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Master (Chaos Bleeds Book 8)

Page 28

by Sam Crescent

  Paris ate her cookie and licked her lips of the few remaining crumbs. “Look, we want you to have a good time. You love technology. You spent your whole life perfecting what you do, and all of a sudden you’re going to stop doing what you love for one stupid guy.”

  “I have the same talk with myself over and over. I just, I can’t do it.”

  “Then don’t worry about it. I’m not going to lie to you pretend we’re not hoping it will inspire you. We are hoping that. You deserve to be happy, and being a computer nerd makes you happy. However, if that doesn’t happen, then boo on us. We still want you to have fun, trying on new clothes. You can’t deny that Natalie is the bomb of new clothes.”

  “I do. Do you think she and Sinner have something going on? I have noticed him talking to her a lot.”

  Paris thought about it and cringed. Shit, she had seen something between the two. “I don’t know.”

  “You do know. It’s okay. I can understand.”

  Blowing out a breath, Paris turned to her friend. “I know they’re friends, and that they get along. There’s more men out there, you know. You know you don’t have to go for the first man that looks at you.”

  “I’m not. It’s okay.”

  “I think Natalie is friends with everyone.”

  “It’s okay, Paris. Don’t worry about it.”

  Still, later that night hanging out with Spider going through the mall, she couldn’t get it off her mind.

  “What’s troubling you?”

  “Do you think Natalie and Sinner have a thing going on?”

  “No. They’re friends. Natalie is the same with everyone, even Slash, Dick, and Reese. Why?”

  “Lola has a crush on Sinner.”

  “He knows.”

  “What?” Paris asked, holding onto Spider’s arm. “How does he know?”

  “When a girl blushes and struggles to talk to you, you kind of know. Sinner has already spoken to me about it. He thinks it’s cute, and sweet.”

  “He doesn’t like her?”

  “I didn’t say that. Lola is still … damaged by what happened. She’s also young. She turns nineteen after Christmas.”

  “I hadn’t thought about that.”

  “I’ve seen Natalie with the guys. She’s nice, but again, she’s not overly nice to them.”

  Thinking about it, Paris did see that. Natalie was nice to everyone.

  “I don’t know why I was worrying.”

  “You care, and that’s a good thing. It’s good to care.”


  Paris sipped her orange juice as she watched Natalie organizing the dresses. Lola was relaxing as all the girls drank and had some fun. Lexie came to sit with her. She was only just starting to show a little bump, as were the other women.

  “How is the dating going with Spider?”

  “It’s slow, but I’m loving it.”

  “You’re taking it slow, and that is a good thing.”

  Paris didn’t feel under any kind of pressure, and her time with Lola, Spider, working, and being part of Chaos Bleeds, were healing a wound she thought was never there. Annie hadn’t helped, not at all. She’d stopped visiting her therapist over a month ago as it was a waste of both of their time.

  “Lola’s flourishing while she’s living with you.”

  “We’re not coddling her, and I think that is good. She can even sit with me when I’m on the laptop. It’s good.” The first night she’d had the laptop, Lola had disappeared to the other side of the room. It made for a really uncomfortable experience, and not one Paris hoped to ever repeat.

  “Whizz wants to spend a little time with her. He’s got something he hopes will help.”

  “Good. I can’t wait to see what it is.”

  Lola came out, and the little fashion show for themselves was startling. Natalie fitted the clothes to each woman, making careful adjustments to make sure they fit just right. Paris noticed several bruises along Natalie’s arm, and started to worry about her.

  When Natalie made her way toward the bathroom, Paris followed her in.

  “It’s going great, don’t you think? The clothes have come out really good.”

  “They’re amazing. I’ll be trying a few on myself. Where did you get your bruises from?”

  Natalie looked straight at the bruises. “Ranching. Got caught by a damn calf who went all skittish on me today. Damn things hurt. I tell you, ranching is not the same as designing. However, you still get injuries from that.” She held her fingers up, which showed a little blood from the pins she’d been putting into the clothes. “Ouch.”

