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I Swear

Page 37

by Sable Hunter

  Finally, she gasped. “Please, Jonah.”

  “Hmmm,” he hummed as he continued the sensual assault, yet avoiding the sensation he knew she desired the most. “Please, Jonah,” she repeated softly – desperately.

  “Please what?” he teased. He needed her to trust him enough to say the words.

  Finally, past the point of modesty, she begged, “Suck my nipples, please. Suck them hard!”

  Her words fanned the flames of his desire, and he happily gave her what she asked for. Placing his mouth over one nipple, he chuckled at her insistence as she raised her upper body, pushing more of her flesh into his mouth. Jonah began to suckle her breast with fervor, his tongue tickling the nipple even as his lips and mouth added exquisite pressure.

  “I feel so achy and empty. I need you, Jonah.”

  Delicate sounds of pleasure escaped Delaney’s lips, low husky moans and tiny mewls of surrender. He knew he could make her come just by sucking her breasts, but his cock was clamoring for relief. Aching to make love to her, he took the pillow from his side of the bed to place under her hips. This position gave Jonah the most beautiful view of the delicate, pink part of her that gave him so much pleasure. Slowly, he guided the head of his cock inside of her. “Is this what you want, Delaney?”

  “Yes,” she groaned. “Please, Jonah. I want you so much.”

  Giving her what they both needed, Jonah pushed in. Instantly, she began to move her hips, seeking to draw more and more of him deep within her. By the light of the bedside lamp, they watched as his thick, hard member went deeper and deeper. She lifted her hips, tensing her inner muscles to massage the length of him. This triggered the end of his control.

  “I can’t go slowly anymore, baby. I just can’t.”


  He lifted both of her legs to put them over his shoulders. This gave him unbridled freedom to pump into her as hard and fast as she could stand.

  Delaney gasped at the pleasure. “Oh, Jonah, this feels so good.”

  He watched her face as he loved her. There was no pretense, no fake gasps and groans, only pure unadulterated enjoyment. This woman wasn’t ice, she was fire. She didn’t just endure his touch, she reveled in it.

  “Bring me your lips, I need to feel your mouth on mine. Please.”

  Jonah couldn’t ignore such a sweet request. He bent close enough for their faces to touch. When he did, she wrapped her legs around his waist and lifted her lips to his. As she kissed him hungrily, he felt her sheathe begin to vibrate in an intense orgasm. Delaney bucked beneath him, causing him to explode inside of her. He continued to pump his hips until the last drop of his essence shot deep within her. When he was spent, Jonah eased himself on top of her, supporting his weight on his forearms so as not to crush her.

  “You are the most wonderful lover.”

  This amused Jonah. “Thanks, but that’s not saying much. Remember, I’m the only lover you’ve ever had.”

  “Doesn’t matter.” She played with the light dusting of hair on his chest. “I know how you make me feel. Even now, I love how you feel inside of me.” As if to illustrate her point, her hips began to move under his, her tight channel caressing his ultra-sensitive rod.

  He gasped as her hips moved in tight little circles, increasing the rhythm as she squeezed him deep inside. Suddenly, Jonah felt his cock growing, expanding, refilling, getting harder than it had been before. “Mercy, baby,” he groaned. “Roll over. I have to have you now.” Arranging the pillows so she’d have something to lean over, he entered her from behind.

  Delaney buried her face in the pillow to muffle her scream of excitement as his arm slid around her waist to reach between her legs. “Ah…Jonah!” she cried as he rubbed her slit and teased her clitoris, ensuring she stayed wet enough to handle him.

  Jonah set the pace on slow and sensuous. When she pushed back against him, he moved both hands up to cup her breasts, milking the nipples. Leaning down, he kissed the curve of her back. “I love this, baby. I just love this. I’d rather do this than eat.”

  She arched toward him, attempting to accommodate his every desire. When her breathing picked up, Jonah knew she was building to another orgasm. He raised her upright on his member and pulled her smooth against his chest. Keeping one hand on her right breast, he maintained the nipple stimulation he knew would drive her crazy. The other hand slipped down to cover her mound. He found her swollen clitoris and began to rub her sweet spot in sensuous circles, round and round as he pounded into her now convulsing body.

