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Love's Trusting (The Love's Series)

Page 14

by Jordan, Maryann

  Knowing how important this day was to both of them and their relationship, he knew she was right. He also knew that if he couldn’t bury himself deep inside of her… “Can you take it hard and fast?” he panted.

  Her smile gave him her answer.

  Her t-shirt was up and over her head in a flash as her full breasts bounced with the motion. She slid her panties off as he discarded his jeans.

  “Over baby. On all fours,” he ordered and she quickly complied.

  Sliding his fingers over her damp pussy, he was thrilled she was already wet for him. Plunging in from behind he pounded in, her inner walls milking him as his aching cock delved deeper and deeper. Leaning over, he held on to one hip with his fingers digging into her ass and the other hand circling around palming her breasts, tugging on her nipple.

  Suzanne threw her head back as the sensations roared through her, straight from her nipple to her womb. In this position it felt as though he were touching a place deep inside of her that longed for his touch. Before she could warn him that she was close the orgasm flared and she screamed out his name.

  With only a few more strokes, BJ also came as he poured himself into her. Continuing to thrust until every last drop was out, he gently lowered himself as they both crashed onto the bed. Breaths gasping, legs tangled, they lay exhausted but well sated. Slowly consciousness returned and he rolled over, pulling her with him.

  “Brad, we’ve got to get ready,” she said without enthusiasm.

  “Sure you don’t want to just stay in bed?” he asked, stroking her hip lazily with one hand.

  “Umm, actually I do want to stay in bed. But…” she let the response hang between them.

  “I know babe. We’ve got to do this.” Patting her ass as he raised to a sitting position, looking down at her beautiful body, he continued lazy strokes along her back, hips, over her ass cheeks and…his fingers encountered a lot of wetness. Oh Jesus. “Suzy? Babe, I forgot a condom,” he said staring between her legs.

  She shot up off of the bed looking down. “Oh my God. How could we have forgotten? Oh my God.” Looking stricken as panic began to rise, she said, “BJ, I’m not on the pill. They gave me migraines and well…I wasn’t having sex anyway. Oh my God.”

  He followed her off the bed, grabbing her shoulders. “Baby,” he said, but she wasn’t calming.

  “This is ridiculous, BJ. We of all people should know better. Just too much. Just too much on our minds. With the stress of the trip today and your old fuck-buddy showing up, it’s just too much. I can’t believe we didn’t…”

  Giving her shoulders a small shake before pulling her into his chest, he said, “Babe. Stop. It’s okay. We’ve been careful. This was the first time uncovered. We’re fine. It’s going to be fine.” Holding tightly to still her shudders, he asked, “When was your last period? Didn’t you just have it?”

  Taking a deep breath she looked up saying, “You’re right. I just stopped my period so we should be good. Yeah. We should be good.” Her mind working overtime, she emphasized, “But no more mistakes. I don’t know what to do but I’ll call the doctor on Monday and see what other birth control I can take. Maybe there’s something different that won’t cause headaches.”

  Pulling her head back into his chest, he rocked her gently. “It’ll be fine, babe. I’ll make sure to not lose control again. I’ll take care of everything. Trust me,” he promised.

  * * *

  The trip would only take about three hours, but half way there Suzanne already felt nauseous. After her third huge sigh in the previous five minutes, BJ looked over saying, “Baby, it’s going to be fine.”

  Shaking her head she admitted, “I want to throw up.”

  Laughing, he glanced to the side seeing the tension marring her otherwise gorgeous face. Placing his hand on her leg to stop the nervous jiggling he said, “Talk to me. Tell me what you’re dreading.”

  “Honey we talked about this weeks ago when we got back together. Our first trip back to Fairfield to tell the families about us has disaster written all over it.”

  “Maybe not,” he said. “Realistically, it’s been four years. Our parents remained friends so there’s no reason to think they won’t be thrilled.”

