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I Swear

Page 38

by Sable Hunter

  “Here comes the bride,” John sang softly as Cletus and Delaney stepped into view.

  “There’s my baby,” he muttered softly as his heart pounded. Jonah couldn’t take his eyes off her. She was absolutely stunning. The white lace dress she wore made her look like a princess. “I can’t believe she’s mine.”

  Walking to the edge of the dais, Jonah measured every step she took.

  “Where are you going, Jonah? Get back here.” Aron motioned for the groom to return to his place.

  Giving Aron a quick glance and a smile, he did what he needed to do. “I won’t be long.”

  …Holding onto Cletus for support, Delaney kept her eye on the prize. To her amazement, he was coming down the aisle toward her. As he neared, she broke away and ran to him, launching herself into his arms.

  Jonah caught her easily. “Sorry, I couldn’t wait.”

  “I’m glad.”

  When she held up her face to gaze into his eyes, Jonah couldn’t resist. He drew her close and kissed her with all the passion in his soul.

  From his place behind the podium Aron cleared his throat, then whispered very loudly. “You’re getting the cart before the horse, Callan!”

  Jonah heard his friend and he smiled as he rubbed his lips sensually over Delaney’s. “I think we’re in trouble.”

  “I’m with you, that’s all that matters to me.”

  When she looked at him with absolute adoration on her face Jonah felt like he was king of the world. “Ready to get hitched, treasure?”

  “More than anything,” she told him as he carried her to the front midst a round of applause from the attending guests.

  To Aron’s relief, the bride and groom took their assigned positions. “Good. Now, we can get started.” He addressed all assembled. “Dearly beloved, friends, Texans. We’re gathered here to witness the joining of these two hearts in holy matrimony. Jonah, if you’ll take Delaney’s hand – we’ll commence with your vows.”

  Jonah took Delaney’s hand and brought it to his lips for a kiss. For a few seconds he just stared into her beautiful face. “I knew this would happen. I look into your eyes and forget my name.” He cleared his throat. “Delaney, I want to make you some promises.”

  “Okay, I’m listening,” she told him in a tremulous soft voice.

  “I promise to be faithful to you in every way. You are the center of my existence. I will work hard to take care of you and the family we’ll one day have. I promise to love you all of my days. You don’t have to worry that I’ll grow weary of our life together, when we’re in the twilight of our years we’ll be sitting on the front porch holding hands while we watch our grandbabies play.” Placing her hand flat on his chest, he held it there. “I will worship you with every beat of my heart, I swear.”

  “Delaney, your turn,” Aron prompted.

  “I swear,” she whispered his signature phrase. “Those two words have become so precious. When you say them to me, I know I can trust you. I can rely on you. No matter what storm may come my way, I know you’ll be with me. You’ll keep me safe. I want you to know you can count on me to be there for you in every way. For better for worse, all of my life I will put you first. I promise to cherish you with my body and with my heart. I want to live with you, love with you, and grow old with you. And when this life is over, I want to spend my eternity with you.”

  When she finished speaking, a beautiful silence settled over the land. Only the twitter of birds and the rushing of the water over the rocks could be heard. Aron waited a few moments before speaking, then he asked them to join hands. “Do you, Delaney, take this man, Jonah Callan, to be your lawful husband? To love him, to honor him, to walk by his side for as long as you both shall live?”

  “I do,” Delaney whispered with a smile.

  “And do you, Jonah, take this woman, Delaney Ellis, to be your wedded wife? To love her, to honor her, to walk by her side for as long as you both shall live?”

  “Oh, I do. More than anything, I do.”

  “Good.” Aron held up his Bible. “By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. Friends and neighbors, allow me to introduce you to Mr. and Mrs. Jonah Callan! Jonah, you may kiss your bride. Again.”

  “Gladly.” Jonah sealed his lips to Delaney’s, pouring all of the love in his heart into the kiss.

  …Three hours later, Delaney and Jonah were on their way to a honeymoon in San Antonio. The trip might not be to some far-off fancy place, but that didn’t matter. They probably wouldn’t leave their room anyway. As they sped down the road, Delaney sighed with contentment. “You know in spite of everything, it was good to see my mother and Haden. They seemed to be doing well.”

