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Galactic Empire Wars: Insurrection (The Galactic Empire Wars Book 5)

Page 28

by Raymond L. Weil


  “Pull our ships in around the Alliance fleet,” ordered Harmock as he watched the intensity of the battle. He had grudgingly nodded his approval at seeing the Human assault ships sacrifice themselves against his battlecruisers. It only confirmed his belief that the Humans were equal to the Zaltule as warriors. “I want them completely englobed and annihilated.”

  “Sending the order,” replied Gareth.

  “Fleet status!”

  “We’ve lost one hundred and eighty battlecruisers,” Gareth answered uneasily. “The Alliance fleet has lost over three hundred of their ships.”

  Harmock shifted his multifaceted eyes toward the ship’s tactical screen. He could feel the Warrior’s Fire vibrate occasionally from an enemy weapons strike. It was obvious from the movement of the Alliance fleet that they were attempting to push through his fleet formation and there was very little he could do to prevent it. There were only so many Zaltule ships that could bring their weapons to bear in the region the Alliance ships were attempting to penetrate. His plan was for other Zaltule battlecruisers to swing around and attack the Alliance cylinder formation from the rear. There was no doubt that once they were through his fleet, they would enter Fold Space and escape. However, before they did he intended to make their escape as costly as possible.


  Fleet Admiral Rivers felt himself thrown sharply against his restraining harness. Alarms began sounding and red lights began appearing on the damage control console.

  “Two pulse fusion beams penetrated a weakened section of our energy screen,” Commander Greerman reported brusquely. “We have six compartments open to space and several fires burning. I’ve dispatched damage control teams and initiated the fire suppression systems in the affected areas. We also lost a particle beam turret and two energy beam turrets.”

  “Keep me informed if we suffer any additional damage,” Rivers ordered as the Independence had now entered the Zaltule formation. Upon the viewscreens, Alliance ships as well as Zaltule battlecruisers were being prominently displayed. Rivers shook his head grimly as a Tureen battlecruiser was blown apart.

  “Targeting Zaltule battlecruiser,” reported Lieutenant Brim as she fired off half a dozen antimatter missiles as well as the ship’s two primary particle beam cannons.

  On one of the viewscreens, the targeted Zaltule battlecruiser was visible. Massive explosions suddenly lit up its screen, followed by the two particle beams smashing into the already stressed energy shield. This strike was quickly followed up by the ship’s powerful plasma beam cannon firing, causing a large failure in the Zaltule’s energy screen. Lieutenant Brim didn’t hesitate as four antimatter missiles flashed through the damaged screen and exploded against the armored hull of the Zaltule warship. Four bright flashes of light suddenly caused the viewscreen to dim to near darkness and then moments later it returned to normal. In the place of the Zaltule battlecruiser, there was now what looked like a small glowing sun, which rapidly began to dim and then vanished. There was no sign of the destroyed vessel other than a few wisps of faintly glowing gas.

  “Zaltule battlecruiser is down,” confirmed Lieutenant Hertz.

  “We’re beginning to exit the Zaltule formation,” reported Commander Greerman with obvious relief in his voice.

  It took a few more minutes for the rest of the now shattered Alliance cylinder to emerge from the Zaltule battle line. As ships emerged, they quickly made the transition to Fold Space and set out for the rendezvous coordinates. Fleet Admiral Rivers was keeping the Independence at a safe distance and monitoring the Alliance ships as they emerged from the Zaltule formation and made their escape. He knew from what he was seeing that he had lost a lot of valuable ships; more than he could afford. However, in order to keep the Alliance together as a viable military force this sacrifice had to be made.

  “We have about thirty ships with damaged Fold Space Drives that can’t make the entry into Fold Space,” reported Commander Greerman as he listened to the frantic messages over the ship-to-ship comm channel. “They’re turning around to reengage the Zaltule.”

