Dispatches from the End of Ice
Page 23
PAGE 69. The moon is brighter Bashō quotations come from Bashō’s Journey: The Literary Prose of Matsuo Bashō, translated by David Landis Barnhill (State University of New York Press, 2005).
PAGE 74. an empty space or interval; interruption in continuity Italicized rephrasing of the word “gap” is a direct quotation from Dictionary.com.
PAGE 75. “Hymn to Persephone” Craig Arnold, Made Flesh (Copper Canyon Press, 2008).
PAGE 75. paralyzing horror W. G. Sebald, The Rings of Saturn (New Directions, 1998).
PAGE 75. The Lady and the Monk Pico Iyer, The Lady and the Monk: Four Seasons in Kyoto (Vintage, 1991).
PAGE 76. the mechanism of terror Joan Didion, Salvador (Simon & Schuster, 1983).
PAGE 79. Lost Jewels Angelique Chrisafis, “Mont Blanc Climber Finds £205,000 Worth of Indian Jewels on Glacier,” Guardian, September 26, 2013.
PAGE 80. Lost in Ice “On Ice 4,000 Years, Bronze Age Man Is Found,” New York Times, September 26, 1991; “50,000-Year-Old Plant May Warn of the Death of Tropical Ice Caps,” Ohio State News, December 11, 2004, news.osu.edu/news/2004/12/11/quelplant; Laura Spienney, “Melting Glaciers in Northern Italy Reveal Corpses of WWI Soldiers,” Telegraph, January 13, 2014; Rolleiv Solholm, “Old Shoe—Even Older,” Norway Post, December 4, 2016; “Ancient Tool Found in Melting Ice Near Yellowstone,” Wall Street Journal, June 29, 2010; “1959 Message in a Bottle a Clue to Glacier Melt,” CBC News, December 6, 2013.
PAGE 82. Lost: Biology and Psychology Paul Dudchenko, Why People Get Lost: The Psychology and Neuroscience of Spatial Cognition (Oxford University Press, 2010); K. A. Hill, Lost Person Behavior (National SAR Secretariat, 1998).
PAGE 86. Lost on Mont Blanc Lane Wallace, “Why Is Mont Blanc One of the World’s Deadliest Mountains?” Atlantic, July 25, 2012; “Cleaning Up the Piste: Europe’s Highest Toilets Installed on Mont Blanc,” Spiegel Online, July 24, 2007.
PAGE 86. Lost in Mont Blanc Percy Bysshe Shelley, “Mont Blanc: Lines Written in the Vale of Chamouni,” in History of a Six Weeks’ Tour through a Part of France, Switzerland, Germany, and Holland: With Letters Descriptive of a Sail Round the Lake of Geneva, and of the Glaciers of Chamouni (T. Hookham and C & J Ollier, 1817).
PAGE 86. Lost Promise “Statement by President Trump on the Paris Climate Accord,” White House, June 1, 2017, whitehouse.gov/briefings-statements/statement-president-trump-paris-climate-accord.
PAGE 87. Lost Place Paul Voosen, “Delaware-Sized Iceberg Splits from Antarctica,” Science, July 12, 2017.
PAGE 87. Lost Science Lisa Friedman, “E.P.A. Cancels Talk on Climate Change by Agency Scientists,” New York Times, October 22, 2017.
PAGE 87. Lost Map “Antarctic Dispatches,” New York Times, May 18, 2017.
PAGE 88. Lost Father Nick Pisa, “Three Now in Court Fight over Who Found Iceman Case,” Edmonton Journal, October 23, 2005; “Iceman’s Discoverer Dead in the Alps,” BBC News, October 23, 2004; Kathy Marks, “Science vs. Superstition: Curse of the Iceman,” Independent, November 5, 2005; Stephen Goodwin, “Obituary: Helmut Simon; Finder of a Bronze Age Man in the Alpine Snow,” Independent, October 25, 2004.
PAGE 90. Lost Valley Srinivas Laxmani, “Homi Bhabha: Operative Spoke of CIA Hand in 1996 Crash,” Times of India, July 30, 2017.