  Suzanne turned in her seat so that she was facing him more directly. “BJ, first of all, your parents remember me as the girl that broke your heart and left you high and dry. They’re not going to be thrilled about wondering if I’m going to do that again. Second of all, my parents remember you as the guy that knocked me up and then something happened that had me so upset and I later miscarried. Not to mention my brother punched you when we announced we were pregnant. We’ve both left home and visited sporadically for four years, much to the sadness of our families. This…” she pierced him with her stare, “is not conducive to a happy reunion where we tell our families that we are back together.”

  “Well…when you say it like that, I suppose that we’ll be walking into a tense situation. But baby, it’ll be fine.”

  “How can you say that?” she asked incredulously. “Haven’t you been listening to me?”

  “Yes and now you need to listen. Our parents love us. Unconditionally. And they wanted us together since we were children. I think once they get over the shock and work it through, they’ll realize that this is our time. And they’ll be thrilled.” Turning his head to hold her eyes, he said, “We’ve got us, babe. It’ll be fine.”

  Before she knew it, they were pulling into Smokey’s Bar. Recognizing the cars in the parking lot wasn’t hard since the bar hadn’t opened for the lunch crowd yet. BJ’s parents had owned the bar for years and it was known as the local hangout, best bar with the best chicken wings in the area. His dad, Bill, was a bear of a man with a scruffy beard and alert eyes that constantly kept watch over his bar – and his beautiful wife, Wendy.

  Suzanne had called her parents to tell them she was coming and asked them to meet her here. She told them to have Rob come as well. They had been curious but she’d simply said she needed to talk to them and wanted to meet there. Recognizing her brother Rob’s truck as well, she sighed.

  BJ reached across the seat grabbing her hand and giving it a squeeze once again. “It’ll be fine. Trust me, baby?”

  Nodding, she tried to give a smile but it felt stuck. Forced. Terrified.

  Fortifying herself with a deep breath, she allowed BJ to wrap his arm around her shoulders, pulling her tightly against him as they entered the bar.

  BJ’s parents, Bill and Wendy, were in front of the bar talking with their longtime friends Mac and Bernie, Suzanne’s parents. Mac was a barrel chested man, the fire chief for Fairfield. Irish to the core, he had his arm around his loving wife. All four turned as BJ and Suzanne walked in. The faces registered recognition, surprise, then…questioning.

  The silence was deafening. Until Rob turned around. “What the fuck are you doing?” he roared at BJ, taking a step in his direction. His wife, Laurie, immediately stepped in front placing her hands on his chest. “Babe, stop,” she ordered gently. At the same time Suzanne had stepped in front of BJ.

  Both men instinctively placed their women protectively to the side, but neither man advanced.

  “Son,” Bill’s voice broke through the tension. “Good to see you.” Looking down at Suzanne he smiled. “Suzy, good to see you too.”

  Bernie moved toward her daughter enveloping her in a hug, squeezing her eyes tightly, fighting back the tears. “Baby girl, good to have you home.” Opening her eyes, she looked up at BJ. Smiling at him, she whispered, “You too.”

  “Everyone, there’s no sense in beating around the bush,” BJ said, tucking Suzanne back into his embrace. “We’ve gotten back together and wanted to make this trip where we could let everyone know and hopefully have you celebrate with us.”

  Seeing his mom’s nervous look and the unreadable look on Mac’s face, he continued, “But I’m not going to stand for anyone upsetting Suzy. So if we can’t be civil about this and move forward, then sa
y it now and we’ll leave.”

  Whatever doubts Mac was having must have left at that proclamation because he stepped forward to embrace his daughter, lifting her in the air with his hug. “Baby girl, missed you. It’s been months since you came home and we’ve been chompin’ at the bit to see you again.”

  Tears flowed as she embraced her dad. “I know daddy. I just…we just needed time. To make sure.” As he set her down she saw Wendy embracing her son as well. After the parents had their greetings over, Bill invited everyone to sit down after scooting several tables together. Yelling toward the kitchen of the bar, he ordered beer and wings to be brought out for everyone.

  As the party was being settled, Suzanne looked over at Rob who was still scowling. Not knowing what to say to make him feel better, she felt a hand on her back moving her toward a chair. Before she could turn, she felt BJ’s voice whisper, “Give him time. It’ll be fine.” Nodding, she sat down then felt him pull her chair closer.

