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Love's Trusting (The Love's Series)

Page 5

by Jordan, Maryann

  She wrapped her arms around the youngest one as he cried while keeping her eyes on the other boy who stood stoically to the side trying not to cry. “Boys, where do you live?”

  The oldest one choked out an answer of a neighborhood not too far from the clinic.

  Suzanne told Annie and Leon that she was going to escort the boys home to make sure they got there safely.

  “Girl,” Leon said softly, “I don’t know if that’s wise. Why don’t you let me take them?”

  “It’s fine. I’m going to just drive there and drop them off and then I’ll be right back.”

  “Make sure you stay in your car then and come right back,” he advised.

  Nodding, she turned to the boys. “Okay guys, let me take you home.” They all shuffled out of the clinic door and headed to her car. Making sure they were buckled, she got into the driver’s seat and put their address in her phone’s GPS.

  As she started down the road, she realized that the boys had passed by the ER vet clinic.

  “Guys, why didn’t you stop here with your dog? It’s closer than where we are.”

  The oldest boy answered, “They were closed.”

  She glanced in the rear view mirror and saw his face looking back at hers. Closed? They don’t close in the middle of the day.

  “Are you sure? Did you try the door?”

  “We tried it, but it wouldn’t open, then I saw a sign next to the door that said they were closed for lunch.”

  Closed for lunch? What the hell? They don’t close for lunch. Determined to get to the bottom of the story, she just smiled and nodded. “Well, I’m glad you found us. Doc Annie is very sweet and even if she was unable to help your dog, she will make sure he’s taken care of. By the way, my name’s Suzanne. What’s yours?”

  “I’m Chuckie,” the younger boy answered. “He’s Dwayne. Chuckie and Dwayne Johnson.”

  After just a couple of minutes, they pulled up in front of a dilapidated, older home. Bicycles were scattered in the front yard and the fence gate was broken on its hinges.

  The oldest boy was getting out of the car and turned to help his brother. Looking up at her, he said, “Thanks, miss.”

  Glancing around, she asked, “Is your dad home?”

  Before his brother could shush him, the younger one answered, “Yeah, but he’s grouchy today.”

  Grim with determination, Suzanne answered, “Well so am I,” and proceeded to get out of the car. Walking up to the front door, they were met by a man coming out of the house. He was big, but more belly than brawn. He needed a shave and his eyes were bloodshot as they glared suspiciously at her.

  “What’d my boys do?” he growled.

  “Sir, I’m just bringing them home. They came to our vet clinic with their dog that was injured and –”

  Before she could get another word out, the man turned to the boys questioning, “Dog? Told you that dog was gone.”

  “Pa, it came back this morning and was all messed up,” the younger one answered.

  Stepping up to be closer to the boys, Suzanne spoke, “Mr. Johnson, the dog was injured. It looked as though it had been in a fight and they wanted our vet to see it.”

  At the word ‘fight’, he turned his narrowed gaze back to her. “Don’t know nothin’ about no fightin’. Boys shouldn’t have bothered you.” Before giving her a chance to speak, he growled, “You here to get money outta me for the dog?” He rounded on the oldest and barked, “You had no business taking that dog to the vet. I ain’t got no money for that.”

  “Sir,” she said softly to try to diffuse his anger. “I’m not here for money. I just wanted to make sure the boys got home safely.”

  At that, he quieted a little but continued to stare at her suspiciously.

  “Because the dog died, the boys were upset and I didn’t want them walking back home by themselves. Plus, your dog had been in a fight and I just wondered if you had seen anything?”

  “Ain’t no dogfights around here,” he said quickly. “That dog wasn’t fightin’. Musta been in an accident. Probably got hit by some car.”

  Knowing he was lying, she feared for the boys if she kept questioning their dad. Plastering a smile on her face, she said, “I’m sure you must be right, sir.” Looking down at the boys, she said, “It was nice meeting you. You were very brave to try to get help for your dog.”

