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A New Light

Page 4

by Jason Hamilton

  “No, and we don’t know why that is either.” Karlona responded. “There is this.” she ran her hand through a small strand of the girl’s red hair that contrasted with the black. That was unusual. So was black hair among their people. But the girl was still fully human.

  “Here, hold her,” Karlona said and handed the baby to Rael. He took her gingerly and smiled in the moonlight. He had a daughter! Seeing her husband gently rocking the girl, Karlona smiled too and spoke further. “I want her to go with you.”

  Rael paused, but knew in that moment that it must happen. Part of him wanted it more than anything. But part of him also resisted. “Shouldn’t she be with her mother? Of the two of us, you could give her a better life.”

  “You know I couldn’t. I know being a Watcher is not the best profession to raise a child on your own, but what would she have with me? She would know nothing about humankind, raised in the caves like a wild woman.

  “Then let me come with you. We can raise her together.”

  But Karlona was shaking her head. “She needs civilization, and she needs to know her father. Hopefully this will all blow over soon, and I can come to you. But until then, she will be best raised in a place where she can have friends and a father who loves her.”

  Rael gentle rocked his daughter up and down, the motion coming naturally to him. As he stared into that beautiful face, he accepted the truth. He had to be the one to raise Jak.

  “Okay,” he said at last. “But we need to find a way to work this out. She can’t grow up without a mother.”

  Karlona nodded, but there were tears in her eyes. “I’m sure we’ll find a way.”

  They spent the rest of the evening in eachother’s arms, cradling little Jak between them. For those precious moments, they were complete. A family. Sadly, the moment could not last. Eventually, it was time to leave.

  Rael proceeded down the mountain, carrying his newfound daughter in his arms. So much had happened in so short a time. When he ascended the mountain, he had been a simple man in search of his wife. Now, he was a father, and his wife was something he couldn’t explain. There was still so much that Rael didn’t know, about magic, about people. But he did know one thing, that he loved this little girl with all his heart, and he was going to do all he could to ensure her safety.

  “I don’t know what the boys are going to say about this,” he said aloud, speaking to his sleeping child. “Watchers don’t usually go into the mountains and come back with children.” He laughed. “I can’t wait to show you the fortress, you’re going to like it. When you’re on the tower, you can see for miles. They even say you can see Tradehall on a clear day, though I think that’s probably a bit too far.”

  He continued speaking as they proceeded down the mountainside, following in the footsteps of the other Watchers.

  The light of the moon guided him home.

  * * *

  Kuldain crept in the darkness, back up in the mountain. After leaving Rael with those fascinating creatures, he had led the band a day’s march back to Foothold. But that was as far as he dared go. He needed to know more about what happened to Rael’s wife and the others from that expedition.

  Leaving the band with another junior officer, he climbed his way back, quietly in the night. At one point, he had to hide as Rael passed by. The man was holding something in his arms, but Kuldain could not get a good look. He’d have to inquire about that later.

  Once he was sure that Rael was far enough away not to hear him, Kuldain began again. He hoped those shadow creatures were still around and wouldn’t kill him on approach. But there was something driving him to find out more. He needed to know how they achieved those powers. That darkness that surrounded them. The way they seemed to blend into their environment. He needed to know.

  A few hours brought him to the small clearing where they had met the expedition. The bodies had been removed, and all that remained were a few red stains in the snow. It appeared these dark creatures bled the same as a man.

  A noise from the trees caused Kuldain to spin in that direction. It was still dark. Even with the moon shining he couldn’t see past the tree line. But something was there, he could sense it.

  Another noise sounded from behind him. And another on his right.

  That was when he caught his first look at what stalked him. A demon emerged from the trees, on all fours, its beady eyes fixed on his face. Kuldain drew his sword. He had prepared for this. Going off alone was sure to attract predators, but he had expected wolves, not demons.

  Quick glances behind him and to the sides showed at least five other demons emerging from the shadows. This wasn’t good. He knew he was a match for one demon, possibly two or three. But six? And why weren’t they attacking him yet. All they did was circle around him, sizing him up. He had only seen one demon, from the night before. But that experience verified other accounts. Demons always attacked. They showed no conscious thought. But perhaps those reports were wrong.

  Kuldain saw the first demon bear its teeth, looking disturbingly like a smile, as if it could sense his confusion. Kuldain braced for the attack, holding his sword at the ready.

  Finally, the demons lunged at him, all at exactly the same time. He managed to cut one down before the rest barrelled into him. Kuldain braced himself for the pain. When none came he kicked out. He was not going to die alone with no allies. But strong claws grabbed him and pinned him down.

  Why weren’t their teeth tearing into him? What was going on? He struggled some more, but it was of no use. His sword lay motionless at his side. He could do nothing.

  Then a darkness surrounded him. He thought he knew what darkness was, but he knew nothing. This darkness cut him off from all light, all emotion, all hope. It was a hundred times stronger than what the shadow people had used on them hours earlier. This was something truly terrible.

  And Kuldain found it absolutely fascinating.

  “WHY HAVE YOU COME?” A voice sounded from all around him. It was a horrible, wonderful voice. Just the sound alone filled Kuldain with ecstasy.

  “I came seeking the shadow people we met earlier. I wanted to know their secrets.” He did not lie. He could not lie to this...force.


  “What are you?” Kuldain asked. “Are these demons…”


  “Are you going to make me like them?” Kuldain found the demons fascinating but he would never want to be one of those witless creatures.


  Pinned down as he was, helpless, Kuldain had little choice. Besides, he wanted to know more, needed to know.

  He made his choice.

  Agony coursed through his body, as did the ecstasy of the darkness. All the pain and pleasure that filled that powerful voice now filled his veins. The moon emerged from the clouds above, and Kuldain could see again. Demons knelt on every side. They knelt to him.

  He laughed long and hard into the night as his body began to change.

  The story continues with Out of Shadow, book 1 in the Roots of Creation series. Available on Amazon.

  Magic in the air. Demons on the hunt. To save the kingdom, one girl must uncover her hidden abilities.

  In a world bursting with magic, Jak’s ill-chosen powers seem worthless. When she needed them most, her enchantments were nothing compared to the horde of demons that raided her village and murdered her father. Determined to fulfill his dying wish and prove her worth, she sets off on a desperate quest to find her long-lost mother.

  Knowing she wouldn’t last a day alone in the dangerous wilds, she joins a roving band of warriors and throws her full weight into training. Bu
t after a tragic encounter ties her fate with the mysterious Shadow Fae, she discovers her greatest source of power doesn’t lie in the strength of her sword arm… but in the giving nature of her true magic.

  With dark forces gathering, can Jak unlock the secrets of her enchanted destiny to save her mother and the kingdom from the clutches of evil?

  Out of Shadow is a captivating YA epic fantasy novel. If you like imaginative realms, magical showdowns, and heartfelt coming-of-age stories, then you’ll love Jason Hamilton’s enchanting tale.

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