  “You’d tell us if something bad was going on, right?”

  “Paris, not everything is bad in the world that is going on. Ranching is hard work. It’s labor intensive, and it can leave a lot of bruises. Honestly, I wouldn’t allow anything bad to happen to me. My parents are the best.”

  She watched Natalie leave to join the others, and she cursed her own stupidity. Since the crap that went down with Andrew, she’d been seeing the bad side to everything. Staring in the mirror at her reflection, she had to wonder if she would ever be normal. Not only that, would there ever be a time when she’d be able to accept Spider into her bed? They were taking it slow, and when the time came for more, she hoped she was there, right there with him.


  Stink waited outside of the hospital for Sandy. She had returned to work part time, and he always made sure that he was there to pick her up. Staring at his wedding band, Stink smiled, recalling married life with his woman. She had been so skittish, almost afraid to commit to him. In a couple of weeks, they would be heading to Piston County for Christmas. Several of the guys were going, and Stink had decided to go with Sandy.

  This was their first real Christmas together as a couple, and he wanted it to be a memorable experience. He’d purchased a bracelet for her, and some matching earrings. He’d already wrapped them up. If he didn’t wrap them he’d be tempted to give them to her.

  Sandy came out of the main doors, and the moment she saw him, she smiled, rushing toward him. Holding out his arms, he caught her up in them.

  “I missed you,” she said.

  “I missed you, too.” He kissed her neck, pulled away, and stared into her eyes.

  “What are you thinking?” she asked.

  “I’m thinking I’m the luckiest man in the world.”

  Sandy bit her lip. “I always know what to give my man.”

  He wrapped his arms around her, and together they walked out toward his car. It was already freezing cold, and the moment they hit the cold air, Sandy shivered.

  “I love Christmas,” she said.

  “You do?”

  “Yeah. When I was a kid my parents used to find ways of hiding my presents so that the whole day of Christmas was spent with me hunting for them.” Sandy smiled. “I’ll never forget how happy I was.”

  “Well, we’re heading to Piston County this year, and we’re going to have a lot of fun.”

  “Whizz has a surprise for Lola, doesn’t he?”

  “Yeah, he wants to help the poor girl.” Stink turned over the engine in the car, and made his way back toward their house. Whenever he thought about Lola, he always found himself feeling sad.

  “I can’t imagine being so totally affected by something that I just stop touching stuff. She has nothing to do with technology. Nothing.”

  Stink had heard about the damage that Andrew had done. Even now, months after Andrew’s death, he still affected them in different ways. They were slowly getting over it, evolving, but there were moments where he invaded. Those moments for Stink, were the worst. Only the person who was thinking about him, could fight those memories.

  “Whizz will help her. If anyone can, it’s him.”


  Christmas was a loud, and yet very quiet affair at the Chaos Bleeds clubhouse. There was enough space for the visiting families, and Spider was happy to see Sally slowly healing. She was wearing a prosthetic and using c
rutches at the same time. He’d heard Lacey telling Lexie that this was the second prosthetic as the other hurt her too much. Still, Sally looked a lot better than the last time he saw her. He couldn’t say the same about Steven, who looked fucking angry. Spider had to wonder why Steven had even turned up, but hearing him talk about a certain male friend called Drew, he’d already figured it out.

  Steven had a thing for Sally, he cared about her, and she had a thing for Drew, or at least, that was what he summed it up to.

  When Lola, Paris, and Celia joined them all, it was complete for Spider. He placed his arm across Paris’s shoulders, chatting with the club. In the corner there was a large tree, with what looked like hundreds of presents beneath it. Tabitha and Simon were dancing to a Christmas song. There was music and laughter, and peace. Yeah, peace was a big one for him, and for the whole of the club. It wasn’t something he’d known all that much, yet in recent months, it had happened. Lola was talking with Sinner, and he watched as the brother placed his arm around her shoulders, kissing her temple. It was a sweet movement. Whizz moved up to talk to Lola, and Spider made his way over as well. Sinner was holding her still, and he was curious to know what the gift was that Whizz wanted to give her.