  Rivers watched grimly as the ships made the supreme sacrifice. They couldn’t escape and their commanders were refusing to surrender their vessels to the Zaltule. Instead, they turned on their attackers with renewed ferocity. They were led by the Human heavy battlecruiser Pacifica under the command of Commander Alicia Stork. The Pacifica was heavily damaged and just before the end managed to ram a Zaltule battlecruiser, destroying both vessels in a massive fireball. Other ships tried to do the same though most were destroyed by the Zaltule before they could ram.

  “Let’s go,” ordered Rivers, knowing the battle was over. “We’ve done what was necessary, and we now have a fleet that’s been tested in battle. We’ll call some of the sub-fleets in to replace our losses and then wait and see where the Zaltule are heading next. There will be more battles in the coming weeks.”

  Moments later, the Independence made the transit into Fold Space and rapidly left the Callenda System behind.


  Admiral Zahn of the Callenda defense fleet gazed stoically at his ship’s tactical screen. The last of the Alliance ships that had lost their Fold Space Drives had died as the Zaltule battlecruisers mercilessly destroyed them. He had watched as one of the Human vessels rammed a Zaltule battlecruiser, destroying both ships. It had shown him just how fearless the Humans were in battle. He was determined his death would be equally as fearless. He had eighty ships under his command, and he expected to lose all of them in the next hour.

  “Zaltule have reformed their fleet formation and are advancing toward Callenda,” reported Second Commander Xanth. “They will be in engagement range in ten minutes.”

  Zahn nodded. “Prepare the fleet, for today we die for the future of our world.” Zahn was glad nearly sixty percent of the crews of his warships had been evacuated down to the surface. Someday they might be needed again, and there was no point in sacrificing their lives when it wasn’t necessary.


  Harmock was pleased with the battle so far. He had eliminated a good third of the defending Alliance fleet, forcing them to flee into Fold Space. Now the Callenda defense fleet was all that remained between the Zaltule and the waiting planet.

  “Energy cannons are their primary weapon,” reported Gareth as he turned away from his instruments.

  “I want a full bombardment of antimatter missiles and then finish them off with our pulse fusion beams,” ordered Harmock in a cold and merciless voice. “There is one large space station in orbit; destroy it also.”


  The Zaltule fleet continued to advance and upon entering engagement range, both fleets fired their weapons simultaneously. However, nearly ten thousand Zaltule battlecruisers launching antimatter missiles was overwhelming against a fleet of only eighty vessels. In the defending fleet massive and bright fireballs lit up space as the Callenda fleet was obliterated in a matter of seconds. When the light died down, there was not a trace of a single Callenda warship or of the orbiting space station.

  The Zaltule fleet then went into orbit over Callenda, only to hastily withdraw as the powerful planetary based ion cannons opened fire. Seven Zaltule battlecruisers exploded as the ion beams tore the ships apart. After determining where the weapons had fired from, the fleet returned once more and launched antimatter missiles at the locations of each cannon. Before the cannons were destroyed, they managed to take out four more Zaltule warships.


  “Ion cannons, and extremely powerful ones,” reported Salten, the Warrior’s Fires weapons officer. “We’ve eliminated all of them.”

  Harmock gazed with a steady look at the viewscreen, which now was showing the planet. “An unexpected development. I suspect we’ll find more of these ion cannons on the other Alliance worlds, probably many more than were here at Callenda. This system only recently joined the Alliance.”

  “What now?” asked Gareth. “Do we send our Zaltule warriors down and place t
he collars of obedience around the leaders of Callenda?”

  “No,” answered Harmock, shaking his triangular shaped head. “We will initiate repairs and then proceed on to our next target.”

  “I have a message from the leaders of Callenda,” reported Dalock from Communications. “They are offering a full and unconditional surrender.”

  “Ignore them,” Harmock ordered. “We will make our repairs and then set out for our next target.”

  “Which Alliance world will that be?” asked Gareth, shifting his gaze to the Supreme Military Overlord. “Or will it be the Humans’ home system?”