PAGE 91. Lost in Ice Patrick Bodenham, “The Mystery of Mont Blanc’s Hidden Treasure,” BBC News, March 14, 2014; Simon Johnson, “Letters Lost in Plane Crash Recovered after 60 Years,” Telegraph, July 6, 2010; Ruth Doherty, “Preserved Hand of 1966 Plane Crash Victim Found on Mountain,” AOL News UK, aol.co.uk/2017/07/31/preserved-hand-plane-crash-victim-51-years-ago-alps-mountain; Henry Samuel, “French Treasure Hunter Finds 50 Pieces of Jewelry on Mont Blanc from Air India Crash 48 Years Ago,” Telegraph, August 17, 2014.
PAGE 94. /lôst, läst/ “Am I losing it?” italki Answers—Learn English, www.italki.com/question/267253?hl=en-us.
Two key sources not specifically mentioned are Charles S. Elton, Voles, Mice, and Lemmings: Problems in Population Dynamics (Clarendon Press, 1942); and Nils Chr. Stenseth and Rolf Anker, The Biology of Lemmings (Linnean Society of London / Academic Press, 1993).
PAGE 98. Some scientists say that the Norwegian lemming deaths Walter Sullivan, “Scientists Find a Clue to Mysterious Mass Death of Lemmings,” New York Times, May 7, 1969.
PAGE 98. it’s a stress mechanism Garrett C. Clough, “Lemmings and Population Problems,” American Scientist 53, no. 2 (1965).
PAGE 98. In the 1960s, scientist W. B. Quay Kai Curry Lindahl, “New Theory on a Fabled Exodus,” in The Natural History Reader in Animal Behavior, edited by Howard Topoff (Columbia University Press, 1987).
PAGE 98. It is mass hysteria Ivan T. Sanderson, “The Mystery of Migration,” Saturday Evening Post, July 15, 1944.
PAGE 101. In the 1950s, Walt Disney’s White Wilderness White Wilderness, directed by James Algar (Walt Disney Productions, 1958).
PAGE 102. it wasn’t the year of the lemmings “Cruel Camera,” hosted by Bob McKeown (CBC Television, 1982), youtube.com/watch?v=DG4jnhrSukQ.
PAGE 102. Norwegian lemmings are the only W. A. Fuller, “Hinterland Who’s Who: Lemmings,” Canadian Wildlife Federation, hww.ca/assets/pdfs/factsheets/lemmings-en.pdf.
PAGE 102. They fall from the sky Kai Curry Lindahl, “New Theory on a Fabled Exodus,” in The Natural History Reader in Animal Behavior, edited by Howard Topoff (Columbia University Press, 1987).
PAGE 102. Collared lemmings Agnes Kruchio, “Lemmings: Creatures Are Kingpins, Not Cliff-Jumpers,” Globe and Mail, February 4, 1980.
PAGE 104. Initially scientists believed the Norwegian lemmings B. L. Wick, “Norwegian Lemming,” The Friend, February 29, 1896.
PAGE 104. in the 1990s, biologists began to notice Eliza Strickland, “Norway’s Lemming Populations Plunge Off the Statistical Cliff,” Discover, November 5, 2008.
PAGE 104. lemming fossils from the Pleistocene Vadim B. Fedorov and Nils Chr. Stenseth, “Glacial Survival of the Norwegian Lemming (Lemmus lemmus) in Scandinavia: Inference from Mitochondrial DNA Variation,” Proceedings of the Royal Society: Biological Sciences (2001).
PAGE 104. Biologists began to say it isn’t the cold Rols A. Ims et al., “Determinants of Lemming Outbreaks,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Science 108, no. 5 (2011).
PAGE 104. The stress from the overcrowding and hunger Garrett C. Clough, “Lemmings and Population Problems,” American Scientist 53, no. 2 (1965).
PAGE 105. The lemming population is falling Alister Doyle, “Lemmings in Norway Hit by Global Warming,” Reuters, November 5, 2008.
