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The Goodwill Ambassador (Steven Gordon Book 4)

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by J W Murison

  The Goodwill Ambassador

  J W Murison

  Copyright © 2017 J W Murison

  All rights reserved.




  I would like to dedicate this book to the readers of this series. Their continued hounding, inspires me to keep on writing these adventures. I find them a lot of fun to write, and as long as you keep enjoying them, I will keep writing them. Jim

  Other Books by J W Murison

  The ACV’s Series

  ACV’s 1 Operation Black Gold

  ACV’s 2 Operation Island Green

  The Gareth Ogilvie Series

  Gareth Ogilvie The Highland War Chieftain

  Gareth Ogilvie The Great sea King

  The Steven Gordon Series

  Teardrops in the Night Sky

  The Back Planet

  The Modloch Empire

  The Goodwill Ambassador

  The Death Rises Series

  Death Rises

  1st Battalion The Gordon Highlanders (Space Division)

  The Inspector Adams Series


  Stand Alone Novels


  The Kilted Cowboy

  Zombie Ecosse 1&2

  The J W Murison Short Stories Collection


  Once more I would like to acknowledge the skills of Jeannie Michaud for providing me with the covers for these novels.


  The rhythmic tapping of brass on stone held Commodore Janex mesmerised. The diminutive figure of the Human stopped at the white line Janex had drawn on the stone square. He tapped the pace stick twice then began to fold it. Janex had come to respect this small figure. The pace stick he held in his hands was so simple a device it bordered on genius in Janex’s mind. The former Sergeant stuck the pace stick under his arm and marched back to where Janex was waiting. He didn’t look happy.

  ‘What’s wrong Captain Murison?’

  ‘Seventy-three paces is what’s wrong sir.’

  ‘Seventy-three,’ Janex mused. ‘That is quite a lot. It’s because your legs are all so small.’

  ‘I am aware of that sir,’ Charlie glanced up, but his attention was on the two groups of soldiers that stood at the far end of the square.

  ‘They can all count to seventy-three Captain.’

  ‘Oh! I have no doubts about that sir. The problem isn’t the counting, it is their concentration.’

  ‘You don’t think they can concentrate long enough to count to seventy-three Captain?’

  ‘Not a chance.’

  ‘You seem sure. The normal bet?’

  ‘You have been losing an awful lot of brandy lately sir. I feel guilty.’

  ‘Then let’s make the bet a little more interesting. I suggest that the Japanese contingent get it less wrong than your Scottish soldiers.’

  Charlie rocked back on his heels, ‘You have me there sir. Normally I wouldn’t take that bet. Last night, however, I know they all got involved in a drinking contest. None of the buggers are in great condition today.’

  ‘Who won the contest?’

  ‘It was a draw. The two Sergeants were the last on their feet and they had to stop to help out their puking men.’

  ‘So, it could be anyone’s bottle of brandy.’

  ‘Aye. Sir, I graciously accept your bet.’

  ‘Are you going to shout at them?’

  ‘Oh hell aye.’

  ‘I had better record it for the Emperor then.’

  Charlie shook his head, ‘What the hell does he get out of those videos?’

  ‘According to Captain Gord, a full three-bellied laugh.’

  Charlie shook his head again and gripped his pace stick tighter. ‘Let’s get this over and done with, shall we?’

  He marched out onto the square and brought the waiting soldiers to attention. He paced back and forth in front of them, his kilt swishing from side to side. The Scots were dressed in tartan trews; the Japanese contingent the equivalent of their drill dress. Janex had taken quite a while to get used to the idea that these men wore garments that allowed their private parts to swing freely beneath them. Now he was accustomed to it, he even quite liked the garment and wondered what it would be like to wear one. He imagined the freedom would be invigorating.

  ‘Listen in. I will bring you to attention and order you to march. You will march for exactly seventy-three paces and come to a halt. I will say that again, you will march forward seventy-three paces and halt.’

  Charlie marched to the side, brought them to attention, then ordered quick march. It wasn’t very long before the two groups of hungover men began to miscalculate and get out of step with each other. Charlie shook his head in dismay. They started to stop around the count of sixty-seven. Individuals tried to stop and were pushed from behind. Some on the back row were left behind. About half of them counted correctly and came to a halt, while some carried on. It was a shambles.

  ‘STAND STILL!’ Charlie screamed. They froze in place. Charlie wove his way between them, then marched over to Janex.

  ‘I humbly admit my loss on our bet sir.’

  ‘By how much Captain.’

  ‘One sir.’

  Janex was very pleased with himself. ‘The tables are beginning to turn on you Captain. Please have the bottle delivered promptly to my residence after evening meal.’

  ‘I most certainly will sir. Now if I may?’

  ‘By all means Captain.’

  Charlie about-turned and marched out to the front of the men. He took a deep breath.

  Chapter 2

  High above the square where the men were drilling, three people hastily went inside and closed the large glass windows.

  Komoru was blinking rapidly, a look of shock on her face. Captain Steven Gordon’s face was flushing red. Their Modloch tutor’s eyes were rolling in his head. ‘Goodness.’