  “How have you been, Lola?” Whizz asked.

  “I’m doing okay.”

  “Any computer work?”

  Lola glanced at the floor, shaking her head. “Not yet. I don’t really need it. I work at the diner, and I’m getting by.”

  From what Paris told him, Lola hated working at the diner. She hated lecherous drunks with their suggestive comments, kids who vomited everywhere, cleaning, and serving rude customers. She hated being a waitress.

  “I think you’re missing your calling,” Whizz said. “Now, I don’t want to pressure you into anything, but I want you to look through this when you have a chance.” Whizz handed her a neatly wrapped package.

  “What is it?”

  “That’s for you to know when you’re ready to open it. I think you have a right to see what’s inside.”

  Lola licked her lips and stared at the present. “I’ll take it upstairs.”

  She turned toward the main stairs. With Christmas being at the clubhouse, they all had their rooms there. Spider doubted they’d get much sleep, but it would be worth it. He liked watching the kids open their presents.

  “I’ve gotten you a few presents. They’re underneath the tree.”

  “Let’s hope Santa doesn’t take them then. That’s where presents always come from, Santa.”

  “Does Celia believe that?”

  “Yeah, and it seems wrong to change her views. She’s going to be forever the same age. Why should I ruin her magic?”

  “We’re not going to.” He kissed her temple, and enjoyed having her in his arms. In the last few months they had made real progress. There might even be a time soon where they could take their relationship to the next level. He wasn’t going to force her though. The last thing he ever wanted to do was force her to do something she didn’t want to do.


  Sitting on the bed in the clubhouse, Lola stared down at the wrapped package. She didn’t know exactly what it was, but knowing Whizz it was something to do with computers. Her hands were sweaty, and her stomach tightened as she stared at it. Life had been a lot easier when she didn’t have to deal with technology. Sitting beside Paris as she typed was more than enough for her. Yes, it wasn’t the life she had planned. She’d wanted to be a code breaker, or a designer, or something to do with software that put the years of her understanding code, into use.

  Andrew had taken that away from her, and now she served food to crappy customers. She had to wonder if Paris had put the customers up to treating her bad, just to try to help her. Then she’d felt stupid. People were crappy because they wanted to be crappy, and it didn’t matter what she did or said. They’d find fault with whatever she did.

  There was a knock on her door, and she called for them to come in. Sinner’s head came around the door.

  “It’s Christmas, and you’re invited to join.”

  “I’ll be down in a minute.” She smiled. It was easier to talk to him now. She didn’t know why. He was always nice to her, but at least she didn’t suffer with constantly getting a red face.

  “Do you want to talk about it?” he asked.

  “It’s just a gift.”

  “From a fellow computer genius like you.”

  He took a seat with the wrapped present between them.

  “I never thought this would be so hard.”

  “How about we make a deal,” he said.

  “A deal?”

  “You open your present for me, and when you’re ready, I’ll kiss you.”

  She looked into his eyes to see if he was joking. “Kiss me?”


  “You don’t have to kiss me. I don’t need something like that.”

  “Lola, open the present. Stop letting him win.”

  She picked up the present and slowly started to remove the wrapping. It was a box, and lifting up the box, she found a folder. Opening it up, Lola saw pictures of herself. Her very first computer, to Christmases of where her parents had bought her books on computers, exactly what she asked for. Flicking through the pages, she saw the awards she had for work that had come from her skills. It went all the way up including her scholarship letter, and then the coded message she had sent to Whizz for Paris.

  At the end was a little message.

  Computers are used for many things. You have a gift, Lola. Use that gift to help others just like I do. Whizz.

  Tears filled her eyes, and she closed the folder, holding it close. “My parents helped him with this.”