  Quivering in his arms, she whimpered, “Oh, Jonah. I’m coming so good!” Her cry of delight catapulted him into the hardest orgasm he had ever experienced. He held on to her, enjoying every possible ripple of electric ecstasy that could be drained from the mind-blowing experience. Still holding her against him, he ran the palms of his hands from her shoulders down to below her thighs and back again, finding their home as they cupped her breasts and squeezed them, not with frantic desire but with devoted appreciation. Then he tenderly kissed the nape of her neck and whispered in her ear, “Who loves you, sweet girl?”

  Hearing his beloved voice, she went completely and utterly still. All of the wonderful sensations washing over her body were suddenly overtaken by absolute contentment. Unwilling to break this most precious of connections, she lifted her arm to touch his cheek. Turning her head to find his lips, she gave him the answer he needed to hear. “You do. You love me, Jonah. And I love you too. Forever. I swear.”

  * * *

  A beautiful day the following spring.

  “Jonah, I have to hand it to you, this looks amazing.” Jacob McCoy surveyed the dock, gazebo, and boardwalk his friend had built along the creek behind his house. “What does Delaney think?”

  Jonah tugged on the lapel of his tuxedo. He was nervous. “Oh, she hasn’t seen it. Yet. This is my wedding gift to her.”

  “And she doesn’t suspect anything?” Canyon ran an appreciative hand over one of the smooth wooden posts at the entrance to the gazebo.

  Jonah chuckled. “Oh, yeah. She does. I just hope she likes it.”

  “Are you kidding?” Jacob waved his hand at the scene before them. “She’s gonna love it. This is beautiful.”

  “Especially after your wives decorated.” Jonah took a moment to appreciate the flowers and lights adorning the rustic structure. “I don’t know how I can ever thank you.”

  Shaking his head, Jacob dismissed his concern. “You don’t have to, Jonah. You’re an important member of the Tebow family.”

  “People are arriving,” Canyon noted as guests began strolling down the hill toward the area where chairs were set up and awaiting the ceremony to begin. “And there comes your father. Look at him. He’s practically a new man, isn’t he?”

  Jonah smiled, feeling a great sense of relief and happiness at the sight of his father and Cletus coming down the path in their suits, their white rose boutonnieres shining in the fading light. “How is she?” he called out, knowing they’d come from the house where Delaney was getting dressed, with Seren, Jessie, and Libby’s help.

  “Anxious to be your wife, you lucky s-o-b,” Cletus wiped his brow, unused to be so dressed up.

  “I told her we’d be back after her when its time,” John said, pointing behind him. “I think her mother and stepfather just arrived.”

  “Good.” This was a relief to Jonah. “She didn’t know if they would try and make the trip or not.” He glanced at Jacob. “Her mother is pretty fragile.”

  “I’m glad she’s here, for Delaney’s sake,” Jacob commented. “Family’s important, even when you don’t get along all the time. Regrets are hard to live with.”

  “Yea.” Jonah nodded. “You’re right about that. What time is it,” he asked, glancing at Canyon, who checked his watch.

  “It’s getting close. Twenty minutes.”

  “Thanks.” Jonah began to pat his pockets.

  “You haven’t lost the ring
, have you?” John asked, thinking that was what his son was hunting.

  “No, I have it. Here.” He took the ring box out of his suit pocket and gave it to his dad. “You hold on to it.”

  John’s eyes grew wide. “Me?”

  “You’re my best man, that’s your job.”

  “Whew. Damn. All right.” He gripped it tight then stuck it deep into the front pocket of his pants.

  Still searching through his pockets, Jonah finally found what he was looking for. “Dad, I want you to go to Delaney a few minutes early and take this to her for me.” He gave his father a folded note. “I want her to read this before the wedding.”

  “You aren’t backing out, are you?” Canyon asked, joking.

  “Not on your life,” Jonah told him. “There’s just some things I need for her to know.”

