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A New Light

Page 3

by Jason Hamilton

  “You think that matters? That,” he pointed at the snarling demon, “is not human, not anymore. We’re doing it a favor by putting it out of its misery. Now are you going to obey my orders or do I have to court martial you?”

  Rael’s head bowed, there was no way out of this. “No sir.” he said finally. He turned to look at Kuldain, who nodded in understanding. Stepping towards the demon, Kuldain reached out one hand. The demon’s eyes widened and it tried to snap at the hand, but Rael held it back with his magic. As Kuldain’s hand touched the creature’s head, it let out a soft whine, then all movement ceased. Kuldain bit his lip. At least Kuldain had made the execution swift.

  “That’s more like it.” said Colonel Zefron. “Now since you’ve managed to wake nearly the entire band, we’re going to make an early start today.” A few groans came from some of the nearby Watchers. Not Rael. As long as his wife was out there, he wouldn’t rest until he found her. An early start only meant more time to do so.

  “And you two!” Zefron addressed Rael and Kuldain. “I don’t want this to happen again. If you see another demon, your orders are to kill it immediately. Who knows how many lives you will save in doing so.”

  “Yes sir,” Kuldain snapped a salute. Rael hesitated, but nodded reluctantly and also saluted. That must have been enough for Zefron, as he turned back to the camp without another word, leaving Rael and Kuldain behind.

  “Well, I suppose that’s what we should have expected.” Kuldain said as they watched their commander disappear behind some trees.

  “We did expect it,” Rael said. “But that doesn’t make it right.”

  “Who said anything about being right, we don’t have that luxury.”

  Rael silently agreed with his friend, but he still didn’t like it. One day, he hoped to make some changes among the Watchers. He would make it happen.

  They each returned to the rest of the band. Most of the Watchers were already awake and breaking camp. Rael and Kuldain helped with the final preparations, but it was only minutes before they were off again.

  They moved in a horizontal line, rather than single file, in hopes that one of the Watchers might see something relevant. It made climbing the mountain much harder, as some of the passes were quite narrow, so their progress was slow. Rael didn’t mind. The last thing he wanted was to pass by any evidence that could lead to his wife and her group of scholars.

  Kuldain walked alongside him, though they continued in silence for a long time. That encounter with the demon had an effect on both of them, though Rael suspected that Kuldain was more curious about the demons rather than compassionate towards them. Kuldain was Rael’s friend, but he was also the colder, more calculating of the two.

  Something did not seem right to Rael. An unease filled him. Was it the demon? Was it the reaction of his commanding officer? After walking another hundred yards or so, he finally realized it had nothing to do with those things at all.

  There were no animal sounds around them. Everything was silent: no birds or insects, nothing.

  “Kuldain,” he said, noting how loud his voice seemed. “Have you noticed.”

  “It’s quiet,” Kuldain nodded his head. “Something isn’t right.”

  “Keep your guard up.” Rael said, tightening his grip on his spear, ready to use it at any moment.

  Not long after, they came to a small clearing. Tall pines lined the mountains on either side, but they were nearing the top pass, the one that crested the mountains and led deeper into the Hollow Peaks. It was a good place to set up camp, and Rael began looking closer for any sign that his wife and the expedition had come through here. They almost certainly would have.

  Yet the sounds of nature around him, or the lack thereof, made him all the more uncomfortable. Even the wind had died. All he could hear was the creak of metal and leather from the Watchers as they marched around him.

  Then he saw it.

  A black figure appeared at the crest of the clearing. It stood, motionless, but there was no denying it, even at this distance. This figure was not a normal human. Something was wrong about it. It seemed to suck all the light out of the air around it, all save for its eyes. It’s eyes glowed green.

  Zefron called an order and everyone hurried to form a defensive position. Rael obeyed automatically, but Kuldain almost didn’t respond at first. His eyes squinted at the newcomer.

