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Love's Trusting (The Love's Series)

Page 6

by Jordan, Maryann

  Leon nodded. “That makes sense. I’ll go back through some of our older reports and see if we can find any coincidences.”

  Heading out into the fall sunshine wearing a sweater over her hamster-print scrubs, she walked several blocks to an old, brick apartment building. Climbing the stairs to the third floor, she approached Mr. Charleston’s door. Knocking, she heard barking and shuffling inside.

  “Coming, I’m coming,” came a voice from behind the door.

  It swung open and she saw the smile drop from his face when he recognized her.

  “Mr. Charleston,” she greeted and then bent to rub Petunia’s ears. Standing back up, she searched his face for a clue as to why he seemed so nervous.

  “Miss Suzanne, what are you doing here?”

  “I just wanted to see how you and Petunia were doing. I’ve tried to call but since you didn’t call back, I thought I would drop by and see for myself.”

  Visibly relaxing, he answered, “Good. We’re good.”

  “I was also wondering if Animal Control ever came to see you or check in on you after the report we filed several months ago.”

  “No. Um…no. I didn’t hear from them, but that’s fine. Well, maybe um…maybe I did. But…um, it’s okay. We’re good. We’re all good. I don’t want any trouble.”

  It wasn’t hard for Suzanne to pick up on his nervousness and she wanted to dig deeper. “Mr. Charleston, I don’t want to upset you, but why would there be trouble? We just want to make sure that the proper authorities are responding.”

  Shaking his head emphatically, he continued, “No, no. We’re fine. I could have been mistaken.”

  “Mistaken? Mr. Charleston, how could you have been mistaken about a dog attacking your dog right in front of you on the sidewalk?”

  Eyes widening, he began to stammer, “Well, I didn’t mean…um…mistaken. Not exactly. I mean that …we’re fine.”

  Realizing that she was making the strange situation worse, she nodded slowly. “Okay, well if you’re sure. I’ll just leave you then.”

  Giving the first smile since she showed up at his apartment, he nodded as he said, “Thank you for coming Miss Suzanne. You’re very kind.”

  Deciding to throw out one last comment she replied, “I just hope no other dog continues to attack other dogs or owners…especially a child outside.”

  Seeing his smile drop at that statement, she turned and walked down the stairs and back out onto the street.

  Standing on the corner for a moment, she turned and went in the opposite direction deciding to check on their latest dog attack victim.

  She only had to walk a couple of blocks for her to get to his apartment. Once again, the sound of barking greeted her as she knocked on his door. When it opened, a young man was standing there with Mr. Marcelli in the background. “Well hello,” came the smooth voice from the young man. “May I help you?”

  “I’m Suzanne McDonald from Chaucer’s vet office. I came to check on him.”

  The young man opened the door slightly so that she could see Chaucer standing next to Mr. Marcelli. A very nervous looking Mr. Marcelli. His eyes kept cutting to the man at the door.

  “As you can see my uncle’s dog is fine. But how nice for such a beautiful, young woman to make a house call.”

  His oily words slid over her, making her just as uncomfortable as it appeared Chaucer’s owner was. She looked between the two men, seeing no family resemblance and couldn’t help but wonder why his nephew was speaking for him. The young man was tall and slender, and she felt an angry roughness pouring off of him. His smile never reached his eyes and the thought that she wouldn’t want to meet him in a dark alley washed over her. He was dressed well, but there was something not right about his presence. Forcing herself to look away from him, she settled her gaze on the older gentleman.

  “Mr. Marcelli? Has Chaucer had any setbacks since his treatments? Dr. Annie was wanting to know how he was and since I was in the neighborhood, I decided to see for myself.”

  The older gentleman’s eyes cut back to his nephew, as though seeking approval to speak. Suzanne wanted to speak to him alone but couldn’t figure out how to separate them.

  Clearing his throat first, Mr. Marcelli responded, “Yes, um…my dear. Chaucer is fine. As you can tell…” He stopped speaking as Suzanne pressed forward and knelt in front of Chaucer to rub her hands over his fur.