  “Will do.” John handed the note to Cletus. “You keep up with that. I’ve got enough responsibility with this ring.”

  A few minutes later the chairs were almost full, and the older men were on their way to collect the bride.

  “Well, the reverend’s here,” Jacob pointed at his brother, Aron, who was driving up in his birthday truck. “I can’t believe you asked him to perform the ceremony. There’s going to be no living with him after this. Nathan filled out that online ordination form for him as a joke – and now look at him. Dark suit, solemn face, carrying a big old Bible. The big lug’s working the room. He thinks he’s Billy Graham.”

  Jonah couldn’t help but laugh. “I’d rather be married by a friend like Aron than some pious stranger. As long as his ‘I now pronounce you’ is legal and binding, I’ll be a happy man.”

  “You just want to get married,” Jacob observed with a smile. “Believe me, I remember the feeling.”

  “You’re absolutely right.” Jonah looked up the hill toward the house. “I want to marry that woman more than anything.”

  …Delaney walked to the window, trying to peer toward the creek. “I just wish I knew what he was doing.”

  “Waiting for you,” Seren told her.

  “And when he sees you…” Libby clasped her hands together. “The man is going to faint. You are just beautiful.”

  “That she is.” Jessie urged her to sit down. “Come on, let me finish your hair.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” She settled in the seat in front of the mirror, looking not at herself but the three beautiful women who’d graciously agreed to stand up for her. “If there is ever anything I can do for the three of you, all you have to do is ask.”

  “Do you baby-sit?” Jessie asked quickly and pointblank.

  “Ah. Yes. I do. I will.”

  Libby giggled. “You’d better save those I do’s until the ceremony.”

  A tap on the door caused them all to say, “Come in!”

  “Is it time?” she asked, seeing it was John and Cletus.

  “Just about?” John approached her holding out a piece of paper. “I have something for you. From Jonah.”

  Delaney took the note, her fingers trembling. “Thank you.” Seeing the concern on her bridesmaids’ faces, she quickly reassured them. “Don’t worry, it’s nothing bad. He is saying something sweet to me.” She smiled serenely. “It’s kinda our thing.”

  Libby grinned. “So, I heard. Those billboards sound so romantic. I wish I could see them.”

  Cletus chuckled from across the room. “If you’ll check your phone, Miss Delaney. I downloaded them for you as a wedding gift.” He looked at the bridal party. “Would you like to see?”

  With a resounding ‘yes’, the women gathered around Cletus and John to view the clips while Delaney moved to the window to read Jonah’s note.

  As she unfolded the parchment, her heart beat a rat-a-tat rhythm in her chest.

  Dearest Delaney,

  I’m waiting for you, beautiful girl. I think I’ve been waiting for you my whole life. You have brought me so much joy and I know our time together is just beginning. I do have vows written for you, but I’m so afraid I’ll go blank during the ceremony that I want to take the time right now to tell you what you mean to me. What this day means to me. And the short answer is everything. You are my everything. I’ve never been happier than when you’re by my side. I look forward to the coming years, I can’t wait to have a family with you. We’re going to line the wall on the stairs with pictures of our kids and grandkids. And while I’ll adore each and every one of them, it’s you who’ll be the center of my universe. I’ll love you as long as the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. There is just no end of my love for you, I swear. So, come to me. Join your hand with mine and let’s set out on love’s journey. Together.

  I love you so much,


  “Oh, I may cry.” She clasped the precious note to her chest. “He’s the sweetest man in the world.”

  “Don’t you dare cry.” Jessie came running with a tissue. “You’ll ruin your makeup.”

  Seeing her friend’s panicked expression, Delaney giggled. “I’ll hold it in if we’ll hurry. I can’t wait to be with him.”

  John took off his cowboy hat and slapped it on his knee. “Well, then let’s head ‘em up and move ‘em out – as John Wayne would say.”

  “Everybody, grab your flowers,” Libby reminded them as they readied to go.