  “Yes, your stepfather is a nice guy, and your little brother is a hoot. He would’ve jumped in the creek with his suit on if Joseph hadn’t caught him in midair.”

  “Did he?” Delaney laughed at the thought, then sobered. “Your mention of Joseph reminded me – something a little strange happened after the ceremony. Just before I threw the bouquet, Joseph’s wife, Cady, came to me and said she saw two wedding visitors I might not have noticed.”

  “Wedding crashers?”

  “Not exactly. She said she saw a blonde lady and a woman who looked a lot like you. They were standing on the hill together watching us getting married.”

  Jonah’s eyes widened. “A woman who looked like me?” Seeing Delaney’s expression, it dawned on him what she was saying. “You mean…my mother and Claudette were at the wedding?”

  “Apparently so. She said Claudette was at peace and when the ceremony was over, they faded into the light hand in hand.”

  “Wow. I wish I could’ve talked to my mother.”

  “I know. Just think, she’s probably been close to you all these years.”

  “Right.” He smiled. “So, no more poltergeist activity?”

  “No. Our home should be peaceful and free of flying dishes.” This made her laugh. “Wasn’t it wonderful to see your father so normal?”

  “He’s doing well. I never thought I’d see the day. A true miracle.” He reached across the car to touch her cheek. “You’ve changed my life for the better in so many ways.”

  “As you have mine, love.” She gazed at her handsome husband who suddenly broke out in a laugh. “What?”

  Jonah pointed out the front windshield. “Look, Cletus strikes again.”

  Delaney gasped when she saw a photograph of them at their wedding on a billboard up ahead. “Congratulations, Jonah and Delaney,” she read. “Just married and madly in love.”

  “I bet this catches on and everybody will want their pictures on billboards.”

  “Probably so. It’ll probably be expensive as hell, not everybody has Cletus as a friend.”

  “That’s true.” Jonah put on his blinker to change lanes. “He cleaned up his place, you know. Bulldozed the whole mess.”

  “No! Really?” This surprised Delaney. “I never understood why he was the way he was – I mean, he seemed so reasonable and with it. Yet, he lived in such poor conditions.”

  “I don’t know. Look at me, we all go through things. Something probably happened in his past that made him think how he lived didn’t matter to anyone. Dad’s getting better may have given Cletus a new outlook on life. Anyway, he bought a new doublewide and earmarked one of the rooms for Dad. If he wants it.”

  A slight frown came to Delaney’s face. “I don’t want your Dad to move. I want him to stay with us.”

  Jonah’s heart contracted with love for his new bride. “You’re one in a million. Not too many newlywed women would feel like that about their father-in-law. Especially one with Dad’s problems.”

  “His problems are working themselves out quickly. He’s a big part of our family and I want him with us.”

  “Good. I do too.” Jonah squeezed her hand. “He might go back and forth to hang out with Cletus, but he’ll always have a home with us.” Seeing Delaney’
s quizzical expression, he grinned. “Dad deeded the house and the shop to us as a wedding gift.”

  “Seriously?” Delaney was amazed. “How sweet of him.”

  “And…” Jonah paused to heighten the suspense. “Aron told me he gave my name to two friends who have restoration projects in mind.”

  “Oh, how wonderful, Jonah. Your dream is coming true.” Delaney was so euphoric she felt she might float away if the seatbelt weren’t holding her down. “Everything is working out for us.” She took his hand and pressed it to her cheek. “You’ve made me so happy. I can’t wait to see what the future holds for us.”

  Jonah gave her a look of complete adoration. “I can’t predict the details, but I look forward to years and years of happiness. With you.”

  A year later…

  “Pour some more paint into the tray, Dad.”

  John did as his son asked, stooping to replace the lid on the can. “This is a pretty pink color. I think I’d have gone with a light yellow though.”

  “Oh really, Mr. Interior Decorator? You got something against pink?”

