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Galactic Empire Wars: Insurrection (The Galactic Empire Wars Book 5)

Page 29

by Raymond L. Weil

  “Because at the moment, the Zaltule are at their weakest. I received a private message from Xatul just prior to this meeting beginning. He is ordering us to rise up and throw off the yolk of the Zaltule and drive them from the empire.”

  “Certain death,” said one of the new Overlords in a harsh and uncompromising voice. “Why should we die in this battle between Xatul and Harmock?”

  “Because if we don’t, we may die anyway,” Martule said, his multifaceted eyes narrowing as he considered Xatul’s order. “The Zaltule have established twenty-six nests to increase the number of hatchlings to add to their warriors. I greatly fear it’s only a matter of time before they turn on the other clans and demand our full allegiance. If we refuse they will begin to eliminate those Kleese they find unworthy of their warrior code.”

  “We must fight,” Caselt said unflinchingly. “We are Kleese and this is our empire. The Zaltule slept for thousands of years, and since their awakening they have brought nothing but chaos.”

  “They wish to wipe out all the races they consider vermin,” added Martule. “Many of those races serve the Kleese Empire in numerous capacities.”

  “Then this is an insurrection,” said one of the other Overlords. “If we fail in our bid to remove the Zaltule from the empire, we will all die. Even our clans may be eliminated in the rage the Zaltule will hold against us.”

  Raluth looked over at the others before speaking once more. “There are only twenty-two million Zaltule in the empire. There are billions of Kleese from all of our clans. We have hundreds of exploration ships we can call upon as well as tens of thousands of assault vessels. With the fleet the Supreme Overlord is returning with, we can defeat the Zaltule.”

  “We will have to destroy their nests,” Caselt pointed out. “We don’t dare leave one in case the Zaltule rise again and seek revenge for what we are about to do.”

  “We know what worlds their Queens are located on,” Raluth answered. “Some of us have gone to great pains to discover that information.”

  The Overlords became silent as they contemplated what Raluth had revealed. Then one of the newer Overlords spoke. “What of the Strell? What guarantee does the Supreme Overlord have that ensures they won’t fall upon the empire if we manage to eliminate the Zaltule?”

  “He has the assurance of the Strell Queen that they will turn away from our empire, even giving us all the worlds in the neutral territory between our two empires. He also has a number of their Queens still under control of our obedience collars. The Strell will obey the agreement they have made. It is their way.”

  “Then it is war!” called out several of the new Overlords.

  Raluth looked around the great stone table, seeing agreement in the multifaceted eyes of his fellow Overlords. He nodded his dark triangular shaped head. “It is war. We must go now and spread the word to our clans. It is time we take back our empire!”


  On the main Zaltule ship construction yard, Kaluse looked with confusion at the station’s large tactical screens showing thousands of red threat icons inbound toward the home system

  “Are we certain there are Kleese as well as Strell vessels in that fleet formation?”

  “Yes, it has been confirmed,” answered the Zaltule at the sensor console. “Our long-range Fold Space sensors are showing Strell battlecruisers, Kleese exploration ships, assault ships, and what appears to be a new Kleese battlecruiser slightly smaller than one of our Zaltule battlecruisers. There are also two much larger contacts behind the fleet, which we believe to be the two missing trading stations.”

  “How soon before the fleet drops out of Fold Space?”

  “Eight minutes.”

  “Prepare to activate the station’s energy shield and bring all weapons online.”

  “This must be Supreme Overlord Xatul returning,” stated Minor Overlord Drusiid. “Now we know where he fled to. He went to the Strell Empire and now he is returning at the head of a warfleet. Our Supreme Military Overlord will be very displeased when he receives this report.”

  The shipyard suddenly shook violently and warning alarms began sounding throughout the large Command Center. Red lights began appearing on the damage control console.

  “What was that?” demanded Kaluse as his eyes shifted to the viewscreens to see who was attacking them. He knew none of Xatul’s ships had as of yet made it into the system.

