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Galactic Empire Wars: Insurrection (The Galactic Empire Wars Book 5)

Page 27

by Raymond L. Weil

“Send standard recognition codes,” ordered Admiral Rivers, glancing over at Communications. “Where is their fleet?”

  Commander Greerman checked some data on the sensor screens. “They’re in orbit over Callenda in a standard defensive formation.”

  Rivers nodded his approval. It was best for the Callenda fleet to stay close enough to the planet so the ion cannons could add to their offensive capability. “Take us in closer to Callenda and have all ships go to Condition Three. Our Fold Space sensors will give us ample warning of the Zaltule fleet when it approaches.”

  Now it would be a waiting game, Rivers needed to come up with a plan to hurt the Zaltule while not allowing his fleet to be decimated. Peering at the viewscreen, he saw a blue-white world. Callenda looked much like Earth had before the Kleese missile strike. He wondered sadly what the planet would look like when he was eventually forced to abandon the system.


  Time passed and the Zaltule fleet finally neared its target. Military Overlord Harmock was pleased with what he saw on the long-range sensors. The Humans had indeed come to this system’s defense. Large numbers of red threat icons were popping up one of the tactical screens showing the current disposition of what he assumed was the Human fleet.

  “It’s as we hoped,” Minor Overlord Gareth said as he gazed at the screen. “The Humans have come to the aid of Callenda. We have the fleet battle we wanted.”

  “Then they will die here,” said Harmock, relishing the thought of the coming battle. “We will drop out of Fold Space on the outskirts of the system and then initiate our battle plan.” Looking at another tactical screen showing the thousands of battlecruisers under his command, he began preparing for the coming battle. One thing he would not do was underestimate the Humans.


  Alliance Fleet Admiral Rivers watched the tactical screen with trepidation. The screen was filled with red threat icons. His fleet was heavily outnumbered.

  “Zaltule fleet is dropping out of Fold Space,” reported Lieutenant Hertz. “They’re way out, Admiral; close to the edge of the system.”

  Commander Greerman looked over at Admiral Rivers knowingly. “They want time to study our fleet to see what they’re up against. This Military Overlord Harmock is no fool.”

  Rivers nodded his agreement. “They won’t wait long before they launch their attack. Take the fleet to Condition One.” Immediately alarms and red lights began flashing as the order was implemented.

  Rivers felt guilty with what he was about to do. The leaders of the planet beneath the fleet had been very adamant that he not risk major losses defending them. They were well aware of what was coming into their system and to their planet. Arrangements had already been made to surrender to the Zaltule as soon as the fleet action was over. The major cities were being evacuated and were already nearly empty. It was hoped that if the Zaltule did use antimatter missiles on the planet, the casualties would be held to a minimum.

  Even the orbiting Callenda warships had their crews reduced to volunteers only. It was expected the battle would be brief and violent and none of the ships would survive. The ion cannons would be fired in support of the fleet but as soon as the battle turned in the Zaltule’s favor explosive charges would detonate beneath the cannons, blowing them into oblivion so the Zaltule wouldn’t be able to salvage any technology from the weapon sites.

  “Keep our formation tight,” ordered Rivers as he checked the green icons on the tactical screen. The fleet was in a short and squat cylinder formation. Once the Zaltule arrived, he intended to attack one section of their battle line and force his way through it, destroying every Zaltule ship in his path.

  “Zaltule are entering Fold Space,” reported Lieutenant Hertz. On her sensors screens, the Zaltule ships were vanishing, only to reappear on the Fold Space tracking sensors.

  Rivers activated his ship-to-ship comm. “All ships, stand by for imminent combat.”

  The Fleet Admiral took a deep and fortifying breath. This would be the fleet’s first actual combat. He had nearly twelve hundred ships in the fleet from twenty-eight different Alliance worlds. He and his other officers had worked hard trying to meld the numerous system fleets into one unit capable of following orders and performing well in combat. They were about to put that training to the test.

  “Admiral Zahn reports his fleet is ready and the planetary ion cannons are powered up,” reported Ensign Entz. “He also says all major cities have been evacuated.”