  Backing down from the steps, she made her way over to her car, shaking with anger. A master at hiding her emotions she waved good-bye as she pulled away from the curb, not seeing the dark car that had followed her from the clinic. Or the eyes that followed her. Or the smile that curved his face.

  * * *

  “Dr. Ketchum? This is Suzanne McDonald from Cranston and Donavan Veterinary Clinic.”

  “Suzanne? It’s good to hear from you. How’re things with you? I haven’t seen you in a while.”

  “They’re fine. Um…the reason I’m calling is that we’ve had some strange things being said by some clients about the ER clinic and well, I just wanted to talk to you about them.”

  Without skipping a beat, he replied, “I know I spoke with Annie last year about some dog attacks in the area. Is this still happening?”

  “Yeah, it is. I was wondering if you had some time when we could talk?”

  “Can we make it over dinner? I could drop by and pick you up.”

  “Um…sure,” she replied biting her lip. Not wanting to have dinner with him, she couldn’t think of an excuse quickly enough.

  “Great. I’ll pick you up at the clinic about five p.m.,” he replied cheerfully.

  She turned around in her chair seeing Leon leaning against the doorframe. “Setting up a hot date?” he joked.

  Before she could answer, Annie walked in from the back and looked between the two of them. “Hot date? With who?”

  “It’s definitely not a date, guys,” Suzanne answered glumly. “I called Dr. Ketchum to ask about these dogs and his clinic and he wants to talk over dinner.”

  Annie walked over placing her hand on Suzanne’s shoulder. “Sweetie, he’s really nice. Dinner out could be really good for you.”

  Suzanne looked up at her friend and said, “First of all, I’m not interested in dating. Second of all, he wanted you, Annie, before Shane came along.”

  “Oh, no. We went to dinner a couple of times professionally, but there was absolutely no spark at all. So don’t hold back on my account because he’s certainly not pining for me.”

  “Well, I’m not looking for a spark either. I just want to find out what’s going on at the ER clinic. Do you want to know what the boys said?” Capturing their attention, she continued, “They went to the clinic and there was a sign on the door saying that they were closed for lunch. Their clinic doesn’t close for lunch. And last year, we know the receptionist there turned away dogs that looked like they had been in a fight. On top of that, they didn’t report some of those dogs either.”

  Annie just nodded saying, “Well, I hope you get your answers.” Then with a wink she turned, calling over her shoulder, “And if you happen to have a great dinner then that’s even better!”

  Huffing, Suzanne blew the wisps of hair that had fallen from her ponytail out of her face, as Leon smirked.

  * * *

  The candlelight on the tables in the small neighborhood Italian restaurant would have made for an intimate dining experience if Suzanne had felt like she was on a date. Looking across at her dinner partner, her eyes scanned him quickly. Tall, but not as tall as Brad. Handsome, but in a polished way. Not rugged. Not heart-stopping. Not Brad – Stop. Just stop, she admonished herself.

  “Dr. Ketchum, I-”

  “Please, you must call me Phil,” he said with a smile.

  Glancing down at her plate for a second, she raised her eyes back to his and began again. “Okay, Phil. I have concerns which I hope you can answer. Or if not, then investigate because I feel like the integrity of your clinic is at risk.”

  “Please, let’s talk. I want to
know what you hear that makes you concerned and I can assure you that Dr. Marker will want to know.”

  “Dr. Marker?”

  “He’s retired now, but he is the owner of the ER vet clinic.”

  “Well, last year when a client came in with a dog that had been attacked, he claimed that he came to your clinic and the night receptionist turned him away. But when Annie talked to you, she was told that you were there in the back and had never been told that a dog came in.”

  “I did talk to Ralph, our receptionist, after that incident and made sure he knew what the evening and night policy is.”

  Nodding, she continued. “A little while back, we had another client come in with a dog that had been attacked and he was complaining that when he came to the ER clinic, no animal control report was filed.”

  At this Phil’s smile dropped from his face and was replaced with a look of concern. “Do you have the date of that?”

  “I’m sorry, I don’t have it with me, but I can email the details to you tomorrow when I’m back in the clinic.”

