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Love's Trusting (The Love's Series)

Page 15

by Jordan, Maryann

  Saying their goodbyes, BJ headed out to the field leaving Lily inside the agency, pondering who might be setting up the illegal system. Picking up her phone, she made a call. “Professor Schwartz? Lily Swanson here. I wondered if I could ask you some questions about a project I’m working on? That’s great. Can I stop by your office this afternoon? Good, see you then.”

  * * *

  The late afternoon appointments were over and Annie, Leon, and Suzanne were cleaning the clinic. Annie, looking nervous, said, “Hey guys, can we talk before you all head home?”

  Leon and Suzanne shared a worried look. Annie usually just said whatever was on her mind. The three of them had worked together for so long and so well that the clinic ran smoothly with Annie’s laid-back leadership.

  “Sure doc. What’s on your mind?” Leon queried.

  “I don’t know how to say this, so I am just going to blurt it out. I’m thinking of selling this clinic and buying a clinic out in the country. It’s always been my dream to be able to expand and include boarding animals. I’ve thought about it so much and tried to weigh the pros and cons until my brain is exploding. But I found one I liked and…”

  “What do you need us to do?” Suzanne asked quietly. The idea of not working for Annie terrified her, but she wanted her friend to have her dream.

  Annie looked at her two dearest friends and employees. “I…I would…well, only if you want to that is. I…I’d really like you to come with me.”

  Leon jumped up hugging Annie while shouting, “Thank God girl. You had me worried!”

  Annie giggled as Leon lifted her in the air. “Of course I want you with me. I know that you may not want to go…”

  “Not want to go?” Suzanne questioned. “Just try to keep us away!”

  “So tell us about this clinic,” Leon ordered.

  “It’s on the west side of town, only about ten miles outside the city limits. So it’s close for a commute but far enough away that there is some land around it. The clinic isn’t too large but has room for expansion. It’s being sold by a veterinarian whose husband has gotten transferred. It already has boarding kennels built and has great potential. There are several subdivisions nearby so there is a ready client-base.”

  Suzanne quickly calculated and said, “That would only be about a twenty minute drive for me which isn’t bad.” Then laughing added, “Of course, when I lived above this clinic that was the ultimate in convenience!”

  “So where are you in the process?” Leon asked.

  “Shane and I have talked it over and we think that if I go ahead and start advertising this clinic and can find a buyer, then I’ll let the other clinic know that I’m definitely interested.”

  “Do you know of anyone who would like to buy this clinic?” Suzanne asked.

  “Strangely enough, yes. Dr. Ketchum has said he was interested.”

  “Dr. Ketchum?” Suzanne exclaimed. “Why? He’s just right down the street.”

  “Well, according to him, he hates the hours that he has to work as the ER vet and if he owned his own practice, he could set his schedule and make more money. Plus he says he’s really interested in staying in this part of the city.”

  “Hey, to each his own,” Leon quipped.

  “We haven’t sat down and discussed finances yet, but he says he has the money to buy me out here, so we’ll see. Of course, he would like to keep both of you here working for him,” Annie added.

  “No, not happening,” Leon stated firmly.

  Shaking her head speculatively, Suzanne added, “Strange that he wants to stay here. This part of town is kind of run-down. And if he isn’t getting much money where he is, how will he buy you out?”

  Annie just shrugged as the three of them continued their conversation over the evening clinic clean-up.

  * * *

  That night, BJ held Suzanne after they had made love; first against the shower wall, then he went down on her while she sat on the bathroom counter, then finally ending up in the bed. She, in her post-orgasmic bliss, curled up tightly to him as he held her cheek to his chest.


  “Hmmm?” was the only response he received.

  “Are you okay with Annie selling the practice? You seemed distracted when you told me at dinner.”

  She pulled herself up to a sitting position looking into his concerned face. Smiling, she said, “Yeah, I am. It’ll be nice to have a newer, larger space to work in. And I can’t imagine working for anyone else but her. It’s just…I don’t know.”

  “Don’t know what?” he prodded.

