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The Goodwill Ambassador (Steven Gordon Book 4)

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by J W Murison

  ‘While the point of these domes is to produce the food and honey I require for my army, it might not be a bad idea to have one as a showpiece. I do enjoy having things that others don’t and rubbing their faces in it. What would you call this beatification Mr Rattray?’

  ‘It is called landscape gardening sir.’

  ‘I have many gardeners, but none of that description. Ambassador Gordon, could you procure me some of these gardeners? I can supply the labour.’

  ‘I will look into it sire. Did you test the bee venom we sent you? We wouldn’t want to put your labourers at risk.’

  ‘I tested it on a bunch of criminals. The venom is painful but tolerable. Very similar to a Human’s reaction to it I believe.’

  Steven was shocked. He thought it would have been tested in a lab and wasn’t quite sure what to say next.

  ‘That is… uh… reassuring sire.’

  ‘I gave them a few years off their sentences for it Ambassador. They were more than delighted to serve their Emperor in this capacity so please, don’t look so shocked. Even we, an enlightened species, have a few criminals we can do experiments on. I would imagine your race has more than a few.’

  ‘I cannot argue with that sire,’ Steven answered, his face deadpan.

  ‘I would appreciate it if your engineer could liaise with mine and bring him up to speed on all the technical matters of the domes, in case I require further information on them. For now, I would appreciate some alone time with my staff.’

  Steven bowed. ‘We will remove ourselves sire.’

  ‘Leave the Captain to guide us out.’

  Steven bowed again and the Humans left. Darrick walked to the edge of the platform. There was cries of alarm as some article appeared on the platform.

  Charlie pushed himself forward, ‘Don’t panic, I ordered them.’

  ‘Don’t do that shit again Charlie,’ Gord growled.

  ‘Sorry Gord. I thought the Emperor might like some refreshments.’

  Charlie picked up the big pillow and a wicker basket. Darrick glanced round as Charlie dropped the pillow behind him.

  ‘Have a seat sire.’

  Darrick sat himself down. ‘What are you up to Captain?’

  ‘I had a selection of herbal teas sent out from Earth for you. I have had them all tested. I have a few sandwiches for you to try as well. I have peanut butter, avocado, cucumber.’ Charlie opened the lid of the basket to reveal half a dozen small flasks and a pile of sandwiches.

  ‘All have been tested?’

  ‘All. When I heard you were coming here today, I took the liberty of making a few preparations, just in case you had the time sire.’

  The Emperor smiled as he observed the view. Charlie detached the lid of the basket and handed it to the Emperor. He then opened the first small thermos and poured half the contents into the lid.

  The Emperor held the small cup up. ‘An interesting concept. Does that vessel keep the contents hot?’

  ‘That’s right sire. They are called thermos flasks. At home, we just call them flasks for short.’

  A small plate of sandwiches was uncovered and placed on the makeshift table top. The Emperor drank all of the tea from each flask and finished all the sandwiches as well. From time to time he made comments and Charlie took notes. The Emperor felt replete and content.

  ‘Did you miss me Captain?’

  ‘Oh hell no.’

  The Emperor barked with laughter until his sides hurt.

  Charlie guided them back to the spaceport. The Emperor hesitated. ‘You may be glad to hear your friend is still alive. I made him my Imperial Engineer.’

  ‘I bet you don’t pay him any more though.’

  The Emperor howled with laughter again, ‘Of course not. I don’t think he spends the money I do pay him. Your little business adventure has made him very wealthy.’

  ‘Do you still torture him?’

  ‘An Emperor requires his distractions Captain.’

  Charlie laughed, stepped back and saluted. The Emperor gave a slight nod of his head and entered the shuttle.

  Gord hesitated, ‘Are you still at the palace?’

  ‘Until the end of the week.’

  ‘Will catch you there Charlie.’

  ‘Aye, see you soon Gord.’

  The shuttlecraft took off and Charlie made his way to the control room where they were waiting for him. There was no sign of the engineer or any of his staff.