  “You’ve prepared for this.” Zefron shouted at his men. “Remember that demons are no match for a trained soldier. You have every advantage.”

  But the soldiers muttered and some even took a few steps back as more dark shapes joined the first. The hillside across from them was covered with maybe two dozen of the newcomers.

  Zefron turned to see the reinforcements. He cursed and unsheathed his sword, readying for a fight.

  Why weren’t these demons attacking? It was hard to tell at this distance, but Rael began to wonder if these dark figures were not demons, at least not of the sort he had seen this morning. That had been a feral animal by comparison, on all fours and attacking without hesitation. These figures stood their ground, and Rael thought he could see clothing and bags that they carried.

  Then, unexpectedly, he saw one of them turn to the others. Rael heard voices. These beings were speaking to each other!

  “Hold!” he yelled, “Do not attack.”

  “What is the meaning of this, soldier?” Zefron was looking at Rael with incredulity.

  “Sir, no disrespect sir, but I don’t think those are demons.”

  “Look at them, Sergeant. They’re clearly not human, look at those eyes?”

  “They’re also not attacking. The demon I saw this morning could do nothing but attack. It was a predator. And it looks to me that these people, whoever they are, can…”

  “Well met, Watchers.” A voice called out. It was one of the dark shapes. Shocked murmurs spread among the soldiers. Even Zefron seemed taken aback, for he said nothing in response. He only stared at the figures, an unreadable expression on his face.

  Since no one said anything, Rael decided to do so. “Hello there,” he began. “Forgive our reactions, we didn’t know anyone was here.”

  “We understand. Our appearance takes...some getting used to.”

  “Pardon my intrusion, but could you explain that part please? It might go a long way to ease the minds of everyone here.”

  “It’s a long story, but we are not demons. We are part of an expedition that came this way to search for a Pillar of Eternity.”

  More murmurs ran through the crowd, and this time Rael did not blame them. Did he dare hope? Could it be the group they were searching for?

  “I’m not sure I understand?” he said. “We were sent to find that expedition, how is it that you are...that you appear as you do?”

  The beings had wandered closer now, and Rael could better make out the man he was speaking to. His entire appearance, even the air around him was darker than coal, his hair was cut short and his green eyes gleamed in the morning light.

  “I am Amaram,” the speaker said. “I led the expedition. As I said, this—” he indicated his body, “—is a long story. The short version is we came into these mountains seeking a Holy Relic, and we found one. It...changed us. We don’t know how or why.”

  “And you expect us to believe that?” Zefron had found his voice again. “Clearly this is the work of dark magic. You have been experimenting with brands in a way that violates our laws!”

  Rael turned to Zefron, “They’re clearly not demons, sir. Perhaps we should listen to what they have to say.”

  “You shut your mouth, Sergeant. You’re already pushing your luck here by speaking out of turn. Now get back in line before I…”

  “We’re not demons.” A new voice came from the shadow beings. A female. Rael felt his heart sore, he knew that voice! Turning, he found the speaker. Like the others, her skin was midnight black and her eyes bore that same green light. She carried a pack on her back and her clothing was different. But
he knew that face.

  It was his wife, Karlona. At last he had found her!

  He was about to run to her when Zefron spoke again. “And I suppose you can prove that, can you?

  “Just look at us!” she answered. “We don’t know what changed our bodies but our minds are the same. Our wits are our own. If we were demons, how could we even have this conversation right now?”

  “We do not know everything about demons. Perhaps there is some new combination of brands that produced something we’ve never seen before. But you obviously entered these mountains to experiment, to get away from civilization for your own taboo purposes.”

  Rael couldn’t keep silent anymore. “Karlona!” he spoke. Her green eyes met his blue ones. And she smiled. There was a touch of sadness there, though.

  “Hello love. Thank you for coming for me. I wish it were under different circumstances.”