  Komoru nudged Steven. He nodded and his eyes closed for a moment. When they popped open his face turned a deeper red.

  Komoru frowned at him. Steven attempted a smile. ‘He told me to mind my own business.’

  ‘I see, I may have to have a word with him myself. Or Commodore Janex anyway.’

  Their tutor was aware of what was going on. ‘I wouldn’t bother Commodore Janex, Komoru. Those two are as thick as thieves. A Human saying, I believe.’

  ‘A western Human saying,’ Komoru confirmed.

  ‘It is rare to see Janex enjoy someone’s company.’

  ‘What is Janex’s story, Master Trough?’

  ‘Janex is a national hero. One of the few in the higher echelon of the Imperial Guard who come from humble beginnings. He began his career as a simple foot soldier. His bravery in battle got him noticed quickly and he was transferred to the guards. He saved the then current Emperor’s life twice, and was made an officer. He became Captain of the Imperial Guard while still quite young. The old Emperor died, but Janex once again saved an Emperor’s life. He eventually came here to us, it was a retirement gift from the last Emperor. As you can see, he is still here. He is the most experienced of us all. He rarely takes classes now; your people are very lucky.’

  Komoru turned to Steven, ‘It would seem they both have common ground. Charlie was a foot soldier too, wasn’t he Steven?’

  ‘I suppose so. I know he doesn’t like being an officer.’

  ‘Still, is his behaviour and language appropriate for such a place as this?’

  Master Trough held up a hand, ‘Lady Komoru, I am under the strictest instructions from Commodore Janex not to interrupt or interfere in anyway with the Captain’s training met

  ‘Then maybe I should have a word with Janex.’

  ‘Did you see the sliver ball hovering over the Commodore’s shoulder Komoru?’

  ‘I did, what of it?’

  ‘It is a recording device.’

  ‘Oh no! He isn’t recording his bad behaviour is he!’

  ‘I believe he is.’

  Komoru was becoming upset quickly, ‘Steven, this isn’t good.’

  ‘Please, Lady Komoru,’ Trough interrupted her. ‘You don’t as yet fully understand the situation. You simply cannot record anything within the royal palace without permission from the Emperor. If the Commodore is recording anything at all, then it will be for the Emperor himself. Our wonderful and benevolent Emperor, has a slightly skewed sense of humour. I am quite sure the Captain’s training methods are keeping him greatly entertained.’

  ‘Charlie and the Emperor do seem to have a certain rapport,’ Steven supported Master Trough.

  Komoru sighed and gave up, ‘Still, it isn’t very appropriate, is it?’

  The two males shared a look. ‘I don’t suppose it is, but this is the Emperor’s domain and his will shall be done,’ Steven sympathised.

  ‘I would worry more about your own exams. Did I tell you that Lady Jane’s certification came through this week? She is now a fully qualified protocol adviser.’ The two exclaimed their delight at the news.

  They realised that Master Trough was smiling. ‘Her choice of writing the answers to the questions on paper went down really well with the judges. It gained her a lot of prestige, and her hand writing is beautiful. She will serve you very well.’

  ‘How were they able to translate?’ Steven asked.

  ‘A simple translating projector. We now have a dozen earth languages fully documented. It wasn’t a problem. Yes, she did very, very well. She has been released from her studies. I think she is heading home to Earth for an Earth month.’

  ‘I haven’t heard yet,’ Steven admitted. ‘But that was the plan. She is going to take all her material home to Earth and pass it on to the protocol advisers in the royal household. They will then begin lessons on Earth.’

  ‘I hope she will have time for herself.’

  ‘So do I,’ Steven agreed. ‘Just try telling her that though.’

  A look of alarm crossed Trough’s face and his eyes rolled in his head, ‘I will most certainly not.’

  The two Humans laughed aloud at his alarm.

  ‘Let us move on to more serious matters. This is your last week here. Your men are trained, what are your plans?’

  Steven thought it over for a moment. ‘It has been a long six months Master Trough. Providing we pass the exam, we will return to Earth for a short break. First, we have to check on the bio domes, and a few other things as well.’

  ‘Ah yes! The famous bio domes from Earth. They are still being towed towards our sun.’

  ‘They sure are. It will take them about another six months to tow them at sub-light speed. The construction of the outer shells has been completed though and they have undergone their first inspection; which they passed. I want to check on the crews. The Emperor is also on his way back and wants to examine them. We are scheduled to meet him there eight Modloch days from now.’

  ‘Yes, the main palace is already preparing for his return. We are going to be very busy.’

  ‘I imagine we will be. Once we have reached Earth, we will receive our first orders.’

  The Modloch tutor smiled, ‘Yes, your first mission. Are you looking forward to it?’

  ‘Not really.’

  ‘No! I am surprised.’

  ‘I don’t want to get involved in politics, I want to explore.’

  ‘Of course, with a universe so vast, you would think you could just go wherever you wanted to. Don’t worry Steven, it is a vast galaxy, neither is it a very peaceful one. You may well get much more than you bargained for, even for an Ambassador. We have a saying, “For every star in the galaxy, there are an infinite number of dangers.”’