  “What if the baby isn’t a girl?” John picked up his own brush and started on the trim work.

  “Oh, it’s a girl, all right. Besides, what Delaney wants, Delaney gets. And she asked for pink.”

  “Huh. Well, your mom and I thought you were going to be a girl too. Those ultrasounds can be tricky sometimes.”

  Jonah stopped painting, an odd look on his face. “What do you mean?”

  John chuckled. “Just that the doctor told us you were a girl. When you popped out we got a big surprise. Apparently you had your legs crossed or something.”

  “Well, that’ll be fine. I don’t care if it’s a girl or a boy. Just so long as the baby is healthy, that’s all that matters. And Delaney too…” His voice trailed off.

  “She’ll be fine,” John reassured his son.

  Jonah stopped painting and climbed down. He went to stand close to his father. “I’m worried sick and I feel as guilty as hell.”

  “You can’t do that, son.” He knew exactly what his boy was referring to. “Delaney wants a child as much as you do.”

  “I know she does, but I should’ve let it be her decision. Leading up to the wedding and at the ceremony, I started talking about a family.” He raked a hand through his hair. “I’m afraid she’s doing this for me and it’s such a damn risk for her. If the delivery is difficult or she has to have a C-section, the bleeding could get out of control.”

  “Stop it.” John whispered. “That’s not going to happen, and she doesn’t need to hear you putting it into words. She’s got a good doctor who understands all that factor business. Everything will be fine.”

  “Yea, I know. I have to believe that.” Jonah climbed the ladder to resume his painting. “Just say a prayer for her, if you will.”

  “I do,” John assured him. “Every night.”

  Jonah glanced at his dad with affection. “This lucky baby is going to have a great grandpa who’ll repaint his room if need be.”

  “Well, yea. But I ain’t no great grandpa. That would be my dad. I’ll just be a grandpa.”

  “Oh, I think you’re pretty great. And so does Delaney.”

  “What about Delaney?” She came to the door to check their progress.

  “I was just saying how we think Dad will be a wonderful grandfather.”

  “Oh, definitely.” As she moved to give John a hug, Jonah promptly climbed down the ladder to greet his wife.

  “How do you feel, honey?”

  She rubbed her round tummy. “Fat.”

  “Nonsense.” He kissed her. “You’re just pleasantly plump.”

  “I am.” She swatted his shoulder. “I just don’t like to hear you say so.”

  “Oh, I think you’re gorgeous.” He whispered in her ear. “And sexy as hell. Don’t ever doubt it.”

  “Well, I might not be pregnant much longer.” Even as she said the words, she stiffened.

  Jonah was on instant alert. “Are you having contractions?”

  “I am,” she confessed. “Off and on for the last hour or so.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me?” Jonah asked as he put a hand on her middle.

  “Surely not,” John muttered with concern. “This is probably those Baxter-Hicks things.”

  “Braxton…” She started to correct him, then bent forward with pain.

  “That’s it. We’re going to the hospital.” Jonah picked her up in his arms. “Can you clean up here, Dad?”

  “I can. I have my driver’s license now, I’ll be right behind you.”

  He didn’t stop to argue. “Just be careful,” Jonah said as he made for the stairs with Delaney.

  “Get my purse.”

  “Where is it?”

  “On the couch.”

  They made a detour through the living room to fetch her bag. Jonah had to step over the concerned dog and cat on the way out. “We’ll be back later, guys.”

  “They know something’s wrong,” Delaney muttered.

  “Nothing’s wrong. I’ll get you there. It’s all good,” he murmured the words prayerfully.

  “I’m not worried, it’s just pinching a little bit.”

  When he saw her wince and felt her body tense, he knew she was downplaying her pain for his sake. “You don’t have to pretend with me. Ever.”

  “I know.” She held on to him as they headed to the Camry. “I’m excited and scared all at the same time.”

  “Yea, me too.” He opened the door to place her down gently, then fastened the seat belt around her middle. As he did, he kissed her tenderly. “You are my world, Delaney. Everything is going to be okay.” It has to be.