  “You do look good baby-boy. Are you eating okay? Yeah? You playing with your ball?” Trying to keep her sing-song voice from trembling as she noticed the nephew’s feet moving next to her, she stood and faced Mr. Marcelli once again.

  “Did you get a call from Animal Control yet? We did a report but haven’t heard back.”

  “Um…I’m not sure,” he said nervously looking back to his nephew. “Um…maybe. We’re out a lot so I really don’t know.”

  What’s going on? Why am I being shut out and shut down?

  Deciding that she was not going to get any more answers, she plastered her usual smile on her face and touched Mr. Marcelli’s arm as she said softly, “Well, if you or Chaucer need anything, and I mean anything, please call the clinic.”

  Turning back to his nephew, she stuck her hand out and said, “Nice to meet you, Mr. …?”

  Not answering her question, he took her hand in his. Giving it a firm squeeze, “I’ll make sure my uncle knows what he needs to do about Chaucer.”

  As he ushered her out of the door, she glanced back one last time to see Mr. Marcelli take out his handkerchief and wipe his brow. She was just going to give him a smile when the door closed in her face.

  Pursing her lips, she headed back down the stairs. What an asshole his nephew is, she thought as she trudged back toward the clinic.

  * * *

  The young man turned to Mr. Marcelli after listening to hear the young woman’s footsteps descend the stairs. “You did very well old man. Very well. Now just remember what I said. You keep your mouth shut and I won’t have to pay that sweet little piece of ass a visit. Got that old man?”

  Licking his lips nervously, Mr. Marcelli nodded. In a shaky voice, he tried to admonish the man in front of him, “You leave her alone. She’s a good person. I’ll keep my mouth shut, but you need to stay away from her.”

  A dangerous smile slowly formed on the man’s face as his eyes glistened with controlled anger. “Just remember my promise old man,” he said as he walked through the door.

  Jorge continued smiling all the way to his car. Nodding to the inhabitants of another dark-windowed SUV, they silently pulled away from the curb following the young woman walking back to her apartment.

  Suzanne walked briskly down the sidewalk, dodging the few other pedestrians hurrying on their way home. The older city neighborhood was lined with four-story brick apartment buildings with small shops on some of the ground floors. Businesses were closing and the streets were quickly emptying. Looking around, she realized with dismay that the street lights gave off little illumination. Coming to an intersection, her attention was diverted by the sound of dogs growling. Turning to look to her right, she saw a tall, wooden fence where the sounds were coming from.

  Cautiously she walked toward the fence, her closer proximity making the barking and growling fiercer. She stopped about a foot away from the fence and leaned in to see if she could peer between the small cracks in the slats.

  Suddenly several large dogs lunged at her, their front paws pounding on the inside of the fence, their growls and snarls so loud that she immediately jumped back, her heart pounding. Letting out a scream, she pressed her hand against her chest.

  What little she could see, the dogs looked rough as she glimpsed their chewed ears. Their noise intensified and she stumbled back hoping they would quiet. They continued their loud protestations and she quickly moved back to the intersection and began to hustle down the last several blocks to her apartment. Wishing for more pedestrians, she noted the dark and empty streets. Knowing that Annie and Leon would have left the clinic by
now, she cursed her decision to make her trips so late in the evening.

  The sound of growling could still be heard as she hustled along. Only one more block to go, she comforted herself. Her ears perked up as she listened to the noise behind her. Why does the barking sound louder? She began to walk faster. The noise grew louder.

  Finally turning, she saw three dogs running down the sidewalk toward her, the same growling and snarling emanating from them as she had seen earlier…when the safety of the fence had protected her.

  “Oh Jesus,” she screamed as she began running as fast as she could the last half-block to her building. Knowing she would never have time to get the front clinic door open, she ran to the back alley and sprinted up the metal stairs to her apartment.

  Heart pounding, she tried to pull her keys out of her purse without dropping them. Making it to the top of the stairs as the dogs turned the corner into the alley, she struggled to get the door open. The growling dogs followed her up the staircase and before she could get in the door, one of them grabbed onto her boot as she attempted to kick out on the small grated landing outside her door. Jesus, help me. Jesus, help me.