  As everyone began to relax, the conversation flowed much easier than Suzanne had expected. She and BJ explained how they met again and keeping the explanations simple, they talked about their relationship.

  The parents seemed genuinely pleased as they all warmed to the idea of BJ and Suzy together again. BJ got the feeling that their mothers would have liked to have begun wedding planning and hoped they kept that to themselves. I don’t want them scaring her off now that I have found her again.

  “Heard you were a real player after you went back to college.” The statement hung out there, loud and clear. A definite conversation stopper. BJ looked across the table, anger pouring off of him as he stared at Rob.

  Laurie turned toward her husband, but before she could say anything Suzanne’s voice rang out.

  “Coming from the town player himself before meeting Laurie, I would hardly expect you to throw the first stone.”

  Rob looked like he wanted to say more, but Laurie’s hand on his arm stopped him.

  “But thank you Rob, for bringing it up. I suppose now is as good a time as any to get this all out.”

  BJ leaned over, “Baby, you don’t have to do this.”

  “No, I need to. I’m learning more and more to talk it out. Rob,” turning to her brother, “It was always me that stopped the relationship. Looking back I realize that I never allowed myself to grieve properly after the miscarriage. I shut Brad out and I shut everyone out. He tried…but I wouldn’t let him back in. So what he did during the past four years is inconsequential. The reality is that we lost a baby and we were too young to know how to handle the emotions. I’ve started going to a support group for women who have suffered miscarriages.” Looking back up at BJ, she smiled. “It’s helped a lot, but us being able to talk about what happened has helped the most. What’s important is that we’ve been given a second chance. Another chance at love. Another chance at life. That’s what we’re choosing.”

  Looking around the table, she stared into the eyes of family seeing nothing but love staring back. Tears streamed down her mother’s cheeks and if she wasn’t mistaken, her father was fighting them back himself.

  Rob hung his head for a moment before standing and walking over to her. Pulling her from her chair he enveloped her in his embrace. “I’m sorry, sis. I didn’t give you what you needed back then.”

  Tears flowing down her own cheeks, she held tight as she said, “Rob, I didn’t know what I needed so you shouldn’t be expected to have known either.”

  After an emotional moment that had everyone at the table in tears, BJ stood and gently took Suzanne from Rob’s arms. Tucking her into his side he looked down at her, cupping her face in his hand. Wiping her cheeks with his thumbs, he said, “Told you it’d be all right.”

  * * *

  That night with Suzanne held tight in his arms, BJ stared at her as she slept. Her tension from earlier had drained her body and she almost passed out as soon as her head touched the pillow. He had slid in behind her but raised up on one arm to stare at the beauty that claimed him. Her face, gentled in sleep, looked angelic. With the moonlight coming through the window, he could see the girl he had first made love to. He had thought her beautiful then, but the woman lying beside him now was even more gorgeous. The youthful adoration was gone, replaced with the knowledge that time and experiences, both good and bad, shaped the woman he loved.

  Running his hand lightly over her face, he saw a slight smile curve her lips as she dreamed. Hoping she was dreaming of him, he lay back down pulling her tight. Then sweet dreams overtook him as well.

  Chapter 14

  Chuckie looked up from the reception desk asking if he could help, startling the next client who walked into the clinic. As Leon came in from the back, he rolled his eyes at Chuckie and took the information from the client before shooing Chuckie and Dwayne from behind the desk.

  “Boys, you keep this up and Dr. Annie is going to have to put you on the payroll.”

  Dwayne looked confused saying, “What’s payroll?”

  Suzanne answered as she walked from the back with a yowling cat. “That mean’s she’d start paying you.”

  “Cool,” the boys said in unison.

  “Guys, we just have one more client and then we’re closing. Do you need me to take you home?”

  “Nah, we’re good,” Dwayne replied.

  “Dwayne,” Chuckie whined. “I don’t want to have to walk all the way home.”

  “It’s no problem guys. Just hang on about another hour and then I can drive you. Is your dad at home now?”