  She thought for a moment before answering. “I’ve gotten used to the patients. I recognize them when I see them on the street. It’s kind of like belonging. And then there’s Chuckie and Dwayne. I feel like I’ll be abandoning them.”

  “How so? There will be another vet there, so all your former clients will have someone to see. And the kids have parents, honey.”

  “I know, but with all the crazy dog stuff going on, I’m kind of afraid for them. I didn’t mention it, but I’m almost certain that their dad may have known their dog was in fights. I’m pretty sure the mom didn’t know though.”

  At that BJ leaned away from the headboard and twisted his body to face hers. “What are you telling me? Have you been checking up on things?”

  “I’ve been doing some research on dog fights. Brad, it’s horrible. They hurt the dogs, starve the dogs, bait the dogs…anything to make them mean. They even breed them to be as mean as possible!”

  “Suzy, I know this, but what I want to know is why the hell you are checking into this? I don’t want you anywhere near this investigation!”

  She eyed him speculatively. “What investigation?”

  “Your attack along with other suspicious activity has Vice looking into illegal dogfighting. Matt and Shane have asked Alvarez Security to check into some things.” Seeing Suzanne about to speak, he continued, “Hold on, baby. You need to do your job and part of that is letting us know what suspicions you have. Not go fuckin’ investigate them yourself.”

  That bought him a huff, but he wasn’t finished. Taking her face in his hands, he said, “You gotta stay safe for me. I need you to promise.”

  He brought her lips in for a soft kiss, one that begged her to listen to him. Melting into his embrace, she agreed.

  “I love you Suzy girl. I’ve loved you as long as I can remember.”

  Her voice caught in her throat as she answered, “I’ve loved you forever. Absolutely forever.”

  He deepened the kiss; this time it spoke of a future. Tucking her back into his side, he wrapped his arms around her protectively.

  She filled him in on her fears about the kids’ dog and her conversations with both parents. BJ promised to talk to Matt and Shane and let her know what they found out.

  Sliding back into bed, he leaned over her body to turn out her light before pulling her over to turn out his. Then tucking her tightly into his embrace, they drifted off to sleep.

  * * *

  Jorge gave the nod to the men holding Mr. Johnson between them. Bruised and bloodied, his face battered, he sagged as he tried to plead.

  Another punch to the stomach had Chuckie and Dwayne’s dad panting on the floor.

  “What did you do with your dog?” came the calm question.

  “Told you,” he replied, spitting out blood. “He ran off.”

  “Why was he not chained up? You know the security that’s needed.”

  “I had him chained. My kids musta let him off.”

  “You had a dog trained to fight and let your kids get him loose?”

  “I…I…uh –”

  Another punch followed.

  “Sorry. I’m sorry,” he pleaded.

  Looking bored, Jorge stared down at the man groveling in front of him. Stepping forward, he put his shoe on the man’s neck and said, “You still owe money from your last fight. I suggest you find a way to pay back what you owe or our next visit will not be so…pl

  Jerking his head to the side, he and the two associates walked over to their SUV and climbed in, leaving Mr. Johnson laying on the ground wondering how he would ever be able to pay his debt.

  His wife was asleep when he crawled into bed that night but was up with the boys when he came out the next morning. The gasps from his family weren’t needed to remind him that his face looked as bad as he felt.

  Facing her husband, she quietly said, “Do you need some ice?” as she stared at his swollen face.

  “Ice ain’t gonna fix this, woman. I need money. When’s your next paycheck?”

  “You know I get paid every other Friday and that’ll be this week. Why? You know we need that ’cause rent is due.”

  “Ain’t gonna be able to pay rent this month. I gotta have that money. I get paid on Thursday, so I gotta take it all to pay someone.”

  Keeping her voice low, Pamela said, “Joe, we need that money. What’ll we live off of if you take it all to pay someone for your gambling?”

  He took a step toward her, his fist raised, “Don’t want any of your lip, woman. I need that money or you’ll end up looking like me. You understand? Those stupid kids of ours made a fuck-up of things and now I gotta get some money to make it right.”

