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Master (Chaos Bleeds Book 8)

Page 27

by Sam Crescent

  “It didn’t hold me back. She knew about it already. Be open about it, and don’t try to hide shit. What I’ve come to see with Martha, I keep secrets, she gets pissed. I don’t, I get my dick sucked.”

  “So charming,” Spider said.

  “No problems. Enjoy your date tonight, and give Paris a hug from me.” Dick left them alone, and he was humming as he went past as well.

  “I don’t think I like this relaxed attitude that everyone seems to have.”

  “You and me both,” Butler said. “I don’t want to deal with another enemy though. Another one pops up, and I’m on the road with the Nomads. People can fuck off if they think for a second that I’m going to allow that kind of shit.”

  Spider wasn’t afraid of dealing with the enemy, but he’d rather not have to. He rather looked forward to the coming years of being able to relax, and enjoy the carefree attitude of going all legit. He was tired of being on the road during the long drives of transporting coke or guns. Being out of that business was more than good for him.

  Several brothers stopped him on the way out, to wish him luck.

  He accepted their lucks, and hoped he could give Paris a good night. It would be the first time they were together, alone, on a date. A lot of pressure but he was more than happy to deal with it.

  Shaking Butler’s hand, he made his way out into the freezing cold, and started up his car. It was cold, but not snowing, not yet. Once snow hit, getting out was going to be tough.

  Driving toward Paris, he kept consoling himself that he was doing the right thing. That he was good enough for Paris, and Andrew wasn’t going to take any more time away from them.

  Parking outside her house, he turned the ignition off, and climbed out.

  Going to her front door, he knocked, and waited.

  Paris opened the front door, and words left him. Her hair was bound in a loose, looped braid at the back of her head. The black gown molded to her curves in ways that he hadn’t imagined correctly. Her tits were pushed up, showing the mounding tops, and large cleavage. She looked … stunning. The diamond earrings and necklace only added to her class.

  “Hey,” she said. “Is it too much?”

  “It’s perfect. You look like a dream. A vision.”

  She reached out, grabbing her jacket. “Are we ready to go?” she asked.

  Jessica, Mia, Brianna, and Judi came into view behind her. They were smiling at him, looking a little scary as they did.

  “Yes, I’m ready to go. I’ll have her back before midnight.”

  “Okay. We look forward to it.”

  Paris put on a jacket and followed him out. “Do I need to get my purse?” she asked.

  “Not a chance. Tonight is all on me.”

  “It doesn’t have to be.”

  “I want it to be. Please, let me do this one romantic thing for you.”

  “Okay.” He helped her toward the passenger side of the car, and opened the door, letting her inside. “I’m really nervous, and a little excited.”

  “Me too. My hands are sweating.” He held them out for her to touch. “It’s cold out, and I’m sweating.”

  “We can make this good for both of us.”

  “Yes, we can.”

  Closing the door, he rounded the car.

  You can do this, Spider.

  You love her, and you want to be everything for her.

  Climbing behind the wheel, he started the car up, and pulled away from the curb.

  “The dress is really beautiful. Thank you.”

  “You look amazing in it.

  “Thank you. I was worried it might not fit, but it did, perfectly.”

  She rested her hands on her knees, and Spider took one, locking their fingers together. “So, any thoughts on what you want to be?”

  “When I grow up?”

  “I’d say you’re already a grown up, but what do I know?”

  She chuckled. “Thank you. I don’t know. I was talking to Natalie, but it’s kind of hard to get her advice. She knew from a young age she wanted to be a designer. She’s amazing, too. I don’t know what I want to be.”

  “You like writing, though.”

  “Yeah, I did like writing, and it kind of disappeared with looking after Celia, and then with work. It’s not really inspiring taking your clothes off for a room full of men you don’t know.”

  Spider smiled. “You captivated me.”

  “As much as I hated it, I’m pleased I did it.”