  The minutes passed slowly and the tension in the Command Center was steadily increasing. Talking was minimal as everyone had their eyes glued to the tactical screen showing the approaching Zaltule fleet.

  Fleet Admiral Rivers buckled his safety harness securely around him, knowing that shortly the fleet would be engaged in combat.

  “All ships are at Condition One with weapons on standby,” reported Commander Greerman.

  He had once commanded an aircraft carrier and he felt at home in the Command Center. Glancing at a viewscreen, he could see a number of Alliance ships that seemed to be floating in the darkness of space with hundreds of unblinking stars as a background. At the moment, everything was still peaceful, but that was going to change shortly.

  “Zaltule are dropping out of Fold Space,” called out Lieutenant Hertz as alarms began to sound on her console.

  “Fire missiles!” ordered Fleet Admiral Rivers. He wanted to get in the first strike before the Zaltule could fully power up their energy shields.


  The order was received by the fifty Javian battlecruisers in the fleet. Each Javian ship was one thousand meters in length. Their primary weapons were their powerful sublight antimatter missiles. Each ship had sixty missile tubes and could launch a coordinated missile strike on any target. The ships also had numerous energy beam turrets for offense and defense. On the bow, there was a large energy cannon that could fire a concentrated beam of energy. Each Javian ship had orders to target just one Zaltule battlecruiser each with their opening salvo.


  “Zaltule have emerged in a cone formation,” reported Commander Greerman with a deep frown. “Crap, we’re already partially englobed!”

  “Javians are firing their missiles, as well as the rest of the fleet.” Lieutenant Hertz could see her sensor screens come alive with contacts from all the missiles being launched.


  As soon as the ten thousand Zaltule battlecruisers dropped out of Fold Space, their energy shields snapped into being. The shields had barely powered up when they were pummeled by thousands of twenty-megaton antimatter missiles. All across the Zaltule formation, bright flashes of light flared into being. Most of the missiles were scattered across the Zaltule formation, however, the missiles launched by the fifty Javian battlecruisers were not. Each Javian vessel had targeted one Zaltule battlecruiser. Not only that but due to the excellent coordination of their missile strike, each missile impacted on the same spot of the Zaltule energy shield within microseconds of one another. Almost instantly the shield weakened, allowing a number of the sublight missiles to penetrate and strike the hull armor. In fifty locations across the Zaltule formation, fifty burning suns appeared as the Zaltule vessels were annihilated in raging flames of antimatter energy.


  “That hurt them!” called out Commander Greerman, his eyes glowing.

  “What about the rest of our missiles?” asked Rivers.

  “Negligible,” Greerman answered as he studied the tactical data appearing on his screens. “We caused some damage, but not much.”

  “All ships, begin Stage Two,” ordered Admiral Rivers over the ship-to-ship communications channel. Now would begin the difficult part of the battle with incoming fire from the larger and more powerful Zaltule battlecruisers.

  “Firing particle beams,” reported Lieutenant Sandra Brim. “Pulse fusion turrets are also firing.”

  Rivers looked up at the viewscreens displaying numerous ships, both Alliance and Zaltule. Beams of ene
rgy were lashing out, striking energy screens. More missiles were being launched to explode in bright flashes of light, and now it would become a battle of attrition.


  Pulse fusion fire from a number of Alliance battlecruisers slammed into the main part of a Zaltule warship, setting off massive explosions and hurling glowing debris into space. The ship seemed to shake uncontrollably for a moment before it was struck by a Nabian antimatter missile. It was instantly blown in two and the broken pieces were quickly targeted and destroyed. Other Zaltule ships were being targeted by multiple Alliance vessels trying to knock holes in their energy shields so an antimatter missile could be fired through the gap at the armored hull. Not even the strongest ship armor in existence could withstand the burning heat of released antimatter.

  Plasma beams from several Human battlecruisers slammed into the bow of a Zaltule warship setting off fiery explosions and severely damaging the vessel. Shortly after, an antimatter missile arrived and the ship was turned into a mangled molten wreck.