  Adrenaline pumping, she stumbled as she continued to kick the attacking dogs. Their powerful jaws were snapping and her kicks only seemed to incense them, not deter them. The sheer size of the dogs was daunting as she desperately tried to keep them from gabbing her legs. Hearing a shrill whistle in the distance, two of the dogs turned and ran back down the stairs, but one continued to pull on her booted foot. Just as the third dog let go and followed the others down the stairs, she lost her balance and tumbled down several stairs before painfully throwing out her arms to stop her fall.

  Pain radiated from her body as she looked toward the end of the alley to see a black, dark-windowed SUV stop and the three dogs jump into the back. It slowly continued down the road, leaving her injured, alone on the stairs.

  Her ribs were pounding from slamming them on the metal railings, but she managed to pull herself back up a few steps to her purse, where its contents had spilled out over the stairs. Please let my cell phone still be here. Finding it she tried to focus on her contact list but the pain made it difficult. Hitting the first one she came across she was surprised when BJ answered.


  His voice sounded deep. Smooth. Exactly what she wanted at that moment. And she began to cry.

  “Suzy, what’s wrong? Where are you? What’s going on?” his panicked voice bit out.

  Her tears drowned out her voice, but she managed to choke out, “Home. Dogs got me. I’m hurt.”

  “I’m coming now. Are you safe?”

  “Gone…they’re gone…,” she sobbed.

  “Don’t try to move. I’m coming.”

  Her head felt heavy as the adrenaline stopped flowing. The desire to lay down on the cold metal stairs and sleep was overwhelming, but she knew she had to force herself to stay awake. She tried to diagnose herself using her vet tech training. This would be easier if I were a dog…or a cat…or a hamster.

  She lost track of the minutes as she shifted to a different position. Her hip ached as her ankle screamed. Her shoulder was stiff and she had trouble breathing because of the pain in her ribs.

  She saw a truck turn into her alley and come to a screeching stop. Please be Brad, she prayed.

  “Suzy? Suzy girl?” he yelled.

  “Brad? Up here,” she called, tears returning.

  He pounded up the stairs, his eyes on her quickly assessing. Towering over her huddled body, he bent to her, speaking softly. “Baby? What happened? Who did this?”

  “D…dogs chased me,” she stammered.

  His jaw tensed with anger but keeping it in check he carefully lifted her in his strong arms as though she weighed nothing and carried her to his truck. Settling her into the passenger seat, he cursed as he saw her wince.

  “It’s okay,” she said, trying not to groan. “They didn’t bite me. Just drug me down the stairs some and then I fell part of the way.” Unable to hold back a gasp when he buckled her in, she grabbed her middle.

  “Goddamnit,” he bit out as he rounded the front and hopped into the driver’s side. Starting the truck, he pulled out of the alley and headed toward the hospital. Grabbing his cell, he quickly made a call.

  “Matt? Get Shane and meet me at the hospital. I’ve got Suzy. Suzanne. She’s been injured and I’m taking her to the ER. Yeah. Make it official.” He slid his eyes to the painful expression on her face, then continued, “Fill you in when you get there. Richland General Hospital.”

  Clicking the phone off, he watched her face carefully as the lights from the street lamps flashed illumination across her. In pain and still the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen.

  “Suzy girl? We’re almost there. Hang on, baby.”

  “I’m okay, Brad. It’s not bad. If I don’t move. Or breathe. Or think too hard.” She started to smile, then gasped again. “Or laugh,” she said through gritted teeth.

  He pulled quickly into the parking area for the ER and jumped out. Opening her door, he gently picked her up again then moved inside.

  I don’t know what the fuck happened, he thought, but someone’s going to pay. No one messes with my woman. The realization that she was once again his woman flooded over him. Sparing a glance down at the dark-haired beauty in his arms he thought, now to convince her.