  Dwayne made a move toward his mom, but she put her hand out to stop him.

  Her eyes narrowed on her husband. “Our kids? What have you done that involved the boys?”

  Turning to Chuckie and Dwayne, he shouted, “Get to school.”

  Looking scared, they turned to their mother to see what they should do.

  “Don’t look at her, you little shits. This is all your fault anyway. Get outta here,” he growled.

  Pamela quickly nodded to them, grabbing their sack lunches off of the counter before hustling them out of the door.

  Seeing them walk down the sidewalk, she waved as they turned back to look at her, anxiety written on their faces.

  Stepping menacingly closer, his hands balled into fists, he growled, “Don’t question me. They took that goddamn dog to the doctor when it died anyway. Got that vet gal stickin’ her nose where it don’t belong. If that ain’t enough trouble, I owe money for that damn dog now.”

  “Well, you can’t have my paycheck. We need that to live on. What’ll the boys eat if I can’t get to the grocery store?”

  “Stupid cow, what’ll they eat if I don’t come back?”

  At this Pamela paled. “What on earth have you gotten yourself into? And what are you dragging this family into?”

  “I ain’t answering no more questions. You get that money on Friday and you get it in my hands.” With that, he turned and headed back to the bedroom.

  Pamela stood shaking in the kitchen for several minutes before she noticed the clock. Realizing she was going to be late for work, she headed out of the door quickly, her mind racing.

  * * *

  That afternoon, Chuckie and Dwayne bounded into the clinic looking for Suzanne. She walked out of an exam room and saw them in the reception area.

  “Hey guys, how was school?”

  The two boys shared a glance and then looked back at her.

  She moved to stand in front of them. “What’s up? Did something happen at school?”

  Chuckie looked at Dwayne then burst out, “Dad got beat up and he’s gonna take all mom’s money.”

  “Shut up Chuckie,” Dwayne said, looking uncomfortable.

  Another client came in and Suzanne checked them in then called for Leon. When he came from the back, she asked quietly if he could see the cat because she needed to talk to the boys. Leon readily agreed and she told the boys to follow her.

  Passing Annie, she motioned for the boys to go into the small office. Giving Annie a quick explanation, she followed them in and shut the door. Setting them in the chairs, she leaned against the desk and said, “Okay, guys. Tell me what is going on.”

  Chuckie was quiet now, looking to Dwayne for instructions. Dwayne sighed and finally said, “Pa’s gotten into some kind of trouble.” He told Suzanne what had happened that morning.

  Her anger began to rise as she realized that their dog had probably been in fights and that their dad must have been the one who was doing that. Determined to keep from scaring them, she asked just a few questions and then told them that they could hang out in the clinic until their mom got home. “I’ll drive you all home today to make sure you’re safe and that way I can also chat with your mom. Just to make sure everything is okay,” she added.

  A few hours later, she pulled up to their house. Pamela was getting out of her car and when she saw the boys she smiled, welcoming them with hugs. Suzanne walked over to greet her then said, “Hey boys, why don’t you run inside and let me talk to your mom.”

  They boys looked warily around, then obeyed.

  “Pamela, I won’t beat around the bush. The boys came to tell me what was going on and I wanted to make sure that they and you’re all right.”

  Sighing, Pamela looked down at her hands. “I’m sorry they drug you into this. We’re going to be fine, I’m sure. He’s just gotten into a little money trouble and he wasn’t in a good mood this morning.”

  Placing her hand on Pamela’s arm, Suzanne said, “I know he was beaten up. I don’t want to embarrass you or make things worse. I’m just concerned about the boys…and about you.”

  Drawing herself up, Pamela said, “Thank you. Really. You are making me realize that I can’t take a chance with my boys. Whatever trouble Joe’s gotten into, he’s going to have to get out of it himself. I have to protect the boys.”

  Smiling her encouragement, Suzanne shared her cell phone number with Pamela. “The boys have my number, but I want you to have it too. If you need me for anything – anything at all – just call. Day or night. Please.”