  “Is there anything else I should be aware of?” he asked.

  “Well, earlier today I had two boys bring in a dog that had been involved in a fight and it looked like it was not the first time the dog had been fighting. The dog died and when I took the boys home, they said that they had gone to your clinic first and there was a sign on the door saying that it was closed.”

  “Closed?” he repeated incredulously. “We don’t close for lunch. There’s always at least a tech or vet nurse on duty.”

  “I know, but that’s what the boys claimed,” she said watching him carefully.

  “Perhaps the boys were mistaken. Maybe they weren’t at the ER clinic.”

  Leaning back in her seat, watching him carefully, “They were very certain. We drove right by your clinic to get to their house.”

  An uncomfortable silence settled over the couple as their food sat untouched.

  “Who were the boys? Did you get their names?” he asked smoothly.

  Suspicion slithered over her as she watched his face for clues as to his motive for wanting to know the boy’s names. “No, I don’t know their names,” she lied. “I just dropped them off on their street, so I don’t even know where they live.” The lie came easily to her as she found herself wanting to protect the boys. From what, she did not know.

  “Well, little boys wouldn’t know one clinic from another so they probably have us confused.”

  “Can I ask who was working reception today?” she asked casually as she forced herself to eat a few bites.

  “It was Ralph,” he said glumly. “But honestly, Suzanne, he’s a great receptionist. He loves animals, is always at work and a model employee. I don’t think there’s anything going on with him. I’ll certainly talk to him to verify, but I feel like your concerns are unfounded. He had a natural learning curve when he first started the job, but I have no problems with him now.”

  What the hell? I point out numerous issues and you defend him? Determined to talk to Ralph herself soon, she plastered a smile on her face. “I certainly hope so, Phil. I’d hate to have to report him to Animal Control for not following procedures.”

  He leaned over and patted her hand. “I promise to talk to him tomorrow to make sure he is following protocol. But enough about that, let’s enjoy the rest of our dinner.”

  Suzanne managed to choke down several more bites and barely sipped her wine. Finally glancing at her watch, she said, “I really need to leave, Phil. I had a very nice dinner.”

  He stood as she did and said, “I’d like to have dinner again sometime and we can focus on getting to know each other better instead of all of the other things.” He paid for their meal quickly and took her hand as they walked outside. “I’ll drive you home.”

  She glanced at her hand in his. Nothing. I feel nothing. Looking back up, she smiled and replied softly, “Thank you for dinner, but I can just walk home.”

  “No way. Not in this neighborhood,” he exclaimed as he ushered her to his car. The ride was only a few blocks, but the silence was broken only by the music.

  Once there, she hurried out of the car trying to leave before he could walk around to escort her to the door. “Thanks again,” she said as she walked to the clinic entrance. Glancing over her shoulder, she saw his look of disappointment. With a small wave as he drove off, she put the key in the door.

  “Have a good time on your…date?” came a voice from behind.

  Giving a little scream, she turned quickly to see BJ leaning against his car parked near the clinic entrance. Placing her hand over her pounding heart, she glared at him. “What are you doing here? You scared me to death.”

  “I came by earlier to see you but Leon told me you were out on a date.”

  Narrowing her eyes at him, she just stared. “It was not a date. I was checking on…just finding out…oh, never mind. It’s none of your business anyway.” Her hand shook slightly as she tried to put the key in the lock.

  His strong arm came from behind, placing his hand over hers as he assisted with unlocking the door.

  She felt a tingle from her hand all the way up her arm. I didn’t feel this with Phil. I’ve never felt this with anyone except with…Jerking her hand away, she tried to pull back but only managed to push her back into his front. His hard, muscular front. Her head slipping easily under his chin and her ass into his…oh my God. She tried to move forward, but his other arm snaked around her waist from behind and trapped her against him.

  “Oh, no Suzy. You’re not getting away so quickly.” With the door to the clinic open, he maneuvered their bodies inside and quickly closed and locked the door behind him.

