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The Surrogate (Clearwater)

Page 4

by Dobson, Marissa

  He leaned closer, his face hovered just above hers. “Thank you.” He pressed his lips to hers, the warmth of his mouth made her forget her worries for a moment. He used his tongue to gently slide her lips apart then explored her mouth, the spice of cinnamon drew her in.

  She returned his kisses, eager for more of his tongue, when he pulled back. “I promise this isn’t a mistake. It might be unconventional and we might have been thrown together because of circumstances beyond our control but I think this was always had it was supposed to be and I’ll prove it to you with time.”

  Reeling from his kiss, she watched him for a moment. “Why did you never make a move before?”

  “James…he was always so protective of his little sister. Plus I was an intern. You deserved better than somebody under that kind of pressure—both physically and financially.” He cupped his hand along her cheek. “I planned to ask you out once my internship was over but you did the semester abroad and when you returned James mentioned you had a serious boyfriend. Then Peg came along. I always wondered how different things would have been if I wouldn’t have waited. Now we have the chance to explore it.”

  “I know it might sound stupid, since we will have children together in a matter of weeks but it needs to be slow.”

  “Anything you want, as long as you give us a chance. Not just for the sake of our girls but for us. We deserve it too.” He ran his thumb along her chin. “I’ve always loved you and finally I’ll have a chance to show you.”

  She wasn’t sure what she was got herself into but he was right. She couldn’t just walk away from this opportunity. This might be Fate’s way of giving them both a chance to explore what could have started all those years ago, this time with twins in tow.

  * * *

  The following days passed in a blur, until Christmas only a week away. With Michael busy at the office and his hospital duties she was left to break in the new housekeeper, do the final preparations for the twins, as well as finals for the online class she taught. Jessi had planned everything in advance. After the holidays she would take a semester off giving her nearly eight months with the girls before she had to teach the fall semester.

  Jessi sat behind the desk in Michael’s study where she had she had set up temporary quarters until they had time to refurnish Peg’s old office for her to use, when Cathy entered. “Ms. Macis, you have a phone call. A man name James.”

  Cathy was an older woman, a little plump around the middle and she had let her hair turn gray adding a nice silvery white to her dark brown hair. With time she’d have that beautiful white grey that so many older women wanted if they let their hair remain natural. “Thank you, Cathy. James is my brother. Please, always put through his calls.” She tried to put down the ground rules now while Cathy was still new, later they’d be harder to instill. One she tried was for Cathy to call her Jessi instead of Ms. Macis but that was the only thing the woman refused saying it was respectful to call her employers Mr. and Ms. and Jessi had no comeback to that.

  “Yes, Ms. Macis.” She left to get back to her duties and Jessi picked up the phone on Michael’s desk.

  “James, once again a phone call in the middle of the day. What’s up?”

  “Michael called.” He stated it as if she should know why.

  She leaned back in the warm leather chair, waiting for James to say why he called. “I don’t follow.”

  “Jessi Ann, don’t play with me. You’re staying in Clearwater with him. Dammit, you go up there a little more than a week ago and he’s proposed.” James didn’t seem angry, just disappointed she didn’t tell him sooner.

  “I didn’t accept his proposal, yet.” It seemed stupid to defend only that part of his statement but that’s the part she got from it. She wasn’t sure why she added the yet, had she decided that she might accept it? Thankfully James didn’t call her on that.

  “So, you are staying?”

  “Yes. We both know he can’t do it alone, and the girls deserve better than we did. A nanny can’t replace a mother.” She loved her brother, but she really didn’t want to have to defend her actions—not to him, not to anyone.

  “I just don’t want to see you hurt. I wish I would have never mentioned he was looking for a surrogate.”

  “We both know Michael won’t hurt me on purpose. This might be the best thing that’s happened to us. Giving up the girls would have been harder than I realized. Now I don’t have to.” She ran her hand along her stomach, feeling feet kick beneath her hand. At least one of them, if not both, sure had a kick.

  “It could make things harder later if you decide to fight him for custody. Maybe you should speak with a lawyer before you make any kind of commitment.”