  “Not an Alliance world,” Harmock said in a cold voice. “We will attack the Humans’ home system and destroy it. Once it has been eliminated this war with the Alliance will come to an end as I doubt if any of the Alliance worlds will be willing to fight our empire without the Humans. It’s time we put an end to this menace once and for all.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  Captain Ryan Nelson was in the small Command Center of the Marine assault cruiser Deliverance. In another hour, they would be dropping out of Fold Space into the Solar System. This had been a difficult mission, and many of the crewmembers and Marines were still adjusting to the disastrous events that had struck the fleet.

  “It’ll be good to be home,” commented Captain Marcus Durham from his command chair. “I know you’re anxious to get Corporal Adams the medical treatment she needs.”

  Ryan was just relieved they were so close to home. He knew Commander Symington had used the FTL transmitter on board the heavy battlecruiser Callisto to inform General Mitchell that what remained of Seventh Fleet would soon be arriving in the Solar System. It would be a dismal homecoming since they had failed in their mission and suffered horrendous casualties at the hands of the Zaltule. They had lost Admiral Adamson and his flagship, the heavy battlecruiser Constellation, four of six battlecruisers, nine out of sixteen light cruisers, the troop assault ship Defender, along with Major Winfrey, plus one of the Marine assault cruisers.

  Lauren was still in the ship’s small and well-equipped med bay. She had suffered some serious internal injuries from the energy beam that had penetrated her armor. The medical nanites had worked miracles, repairing her injuries and keeping her alive. She still needed to be taken to one of the larger medical facilities in the Solar System to finish her recovery.

  “Where will the fleet be dropping out of Fold Space?”

  Durham looked over at Ryan. “Just outside of lunar orbit. They’ll have a medical shuttle standing by to take Corporal Adams and some of the other wounded over to Centerpoint to receive the appropriate medical care. I suspect the entire fleet will eventually be docking to the station. There’s going to be a lot of intense debriefing over this mission. Some very important people are going to want to know what went wrong and why it happened. You don’t lose over half of your fleet and not suffer repercussions.”

  Ryan didn’t mention that since both Admiral Adamson and Major Winfrey were dead, it was going to be difficult to determine the exact cause of the mission’s failure, particularly as both men had been excellent and well-qualified commanding officers.

  “Any word on whether the Zaltule have launched any attacks yet?” Ryan and the other Marines had been deeply concerned that since their mission had failed, the Zaltule may have already begun their attack upon the Alliance.

  “No,” answered Durham, shaking his head. “So far there has been no information as to what the Zaltule are currently up to. We’ll know more when we reach Centerpoint.”

  “I’ll go tell the others that a medical shuttle will be waiting to pick up Lauren,” Ryan said. They had all been worried about her ever since the attack on Anglesh. Ryan knew from talking to Casey that she was very upset about Lauren’s injury. She had come so close to losing her best friend.


  Reaching the med bay, Ryan went inside to find both Alexander and Casey at Lauren’s bedside. Alexander had very seldom left Lauren since they had returned to the Deliverance. Due to the seriousness of Lauren’s injury, she had been kept sedated for the entire journey back to the Solar System. The doctors in the med bay had privately informed Ryan that if not for the medical nanites her battlesuit had injected her with she would have died down on the planet.

  “How is she?”

  Casey stood up and took Ryan’s hand. “The same. The doctor says once she receives treatment at one of the big medical facilities she should make a full recovery.” She looked at Ryan with a very intense and worried look. “I can’t believe how close we came to losing her.”

  Alexander was sitting next to Lauren’s bed, holding her hand. “If I had only been a little quicker none of this would have happened.” He was still blaming himself for Lauren nearly dying.

  “It was war,” Ryan said, walking over with Casey to stand next to Lauren looking down at her and noticing how pale she was. “We can’t control what happens in combat. People get hurt, and some even die. At least Lauren survived, and if you hadn’t acted when you did she wouldn’t be here.”

  “How soon before we dock to Centerpoint?” asked Casey, looking at Ryan. It had been hard on her seeing Lauren lying so still for such a long amount of time. It had been ten days since that fateful battle on Anglesh.