  “Brad, let me go,” she pleaded, both loving the feel of his body pressed up against hers and fearing the closeness.

  He dropped her keys into her purse hanging on her shoulder and deftly removed her cell phone. In an instant, he had his number programmed into her phone and had memorized hers.

  Squirming she tried move away but only managed to wiggle her ass next to his crotch.

  “Babe, stop,” he ordered gently, whispering into her ear. “Your sweet ass is about to drive me wild.”

  Those words stilled her as the dark silence in the clinic cloaked her flaming cheeks.

  “My number is in your phone. Use it whenever you need to babe.” With that, he slowly released her and turned her to face him. With his fingers on her chin he lifted her face to his. His eyes burned into hers.

  “Why? Why are you doing this, Brad?” came her whispered plea.

  “The time for running is over. No more. I was young and foolish when I allowed you to walk away, but at the time it seemed to be the only way I could stop your pain. I now know that your pain didn’t end with us ending. We should have stayed together. Should have worked it out.”

  Wordlessly she slowly shook her head, tears forming in her eyes. “I…,” she began.

  “No,” he said gently, placing his fingers over her mouth. “I thought you’d moved on but now I know you’ve grieved alone. Not happenin’ anymore.” Leaning over, he kissed her cheek. “Lock up behind me,” he said as he backed away. “I’ll see you soon.”

  She locked the door automatically, then moved through the clinic and up to her apartment as though in a trance. Setting her security alarm, she tossed her purse onto the kitchen counter and reached for a bottle of wine in the refrigerator. Pouring a glass as she hoped to settle her thoughts she noticed her cell phone had slid out of her purse and was lying on the counter.

  Reaching for it, she looked down at his number now in her contacts. Brad. Not BJ, the nickname he went by as an adult. Not to me. He’ll always be Brad to me. Closing her eyes tightly to keep the tears at bay, she downed her glass of wine quickly.

  Drifting off to sleep hours later, it was no longer the blue-eyed, blond boy that infiltrated her dreams. It was now a man…the one she could never seem to have moved beyond that came to her in her sleep.

  * *

  Outside, the men in the dark-tinted SUV sat looking up at the light in the second-floor apartment. Jorge had watched as she came in from her date and then saw the blond man waiting at his car walk her inside. You’re a busy little bee, Jorge thought before he noticed the man sitting next to him rubbing his swollen dick through his pants.

  Knowing how to control his baser urges, Jorge bit out, “Keep your mind on the fucking job. You whack off in my car, it’ll be cut off and fed to the dogs at the next fight.”

  The other man quickly moved his hand away from his dick, fear replacing lust in his eyes.

  “You’re here to learn. Keep your eyes on the target and make sure you’re not noticed. That’s it. That’s your job. You can’t handle it, Marcel will make sure to remove you from his payroll … permanently.”

  “Yes, sir. I got it.”

  Jorge’s eyes went back to the apartment as the single light was now turned off. “Looks like sleeping beauty is out for the night,” he said as he started the automobile. Driving back to report to Marcel, he knew the girl was going to be a problem. Innocent…but a problem.

  Chapter 6

  “Annie, you know Mr. Charleston whose dog, Petunia, was attacked last year? Well, I have tried several times today and got no answer which is weird. I want to follow up on his dog and also to see if he heard from animal control.”

  Annie agreed that it was unusual. Leon walked back to the lab where they were discussing what to do next after Suzanne had filled them in on her dinner conversation with Phil.

  “Our schedule is light near the end of our day, so if you two don’t mind I’d like to walk to his apartment to see if he’ll talk to me.”

  Leon laughed as he said, “That could be our new practice motto. ‘If you don’t answer our calls, a vet tech will track you down.’”

  Smiling, Suzanne said, “Well, Phil made it sound like I had my information wrong. I just want to verify everything before I contact Animal Control again.”

  Annie agreed, “I think you’re right. With one incident from last year, it wasn’t such a big suspicion of dog fighting. But with what’s going on now, we need to have our information clear and validated before making a complaint.”


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