  ‘How did it go Charlie?’

  ‘He is one very happy Emperor, Stevie. You can tell Cookie that was a great selection of teas and sandwiches. He loved them all.’

  ‘What does he think of the bio domes?’

  ‘He thinks he is one very smart cookie. Loves them, couldn’t be more impressed. He is very impressed with you as well, and wants to spend more time with you. He was thinking up excuses to get you to hang around more. He loves that battle wagon you built him as well. He was thinking about his lounge on the Battleship. Not much, but enough for me to get the impression that he is completely blown away by the luxury and design.’

  ‘We did well then.’

  ‘Bloody well Stevie, if you want to ask him for freedom to cross Modloch space whenever you want, this is going to be the time. They are heading back to the palace now.’

  ‘Not the city ship?’

  ‘No, his wife is coming into season and he wants to get home.’

  Komoru blushed, ‘Charlie, really!’

  Charlie sighed with exasperation, ‘What?’

  ‘Did we need to know that, it’s private!’

  ‘You ether want to know everything Komoru or you don’t. Make up your mind and stick to it please.’

  Steven interrupted before it could escalate, ‘No Charlie, you did exactly what we asked. Thank you.’

  Charlie nodded, took a step back and a few seconds later was beamed back aboard Babes. Steven turned to Komoru.

  ‘Really! Did you have to say that Komoru?’

  ‘I think that was too private.’

  ‘We asked him to tell us everything Komoru. Every thought we have inside our head is private. If the Emperor ever finds out Charlie can read minds, and we have been using him to spy for us, there is no place in this universe where we will be safe. It isn’t very pleasant to hear such things, but I am sure it is twice as unpleasant for Charlie. I know him, if we start pissing him around, he will simply stop talking to us. Contradicting orders is the first thing that seems to upset a soldier.’

  ‘Yes, you are right Steven. I am sorry, I will apologise to him later.’

  Steven ran his fingers through his hair and gave his scalp a bit of a scratch. ‘I know Charlie gets under your skin at times Komoru. His personality has changed somewhat since he was hurt. He is fighting to come back though. Give him some room, or better still, take some time to get to know him. He has helped me a lot.’

  Komoru bounced up and down on her toes a couple of times. ‘I know all that Steven, it’s just that he is so rude sometimes.’

  ‘You mean he is blunt and straight to the point.’

  She put on a small scowl, ‘Maybe.’

  ‘That is a long way from being rude.’

  ‘That depends on where you come from.’

  Steven knew he had just lost the argument. ‘Let’s get back on board. May I declare it a successful mission?’

  Komoru beamed up at him. ‘I think you may.’

  Chapter 4

  Michael Montgomery, the elected representative of the people of Earth, shook hands with Steven and Komoru.

  ‘Congratulations both of you.’ He indicated the couch, ‘Please take a seat.’ His eyes glanced over the four officers that were with him, then he flicked his hand towards four straight-backed chairs. ‘Gentlemen.’

  Colonel Howe, Beaver, the Bear and Colonel Takahashi sat on the offered chairs. He went over and shook hands with them all.

  ‘Colonel Takahashi, I don’t think we have met before.’

  ‘I am Ambassador Komoru’s
military adviser and commander of all of her soldiers.’

  ‘I am aware of that Colonel, it is just a pleasure to finally meet you.’

  The President sat down, addressing Steven and Komoru, ‘This is a short brief to inform you of how this is going to work. We now have the proper people in place to begin networking amongst our peers from the stars. On the forefront of that endeavour shall be yourselves. We will be training other Goodwill Ambassadors and, of course, people with full ambassadorial status. Some of these Ambassadors shall be placed permanently with friendly races, while at least one, a senior Ambassador, shall travel to different planets, following the routes of our Goodwill Ambassadors in striving to make new connections and formal alliances.

  ‘We have already received many requests for visits. Most involve the animals we brought with us, which are on display now in the Modloch home world. As Goodwill Ambassadors, you will be our front line. You will travel to these planets, gauge if they are a suitable place to take the animals to. You need to highlight any pitfalls that others following you may incur. I don’t want you to worry though. You are not going to be part of the circus. Not every place you will visit has requested the animal show.