  Delaney was shaking as she left her room surrounded by friends. How much her life had changed in such a short time. And all for the better. Today, her life would change yet again. Oh, she’d be in the same place with the same people but knowing she and Jonah had formally committed themselves to one another would be the ultimate.

  “Watch your step, lovely,” Cletus moved ahead of her. “I’ll catch you if you fall.”

  “Come on, let’s hold her train up,” Seren spoke to Jessie. “We don’t want her to trip.”

  Delaney let them take care of her, she was too excited to think straight for herself.

  As they made their way out of the house, she could see the cars lined up in the driveway and out on the road. “I can’t believe so many people are here.”

  “You and Jonah are loved,” Libby told her. “So, don’t ever forget that.”

  She wouldn’t. Delaney felt blessed beyond measure. As they moved as one to the creek trail, Delaney tried to look ahead. She’d known he was doing something near the water. Every hour he could spare, he’d disappeared down there to work on something for her. She’d asked once and he told her it was a surprise and for her to not peek. If she wanted to go to the creek, she and John went to see Cletus. Whatever it was, Delaney knew she would love it – because Jonah built it with his own two hands.

  “Cover her eyes,” John suggested. “Just until we get to the crest of the hill. I want her to get the full impact.”

  “I’ll close my eyes,” Delaney said. “Just don’t let me fall.”

  “I’ve got you,” Cletus told her. “Just put one foot in front of the other.”

  Moving down the wooded trail, Delaney was trembling with anticipation. Not being able to see, it was like she was walking into the unknown. This did not make her fearful for she knew whatever tomorrow held, she would be with Jonah.

  “Okay, hold on.” Jessie touched her hand. “This is a perfect spot to get the first glimpse of Jonah’s wedding gift.”

  Coming to a standstill, Delaney waited to open her eyes. This was momentous. To know he’d worked so hard on something just for her melted Delaney’s heart. “I can’t wait to see.”

  “Well, look. Open your eyes and see how much he loves you.” This whispered suggestion came from John.

  Truly, Delaney didn’t know what to expect. She’d tried to imagine what he might be doing, but she didn’t know anything for sure. Clenching her hands together in excitement, she opened her eyes. “Oh, my stars,” she whispered in awe. What lay before her stole Delaney’s breath. Nothing she’d dreamed of even came close to the reality. “How did he do this?”

beautiful,” Libby spoke softly as they all surveyed Jonah’s creation. “We enjoyed decorating it, that’s for sure.”

  “I don’t know what to say.” She couldn’t believe her eyes. A boardwalk with handrails ran from the top of the hill to near the water. It wasn’t straight, he’d built it to fit the landscape with landings, turns, and steps when needed. At the bottom of the hill was a deck with benches framing the sides and a beautiful round gazebo sat at the water’s edge, serving as the entrance to a dock that stretched out into the creek. “Right out of a fairytale,” she muttered in wonder.

  “Speaking of a fairytale…” Seren pushed Delaney’s veil over her shoulder. “Look at your handsome prince.”

  Wiping the tears from her eyes, she focused on her heart’s desire. He hadn’t yet noticed them standing at the top of the hill. “Oh, he’s perfect.” She memorized the moment, letting the image of him be burned into her mind. “Okay, let’s go. I need to be with him. Now.”

  “Well, hold on,” John told her. “We all need to get in place first.” He kissed her on the cheek and took off to take his place at his son’s side.

  Cletus stepped up to offer her his arm again. “Just be patient, honey. Remember, you’re the main event. These other beautiful ladies are the opening act.”

  As the music began to play, Seren led the way. When she’d gone about halfway, Jessie stepped up to follow. Delaney stood behind Libby, anxious to take her place at Jonah’s side.

  …Standing between Aron and his father, Jonah held his breath as the music began to swell. Oblivious to the people gathered near, he kept his eye on the spot where she’d soon appear. He felt electrified, exhilarated. Jonah knew his whole life had been leading up to this moment.

  The hushed murmur of the crowd as they stood to their feet told him she was on her way. He couldn’t stop his feet from moving to step out and wait for her, his heart clamoring for the moment when Delaney would come down the aisle to join her hand and life with his.


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