  The first shadow figure spoke up, “We’d like to discuss how we can come back with you. I know tensions are high right now, but if we could…”

  He broke off, suddenly, and Rael tore his eyes away from his wife to look at the man. And his mouth fell open in horror.

  Protruding from the speaker’s chest was a long arrow shaft, its feathered end still quivering from impact. As the figure fell to his knees, the murmuring around them turned to shouting. The other shadow people screamed and gave the wounded man a wide berth as he collapsed on the ground. Stunned, Rael whipped his head around to find the man who fired the shot. Zefron stood with the bow still in hand, anger in his face. “Our kingdom has one rule, one above all others. Magical heretics must be eliminated, lest they kill or corrupt our culture. We do not step beyond the bounds of our…grrach”

  His sentence ended in a gurgle as a knife, thrown from one of the shadow people, embedded to the hilt in his throat.

  For a moment, time seemed to freeze. Everyone watched as Zefron’s eyes rolled back into his head, and he fell to the snow, red staining the white powder.

  Then everyone sprang into action. The Watchers formed a shield wall, their quick response based on years of practice, but some panicked and screamed at seeing Zefron’s corpse. Some ran, others charged at the shadow figures. The newcomers were also in motion, many of them screaming and running as well.

  Rael watched it all, as if in a dream, barely comprehending how something could have escalated so quickly. Two people lay dead, and it looked like more were about to follow.

  Not if Rael could help it.

  The lines of his brand burst into white light. They shone brighter than ever as Rael readied his magic. Soldiers stopped in their tracks, those in the expedition froze in place as an invisible force held them. One by one, he brought them to their knees. But the magic was too much. As everyone pushed against his invisible barrier, he could feel his strength waning. Telekinses granted the wearing incredible strength of mind, but it functioned much as it would if he were physically holding someone down. When his force met with greater force, he would break. He screamed with the effort.

  Thick darkness took the enclosure. Rael blinked. What was going on? Men and women among his band of Watchers cried out that they couldn’t see. But not the expedition. Could it be that these people were somehow creating the darkness? He could still feel them with his magic, knew they were just as motionless as the others. But perhaps not as helpless.

  Veins protruded from his neck and his face reddened as he pushed the shadow people further, flattening them to the ground and applying pressure. Inwardly, he winced, knowing that his wife was among them, but he couldn’t pick and choose right now, not with this darkness surrounding him.

  Sure enough, his added pressure must have done something for the darkness soon dissipated. Struggling lessened and Rael could feel some relief as those caught in his telekinetic net held their peace.

  “Kuldain!” he gasped. “Get everyone out of here. Take the band and get them to Foothold. Wait for me there.”

  “What of you?” Kuldain asked. Rael could see the hesitation in his face.

  “I’ fine.” he managed to say. The effort of using this much magic still beat down on him.

  Understanding lit Kuldain’s eyes, and he nodded. “Let’s go everyone. Fall out!”

  Rael gratefully released the Watchers from his hold, but still put up an invisible wall of air, just in case one of them was stupid enough to charge him or the members of the expedition. No one did. They left in a hurry, sparing only a few glances behind.

  Once the last of the Watchers could be seen disappearing down the mountain, Rael turned to the expedition, these shadow people.

  “I’m going to release you now.” he said. “Please do not kill me.”

  The shadowy figures got to their feet as the magic loosened its grip. None of them made any aggressive moves toward him. But one figure stepped forward.

  It was Karlona.

  “You always were the most powerful Telekinetic I’ve ever seen.” She said as she approached.

  He smiled at her. But the smile quickly turned to a frown. “What are we going to do?” It was the question that begged answering. He wanted nothing more than to take his wife home with him, to take all of them back and worry no more about it. Be he knew that wasn’t possible. Not now.

  Karlona must have understood as well. She hung her head and Rael thought he could make out the smallest tear fall down her shadow-filled face. “I don’t know, Rael.” she said. It came out as a sob. “We knew you would be coming for us, and we thought we could talk some sense into Zefron, especially with you here. But now that he’s dead, and Amaram is dead…” she indicated the fallen member of the expedition that Zefron had shot with his arrow. “I’m not sure what we’re going to do.”

