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The Tycoon's Virgin Bride - Part 1 (The Corskovi Dynasty)

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by King, Ann

  As he kissed her neck and brought his lips lower to her cleavage, Hannah felt the moisture slide down her legs. Her sweet juices preparing for his entry. Her nipples ached for his touch. She wanted this now more than ever. It was as if nothing else even mattered in the world.

  When Andre’s soft lips trailed over her taut nipple she exploded. His hot tongue circling and teasing after her dress fell to the floor and she was fully exposed. His other hand cupped her other rounded breast and began thumbing and stroking her other nipple. Hannah arched her back in his embrace.

  Guilt and confusion gnawed away at her confidence. She felt disturbing quakes in her serenity yet the thought of not having Andre tore at her insides. Gustav had never shown her the slightest interest like this. He wanted to marry her in a rush because he was in need of a Green card and she was in need of a husband to father her children after she’d given up on finding true love and feared that her she may not have children if she waited too long due to her little medical condition. The doctor had warned her about that. Maybe marrying Gustav was all wrong for her. But how could she be with Andre and not have a marriage?

  “Do you like that?” Andre murmured.

  “Oh, baby, yes.”

  She felt his lips curl into a smile. Andre led Hannah onto the bed as she stepped out of her gown with only her silk panties on. Her breasts fully exposed. She was half naked. He surveyed her with deep satisfaction. “God, you’re so beautiful, Hannah.”

  Hannah laid on the bed, mesmerized as he took off his tuxedo and opened up his shirt. She gasped. She had never seen his naked chest before. His muscles were ripped in all the right places. His rounded dark nipples prominent on his sexy pectoral muscles.

  Her gazed dropped to his tented pants with his erection bulging.

  Hannah felt a tad of embarrassment. She’d not been so intimate before. Her panties were soaked through and Andre seemed to enjoy the sight of her wetness. He leaned down to her and slid his hand underneath her panties and inched closer to her throbbing pussy. His soft fingers brushed against her folds and her soft hairs.

  Hannah arched her back against the fabric of the bedspread, “Oh, God!” she moaned. Her breasts swelled in response and her pulse raced throughout her body. What was he going to do next? The anticipation shot through her.

  Andre moved his finger and slid her panties off. “God, you have no idea how you turn me on, Hannah.”

  “Mmm,” she moaned again as she watched him lower his head to her inner thigh. Oh, God! She’d never done that before. Not oral. She didn’t know what to expect.

  Andre first placed his finger inside her folds. “Ooh, you’re wet and ready, baby. I like that.”

  He pushed his finger in and pulled it out of her back and forth in a pulsing motion. Hannah cried out with pleasure. He seemed to know exactly where to hit her sweet spot. “Do you like that?” His voice was low. “Mmm.” She was pleasantly surprised by her body’s reaction. The more he touched her, the more she responded.

  Her creamy fluids were gushing out now as Andre lowered his soft lips to her opening. She held onto his head and breathed deeply. He pressed his lips softly and began playing and teasing, sucking at her opening, licking her juices as she cried out for more. “Please, Andre,” she cried out wanting him inside her.

  God, his touch was electrifying—out of this world. She’d never experienced such intimacy and pleasure in her life. Was this what she had missed out on?

  Then he slid his tongue inside her wetness with such a force it caused her to shiver with ecstasy as she oohed and made sounds she’d never thought she’d ever make.

  As he thrust his tongue inside, swirling and teasing as he played with the nub of her clitoris, she screamed out until she had a spasm and came with an erotic explosion. Her muscles tensed then relaxed. She was in a daze. She didn’t know where she was until she looked at Andre and saw her dress on the ground. Her wedding dress. A sickness came over her but it wasn’t just because she should be going to the church to marry someone else. It was because she longed for Andre. She couldn’t think of anyone else inside her but him.

  She quickly got up and moved towards him. He claimed her mouth with his, swirling his tongue inside her mouth. She tasted her own juices when he kissed her, soft fragranced. Andre’s breath was hot and sweet on her.

  “Do you want more?” he asked, a devilish grin on his lips.

  She nodded, panting out of control.

  Andre reached into his pocket of his pants and pulled out a golden, foil package. A condom. He then unzipped his pants and undressed, fully exposing his long, hard erection.

  “God, you’re huge!” Hannah cried out. Talk about sounding stupid. She’d never seen a man that large before.