  ‘You will actively seek out those beings who wish to make alliances, and those who do not. I know that you aren’t diplomats, but you two are probably the most intelligent people Earth has ever produced. I am sure you will both cope, and you have an excellent team backing you up. You are to sign no formal alliances yourself. Nothing more than a declaration to pursue friendly relationships. Please do not make any kind of promise without checking home first. We don’t want you to make promises we can’t or won’t keep. A flat refusal is much better that a broken promise.’

  The meeting carried on for another hour; then the President invited them to a light lunch. He managed to spend time with all of them, but it was with Colonel Howe that he had the most to talk about.

  ‘Colonel Howe.’

  ‘Yes Mr President.’

  ‘I met someone a few months ago who was asking after you.’

  The Colonel frowned a little. ‘Who was that sir?’

  ‘Your brother David.’

  The Colonel was caught off guard for a moment then smiled. ‘How is he sir?’

  ‘He has his own ship now. He was promoted to command the Destroyer Tempest.’

  ‘I did get an email from him sir, but have heard little since. Wasn’t he one of the battle group sent to the federation as part of the alliance deal?’

  ‘That’s right Colonel, he was part of the Burning Wind’s escort.’

  ‘How are they doing sir?’

  ‘Not very well I am afraid.’

  ‘How so?’

  ‘Long story really, I will try and shorten it a little. Basically, Colonel, we just aren’t prepared. Our people understand very little about the systems they are working on, there isn’t a single pilot in the battle group that is a licensed pilot, that kind of thing. The list of complaints from the federation high command is growing daily.’

  ‘Doesn’t the Burning Wind have a Modloch training group on it sir?’

  ‘Yes it does, it is the only ship that is big enough to accommodate the aliens. The rest of our ships were designed around Humans, and there just isn’t enough head room on board for them.’

  ‘Wasn’t it refitted sir?’

  ‘Yes it was. The Burning Wind is now full design specification, new engines, everything. The Modloch crew drool over it I hear.’

  ‘I wouldn’t worry too much sir, they will work it out.’

  ‘I am sure they will in time; for now, it is causing us extreme embarrassment. They have even demanded one of our training ships, so they can evaluate our training methods.’

  ‘Are we sending one sir?’

  ‘Yes, the Sir William Wallace. It has the best results of any of our ships.’

  Steven interrupted, ‘The Sir William Wallace? Charlie will be happy with that.’

  ‘You mean Sergeant Murison?’ The President asked.

  ‘That’s right sir. The Sir William Wallace picked him up after the incident with the asteroid.’

  ‘Oh yes I remember. I wasn’t happy about hushing up his part in it.’

  ‘It was his request sir.’

  ‘Yes, and we know why. How is the Sergeant these days Steven?’

  ‘Well, he is a Captain now.’

  The Bear snorted, ‘He is the carbuncle on my arse, but the Modloch seem to love him.’

  The gathered men laughed, ‘When was he promoted?’ The President asked.

  ‘It is just a field commission sir. Circumstances outwith our control required us to replace the designated officer to the Ambassador’s escort. I had to promote one of the men, and Sergeant Murison’s relationship with the Emperor and his people made him the natural choice.’

  The expression on the President’s face began to change. He closed his eyes, canted his head back, and took a deep breath before opening them again.

  ‘Sergeant Murison is the asset that we have close to the Emperor?’ They weren’t sure if it was a question or a statement until he looked straight at Steven.

  ‘Why do you refer to him as an asset sir?’

  The President’s eyes flicked back towards the ceiling. ‘Oh dear God. What a monumental fuck up.’

  They were shocked at the President’s choice of words. Steven was beginning to get a very bad feeling about it. ‘Could you possibly elaborate sir?’

  ‘I suppose I had better. This is not to leave this room or this present company.’ They all vocally agreed. ‘A few months ago, I was briefed by the head of the intelligence community, that we had an asset close to the Modloch Emperor, and that they were going to try and exploit that asset, bring it on board.’