  * * *

  As she was being wheeled back into her ER room after the x-rays, she was surprised to find the room filled, and the testosterone level was at an all-time high. BJ, Matt, Shane, and Gabe took up all of the space in the small room. Without any pain medication yet, she was in no mood to be interrogated, but the men had other ideas.

  BJ immediately moved to her side, bending down to kiss her forehead. “Baby, how ya doing?”

  Her pale face showed off the dark circles under her eyes as she looked up into his face. Why does he have to care so much? But even as she tried to convince herself that she wanted him gone, her heart felt the familiar pull to have him close. “Everything hurts,” she said softly. “But, I’m okay.”

  The nurse took her vital signs once again and assured her that the doctor would be in as soon as the x-rays were in. “If there’s no concussion, then he can give you something for your pain.”

  Glancing around at the angry faces directed her way, she licked her lips nervously. “Why are you all here?” she asked.

  Shane pulled out a notebook as Matt began to question her. “Suzanne, we need to know what happened. Just tell us everything and we’ll ask questions as we need to. Okay honey?”

  She tried to take a deep breath, then gasped again. The men, in unison, leaned forward as though to help her before realizing that there was little they could do. She looked up again as she felt the anger pouring off of them. Especially one man. BJ.

  Pulling her lips in to ward off the tears, she said, “I told Brad. I was attacked by some dogs. But I’m pretty sure I had seen them earlier.”

  “In the clinic?” Shane asked, jotting down notes.

  “No, behind the fence.”

  “What fence, Suzanne?” Matt asked.

  “The one down the street. Behind Third and Capitol.”

  “When did you see them?”

  “When I went looking for some clients.”

  “When was that?”

  “Earlier today.”

  Matt rubbed his hands over his face, trying to keep the frustration from showing. Taking a deep breath, he leaned over in her line of vision and said softly, “Suzanne, we’re not getting very far honey. Why don’t you tell us what happened today, starting from whenever you left the clinic?”

  Nodding slowly, she sighed. “Okay. I’m frustrated that some of our clients have had their dogs attacked on the streets and it seems like Animal Control isn’t doing enough. So I decided to make some house calls.”

  Shane looked up sharply. “Annie know you were doing this?”

  “Yes. It was daylight when I left an
d I was only going a couple of blocks over to see one of our elderly clients.”

  “So, how’d you end up over near Third Street?”

  “I didn’t like the answers I got from Mr. Charleston, so I decided to visit another client, Mr. Marcelli, but he lives farther away and it got dark while I was there. But then the creepy man was there too, so I wanted to leave.”

  Matt, Gabe, Shane, and BJ all shared a look then stared back at the young woman in the bed.

  “Jesus, Suzanne,” Shane bit out. “You are the hardest victim to get clear answers from. Who’s the fuckin’ creepy man?”

  Tears filled Suzanne’s eyes as her chin began to quiver. All at once the men began to apologize.

  “Shane, shut the fuck up, man,” Gabe growled.

  “I’m sorry, darlin’,” Shane exclaimed.

  BJ slid his arm around her shoulders, gently pulling her into his chest. Cradling the back of her head close to his heart, he rocked her back and forth for a moment giving her time to feel more control.

  “Suzy baby, just lay back and tell us in your own words,” he paused looking at the others, “without interruption from us, what happened.”

  Nodding once again, she tried to pull her thoughts together. “Mr. Charleston seemed like he wanted me to leave even though that’s unusual for him. He was very evasive when I asked about Animal Control as though he was scared for me to be asking questions. So I figured I wasn’t going to get any more answers from him. I decided to walk to another client’s apartment. When I got there, another man was there. He said he was Mr. Marcelli’s nephew, but he wouldn’t give a name. And he didn’t really want to let me in, but I pushed my way in any way.”

  The simultaneous intake of breaths had her looking around at their faces. If they had seemed upset earlier, a drop in the temperature in the room would have clued her into their anger now.

  “You did what?” BJ all but roared next to her.

  Seeing her chin quiver again, BJ reined in his anger and tightened his arm around her. “Sorry Suzy. Keep going,” he encouraged.


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