  Pulling out of the drive, he placed a call to her doctor to let him know they were on their way. After explaining her condition, he set out for Kerrville, keeping one eye on the road and one on Delaney. “Okay, baby?”

  “Yea, I’m good.”

  “Remember your breathing.”

  “Okay.” She began to huff little puffs of air, her eyes closed tightly.

  When she reached for his hand, he took it. “You’re cold.” Jonah turned on the heater, then reclaimed her hand. “We’ll be there soon, just relax.”

  Delaney shifted in her seat. “Easy for you to say.”

  “Yea.” He endeavored to keep his cool, even as his hands shook on the wheel. “Okay, let’s talk baby names. Did we ever decide?”

  “You’re trying to distract me, aren’t you?”

  “Maybe. So, which is it – Betty Jo, Bobby Jo, or Billie Jo?”

  Delaney managed a giggle when she recognized the names from an old television show. “None of the above, this isn’t Petticoat Junction. We’re going to name her after your mother. Greta Adele.”

  “Oh, yea. That’s right.” He loved the idea. “Thank you for that. She would be so proud.”

  “I hope so.” She gasped out the words as her body arched, pressing her feet hard into the floorboard.

  Jonah frowned, checking the roadside sign. “Hold on, baby. We’re almost there.”

  “I’m holding. I’m holding.” She grasped the armrest with one hand and his arm with the other.

  He didn’t complain when her fingernails dug into his skin. “Breathe, darling. Think of how beautiful our baby girl will be.”

  “I know. I know.” Delaney closed her eyes and tried to count through the pain. “I just didn’t think it would hurt so much.”

  Jonah was shaking by the time he pulled into the emergency room entrance. He berated himself for not calling an ambulance. Although, he didn’t think they could’ve gotten here any sooner than he did. “Just sit still. I’m coming around to get you.”

  Jumping out of the car, he ran around to the passenger side, calling for help as he did so. “Somebody! My wife is having a baby!”

  A man who heard his cry dashed through the automatic doors to find a nurse. By the time he
had Delaney out of the car, someone was there with a wheelchair. “Thanks.”

  The nurse looked concerned. “Let’s get her in. She’s bleeding.”

  Until that moment, Jonah hadn’t noticed the blood on his arm from where he’d been holding Delaney. “Oh, God. She has hemophilia.” He found her purse and put it in Delaney’s lap. “Her medicine is in here.”

  “Is the doctor aware?”

  “Yes,” he told the nurse. “He’s aware.”

  “Good.” She pushed Delaney through the doors and on to the delivery room. “You just sit down in the lobby. I’ll come get you when she’s settled.”

  …Jonah never sat down. He paced the floor of the waiting room and prayed. “Please take care of her. Please.” While he worried, he castigated himself for ever getting them into this situation. As much as he wanted children, he wanted Delaney a thousand times more. He should’ve put his foot down about her getting pregnant when she told him she wanted his baby. He’d tried to talk her out of it, but she had her heart set on giving him a child. And like he told his father, saying no to Delaney was difficult. He sat down and held his head in his hands, hoping to God he hadn’t made the mistake of his life.

  “How is she?” John called as he entered the waiting room with Cletus on his heels. “I brought her suitcase. You all went off without it.”

  “Thanks.” He took the bag. “I don’t know any details. She was bleeding when I brought her in. They’re working on her now.”

  “Oh, no. I’m so sorry,” Cletus said as he and John stood on either side of Jonah. “She’ll be okay. Delaney’s a strong woman.”

  “Yes, she is.” Jonah fingered the handle of Delaney’s case. “I’ll take this down there. Maybe they’ll let me see her.”

  “All right. We’ll wait here.”

  Determined, Jonah walked hurriedly down the long hall. He knew where they’d taken her. He didn’t even stop at the nurses station. Drawing near the double doors of the delivery room, a voice sounded from behind him.

  “Sir. Wait. Sir.”

  “I have her things.” Yea, he knew his excuse was weak. “Look, I need to see my wife. I’m going crazy. I’ve got to know she’s all right.”


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