  On the surface of Callenda, the frightened populace looked up into the night sky. Bright flashes of light appeared in space, sometimes being too bright to even look at. Everyone knew the Alliance had come to their aid though it meant facing nearly impossible odds. Even from the ground, it was easy to see when a warship met its doom. A much brighter flash of light would appear and linger for several long seconds before dying away.

  The major cities of Callenda had been evacuated, with most of the planet’s inhabitants seeking out farms or fleeing toward the mountains. Only a few deep shelters had been built and in these, the leaders of the planet’s government huddled, knowing full well that shortly they would all be wearing the Kleese collars of obedience. Their only hope was that someday the remaining Alliance worlds and the Humans would return to free them.


  Supreme Military Overlord Harmock gazed coldly at the large viewscreens showing the ships his fleet were facing. This wasn’t the Human fleet he had hoped for; it was an Alliance fleet with a few Human vessels mixed in. He felt angry at being denied the fleet battle with the Humans he had been hoping for.

  “We’re detecting ships from twenty-seven Alliance worlds as well as a number of Human vessels,” Minor Overlord Gareth reported.

  Harmock shifted his eyes over to Gareth. “I want the maximum amount of damage possible inflicted on that fleet!” he ordered harshly. “This Alliance dares to defy us, and now is the time to show them the foolishness of challenging the Zaltule.”


  In space, a Zaltule battlecruiser was blown apart by the intense fire of six Lanolthian warships. The six cruisers then switched their targeting to the next Zaltule battlecruiser a few kilometers away. Energy beams, pulse fusion beams, and more antimatter missiles began impacting its energy screen, causing it to radiate high into the ultraviolet.

  Nearby, a Pradelian battlecruiser met its end as two Zaltule antimatter missiles penetrated its energy screen, turning the ship into a small sun. The space battle was growing more intense as the ships drew nearer to one another and very few weapons were missing their targets. The Zaltule had a distinct advantage as their ships were much larger and they had superior numbers. Already numerous ships in the Alliance fleet were burning or had been destroyed. The Alliance cylinder looked to be on fire from the sheer radiance of exploding antimatter weapons.


  Fleet Admiral Rivers grimaced as several Zaltule pulse fusion beams penetrated the energy screen of a Calthan battlecruiser, separating the top section from the ship. A massive explosion blew debris spinning into space and then additional pulse fusion beams turned the rest of the vessel into glowing debris.

  “We’re losing a lot of ships,” Commander Greerman commented between clinched teeth. “The Zaltule have too many battlecruisers and way too much firepower.”

  Rivers nodded. “It’s time for us to get out of here.” Activating the ship-to-ship communications channel once more, he spoke his next order. “All ships commence Stage Three. Once you’ve cleared the Zaltule battle line, activate your Fold Space Drives and proceed to the rendezvous coordinates.”


  In space, the Alliance cylinder began moving toward the heart of the Zaltule formation. Weapons fire intensified as now only targets directly ahead of the fleet were being fired upon. The Javian battlecruisers were concentrating their heavy missile fire upon the forward most Zaltule battlecruisers. The front section of the Zaltule formation looked like the heart of a fiery furnace.

  Particle beam cannons and occasional plasma beams tore holes in the screens of the attacking Zaltule battlecruisers. Whenever that happened, an antimatter missile or two would be fired into the brief gap in the shield to impact against the unprotected hull armor. Each time this happened, the battlecruiser was destroyed and a small glowing sun would appear for a few brief moments.

  However, as the fleet advanced, it became targeted by even more Zaltule weapons. The Alliance fleet was losing two ships to every Zaltule vessel they managed to destroy. The Alliance cylinder was aglow from exploding antimatter missiles, energy beams, and pulse fusion beams. The smaller Human assault ships were taking a real pounding, as they weren’t designed to stand up to a fully armed Zaltule battlecruiser. Assault ship after assault ship exploded in fiery flares of released antimatter energy as the Zaltule systematically blew them apart.


  Commander Lane on the Minotaur was growing impatient with the slow progress of the fleet. On one of the viewscreens in his Command Center, he watched as a Zaltule antimatter missile slammed into the bow of a light cruiser and the ship vanished in a fiery explosion.

  “Move us out of the formation and prepare to enter Fold Space,” he ordered, fearing his ship would be next. “We’re losing this battle.”