  “The two exploration ships in orbit around the station are firing on us,” reported the Zaltule at the sensor console. “They’ve raised their energy shields and have launched a spread of antimatter missiles. They’re also firing their energy cannons and pulse fusion cannons.”

  The station shuddered again and then several more times in rapid succession. The lights in the Command Center dimmed and then returned to full brightness.

  “Activate the energy shield,” ordered Kaluse, his multifaceted eyes narrowing sharply. “Destroy those two exploration ships and find out what clan they belong to. This is insurrection and we will deal harshly with its perpetrators.”

  “Energy shield is offline,” the Zaltule at the tactical console reported. “The exploration ships have been targeting our shield generators.”

  “I have reports that our other shipyards are under attack as well,” the Zaltule in front of the communications console reported. “It seems to be a coordinated attack against all Zaltule facilities in the home system.”

  “Insurrection!” Drusiid said harshly, looking over at Kaluse. “We must destroy all who stand against the Zaltule.”


  Throughout the Kleese home system battles were breaking out. Kleese exploration ships and assault ships were attacking every installation controlled by the Zaltule. Antimatter missiles were exploding across the system as the Kleese clans rose up against the warrior clan. The surprise of the attacks had allowed many Zaltule warships to be destroyed before they could even raise their energy shields. However, the element of surprise didn’t last long and now the Zaltule began to fight back.

  Near one of the massive shipyards, a twelve thousand-meter exploration ship was being torn apart by heavy weapons fire from the Zaltule shipyard. The Kleese commander of the ship had no fear of dying as long as his death would promote the expansion and continued existence of the empire. Without hesitation, he ordered his dying vessel to ram the shipyard.

  The exploration ship accelerated on its subspace drives, aiming for the heart of the massive structure even as its failing energy shield was pummeled by hundreds of antimatter missiles. Just prior to reaching its target the exploration ship exploded, knocking down the station’s energy screen and sending huge fragments to impact the armored hull of the shipyard. In several sections of the station, the massive fragments managed to penetrate deep inside, causing tremendous damage. Secondary explosions began wracking the station, threatening to tear it apart. Damage control teams rushed throughout the shipyard trying to bring the spreading fires under control. Thousands of conscripts died as numerous compartments were opened up to space.


  The Empire’s Dawn dropped out of Fold Space amidst a system wide battle already in progress. Exploration ships and assault ships were locked in deadly and uncompromising combat with the Zaltule shipyards and other facilities as well as over two hundred of the older three-kilometer Zaltule battlecruisers.

  Supreme Overlord Xatul gazed at the tactical screen for several moments and then directed Strell warships to engage the Zaltule battlecruisers. His own personal fleet of two hundred and forty Kleese battlecruisers he ordered to go into orbit around the home world. It was time to return to the capital city and send the message throughout the empire that he had returned.


  Military science advisor Darthu was on board one of the Zaltule battlecruisers. He had been preparing to travel to Sherlund to see to the launching of the new Zaltule trading station, which would someday be placed outside the empire. His eyes narrowed sharply when he saw a squadron of Strell warships suddenly dro
p out of Fold Space within engagement range of his vessel. The Strell battlecruisers looked deadly and ominous. The ships were dark gray, nearly two kilometers long, and one thousand meters in diameter. Their hulls were covered with small hatches covering sublight missile tubes and numerous weapon turrets. Even as he watched one of the viewscreens, he saw the hatches slide open and what appeared to be sudden blurs of movement. At the same instant, his battlecruiser shook violently and the lights in the Command Center went out. Emergency lights flickered back on, but one look at the damage control console told him his battlecruiser was doomed. The Strell ships were just too powerful.


  Den Leader Bith looked on as the Zaltule battlecruiser on his viewscreen exploded into a thousand pieces. A burning fireball at its center soon died out as the oxygen needed to sustain the fireball was rapidly depleted.

  “Zaltule battlecruiser destroyed,” hissed his second officer.

  Bith’s long tongue flicked forth as he nodded with satisfaction. It was good to kill the Zaltule who had been responsive for enslaving the Queens. “Move us to our next target. There is much killing that needs to be done today.”


