairs to her apartment.

  “I keep telling myself maybe none of this would have happened if I hadn’t come back.” Mac’s words were tight and harsh.

  “All of this was happening with you not being here. It just chose this week to come to light. I don’t think it would have made any difference if you were here or not. I’m just glad you are, so you can hold me.”

  With her hand tucked in his, she led him to her bed and eased him onto it. He lay back on his back and covered his eyes with his arm as if, perhaps if he didn’t look, all the horror of the past few days might disappear. She understood how he felt. She’d wished she could close her eyes to it, too. It didn’t work. When she closed her eyes, she still saw Kathleen with a knife over her. Or Stan’s bloodshot eyes bulging as he choked her. If anyone had told her six months ago that these two people she’d trusted would have done a one-eighty and tried to kill her this week, she would have laughed it off and never believed it.

  With little hesitation, she climbed on him and straddled his legs. “Does this hurt your leg with me sitting on you like this?”


  Slowly, carefully, she unbuttoned the buttons of his shirt.

  “What are you doing?” he asked without opening his eyes.

  “Making you more comfortable. You helped me through something horrid with a wonderful massage. I thought I’d do the same for you.” She hoped for something more. Ever since he’d made love to her, she’d thought of little else. Even with the threats on her life, making love with Mac was always on the back burner. After only one time, she knew without a doubt there was no better place to be than in his arms with him tucked deep inside her, connecting to her as no one else had. Ever.

  With her fingers spread, she massaged her palms down his chest to his abdomen. His skin was tanned, a rich color of honey. Perfect, flawless, not quite a six-pack, but hard, well-muscled, except for…

  “You’ve got another scar here.”

  “Yeah.” He covered her hands with his as his gaze caught hers and held it hostage. “Ignore it, please. Keep touching me.”

  “I plan to.”


  “I was on your lap straddling you like this after the dance when we were in your truck. Do you remember?”


  “Me, too,” she admitted. She kept one palm flat against his skin as she worked his belt and his fly with her other. When he helped her, she shifted slightly to allow him to wiggle out of his jeans. “Have I told you how much your boxer briefs turn me on?”


  “They do.”


  “The blue ones are sexy, but red is my favorite color.”

  “I’ll wear red for you tomorrow.”

  “I can’t wait.” There was something about sitting on top of him that made her feel bold and sexy. She found herself drawn to the sense of control. “For now, you should take these off.”

  “In a minute.” He wasn’t as slow or determined as she had been with his shirt as he made quick work of removing the sweater she’d put on after returning from the Emergency Room where she’d gone with her arm bleeding. She took her hands off him just long enough to raise her arms so he could slide the sweater over her head.

  “How’s your arm?” He gave the brown bandage on her arm a glance before he placed his hands on her breasts through the lace of the bra she wore.

  “It’s still a little numb from the shot they gave me before they put in the stitches, but it’s fine. I took a pain pill, too. Better living through chemistry.” She drew in a breath, relishing in the wonderful, erotic touch of his fingers on her nipples. It was enough to send a delicious shiver up her back.

  “Cold?” he asked.

  “I was when I got home. I drank two cups of hot tea trying to warm up. Now that I’m with you, I feel fine. Your hands feel so good. They fill me with warmth that makes me shiver.”

  “Are you sleepy?”

  “Not at all. You?”

  “After listening to Stan, I felt like I’d been beaten and I could sleep for days, but not anymore.” As he spoke, he caressed the back of her shoulders before he unhooked her bra. The garment fell to the floor beside the bed, sounding like a whispered sigh.

  And his hands were on her. Skin to skin. His warmth melted into her, starting tiny fires in her soul as he explored every inch of her breasts with his palms and fingertips.

  “Do you have any idea how much I want you?” he asked.

  She grinned down at the bulge in his blue boxer briefs. “I have a pretty good idea.” She climbed away from him for a moment, just long enough to kick off her shoes and scramble out of her jeans. He devoured her with his gaze as she seductively peeled off her clothes and kept his hand on her, as if he was afraid if he let her go she might disappear. He stayed on his back on her bed and wiggled out of his boxer briefs when she was about to climb back on.

  Suddenly, he stopped. “Hell…”


  “You know, the last time we didn’t use any protection. I meant to stop at the drug store and get something, and given all the excitement, I just never got the chance.”

  She had thought about that two seconds after he was inside her as he’d had her held up against the wall. Had that only been a few days ago? It felt like a lifetime. She caressed his lips with her fingertips. “It’s okay. I like you in me with nothing.”

  He chuckled. “Like you know it any other way.”

  She chuckled, too, but then grew serious. “And having your baby would be the greatest gift to me. But it will ease your mind to know I should get a visit from Aunt Flo by the end of the week. We should be safe.”

  “You’re sure?”