PAGE 106. following his death in December 1966 Leonard Mosley, Disney’s World: A Biography (Scarborough House, 1990).
PAGE 106. Disney’s family and friends David Blatty, “Disney on Ice: Walt’s Frosty Afterlife?” Biography, December 15, 2014, biography.com/news/walt-disney-frozen-after-death-myth.
PAGE 106. I realize the tragic significance Harry S. Truman, “Radio Report to the American People on the Potsdam Conference,” August 9, 1945; retrieved from Harry S. Truman Presidential Library and Museum, trumanlibrary.org/publicpapers/?pid=104.
PAGE 107. scientists began to date glacial accumulation Ohio State University, “New Tibetan Ice Cores Missing A-bomb Blast Markers; Suggest Himalayan Ice Fields Haven’t Grown in Last 50 Years,” Science Daily, sciencedaily.com/releases/2007/12/071211232938.htm.
PAGE 107. Our films have provided thrilling entertainment Jim Korkis, “Behind the True-Life Cameras,” Walt Disney Family Museum, wdfmuseum.org/blog/behind-true-life-cameras.
PAGE 107. In his 1976 children’s book Alan Arkin, The Lemming Condition (Harper & Row, 1976).
PAGE 107. In a 2008 bid for the Senate Lemmings ad, Andrew for Oklahoma, youtube.com/watch?v=KShl3xFwUVs.
PAGE 111. set out to analyze Natalie Kehrwald et al., “Mass Loss on Himalayan Glacier Endangers Water Resources,” Geophysical Research Letters 35, no. 22 (2008).<
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PAGE 113. the Breheimsenteret was conceived The Breheimsenteret website is at jostedal.com/en/breheimsenteret.
PAGE 114. In contrast to the souvenir Susan Stewart, On Longing: Narratives of the Miniature, the Gigantic, the Souvenir, the Collection (Duke University Press, 1992).
PAGE 115. systematic collection and study of evidence Jeffrey Abt, “The Origins of the Public Museum,” in A Companion to Museum Studies, edited by Sharon Macdonald (Wiley-Blackwell, 2011).
PAGE 116. The thrill that students D. V. Proctor, “Museums: Teachers, Students, Children,” in Museums, Imagination, and Education (UNESCO, 1973).
PAGE 118. Without close attention Archaeological Institute of America, www.archaeological.org.
PAGE 118. was designed to facilitate an encyclopedic enterprise Ashmolean Museum of Art and Archaeology, ashmolean.org.
PAGE 119. lemmings do not fall from the sky The Victoria and Albert Museum “Born on This Day” series, which in May 2015 featured Ole Worm.
PAGE 124. The container and the contained Ada Louise Huxtable, “Art and Architecture as One,” Wall Street Journal, October 16, 1997.
PAGE 124. full of the promise of aesthetic and poetic power Ada Louise Huxtable, “Northern Enclosure: Hot Museums in a Cold Climate,” Wall Street Journal, May 14, 1998.
PAGE 125. The museum’s origins The Ashmolean offers a history of John Tradescant and Elias Ashmole at ashmolean.org/ history-ashmolean.
PAGE 129. Downright near infinite Lawrence Weschler quotation, from the jacket of Infinite City: A San Francisco Atlas, by Rebecca Solnit (University of California Press, 2010).
PAGE 129. To build a museum Sverre Fehn quoted in Per Olaf Fjeld, Sverre Fehn: The Pattern of Thought (Monacelli Press, 2009). Also, Architect: The Work of the Pritzker Prize Laureates in Their Own Words (Black Dog & Leventhal, 2010) is an excellent source on Fehn and his glacier museum.
PAGE 129. In 1973 Swedish museologist Ulla Keding Olofsson, “Temporary and Travelling Exhibitions,” in Museums, Imagination, and Education (UNESCO, 1973).
PAGE 133. Freakish winter wildfires in Norway Andy McElroy, “Winter Wild-Fires: Norway’s New Risk,” February 5, 2014, United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction, www.unisdr.org/archive/36397.
PAGE 133. You feel like you are seeing Craig Arnold, volcanopilgrim. wordpress.com.