  Kaluse watched as the green icon that represented Overlord Darthu’s ship expanded and then vanished. The battle in the system had become so violent and so widespread it was becoming increasingly difficult to keep track of.

  “Our forces are heavily outnumbered,” Drusiid said as he turned away from the tactical screens. “We must call in our ships from the other core systems.”

  “Do so,” ordered Kaluse as he watched several more Zaltule battlecruisers vanish from one of the tactical screens. “What’s the current status of this station?”

  “We’ve got a temporary energy shield up,” Genedt replied. “It’s not as powerful as the station’s normal energy shield but it’s better than nothing. The station has sustained heavy damage and many areas are no longer accessible.”

  Kaluse knew they had made a serious error in judgment as far as Supreme Overlord Xatul was concerned. He was demonstrating he could be as ruthless and clever as the best of the Zaltule. “Send FTL messages to War Overlord Tetus and then to Military Overlord Harmock informing them of our current situation. Include as much information as possible on the forces attacking us. Tell them we don’t expect to be able to hold the home system.”

  The station suddenly shook violently and continued to shake. The lights in the Command Center darkened and then slowly returned to full brightness. On one of the viewscreens, Strell warships were dropping out of Fold Space as well as over a thousand Kleese assault ships.

  “This is the end,” Drusiid said in an emotionless voice. “We die for our clan today.”

  Kaluse gazed at the numerous viewscreens showing their approaching death. “Send FTL messages to all the worlds sheltering our Queens. Warn them of a possible attack and that they need to be prepared to evacuate.”

  Drusiid turned toward Kaluse with eyes showing sudden fear. “You believe Xatul will attack our Queens?”

  “Yes,” Kaluse answered as he folded his massive dark arms across his chest. “This is a war of extermination. Either we survive or Xatul and the other Kleese clans survive. In this we are heavily outnumbered.”

  The Command Center suddenly seemed to move sideways, throwing a number of Zaltule to the deck. Several consoles exploded, sending showers of burning sparks across the room. The very metal of the station seemed to be groaning as it was sheared apart from the Strell led attack.

  “Messages have been sent,” reported the Kleese at Communications.

  Drusiid gazed at Kaluse as the station continued to undergo its death throes. “We moved too fast after being awakened. We should have increased our numbers and bided our time until we were strong enough to take over the empire and hold the other Kleese clans to our ways.”

  “It was Harmock,” Kaluse responded as he watched the red lights continue to appear on the damage control console. There were already hundreds showing, and many parts of the massive shipyard were no longer responding. “He was too anxious to take over the empire and begin to expand out across the galaxy. Now that master plan has been endangered.”

  The lights in the Command Center dimmed and stayed dim. The fans circulating the air suddenly stopped working.

  “Energy shield has failed,” Genedt reported as he looked toward Kaluse. “We’ve lost most of our fusion generators. Our remaining sensors are showing massive launches of sublight antimatter missiles.”

  Kaluse nodded. This was the end.


  Den Leader Bith nodded in satisfaction as the large Zaltule shipyard was systematically blown apart by multiple antimatter missiles. The Zaltule had been responsible for placing the Kleese collars of obedience around the necks of all the Strell Queens. Now that humiliation was being avenged a thousand fold. While the Strell were a cold-blooded and logical race, they did experience sufficient emotions to relish the deaths of their conquerors and oppressors.

  “What have been our ship losses?” he asked his second in command.

  “Eighty-two vessels have met their ends,” Riesa responded.

  Riesa was a little over two meters tall and very thin. His head resembled that of a large snake. His eyes, set wide on the side of his head, narrowed to small slits as he turned to gaze at the tactical screen showing the battle around the Strell flagship. Riesa’s eyes could make out the different colors though his ancestors in the dim past had only able to see in black and white. The Strell had progressed far on the evolutionary scale from the time they had slithered on the ground until they developed arms and legs to allow them to build a technological civilization. The Zaltule had attempted to take their civilization away from them, and now the Strell were showing the Zaltule the true strength of the Strell race.