  “I’ve always been like clockwork. So, yes. Would you please stop making me wait? I’ve needed you all afternoon. Even when I was getting my arm stitched up, what got me through it was knowing you’d soon be holding me and living up to the promise you made of making love to me again.” She took the initiative, leaned up, shifted her hips, and slipped onto him.

  His groan was music to her ears.

  She thought he’d lie there and let her do what she wanted, but he sat up. A moment later, they were both sitting, facing one another. She was tucked in the pocket of his lap, his legs under her, as she held him with her legs around him the same way, belly to belly, her breasts tight against his chest. And his perfect dick was lost deep inside her.

  Wonderful, was all she could think. Just plain perfect and wonderful. She knew he had a job that called him, and maybe soon it would take him away from her.

  For now, they held each other so close she didn’t know where she ended and he began. For now, they were joined as she’d never been to another person.

  She held on tight as he kissed her again and again
, each touch of his lips adding fuel to the fire he set in her.

  And she enjoyed every moment of the ride.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  In Lizzy’s arms, finally given the night to explore every aspect of her, to know her as he’d never known anyone else, Mac was given a new beginning. Another chance, one he was all ready to take. He slept with her tucked against him. He woke several times through the night, once to find her sleeping with his chest as her pillow. A second time, he woke to find her soft backside against him. He held her closer. In sleep, she molded perfectly to him.

  He woke to the morning light to find her awake and smiling at him.

  And he determined the only thing better than sleeping with her in his arms was having her there waking up next to him.

  “Good morning.” Her voice was husky with sleep.

  “Good morning.” He kissed her. “Do you know how delicious you are in the morning?”

  “I doubt that.”


  She started to slide out of bed.

  “Where are you going?”

  “I’m heading downstairs to start the coffee.”

  “Don’t open today. Stay in bed all day with me. You need your rest. We need to rest together.”

  She grinned. “I’m sure the town will be buzzing after what happened yesterday. I need to be open. And I feel fine. Take your time getting up. I’ll be downstairs, and maybe we can sneak up here later for a quickie.” She kissed him and slipped away before he could stop her.

  “I’ll hold you to that,” he said, but she was already closing the bathroom door.

  The rich smell of coffee and the thought of her great apple pie led him downstairs a short time later. He heard the soft music of the radio playing over the speakers Lizzy had. Yes, he could do this every day for the rest of his life—sleep with her, make love to her all night, wake up with her in his arms, and kiss her good morning. Then he could join her for coffee as she started her bakery day.

  He wanted this routine, and he planned to work things out so he could have it.

  He stepped downstairs to find her father sitting on a stool at the counter, appearing to be waiting for him. Mac paused and assessed the situation, just as he always did when it came to his job. Even though this concerned Lizzy, which was about as far from a “job” as life could ever get for Mac.

  He could turn left and just shuttle out the door of the bakery. After all, his truck was parked right outside. He could see it through the front windows. The window of the front door was intact, and the lock was new. The part of the door jamb that he’d busted yesterday in order to get in to save Lizzy had already been fixed thanks to Tony, but needed some paint.

  Mac didn’t turn left. With purpose—despite the way his stomach seemed to sink with each step—he made his way to the counter and sat down on the empty stool next to Luca Signorino. There was an empty mug and a pot of coffee on the counter within arm’s reach. Yes, Lizzy’s father was definitely waiting for him. And expecting him.

  Luca filled the mug with steaming coffee before sliding it over the counter to him. From the kitchen Mac heard the mumbled voices of Lizzy, Tony, and their mother, Valentina.

  “Good morning,” Luca greeted him quietly while he carefully sipped his coffee. He watched his family through the kitchen door and didn’t yet look at Mac.

  Mac had to clear his throat before he could speak. “Good morning.”

  For a long moment, both men were quiet. Mac waited and took a sip of the strong, hot coffee Luca had poured for him, careful not to drink too much and burn his throat. He did his best to appear casual but felt far from it. “Did you just get here?”

  “Val and I took the red eye. Tony picked us up at the airport.”

  “I see.”

  Finally, Luca turned and met his gaze evenly. “I doubt you see it all.”

  Mac more or less doubted that, too, but had the feeling by the time this conversation was over, his eyes would be opened.

  “We had to come and check on our children, make certain Lizzy was all right.”

  “Of course,” Mac agreed. He wouldn’t have expected anything less.

  “We also wanted to give her a new pie cutting knife. I understand the other was taken as evidence.”

  “Yes.” He was actually surprised the bakery wasn’t sealed off, but there were very few—if any—questions left unanswered this morning.

  “I’m also here because I have a confession to make.”

  Mac did his best not to appear surprised. “Oh?”

  “I never expected you to live up to my instructions I gave that night so long ago when I picked my daughter up at the police station, when I told you to stay away from her. I was certain I’d catch her sneaking out to meet you, or I’d hear about the two of you being somewhere or doing something together.” He took a deep breath. “However, you proved to be an honorable young man and followed my rule.”