  “It got me to you, and for me, that is better than anything else. If I hadn’t been stripping, you wouldn’t have known I existed.”

  “And now we’re here, heading toward our first official date.”

  “Where are we going?”

  “You’ll soon see.”

  The drive to the restaurant was fun, and he listened to her talk about college, and the future. Once they were outside the restaurant Paris paused. “Wow.”

  “Come on.”

  “This is really fancy.”

  “I know, and it’s all for you.” He got out of the car, and rounded to her side, taking hold of her hand. Spider handed the valet the keys, and he escorted her toward the maître d’, who seated them in quick time.

  He caught the arm of the maître d’ as he was about to pull Paris’s seat out for her. “I’ll do that, thank you.”

  Paris smirked, and he smiled with her as he held her seat. She lowered herself down, and he helped her under the table. Kissing her shoulder, he rounded and thanked the man. They were handed some menus, and Spider ordered some water for himself, as did Paris. He had called ahead to make sure they were both allowed to order non-alcoholic drinks. When they were alone, he reached across the table to take her hand. “This is really fancy.”

  “I know. Do you think we stick out like sore thumbs?”

  She looked around the room, and turned her attention back to him. “Nah, I think we blend in. How did you find this place?”

  “Snake told me about it. He brings Jessica here on really special dates. He told me the food was delicious, which for Snake is saying something. He’s not into French food.”

  “Well, I can’t wait to try it. So tell me, Spider, what’s new with you?”

  “You want me to talk about me?”

  “Yeah, I want to know what you’ve been doing.”

  “Did you know we bought a derelict old apartment building?”

  “Yeah, Lexie was telling me about you refurbishing it or something.”

  “We’re working from the ground up. The structure is still intact, and the foundations. It needs some love and care.”

  “That love and care falls to you?”

  “Before becoming a Chaos Bleed, I was in construction. I know what to do, and this week I’m looking for a group of builders who are not only good, but are reliable, and ones that I can trust without fear of them ruining the building.”

  “Putting more work into Piston County?”

  “We’re not going anywhere, and the club intends to invest its future there as well.”

  “I’d like to see these apartments, if that’s okay.”

  “I’ll take you soon.”

  Their drinks arrived, and he watched as Paris took a sip of hers. “How did it go with Lola?”

  She scrunched up her nose. “Not good. She’s keeping a wide berth with technology. Her mother wondered if I would be willing to have her come stay with me for a few weeks. Lola had a bit of a breakdown. One of the kids in the library handed Lola a cell phone they had found, and it scared her. It sent her into a panic attack so bad that they had to call the doctors to sedate her. Lola called me not long after her mother, and asked if she could come and stay with me.”

  “She okay?”

  “She will be. I talked to her about it, and she seemed kind of excited, and said she could talk to someone else about how to set it up. I don’t know. I think if we got her involved in the clothing, trying stuff on, it might inspire her a little more. Wha
t do you think?”

  “I think that anything that allows Lola to heal will be a good thing, and I’m standing beside you a hundred percent to help you.”

  She gave him a full beaming smile. “Thank you.”


  The date went without a hitch. They enjoyed some wonderful steak with some creamy potatoes that Spider couldn’t remember the name of, nor pronounce. The dessert was a chocolate mousse, which was divine.

  At the end of the date, Spider took her to the construction site for the apartments. There was a metal cage around it, and several dump trucks, and equipment.

  “Wow, that is huge,” she said.

  “There’re over thirty floors, and each floor will have a minimum of three apartments.”

  “Just three?”

  “We’re trying to decide if we should do smaller one bed apartments, or two beds allowing for a start to a family. You know, the luxury of space.”

  “I can see that. I’ve always lived in a house so I haven’t had to worry too much about space.” They leaned on the hood of his car, and he wrapped his arms around her shoulders. “I love this, being with you.”

  “Great, does that mean I can take you out to the movies Friday night?”

  “Yes, I’ve love that.”