  Andre’s lips curled into a grin. “It’s all yours baby,” he said in a low whisper.

  Hannah had glanced at videos before of women giving blow jobs but doubted her own ability. She really wanted to please him the same way he’d just pleasured her to sweetness. She inched closer to him.

  Could her mouth possibly hold this wonderful organ? She lowered her head to his throbbing cock and gently kissed the head of his penis. The low moan that came from his parted lips gave her satisfaction. She was pleasing him. She stroked the full length of his shaft and sucked on his penis once more, this time with more swirling of her tongue tasting the silkiness of his pre cum. Andre’s breathing became heavier and deeper. She continued to suck and soak up the wetness of his manhood as he pressed his palms on her head moving her back and forth. Soon his cock was driven deeper into her mouth, slapping the back of her throat. She almost gagged but repositioned herself over him. She would do this. She wanted him inside her. Craved him.

  His voice was now hoarse as he moaned and groaned with ecstasy. He stopped her and she was breathless, tasting the saltiness of his wetness. Perspiration moistened his taut skin and he looked more like a model from a workout gym commercial. The scent of his manhood was fresh and clean like soap.

  “Why did you stop?” she said almost out of breath.

  “I don’t want to come in your mouth. Not now. Lean back, baby.”

  Hannah complied.

  “Open your legs,” he said as he helped spread them wide with his own legs. Andre’s muscled heaviness and hot body was on top of her now. “You okay?”

  She nodded, her eyelids heavy with pleasure.

  He pressed his soft lips against hers again and kissed her with a fierce hunger she’d never experienced before. His lips trailed down her breasts again and he nibbled and bit gently on her nipple as she cried out for more. She thought she was going to go crazy if he didn’t fuck her now as her inner thighs pulsated hard and fast.

  He got up and took the condom packet and tore it open with his teeth, his sexy gaze still holding her as he rolled it over his long, firm shaft.

  “I’ve wanted you so badly for so long, baby.”

  “Oh, Andre. I want you, too,” she cooed.

  “You ready?”

  She nodded, her eyes wide. Should she dare say it? “Will it fit?” she said, gazing at his huge cock.

  Andre tilted his head back and laughed out. “You’re not serious, are you?”

  Hannah flushed a hundred shades of red.

  “Baby, it’s one size fits all.” The grin was wiped quickly off his face. He turned serious, a darkness in his eyes. “Hannah, you’ve never done this before? You’re a virgin?”

  “Please Andre, I want you. Please don’t stop.”

  “My God, Hannah. Why didn’t you say anything? Fuck!”

  “No, Andre, don’t stop. I want this.” She reached over and held the back of his neck bringing him closer to her. Her breathing was rapid now. She kissed him on his neck and moved her lips to his. She thrust her tongue inside his mouth, swirling and dancing with his. At first he was hesitant but then his arousal took over and he kissed her hungrily and lowered her back onto the bed.

  “I’ll be gentle the first time, okay? No kinks. Just vanilla sex

  “Vanilla what?”

  He grinned into her lips. “I’ll explain another time, baby. God, there’s so many things I wanna do to you, Hannah.”

  Andre’s lips caressed her body and he murmured how beautiful she was and how much he respected her and desired her and that he’d never do anything to hurt her.

  “It’s a good thing you’re so wet. My dick should slide right in.” he murmured as he moved his cock around the opening of her wetness playfully teasing her, soaking up her juices, then with a firm thrust of his hips he slid his hard erection inside her moist opening. Hannah gasped in surprise at first at the sweet invasion then she cried out with delight. He moved back and forth, groaning as he nibbled on her neck. His movements were slow and tantalising at first then hard and fast. There was the sound of skin slapping skin as he entered inside her tight walls in the heat of passion. She came soon after with a shudder. Andre then thrusted until his muscles tensed with an erotic shudder and he came with an explosion crying out, “Oh, God!” over and over. He gently pressed his lips to Hannah’s forehead then moved down to her lips stroking her long silky hair. “I love you, Hannah. I’ve wanted you from the day I first laid eyes on you.”

  “Oh, Andre. I love you, too,” she murmured breathless.

  As they lay on the bed panting and breathing heavy, heart beats pounding in their chests so loud they could hear it, their moment of pleasure was disturbed by a knocking on the door, bringing Hannah back to reality.