  Mac had to clear his voice before he could speak. “Yes.”

  “I was wrong in making that rule. My daughter was miserable for a long time. As I think you may have been as well, correct?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  The older man nodded. “I am sorry for that.”

  Mac had to swallow past the lump in his throat. This was the last thing he’d expected. “Apology accepted.”

  “I thought she would get over you. I thought you would both move on. And perhaps she did. At least until you stepped back in here. Now, I admit I am glad she did not. And also that you did not. Thank you for saving her.”

  “Oh, I think she saved herself. I pretty much busted in the door after the fireworks were over.” He did his best to forget the sight of Lizzy on the floor and Kathleen on top of her that he’d glimpsed through the window as he raced across the street. There had been so much blood, at first it was all he’d been able to focus on. And he hadn’t had any idea from where it had all come. At least at first.

  “No, if you hadn’t returned earlier this week, things might be different. Lizzy might still be trying to give her heart to a man who might hurt her, or a man whose mother would probably eventually hurt her. Or worse. I’m certain you saved my daughter in more ways than I can count, and I thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.” He almost said it was his job. After all, saving Lizzy from everything from possibly breaking a nail when she opened a car door to a robber stepping into her bakery was now his main job as far as he was concerned. And it had nothing to do with the badge or gun he carried.

  “And while I feel you have become a very honorable man, I must ask your intentions.” Luca let his gaze stray to the stairs that led up to Lizzy’s apartment, and he left the rest of the question unspoken—now that you’ve obviously slept with my daughter.

  Mac asked his own question in reply. “May I have your permission to ask her to marry me, sir?”

  For several antagonizing heartbeats, Luca watched his family in the kitchen and remained silent. And Mac waited, holding his breath, thinking his—hopefully—future father-in-law was prolonging giving an answer just to torture him. Finally, Luca met his gaze, setting his coffee mug down on the counter with a thud that sounded loud in the empty bakery. “Permission granted, son.”

  Mac smiled, holding back the whoop of excitement that threatened to bubble out of him. Then a great sense of pride washed over him at the idea of Luca calling him son, just like his own dad called him. “Thank you.”

  Luca gave him an easy smile and offered his hand.

  Mac took it and shook it.

  “We can turn the closed sign around now and let the customers in.”

  Mac blinked, and it dawned on him that Luca had been waiting to open until after he talked to him. Lizzy stood in the kitchen doorway, wiping her hands on a towel, the smile on her face warm and beautiful, the white apron she wore sprinkled with white powder that could have been powdered sugar or flour. Mac smiled back.

  Luca slipped off the stool. At the front d
oor, he flipped over the sign before he opened it to welcome a few customers who waited out on the front walk.

  Mac wasn’t really surprised to see the customers were Tiffany and Dane Kizer, both of whom greeted him then hugged Lizzy before paying respects to her parents.

  “Come in! Welcome,” Luca greeted them. “Today we are celebrating. Everyone eats pie and gets coffee on the house! And—” He put an arm around Tiffany. “—I suppose before I head back to Florida, you, your husband, Tony, and I should sit down and have a talk.”

  For a moment the entire room was so still Mac was certain no one even breathed.

  Tiffany stared up at Luca with wide eyes.

  “Don’t be so surprised, Tiffany,” Luca said, his voice softening. “While Val and I are traditional, we are neither blind nor stupid, nor closed-hearted when it comes to our children. So don’t try and keep any more secrets from us.” He lightly kissed her cheek before letting her go.

  Mac noticed Tony was blinking away tears.

  Luca opened the front door again and greeted Mac’s mom and dad. Robert shook Luca’s hand with enthusiasm. “It’s nice to see you.” After greeting Luca and Valentina, Ginna hugged Mac. His dad squeezed his arm before giving Lizzy a quick hug.

  “We’re so glad you’re all right,” Ginna said when she hugged Lizzy.

  A moment later, Mac’s brother, Gabe, and his very pregnant wife, Suzanne, sent the bells over the door jingling. Gabe gave Mac a brotherly punch to his shoulder before hugging him close.

  This was turning into a regular party.

  Luca met Mac’s gaze. “And you have a question for my daughter. Get on with it.”

  Lizzy stepped close to him.

  “Did you know they were here?” he whispered.

  “That’s your question?” she asked with a chuckle.

  “Just the first one.”

  “I came down to find them here and couldn’t sneak back up to warn you. Sorry. I should have checked my phone. At least then I would have then seen Tony’s warning texts.”

  Luca placed a fatherly hand on Mac’s shoulder. “Don’t make me change my honorable opinion of you.”

  Mac gave a slight shake of his head and bit his lip to keep from hooting with laughter. This was like sweet, white icing on the horrible cake of the week.


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