  He cupped her cheek, stroking her soft, supple skin. Leaning in close, he pressed his lips to hers. That touch was enough, and Spider pulled back, staring into her eyes. “Let’s get you home before you catch a cold.”


  Charlotte leaned against the wall as she listened to Gash play the piano. They had gotten their own place within Fort Wills, and he’d organized a piano. At first she had thought he was going a little crazy, but then she heard him play.

  The song was a sad one yet filled with passion. Folding her arms, she listened to him, closing her eyes as the notes filled the room. They didn’t have any neighbors close so neither of them had to worry about complaints.

  “I didn’t mean to wake you,” Gash said when he stopped playing.

  “It was beautiful. Did you dream about him again?”

  Ever since he’d taken Andrew’s life, Gash had been struggling with the guilt.

  “No. I just wanted to play. I dreamed about you, about us.”

  “Gash, do you regret us being together?”

  He glared toward her. “What?”

  “I just, I was wondering if you blamed me, or if you wished you and I were not together anymore.”

  Gash left the piano and advanced toward her. He cupped her face, pulling her toward him. “The only thing I regret is not killing him sooner.”

  She licked her lips, holding onto his arms. “You’ve been so different.”

  “I’m relieved, Charlotte. We’ve shared our honeymoon with Sandy and Stink. I loved every second of it. I love being with you. You’re my girl, always. I want us to have a baby.”

  “You’re ready for that?”

  “Aren’t you?” he asked. “Charlotte, I love you, and that’s never going to change. I want us both to move on. Do you regret being with me?”

  “No, of course not.”

  “What do you say?”

  “A baby?”

  “Yeah, do you think you could handle us having a baby?”

  Charlotte smiled at her man. A baby. One baby had been taken from them by Andrew, and with him gone, they’d be able to have another. A family, the start to a family. She was never told that she wouldn’t be able to have another.

  “Yes, I want a baby. I want us to be a family.”

  Gash leaned down, picking her up. Charlotte squealed, wrapping her arms around his neck, not wanting to let go. He always picked her up, and because she wasn’t a slender woman, she worried that he was going to drop her.

  “I love you playing the piano.”

  “You do?”

  “Yeah, it makes me hot. My little musician. When did you learn?”

  “A long time ago when I was a boy. Never cared for it but I find I enjoy it a lot more now.”

  She liked watching him play, and listening to him. A family, a future, she couldn’t wait.

  Chapter Twenty

  In the weeks that followed, Lola came to stay with her, and it was nice to see her friend getting along so well with Celia. Paris continued to study, and she also started to write. It was just a random collection of words without any real thought to it, but she enjoyed it. Late at night when her sister was in bed, Lola had gone to sleep, and one of the brothers was playing on a video game, she’d sit on the sofa, eating ice cream, and writing.

  Spider didn’t take over from the guys in taking care of her. He had become her boyfriend, taking her dates, several times a week. She didn’t pressure him, nor did she rush him to take the next step. They had gone to several good movies, enjoyed lots of dinners, and they always hung out when Lexie threw a large dinner for the whole of the Chaos Bleeds club. Spider was giving her a romance that she never thought she’d have. He took his time, and he came to see her often. Celia adored him as they shared breakfast plenty of times.

  Memories of Andrew invaded her when she least expected it, but she found that his hold on her mind was starting to fade. There had been more time away from him now. She was a stronger woman now, and Andrew, he’d failed.

  With Lola visiting, she had to get used to being around Spider, and a few of the Chaos Bleeds men.

  At first Lola was a little skittish around him, but then she was skittish around the whole of the club. Not really knowing what to do with her, Mia got her a job at the diner in town where there was no risk of her ever having to deal with modern technology.

  Lola was a complete technology buff, and that had been taken from her.

  She still refused to do the online thing, and so far, her being able to talk them through setting one up had been a complete failure.