  “Sir, that’s against our orders!” protested Lieutenant Hays. “We’re not to leave our assigned position unless ordered.”

  Lane turned toward Hays with a glowering look of anger. “I command this ship, not you, now do as I ordered! If we remain here, we’ll be destroyed!”

  Hays nodded and against his better judgment ordered the navigation officer to begin edging the Minotaur toward the edge of the formation.

  Only a few seconds had passed when the ship shook violently and the lights dimmed. Several warning klaxons sounded and a number of red lights appeared on the damage control console.

  “What was that?” demanded Lane, his eyes opening wide with a hint of fear.

  “Several antimatter missiles impacted our energy screen,” Hays answered evenly, turning to face the commander. “The screen is down to 40 percent.”

  “Get us out of this damn formation, now!” yelled Lane as the ship shook violently once more. His face was pale and covered in a look of panic.


  Two Zaltule battlecruisers were now targeting the Minotaur. A Zaltule pulse fusion beam penetrated the weakened shield, blowing an energy beam turret to shreds and blasting a gaping hole in the hull. Atmosphere began bleeding out into space as several secondary explosions shook the vessel. The Minotaur took a massive hit to her bow, losing most of her heavy weapons with debris floating away from the ship. Additional Zaltule beams penetrated the energy screen, ripping open compartment after compartment and setting off more violent explosions.


  In the Command Center of the Minotaur, the lights suddenly dimmed and stayed that way. Smoke was evident in the air and the air circulation fans had ceased to function. Panicked voices spread throughout the Command Center.

  “Energy shield is at 12 percent, sublight drive is out, Fold Space Drive is nonfunctional,” Lieutenant Hays reported grim-faced. “Most of our weapons have been destroyed. We have numerous compartments open to space and out of control fires in many areas of the ship. We also have two Zaltule battlecruisers closing on our position.”

  “Do something!” demanded Commander Lane, his face showing madness.

  “It’s too late,
” answered Hays as he folded his arms across his chest and prepared to die. He looked defiantly at the commander. “You’ve killed us all.” At that moment, a bright light flashed through the Command Center eliminating everything and everyone.


  “The battlecruiser Minotaur is down,” reported Lieutenant Hertz. “It was moving away from the fleet formation.”

  “Lane,” muttered Commander Greerman, shaking his head. “I never did trust that man.”

  “His foolishness just cost him his life as well as that of his crew,” Admiral Rivers said grimly. He should have replaced the man weeks before; now that failure to do so had cost him a ship and its valuable crew.

  “We’ve lost six more assault ships,” reported Lieutenant Hertz. “They just can’t stand up to the firepower of the Zaltule battlecruisers.”

  Rivers nodded. This was a valuable but costly lesson. In future battles it would be best to use the assault ships in a supportive role, perhaps taking out enemy ships that had already suffered major damage.

  Shifting his gaze to the tactical screen, he saw the front portion of the Alliance cylinder was beginning to penetrate the Zaltule formation. A few more minutes and ships could start entering Fold Space where they would be safe from attack. However, between now and the time that began to happen there was still a lot of fighting to do.


  The Independence shuddered as two antimatter missiles struck her energy shield severely, jarring the ship. The screen seemed to flicker and then returned to full power.

  A nearby Nalton battlecruiser blew apart as its power systems were compromised. A Tureen warship was split in two as it dueled with a pair of Zaltule battlecruisers on the outer edge of the formation. Throughout the Alliance cylinder, ships were dying.

  The forward ships were now entering the Zaltule formation, forcing the Zaltule to be more precise in their targeting so as not to hit their own vessels. The Alliance warships began to take advantage of the momentary lull in Zaltule weapons fire and began hammering the nearest enemy warships with energy beams and antimatter missiles. The Human ships were striking hard with their particle beam cannons and plasma beams, trying to blast a path through the Zaltule battle line. More than one Zaltule battlecruiser had holes torn through their energy screens to die moments later as Alliance antimatter missiles blew them apart. Several assault ships found Zaltule battlecruisers blocking their path, and rather than slow down they rammed the blockading warships.


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