Sources for Linus Pauling include the Pauling Blog (paulingblog. wordpress.com); a September 1935 photograph of Linus Pauling and Norman Elliot, Oregon State University Libraries Special Collections and Archives Research Center, Corvallis; Linus Pauling in His Own Words: Selected Writings, Speeches, and Interviews, edited by Barbara Marinacci (Simon & Schuster, 1995); and a biography of Pauling on the Nobel Prize website, nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/peace/laureates/1962/ pauling-bio.html.
Sources for Barclay Kamb include “Barclay Kamb,” International Glaciological Society, www.igsoc.org/news/kamb; “Antarctic Landmarks Named after Caltech Experts on Glacier Ice Flow,” California Institute of Technology Press Release (2003); “W. Barclay Kamb: Caltech Glaciologist Instrumental in Antarctic Ice Stream Studies,” Antarctic Sun, May 6, 2011, antarcticsun.usap.gov/features/contenthandler.cfm?id=2422; “W. Barclay Kamb, 79,” caltech.edu/news/w-barclay-kamb-79-1915; and Hermann Engelhardt, “Barclay Kamb: 1931–2011,” National Academy of Sciences (2018), nasonline.org/publications/ biographical-memoirs/memoir-pdfs/kamb-barclay.pdf.
PAGE 134. It has been generally recognized Linus Pauling, “The Structure and Entropy of Ice and Other Crystals with Some Randomness of Atomic Arrangement,” Journal of American Chemical Society 57, no. 12 (1935), 2680–84.
PAGE 135. a flash of insight Thomas Hager, Force of Nature: The Life of Linus Pauling (Simon & Schuster, 1995).
PAGE 135. Seeing everything Algis Valiunas, “The Man Who Thought of Everything,” New Atlantis: A Journal of Technology and Society 45 (Spring 2015).
PAGE 137. The study of ice began Chester C. Langway Jr., “History of Early Polar Ice Cores,” U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Report (2008).
PAGE 138. Ice studies gradually moved away J. Jouzel, “A Brief History of Ice Core Science over the Last 50 Years,” Climate of the Past 9, no. 6 (2013).
PAGE 140. largest depository of ice outside of nature “National Science Foundation Ice Core Facility,” icecores.org/about/index.shtml.
PAGE 144. on January 30, 1960, Linus Pauling “Scientist Saved,” Seattle Times, February 1, 1960; “Pauling Saved from Coast Cliff,” New York Times, February 1, 1960; “Dr. Pauling Rescued, On Sea Cliff 24 Hrs,” New York Herald Tribune, February 1, 1960.
The Emirates Iceberg Project video is available at youtube.com/watch?v=CdC3HPNjc94. Several journalists note that one problem with the video is that there are polar bears on top of the iceberg that has been dragged to the United Arab Emirates, and polar bears don’t live in Antarctica. I agree that this is a problem, though maybe not the largest.
Sources mentioned or consulted on the project include “A United Arab Emirates Company Wants to Tow Icebergs from Antarctica to Combat Drought,” Science Alert News, May 13, 2017; Samuel Osborne, “Icebergs to Be Towed from Antarctica to United Arab Emirates for Drinking Water,” Independent, May 3, 2017; Lara Pearce, “UAE Company Wants to Tow an Iceberg from Antarctica for Drinking Water,” Huffington Post, May 18, 2017; “Dubai Wants to Drag Icebergs from Antarctica for Fresh Water,” New York Post, May 17, 2017; Callum Paton, “Why Moving Icebergs from Antarctica to Dubai to Harvest Water Is So Difficult,” Newsweek, May 17, 2017; and Ian Sample, “Could Towing Icebergs to Hot Places Solve the World’s Water Shortages?” Guardian, May 5, 2017.
Also consulted were “Iceberg Facts,” Canadian Geographic, March 1, 2016, canadiangeographic.ca/article/iceberg-facts; Pål Prestrud, “Why Are Snow and Ice Important to Us?” Center for International Climate and Environmental Research, wedocs.unep.org/bitstream/handle/20.500.11822/14473/GEO_C2_LowRes.pdf; and a photograph of a seminar at the Scripps Institute of Oceanography, held in the George H. Scripps Memorial Marine Biological Building, 1950, UC San Diego Library Special Collections and Archives.