  Rael felt his own eyes begin to water. “You can’t come back. Not yet, at least.”

  She nodded, but Rael saw motion from the others out of the corner of his eye. They weren’t as content to stay away.

  “Listen to me,” he said, louder so everyone could here. “I know most of you probably didn’t expect this. I know you want to get home to a soft bed and a hearty meal. I know many of you have families that miss you.” He looked at Karlona as he said this, realizing just how hard this was going to be for everyone.

  “But you saw what just happened here. Zefron was hardly an extremist among us. Many share his ideals. And it’s written in the law. All those who pervert the use of magic must be punished.”

  “We didn’t misuse magic!” A voice came from behind Karlona. Rael recognized him as the young man who had thrown the knife at Zefron. He would need to step carefully around this one.

  “You know that, and I think I believe you. But most will not. If you come home, it won’t be long before you, your family, and anyone who stands up for you will be taken away and butchered. This is my wife,” he stepped forward and took Karlona’s hands in his. “Believe me, I want this more than anyone. I want you to return. But we’ve just seen first hand how that is likely to play out. We need more time.”

  “What do you propose?” said Karlona.

  “Stay here,” he said. “Rumor of this day will spread. Let me try to help those rumors, to help people know that you’re not demons or misusers of magic.”

  The younger man sniffed, “We killed one of them, and everyone saw it. Rumors won’t do us any favors.”

  “And who’s fault is that, Vander?” Karlona said sharply over her shoulder. The young man, Vander, hung his head and said no more.

  “It’s a long shot, but I think with time people might become accustomed to the idea. And if we can eradicate the real demons over the next few years, perhaps people will not fear you then.”

  Karlona nodded. “Very well.” she said. “We have discovered some extensive caves here. We can live there for now, until you return.” Her eyes pleaded with him that he would return, and soon.

  “I’m sorry,” he said. “But I can think of no other alternative.”

  “You’re right of course. We were fo
ols to even think you would accept us now.”

  “If I may ask,” he said. “How did this happen?”

  “We’re still not sure. We came across a Holy Relic, a book. And we think it changed us somehow. We do not know why, and we still have not had the time to fully study the book to understand. Perhaps later, I’ll have answers for you.”

  Rael thought that through. A Holy Relic do this? He had never heard of a Holy Relic doing more than providing instructions on the use of branding, or having some form of branded power itself, like a staff that could shoot fire, or attract lightning. He had never heard of one physically changing a human. This could be dangerous information if it got into the wrong hands.

  He came out of his thoughts as Karlona began dismissing the expedition. Slowly they turned and began working their way back up the mountain. Karlona remained.

  “Rael, there’s one more thing that I have to show you.” Karlona said, and began taking off the pack on her back. Rael leaned in close to get a better look.

  That was when he realized, it wasn’t a pack of supplies at all. It was a baby. A young child with dark hair, sleeping peacefully now, despite everything that had just happened.

  Karlona brought the child around and held it in her arms. “This, is Jak.” she said, then spelled out the full name, “Jaknilteksnewodheghoma.”

  Rael took a step back. That was his family name. “What are you saying?” he asked.

  “I wasn’t sure when I left, so I didn’t tell you. We almost came back from the expedition when it became clear that I was with child. If only we had, we might have avoided all of this. But I insisted we stay a little longer. We were so close to finding the Holy Relic, I could feel it. And I was sure that we’d return in time for the birth. But then the change happened, and I went into labor far earlier than I expected. Thankfully, she and I both lived through it.”

  “She”, a girl. Rael didn’t know what to say. He stared down at his daughter, who wiggled her nose in her sleep.

  “She didn’t change,” he said. “Like you. She doesn’t have all the…” he didn’t know how to finish that sentence. All the shadows?


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