  “We’re dropping out near the Moon and a medical shuttle will be sent out to remove our injured and take them to Centerpoint for treatment.”

  Casey switched her eyes over to Alexander. “When Lauren wakes up I’ll be sure to let her know how you’ve been at her side through all of this.”

  “Don’t you dare,” stammered Alexander, his face flushing. “If Lauren finds out that I’ve been sitting here holding her hand, she’ll throw me out the nearest airlock.”

  “I don’t think that’s the reaction she’ll have,” replied Casey with a gentle smile. “She hasn’t had the opportunity to see this side of you, at least not like I have the last ten days.”

  Alexander let out a deep and regretful sigh. “She doesn’t care for me in that way. We’re friends, and that’s all we’ll ever be.”

  “Things can change,” Casey responded. “Lauren suffered a serious injury and nearly died. You may find that when they finally awaken her, she may look at you a little differently. After all, you did save her life.”

  “I don’t know,” Alexander replied doubtfully. “I’m just thankful she’s alive.”

  Casey squeezed Ryan’s hand and turned to face him. “I’m glad we’re nearly home. It’s been so difficult staying apart while we were on this mission.”

  “That ends now,” Ryan said. “Once we disembark at Centerpoint, I’ll see if I can swing us a few weeks leave and we can go to Vesta to see Wade and Beth as well as my parents. Perhaps Lauren and some of the others can join us once she’s released from the medical facility.”

  “I would like that.” Casey looked quizzically at Ryan. “What about some alone time?”

  Ryan allowed himself to smile. “There will be plenty of time for that too.”


  Near the Kleese core systems, Supreme Overlord Xatul stood upon the Command Pedestal of his flagship, the battlecruiser Empire’s Dawn. Today was the day he would take back his empire.


  “Fleet will be dropping out of Fold Space into the home system in forty minutes,” answered Cabot, the Kleese who was standing in front of the navigation console.

  “They will doubtlessly detect our approach,” cautioned Minor Overlord Labatt, who was second in command of the Empire’s Dawn.

  “Let them,” Xatul replied sharply. “It will do them no good. From the messages we’ve received from the loyal members of our clans in the empire, we know that Military Overlord Harmock is preparing to attack the Alliance and the Humans. War Overlord Tetus is away from the core worlds with a major portion of the reserve Zaltule fleet searching for a Human force that has been attacking former nonaligned worlds. Drusiid has sent many other Zaltule controlled vessels out acr
oss the empire searching for us. Now is the time for us to attack.”

  “It is indeed time,” agreed Labatt. His cold multifaceted eyes turned toward the ship’s tactical screen, now beginning to display the home system.


  Council Overlord Raluth was standing at the front of the large stone table in the massive building that housed the recently rebuilt Great Hall of the Council of Overlords. There were ten Overlords standing upon their six legs around the stone table. Four, including Raluth, had always been members of the council; the others were new members. Seven members of the council had died in the Human attack upon the capital city, which had destroyed the original Great Hall. However, the Zaltule no longer recognized the council’s authority. They so disdained the council that not even Darthu, Harmock’s military science advisor, ever attended the meetings anymore.

  “A member of my clan has notified me that the Fold Space detectors in the shipyards have located a large fleet of vessels inbound,” Raluth informed the others in a sharp and cold voice.

  “Who would dare to send such a fleet without permission into our space, particularly to our home system?” demanded Martule. “The Zaltule will destroy any such interlopers, particularly if they’re Human.”

  Raluth looked at the faces of the other Overlords before making his announcement. “It’s not the Humans. Supreme Overlord Xatul is returning at the head of a fleet of Kleese and Strell warships.”

  “What?” uttered Overlord Caselt, rising to his full height and placing his two seven-digit hands upon the hard surface of the stone table. “Why now? What can he hope to accomplish? The Zaltule will only kill him when they realize it’s our former Supreme Overlord who is returning.”


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