  She jolted up.

  “Hannah! It’s Lucy! The limo is here to take you to the chapel.”

  Andre lifted his head up and propped himself up in the bed, his nakedness to Hannah’s delight.

  “Hannah?” Lucy’s voice sounded more urgent. “Is everything alright in there? I have the other card key. I’m coming in, alright?”

  “Tell her that the wedding is off,” Andre said, his tone more serious.

  “I…I can’t…I…”

  “Hannah, you can’t possibly walk down the aisle with that man after what we just had.”

  Hannah felt the blood drain from her face. What was she going to do now? Everyone was at the church waiting for her. Her mother. Her poor mother. She could not cause a disgrace now, could she? She’d be the laughing stock, the scandal of the whole community.

  She glanced into Andre’s eyes, desperation in her own eyes.

  She heard the sound of the card key swiping the door for Lucy to come in. Fear of getting caught and anxiety knotted inside her.

  She turned to Andre, alarmed.

  What was she going to do now? Call off the wedding and leave everybody at the church waiting as she ran off with Andre? But Andre wasn’t a marrying man. Her body tensed. Her mind reeled with confusion. She was shattered inside just thinking of what her next move should be.

  Should she marry Gustav or stay with Andre?

  Chapter 3

  Hannah Steeles’ breathing became labored as she sat in the white hummer limousine on her way to the chapel. Her thoughts were all over the place. She could barely capture in the luxurious interior of the vehicle which looked more like a palace on wheels. It was hard to believe she was seated in a car.

  She should be savoring the moment. Instead, she dreaded what she was about to do. To marry Gustav Kolodenko, a man she did not love. A man who did not love her. But that wasn’t causing her heart to pound in her chest and her lungs to work overtime. Her mind was still spinning from what had just taken place at the hotel moments ago. Her body still tingling from her passionate encounter with the man sitting next to her, ready to give her away in place of her late father. Her friend and the man she’d secretly admired for so long.

  Andre ‘sexy-yet-emotionally-unavailable’ Corskovi.

  Damn, Andre!

  Guilt tore through her body as she sat there in her white Vera Wang mermaid design wedding gown. The temptation was so great to run away with Andre that is was overwhelming her. Guilt was a heavy burden to bear.

  She turned her head to glance at Andre. She saw raw hurt glittering in his dark, sexy caramel eyes. He was peering out the window, jaw clenched. He looked devilishly handsome even though he was not in the mood to talk to her right now. His skin had a radiant glow. Andre looked ravishing in his French design dark grey tux. Her gaze dropped to his groomed stubble that gave him the dangerous bad boy look and his sinfully sexy lips. The same lips that moments ago had pleasured her to erotic heights.

  Stop it, Hannah! He’s not the man for you. He doesn’t do the marriage thing, remember?

  He had argued with her to put a stop to the wedding back at the hotel but she did not have the guts to do so. She should run off with Andre. But he could not give her the marriage she desired. A tumble of confused thoughts and feelings assailed her. A wave of doubt coursed through her veins. The chapel was decorated and filled with her family and friends. Her chronically ill mother had always wanted to live to see the day that she would marry and have a family of her own. Something that she was denied when she’d given birth to Hannah out of wedlock.

  How could she let them all down now at the last minute?

  Hannah had always had feelings for Andre and she barely knew Gustav. She’d been in love with Andre from the moment she first met him when she was in her teens long before he’d struck it rich and made his first billion. But he was not the marrying type. He’d made that clear.

  But did she really want to enter a loveless marriage just to have children in wedlock?

  “Stop the car!”

  “What is it?” Andre asked, his voice cool and emotionless.

  “You’re right, Andre. I can’t go through with this.” She gathered her long train and scooted over in the enormous limousine to the door and opened it.

  “What are you doing, Hannah? We’re in the middle of the street.” Andre followed her out of the car. The limo driver had pulled over to the side of the busy Vegas Strip. Not surprisingly the street was filled with crowds of people laughing and talking, music pumping in the atmosphere and the glow of the lighted buildings created quite the sight. A few onlookers gave her the thumbs up and took pictures of her in her dress with their camera phones. She looked oddly out of place as if she should be in a chapel not on the Vegas Strip itself.