  “Nah, he’s gone to work by now. Mom outta be home though.”

  “Good. I’d like to meet her. Especially if I’m giving you rides,” Suzanne replied.

  Later, as she pulled in front of their house, Chuckie bounded out of the car to get their mom.

  “She might not come out,” Dwayne said quietly. “It depends on what kind of mood pa was in when he went to work.”

  Before Suzanne could respond, a petite woman came out of the front door being pulled by Chuckie. She was wearing neat slacks and a blouse with her sandy-blonde hair demurely cut in a shoulder length bob. Suzanne got out and walked beside Dwayne toward their mom.

  Noting the other woman’s wary gaze, she stuck her hand out and introduced herself. “I wanted to meet you since I’ve given your sweet boys a lift twice.”

  At the compliment to her sons, their mother smiled as she looked down at her boys. “That’s very kind of you. My name’s Pamela. They told me what you tried to do for their dog. I’m real grateful.”

  “Well, we were just sorry that we couldn’t do more.” Watching the two boys run on into the house after saying goodbye, she decided to see what Pamela knew. “It, uh…appeared that their dog had been in a fight.”

  Pamela’s eyes widened as she exclaimed, “A fight? I guess dogs will fight each other. My husband told me that you said the dog had been hit by a car. He must have misunderstood.”

  Misunderstood, my ass. He knows something, I’m sure of it.

  “No, the dog had definitely been in a fight. And it looked like he had been in fights before.”

  “Sometimes he would disappear for a week or so, then my husband would turn up with him again and say that he found him roaming. I guess he must have been a restless dog.”

  “Pamela, you haven’t heard of any dog fighting around here have you? I mean the kind where dogs are fighting on purpose? For gambling or anything?”

  Shaking her head in concern, she answered, “No. I’ve never been around that. My husband…” she hesitated and Suzanne noted a thoughtful look cross Pamela’s face. “No, no…I really don’t know anything.”

  “Well, I was just checking. Anyway, tell the boys goodbye again for me.” Turning to walk back to her car, she stopped suddenly. Walking back she placed her hand on Pamela’s arm saying, “Be careful. Please.” At Pamela’s confused look, she continued, “There are some dangerous dogs running around and we’re afraid of attacks. Please keep the boys safe.”
/>   With that, she got in her car and pulled away from the curb. She glanced back to see the concerned look on Pamela’s face. She failed to notice the dark SUV following her. But Pamela noticed the vehicle that did not seem like it belonged to the neighborhood and she hurried back into her home to check on her sons.

  * * *

  BJ and Lily had been working several hours a day for the past three weeks on an assignment for the Richland Police Department that Tony had agreed to. While they had learned a great deal about illegal dog fighting, they had not been able to isolate where the live-stream video was originating from.

  Lily, rubbing her hand over her forehead, said, “BJ, I’m done on this for the day. I’ve got to finish the new programing that Tony wanted to be set up for some of his clients.”

  “How’s that working?”

  “We’ve got video surveillance outside of some of the clients’ homes but some are wanting indoor video surveillance as well. I’m trying to see if we can use the existing wiring and then just install new cameras. I’m trying to make it so that there is as little interference to the clients’ home as possible.”

  “I just can’t believe how embedded these codes are for keeping us out of the tracking for the dog fights. We’ve only heard of this being used once, but I’m sure it’s going to start happening more. I can’t imagine the money these guys are raking in.”

  “You know, speaking of money. What would it cost to set something like this up?”

  BJ sat thoughtful for a moment before answering. “I don’t think the operation itself would cost a lot, but now that we’ve spent a couple of weeks trying to break this, I would say that a shit-ton of money was spent on the programmer who designed this.”

  Looking speculatively at Lily, he asked, “Do you know anyone who could do this type of work?”

  Giving an unladylike snort, she replied, “Yeah. In college I knew quite a few people who had the intelligence. But…I have to confess that I don’t have anyone in mind.”

  “Well, if you’re going to pack it in for today, I’ll catch up with Gabe and spend the afternoon working on installations and programming of some more new houses.”


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