PAGE 148. When I started to optimize it Daniel Behrman with John Isaacs, John Isaacs and His Oceans (American Geophysical Union, 1992).
PAGE 150. the original minutes for one part of this conference “History of SOLAS,” International Maritime Organization, imo.org/en/KnowledgeCentre/ReferencesAndArchives/HistoryofSOLAS/Pages/default.aspx; original 1913–1914 SOLAS conference minutes, International Maritime Organization.
PAGE 151. still 2.3 iceberg crashes a year Lauren Everitt, “Titanic Threat: Why Do Ships Still Hit Icebergs?” BBC News Magazine, March 20, 2012.
PAGE 152. first recorded use of the phrase “tip of the iceberg” Julia Cresswell, Oxford Dictionary of Word Origins (Oxford University Press, 2010), and “Origin and Meaning of Iceberg,” Online Etymology Dictionary, etymonline.com/word/iceberg.
PAGE 152. Hemingway began to talk about “iceberg theory” Ernest Hemingway, Death in the Afternoon (Scribner, 1996).
PAGE 154. understand the effects of flipping icebergs J. C. Burton et al., “Laboratory Investigations of Iceberg Capsize Dynamics, Energy Dissipation, and Tsunamigenesis,” Journal of Geophysical Research (2012).
PAGE 154. same amount of energy as an atomic bomb Stephen Ornes, “Flipping Icebergs: Capsizing Icebergs May Release as Much Energy as Bomb,” Science News for Students, April 3, 2012.
PAGE 154. one of these upside-down icebergs Melissa Wiley, “An Iceberg Flipped Over and Its Underside Is Breathtaking,” Smithsonian, January 22, 2015.
PAGE 155. by means of pipes and air-pumps Alexis Madrigal, “The Many Failures and Few Successes of Zany Iceberg Towing Schemes,” Atlantic, August 10, 2011.
PAGE 159. It’s no big deal Michael Ryan, “Iceberg Wrangler,” Smithsonian, February 2003.
The information on Galileo is pr
imarily from the Museo Galileo in Florence, Italy. Other sources include Galileo’s On Motion and Aristotle’s Physics. Edvin and Brit Bolstad told me the history of Fuglesteg.
PAGE 181. would even leave messages in cairns Michael Gaige, “A Natural and Social History of Cairn Building and Maintenance,” Appalachian Mountain Club Outdoors, March/April 2013.
PAGE 181. Cairns embody and invoke Paul Basu, “Cairns in the Landscape: Migrant Stones and Migrant Stories in Scotland and Its Diaspora,” in Landscapes beyond Land: Routes, Aesthetics, and Narratives (Oxford University Press, 2012).
PAGE 185. People in England didn’t believe Rae “Cannibalism and Cover Up: Why History Spurned Orkney’s John Rae,” Scotsman, July 20, 2006.
PAGE 186. The note in the cairn was updated David Williams, Cairns: Messengers in Stone (Mountaineers Books, 2012).
PAGE 187. It would fill my office Aislinn Sarnacki, “Acadia’s Rock Pile Experiment Noted in New Book,” Bangor Daily News, December 12, 2012.
PAGE 187. His rock statue Strangler Cairn Priscilla Frank, “Andy Goldworthy’s Ephemeral Rock Sculpture ‘Strangler Cairn’ Cost Australian Tax Payers Almost $700,000,” Huffington Post, August 29, 2012.
PAGE 188. witness trees Kent C. Ryden, Mapping the Invisible Landscape: Folklore, Writing, and a Sense of Place (University of Iowa Press, 1993).
PAGE 190. what’s now known as the Ross expedition to Antarctica “Early Explorers: James Clark Ross,” Antarctic Guide, antarcticguide.com/about-antarctica/antarctic-history/early-explorers/james-clark-ross.