  “Are you out of your mind?” Andre asked as he pulled Hannah close to him on the busy street. Hannah looked captivating in her strapless hugging gown even on a crowded street. His gaze drifted to her voluptuous cleavage and his crutch jumped. Just moments before he wasn’t able to control his urge to have her and captured her bosom between his lips.

  God, she looked scrumptious in her mermaid gown which only highlighted all her curves. And that ass! That fine rounded ass bulging from her smooth satin white dress. His cock started to throb again. He’d have an erection in no time. Bad idea to look her over while on the street. He felt fiercely protective of her again. Heat fired inside him because he desired her so badly, his late mentor’s niece, and he wanted no one else to even lay their eyes on her. He knew he was wrong for telling her how he’d felt the morning of her wedding but he’d also known they were made for each other. A sense of urgency surged inside him to take her again. Right there and then.

  “I couldn’t breathe in there. I needed air. I needed to clear my mind,” she said, her expression that of desperation. Torment.

  Andre hugged her closely inhaling the fragrance of her freshly shampooed hair which shined as it flowed down her back. His senses were spiraling out of control.

  “Hannah, you know how I feel about you. You don’t even love Gustav. Why are you marrying him? You barely know him.”

  “I know that he wants to marry me, Andre.”

  “To get his green card. You call that a real marriage? What makes you so sure he won’t leave you the moment he’s legit in this country?”

  Hannah sucked in a deep breath.

  “Listen,” Andre said, looking around, “this is not the time nor the place to have this conversation. Let’s get
back into the car.”

  Hannah hesitated at first, her soft red lips pouted. Andre leaned down and sucked on her lips as he kissed her gently. A group of tourists with cameras had been watching and burst into a round of applause. He watched how Hannah’s face turned a deep shade of rouge. A grin touched his lips.

  He turned to the crowd and gave a nod as he gently took Hannah by the waist and led her back to the long white limo.

  Hannah fished inside her white pearl bag for her cell phone. “I’m going to call Gustav.”

  “You will tell him that the wedding is off?” Andre asked but it sounded more like a statement than a question.

  “Yes.” Hannah felt a lump climb into her throat. Her heart pounded hard and fast. She carefully dialed his number and hit the send key waiting for him to answer. Gustav should be at the chapel by now, waiting for her to walk down the aisle towards him.

  “Hello,” a woman’s voice answered Gustav’s cell.

  Stunned, Hannah paused for a moment, thinking that she might have dialed the wrong number.

  “Hi…um, is Gustav there?”

  Andre’s attention turned to Hannah. He seemed curious as to whom she was speaking with.

  “Who is this? What do you want with Gustav?” The woman had some sort of a Russian accent. How strange. Gustav was born in Russia.

  “I’m his…fiancé. Who is this?”

  “His wife!” Hannah dropped the phone. Her entire body went numb.

  Chapter 4

  Hannah’s maid of honor, Lucy, paced in the chapel at the entrance waiting for her to show up with Andre. They were already running behind. Fashionably late, no doubt. She glanced at her watch. Gustav was nowhere to be found. He should have been there by now. He was to arrive twenty minutes before Hannah. Where was he?

  “Everything okay?” Andre’s brother, Dane, asked, observing Lucy’s body language and facial expression.

  “No. I can’t get a hold of Gustav. He’s supposed to be here a while ago and Hannah is not answering her cell phone.” Lucy didn’t want to say anything more at the moment. But she’d noticed a strange vibe when she’d walked into Hannah’s hotel suite just an hour ago. When she finally was let inside the suite, Hannah and Andre were there, guilt spread across their face. She also noticed that Hannah appeared flush. Her hair wasn’t as neat as it was when she’d seen her earlier to collect Hannah’s mother. She’d always thought there was a deep attraction between the two and personally she thought Andre and Hannah should be together. They’d known each other so long. She wasn’t particularly keen on this Gustav Kolodenko guy but it wasn’t her place to tell Hannah. She wanted Hannah to be happy. She knew that Hannah had been through so much in her young life. She’d suffered emotional bruises from her past back in her native home in the Mediterranean before migrating to America with her mother. Then there was her medical issue. She’d confided in Lucy about her situation. She needed to have kids earlier rather than later if she wanted to have them at all. She knew deep down this was the reason Hannah rushed to marry Gustav after he proposed. Lucy secretly hoped that Andre would stop being the self-professed bachelor he’d claimed to be and ask Hannah to marry him. But she knew deep down it was not likely to happen.


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