  ‘You mean spy on the Emperor sir?’

  ‘Of course Steven. Inside information is always sought on foreign powers. The intelligence community are on the back foot here. They have no assets at all, anywhere within the galaxy.’

  ‘Yes sir, that is understandable.’

  ‘In one of my last briefings, I was told that two agents had gone missing while trying to contact the asset. Have you any ideas what happened to them?’

  Steven was shocked, ‘None sir.’

  ‘Good God.’ The Bear brought a hand down over his face. ‘Idiots!’

  ‘This is bad!’ Colonel Takahashi agreed with the Bear. ‘If the Modloch have them, all hell will break loose.’

  ‘Either of two things will have happened to them,’ the Bear mused with a worried frown on his face. ‘Either Charlie killed them out of hand and disposed of their bodies, or he reported them to Commodore Janex.’

  The President interrupted. ‘Am I sensing a lack of concern for our agents?’

  The Bear let out a great sigh. ‘I am sorry sir, there are strict rules regarding this kind of thing in the palace. Any spies approaching a member of the guard must be reported immediately to the senior commander. While there, we are bound by those rules.’

  ‘That is true sir,’ Colonel Takahashi backed up the Bear. ‘While in the palace, we were bound by a very strict code of conduct. There was no compromise because we were Human. The rules regarding being approached by outside sources requiring information are very strict, and disobedience carried the death penalty. The palace is full of stories about the unwary or the unwise who thought that they could get away with it.’

  ‘What would be the best possible outcome in this situation, gentlemen?’

  The two Colonels glanced at each other; Takahashi’s eyes told the Bear it was his ball.

  ‘To be truthful sir, the best thing that could have happened was if Captain Murison had reported them to Janex.’

  ‘It would have been his only real choice, Mr President,’ Takahashi agreed.

  ‘I am afraid so sir,’ Steven stepped in. ‘The Modloch are paranoid about security. They regularly test their people. There is a whole department whose sole job is to try and trick their own people into giving a
way information, or spying on the Emperor. No one ever knows if they are being approached by their own people or outside sources. I believe it is very effective, and the punishment is death.’

  ‘Wouldn’t Captain Murison have informed any of you?’

  They all shook their heads. ‘No,’ Steven confirmed. ‘Only Janex and Charlie would know. However, now we are no longer under Modloch supervision, I don’t suppose it would hurt to ask.’ Steven concentrated. He didn’t have to wait long for an answer.

  ‘Charlie has just confirmed that he was approached by two different men, an Englishman and a Frenchman. He reported them both to Janex who had them arrested and removed.’

  ‘Does he know what happened to them?’

  It only took Steven a few seconds to get the answer. ‘He doesn’t know, neither does he care.’

  ‘No of course he doesn’t. I will inform the intelligence community and make discrete enquiries.’

  ‘No sir, let me do it.’ Steven insisted. ‘I will also be able to do it without compromising Charlie.’

  ‘Okay Ambassador, I shall leave the matter in your hands, and I will tell the intelligence community, in no uncertain terms, that they are not to approach the Captain again.’ He turned his attention to the Bear.

  ‘Mr De´ Beer, you said the Sergeant was promoted to the rank of Captain in the field. Can you elaborate, does that have some sort of special significance?’

  ‘The Sergeant has not been made an officer properly sir, he is still a Sergeant and getting paid as a Sergeant.’

  ‘You mean it isn’t permanent?’

  ‘Field commission, temporary or acting, as we like to term it.’

  ‘Can you make it permanent?’

  ‘That wouldn’t be my decision sir.’

  ‘I think a full commission would help protect the Sergeant a little from these people. Who do I have to lean on?’

  ‘I will give that information to your secretary before we leave, if you wish Mr President.’

  ‘I would appreciate that.’

  The President was called away and he wished them well on their journey home, telling them to enjoy some down time while they got the chance. They were guided towards their shuttle.


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