  “The clans loyal to Supreme Overlord Xatul are causing much damage to Zaltule ships as well as their infrastructure,” Riesa added in a cold and nearly emotionless voice. “The Zaltule will shortly be eliminated from this system.”

  Den Leader Bith nodded. “There are other worlds where the Zaltule reside. We will destroy all of the warrior clan and then return home to set all of our Queens free. The Strell Empire will once more be as it was.”


  Supreme Overlord Xatul gazed at the tactical screen as they neared the home planet. Several Kleese exploration ships were fighting against a group of twenty Zaltule battlecruisers. Even as he watched, he saw several Zaltule pulse fusion beams smash through the faltering energy shield of one of the vessels, carving out huge jagged pits in the hull armor. With a sudden fiery explosion, the exploration ship blew apart as a Zaltule antimatter missile penetrated to the heart of the vessel.

  “Take us in,” ordered Xatul, feeling no mercy toward the Zaltule. He had two hundred and forty new battlecruisers. Even though they were slightly smaller than a Zaltule vessel, the twenty remaining Zaltule vessels would be no match for his warships.


  The Zaltule, detecting the approach of Xatul and his fleet, turned eighty degrees and accelerated toward the renegade Kleese vessels. As they neared, they fired off a barrage of antimatter missiles as well as a fusillade of pulse fusion beams and powerful energy beams. In Xatul’s fleet formation, four battlecruisers suffered the brunt of the attack.

  Pulse fusion fire from the Zaltule vessels slammed into the main part of a Kleese warship, setting off massive explosions and hurling glowing debris into space. The aft section of the ship exploded, catapulting hull material toward the nearer ships, which disintegrated upon impacting the protective energy screens. An antimatter missile struck what remained of the vessel, destroying it in a sun-like explosion.

  Two of the other targeted battlecruisers died under the unrelenting fire of multiple pulse fusion beams and energy beams. The other battlecruiser suffered heavy damage but its energy screen manage to stay up. The ship’s commander ordered it to pull back to the rear of the formation to undergo repairs.

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  Xatul gazed at the viewscreens, which showed the approaching Zaltule battlecruisers. The Zaltule had no chance of victory against his fleet, but being Zaltule they refused to back down.

  “Destroy them,” he ordered evenly. “Let none of their ships survive.”

  “We will use antimatter missiles against them,” Minor Overlord Labatt said. “Their formation is too compact and they will not survive such an attack.”

  Xatul’s fleet fired upon the twenty approaching Zaltule battlecruisers and space became lit up like a fiery furnace from hell. So many antimatter missiles were detonating that the space in and around the Zaltule ships looked as if a small nova had gone off. When the light died down, the twenty warships had been reduced to a few pieces of molten metal and several clouds of drifting and glowing gas.

  “The Zaltule fleet has been eliminated,” reported Labatt, feeling no regretful emotions at killing so many Zaltule.


  “Our two trading stations are dropping out of Fold Space,” the Kleese standing before the sensors reported.

  “Have them go into orbit around the home world,” ordered Xatul.

  “The order has been transmitted,” replied the Kleese at the communication panel. “Council Overlord Syndat is inquiring if you want him to launch any of his assault ships.”

  “No,” Xatul replied as he looked at the tactical screen. “They won’t be needed.”

  “The space above the home world is ours,” reported Labatt as he turned around to face the Kleese Supreme Overlord. “Battles in other sections of the system are nearly at an end. All Zaltule shipyards and facilities have been destroyed as well as nearly all of their warships.”

  Xatul nodded. He gazed at one of the viewscreens showing the capital city of the Kleese Empire. It was the only city on the desolate and nearly uninhabitable planet. He stared at the heart of the city, which had still not recovered from the deadly attack of the Humans from over a year ago. Six million Kleese had died from the detonation of the antimatter weapons from the Human warship. All of this because of the actions of Military Overlord Harmock and his Zaltule.


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