  “It was a good present.”

  She nodded. “Very good.”

  Lola knew in that moment, she would try. It wasn’t much, but she’d try to gain what had been lost to her. “I’m ready to go down now.” Leaving the folder on the bed, she got to her feet, and made her way toward the door.

  Sinner grabbed her arm, stopping her, and spinning her around.

  “What’s the matt—”

  His lips silenced her, and all protest died as he pressed her up against the door. He sank his hand into her hair, and held her tightly as he claimed her lips. Lola melted against him, loving the feel of him against her, surrounding her.

  When it was over, he rested his head against hers.

  “You didn’t have to do that.”

  “I wanted to.”

  Chapter Twenty-One

  It had been a year since she was taken, and Paris was stronger than ever. She had finished her first year of English, and had decided that becoming an author was indeed something she wanted to pursue. She loved writing stories, but she didn’t know if she was any good at it. Lola had decided to stay with her, and in the past few months, had gone from simply touching a computer to working on it.

  She hadn’t gone for her scholarship. Instead, Lola was studying at an online course. They both were. There was something going on between Lola and Sinner, but Paris wasn’t sure exactly what it was. She did think they were sleeping together, but she couldn’t be sure as they both played it cool around her. Andrew’s hold over her had started to decline. His place in her thoughts grew less and less with every single passing day.

  Talking with Lola, The Skulls old ladies, and Chaos Bleeds she felt so much more in control of her own path, her own destiny.

  The dates with Spider were amazing, and she loved hanging out with him. It was the height of summer, and Celia was with Lexie and Devil for the day. The whole club had taken her in and treated her like part of the family.

  Getting the lawnmower out, Paris stood outside of her backyard, and whimpered as she saw the overgrown grass, weeds, and bushes that were invading. She had been putting it off because she hated gardening more than anything else in the world.

  What she hated more than gardening was being left alone with her thoughts, and right now, Spider was plag
uing her.

  Starting up the mower, she began to cut the grass. It didn’t take long for the compartment thingy to fill up, which meant she had to empty it.

  Trying to run from her thoughts with Spider didn’t help, nor did mowing. At Christmas she’d been worried about not being ready to take the relationship to the next level. Now, she was wondering if they were ever going to do anything more. He didn’t even kiss her, not passionately. The sweet brush of the lips was actually annoying the hell out of her. Overnight it seemed her body had woken up to needs, and now demanded to be sated. Only there was no sating going on, nothing. Lola looked like she was getting more satisfaction than her, which made her pause. Sinner was fucking Lola? It was all so confusing to her. She preferred her life when she didn’t have to worry about anyone or anything, apart from her sister.

  At this rate, Simon was going to get more than she was.

  Spider might not be ready. Hell, she might not be ready, but she wanted something more than a chaste kiss every night.

  Replacing the compartment thingy, she got to work mowing the lawn, which was fucking tiring.

  “I hate fucking gardening. Useless excuse for land. I hate you. Why can’t you just mow yourself,” she said.

  “Wow, you really have it in for that garden,” Spider said.

  Oh, don’t even start on me, Spider. I will tear you to shreds.

  Pausing, she glanced over at him, only to get angry. He wasn’t wearing his leather jacket, and the shirt he had on highlighted how thick and defined his muscles were.

  Not fair. Even his shirts get more action than I do.

  I’m cursed to be a lonely person.

  “Have I done something to upset you?” Spider asked.

  Taking a deep breath, and hoping she didn’t lose it at him, Paris turned to look at him. “Why would you think that?”

  “You haven’t spoken to me.”

  “I just talked to you. Maybe you need to clean your ears out.” Turning on the mower once again, she started cutting the grass. Only she had to stop, to empty the stupid compartment thingy again. Lifting up while holding the grass smelling thingy, she was stopped by Spider suddenly being in front of her. “What the hell are you doing? Are you just trying to irritate me?”


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