  Looking down at the number written on the back of a clinic business card, Pamela smiled. “I will.”

  Suzanne waved at the boys still standing at the door and turned to get back into her car.

  “Ms. McDonald?”

  Turning back, she replied, “Please, call me Suzanne.”

  “Thank you for caring about my boys, Suzanne,” their mom said with tears in her eyes.

  Smiling, Suzanne just nodded before getting into her car and driving away.

  * * *

  Three nights later Suzanne’s cell phone rang, jarring her out of sleep. BJ reached for it first, looking at the number which had come up as Unknown. Suzanne was sitting up trying to focus her eyes when she saw BJ answer the phone. Glaring, she held out her hand.

  “Who is this?” he answered.

  “I…I…uh…I’m trying to reach Miss Suzanne,” came the small boy’s voice.

  BJ turned his questioning gaze to her and he gentled his voice as he questioned. “She’s here but I need to know who’s calling.”

  “Can you tell her it’s Dwayne?”

  BJ said, “Dwayne, I’m going to put you on speaker so that Miss Suzanne can hear you, but I can hear as well.”

  She quickly asked, “Dwayne, where are you? Are you all right? Is Chuckie with you? Where’s your mom?”

  “Baby, let him talk,” BJ whispered.

  “We’re not at home. Mom and Chuckie’s with me. We’re at some place called Safe Haven.”

  Suzanne’s eyes quickly looked to BJ’s in confusion. He whispered again, “That’s a shelter for women and their children who need to get away from a volatile situation at home.”

  Nodding her understanding she continued, “Dwayne, what do you need me to do?”

  “I told momma to call you but she didn’t want to bother you in the middle of the night. She and Chuckie are asleep, but I wanted to let you know where we were. Didn’t want you going by the house and us not be there.”

  “Oh honey, thank you so much. Can you tell me what happened?”

  “Pa’s been upset for a couple of days. Think he owes money to someone. Yelled at momma to give him her pay and she said we’d have no money for rent o
r food. He said he didn’t care and last night he hit her. I tried to stop him, but he hit her again then hit me before he left. Said when he got back, she’d better have the money.”

  She looked at BJ with tears in her eyes, not trusting her voice to speak. BJ took over asking, “What happened after that Dwayne?”

  “Momma packed up some stuff and we left. Got on a couple of buses so I don’t have any idea where we are. She said she’d already found a place for us to go if he got mean.”

  “Sweetie, I’m so glad you called,” Suzanne said.

  “Dwayne? This is BJ, Suzanne’s boyfriend. You did real good, man, trying to take care of your mom. Right now, you need to get some sleep. In the morning tell your mom that you called Miss Suzanne and tell her that we’ll come visit you tomorrow to see what we can do to help. We may even bring some friends with us. Okay, buddy?”

  “Yeah. Thanks. Suzanne?”

  “I’m here, honey,” she answered.

  “Well…thanks. I’m glad we met you. You’re sweet.”

  “Oh honey,” her voice choked. “Hug your brother for me.”

  BJ hung up the phone, replacing it on his side of the bed. Seeing her questioning gaze, he said, “Baby, anyone who calls in the middle of the night is never gonna have good news unless it’s a birth and we’ve got no friends expecting now. On top of that, it was Unknown. I’m not having you deal with anything like that alone. I take care of you so you can take care of others.”

  A lone tear escaped down her cheek. “Thank you,” she said softly, his words flowing over her.

  “Why are you crying, baby?”

  “Because I’ve got a man who wants to take care of me. Pamela doesn’t have that.”

  Sucking in a deep breath, BJ nodded. “We’ll go see her tomorrow, Suzy, and see what we can do to help. I’ll call Matt and Shane in the morning and they may go with us.”

  “But they’re Vice. They don’t deal with domestic violence.”

  BJ cupped her face with his hand. “You told me that you have a bad feeling that he may be involved with dog fighting or at least had his dog in fighting. This makes it a Vice problem.”


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