  Chapter 3

  Emperor Darrick of the Great Modloch Empire stood in the lounge of his brand-new battleship and viewed the great bio domes as they slid past. He was having a very good year. As his ship swung round behind them he returned to his mahogany desk and sat in the luxurious red leather bound chair. He had been mortified when he had discovered the material had come from the skin of an animal, however, he had already sat on it and was completely besotted by its luxury.

  The Dark Veld had been commissioned and outfitted in the Sol system, the name the Humans gave their sun. It was the biggest ship of the line, the most advanced of its kind and built to full specifications. There simply wasn’t another like it in all the known galaxy. On one wall stood a library, with books bound in leather and translated into Modloch. Top Earth planners had designed his private quarters. Most of the materials were completely unknown to the Modloch, or had long since been lost on many of the worlds.

  The Dark Veld had been on the drawing board since his father’s days; but the cost of building it had simply been prohibitive. He had laughed at the bill when the Humans had presented it. It had cost him little more that the price he would have paid for a run-of-the-mill Destroyer. He imagined that most of the cost had been lavished on his private spaces. The money had been paid into the PD music company of Earth’s bank account the same day.

  He picked up a fountain pen from its holder and doodled on the massive writing pad on his desk. It was covered with his signature, and he was becoming very proficient. Of course, his stock of writing materials was now second to none in their part of the galaxy.

  A light flashed on a raised panel. He touched it. It was the same system that the Humans had installed. It was so antiquated he didn’t have the heart to remove it.

  ‘Yes Gord.’

  ‘Your shuttle craft is ready sire, as is your guard.’

  ‘Excellent. I am on my way.’

  He left his quarters and was immediately surrounded by his guard. The lift quickly took them to the launch bay. Minutes later they were heading to the first bio dome, each of which were a hundred miles long, fifty wide and a mile deep. Darrick had never seen anything like them before. Neither, he suspected, had anyone else in the galaxy.

  The ship vibrated lightly as it came in to land. The Emperor stepped out onto a large landing bay. It still looked new, unused, un-scuffed. It was sterile by design and in looks. He smiled as he recognised the figure that was waiting for him.

  ‘Hello Sergeant, I hear you are going up in the world! What rank did they give you?’

  ‘They made me a bloody officer; a Captain would you believe.’

  Darrick roared with laughter, ‘Well deserved I think.’

  ‘You would have to be a person of noble birth to think that is actually a good thing sire.’ Charlie bowed low. ‘It is an honour to see you again. I am here to serve as your guide.’

  Darrick was still laughing, ‘Lead the way Captain.’

  They followed Charlie into the narrow passage ways. Darrick was squeezed into the middle. Gord moved up to walk beside Charlie.

  ‘How have you been Charlie?’

  ‘Not bad Gord, what about you?’

  ‘Almost home, looking forward to a well-earned break. Going to spend it with the wife and kids.’

  ‘Sounds like you are looking forward to it.’

  ‘I am.’

  ‘Where does a member of the Imperial Guard take his family on holiday?’

  ‘To the inland shores of the Gral Tae´. Silver sands, lots of food and drink. The kids can swim all day and the wife can moan in my ear about how much my position in life takes me away from home. What about you Charlie, I hear you are going home?’

  ‘Aye, I think we are going to get a few off days when we reach Earth.’

  ‘Are you going to visit some of those beautiful places we have seen in the documentaries?’

  ‘Oh hell no. Home to the hills for a few days, then the Sarge has promised to show me rou
nd his spread in America. After that we are going across to Europe to visit a few friends.’

  ‘No silver sands, no swimming in clear blue waters?’

  ‘We have every intention of getting wet Gord, we just won’t be swimming.’

  Gord’s barking laugh filled the corridor.

  Steven and Komoru were waiting for the Emperor on a raised dais. None of them could really see much until they reached the top. Mouths dropped open at the sight. The two Ambassadors bowed low.

  ‘Your Imperial Majesty,’ Steven spoke before coming upright. He indicated the flat plain that ran straight as a die for a hundred miles. ‘I am afraid there isn’t much to see yet.’

  ‘Ambassadors. Did you say there isn’t much to see yet? I can see for a hundred miles. This is awe inspiring.’

  Steven smiled, ‘May I introduce you to the Chief Engineer of this project. Keven Rattray.’

  Keven had been standing a little to the side. He looked a little nervous as he came forward and bowed. ‘An honour to meet you, your Imperial Majesty.’

  ‘Indeed, it is a great honour. It is rare I meet someone as lowly as you. I have to say Mr Rattray, I am impressed by your endeavours. I hear they have all passed their initial inspection.’

  Keven blinked owlishly at the Emperor, taken aback by his response. He quickly recovered though. ‘Yes sir they have. What we are waiting for now is direction from you. We have a hundred miles of terrain for you to play with. We can put in mountains, stream, rivers or lakes. Or you can have it like this.’

  ‘Interesting. I admit I have not given it much thought. Is that soil down there?’

  ‘No sir. It is powdered asteroid. We will mix it with a rich mulch, mixed with fertiliser, compost and worms from Earth. Together they will produce a rich soil ready for planting.’


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