  Natalie, three weeks before Christmas, hoped to have several of the outfits ready to show to Lola. Paris had told Lexie and the girls her plan of getting Lola involved. This wasn’t just about getting them on the internet. Yes, if they could get Lola past her fear, it benefited them, but Paris wanted her friend to be happy in life. If she was constantly hiding, then she wasn’t living her life.

  The colleges that Lola had once been planning to attend had withdrawn their scholarship. She was working as a waitress, refusing to take a chance at a future. Spider believed her plan could work, and he understood why she needed to do it.

  “How are my two favorite girls?” Sinner asked, coming into the kitchen. Lola was looking through a Christmas recipe book, and Paris was finishing her latest batch of cookies.

  Lola’s cheeks went a deeper shade of red, and she mumbled a response, ducking her head into her book. Weird.

  Paris smiled. “Are The Skulls visiting for Christmas?”

  “Some of them are. Stink, Sandy, Gash, and Charlotte are taking a Christmas vacation somewhere. Apparently they all had such a good time that they’re going off to do it again. Lash and Angel are having a private affair this year.”

  “Who’s coming?” Paris asked.

  “Tiny and his lot. Whizz and his lot. He wanted to come and see you, Lola.”


  “I don’t know. He had a gift for you. I don’t know what that is. Steven is coming as well. Everyone else is staying at home or something like that. It has been a long year for us all. I don’t know about you ladies, but I’m looking forward to the next year. I’m fucking exhausted.”

  “Remember, if Simon’s around, that swear jar will be there as well,” Paris said.

  “Not a chance. The swear jar only comes out when it’s him. Tabitha coming to visit, kid won’t even be thinking straight. Last I checked, he’s getting Lex to teach him to bake. It’s fucking funny watching that kid fall head over heels.”

  Paris had witnessed firsthand that kid’s love over Tabitha. The Skulls were going to come during Thanksgiving, but with Tabitha being sick, The Skulls had decided to stay at home for Thanksgivin
g. Simon had been in a mood all day, not talking to anyone. She’d felt bad for the little boy.

  “How are we on Christmas presents?” Paris asked.

  “I spoke to my parents. They’re going on a cruise so I’ll be staying here. I hope that is okay.”

  “More the merrier,” Sinner said. “There’s usually several large turkeys cooked up. A ham, it’s going to be a tasty Christmas. I can already feeling the pounds adding to my ass.”

  Paris smiled as she saw Lola blush. Yeah, Lola had a little crush.

  “I’m going shopping later with Spider. I want to get the last few bits for my Christmas shopping,” Paris said.

  “Excellent, I’ve gotten everything,” Sinner said, looking at Lola. “And I got something for you so I expect a gift in return. I do give to receive.”

  “I have brought you something. I just need to finish it off.”

  “I’m free tomorrow afternoon. Do you want to do that?” Sinner asked.


  “Right, I’m going to head on over to the clubhouse for a little bit. You two good?”

  “Yeah, more than good.”

  It had been over six months since Andrew’s death, and life had gotten so damn good. Paris found herself smiling more than ever now. Once the last of the cookies was done, she made her and Lola a drink, and together they headed into the sitting room. Celia was at school, and her sister was flourishing being around others.

  “So, do you have a little crush on Sinner?” Paris asked.

  “God, is it so easy to see that?”

  “It’s not easy. Nah, that’s a lie. You blush every time he looks at you.”

  “I don’t mean it. It’s not like he’d ever look at a girl like me.”

  “Girl like you?”

  “I’m not exactly beautiful, and I’m a nerd.”

  “Can’t be a nerd unless you touch a computer.”

  “And I can’t do that, so I guess I’m just miserable and ugly.”

  “Hey!” Paris glared at her friend. “You’re not ugly. Stop calling yourself that, and what’s with all the negativity?”

  “I’m sorry. I’m just having a bad day.”


  “I know what you guys are hoping for with me trying on those clothes, and it’s not going to happen.”


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