  “No matter what happens between us, I won’t take the girls from him. They deserve to have their father a part of their life. If things don’t work out with Michael, I’ll get my own place here in Clearwater and we’ll raise the girls together, even if in different houses. We’ll remain civil to each other for the sake of the children.” She’d do whatever had to be done to give the girls two parents.

  “Sister, you have high expectations. I just hope it works out for you.” He was silent for a moment she thought they were disconnected. “Michael is a good man and you’re an even better woman, so if any two people can make it work it’s you too. I’ll miss having you around here. It will seem odd not seeing you a few times a week for lunch, dinner or just coffee.”

  He had her there that was the one thing she’d missed. “Me too. When will you be here for Christmas?”

  “I’m flying in Friday night. Michael is picking me up at the airport.”

  “Five days before Christmas.” Shocked he was taking that much time off work, she leaned forward to look at the calendar. “That’s nearly two weeks. I don’t think you took more than a weekend off since you graduated medical school.”

  “I’m about to be an uncle. I want to be there to see my little nieces when they’re born. Plus, if you’re moving, the least I can do is spend Christmas and New Years with you. You’ll be so busy with the twins, who knows when I’ll get to see you.” There was a touch of sadness in his voice. It wasn’t just she was moving away, it was they were both losing their best friends due to the miles that separated them.

  “We’ll see each other regularly. I’ll come down and you’ll come up here. After all, the girls need their Uncle James in their lives just like two parents.” With another few minutes of small talk—she asked him to pick up a few needed things from her apartment—they ended the call.

  Jessi sat and made a list. She had to figure out what she’d do with her furniture. Was it worth bringing it here to put into storage? None of her furniture would fit into the elegance of the house, so it was either storage, or get rid of it. If she got rid of it and things didn’t work out she’d have to start all over again. So many decisions to make.

  * * *

  Michael stepped into the house, not bothering to take off his coat. “Jes!” He hollered up the steps, hoping she wasn’t resting.

  Cathy stepped out of the kitchen, her apron bore splotches of flour. “Mr. Johnson, is everything all right?”

  “Nothing could be better. I just wanted Jes here before I bring in the surprise from outside.”

  “She was working in your study. I’ll get her for you.” Cathy turned to go.

  “No need. I’m here. What’s all this fuss about?” Jessi came down the hallway toward them. Without another word, Cathy left them.

  “I have a surprise.” He stepped out the door and grabbed the Christmas tree he had leaned against the house only moments before. “I didn’t see the point to put one up before you arrived, but I want to now. I thought we could decorate it together.”

  “Only if we have hot cocoa and listen to Christmas music.”

  “Deal.” He lugged the tree into the family room. It was the first time he had a real Christmas tree since he was a child. It was also the first time he’d decorate a tree since he did it with
James and Jessi when he was an intern. Peg never wanted a tree. She hated the mess they created... How did I ever end up with such a woman? We were so different. He pushed the thoughts away and focused on making this a Christmas both Jessi and he would remember always.

  “I have decorations in the truck, as well as a tree stand.” He leaned the tree against the wall before he turned to go back out into the cold. “Ask Cathy to make some cocoa. I’ll get the Christmas music on when I get back.”

  Bag after bag he carried in before finally he turned the stereo on with the jazz instrumental Christmas CD she bought him on the last Christmas they spent together in Denver. With the tree in the stand they took a moment to drink their cocoa while she separated the decorations he purchased.

  “When did you find the time to get all this?” She set another string of Christmas lights into the pile that was already larger then they’d need for the tree.

  “Confession…I bribed my office assistant Melissa. I told her what I wanted color-wise and she did the rest, thankfully, because I would have never known what all to get. Who’d think a tree would need a skirt?” He held up a red velvet one with white snowflakes decorating it.

  “Everyone knows that. You need to hide the hideous tree stand until the gifts are put there.” She unfolded it and handed it to him. “Being as big as a whale, if I get down there I might never get back up, so it leaves you to put it around the base.”

  “You’re beautiful.” He kissed her cheek then did as she had asked.

  “I love that you find me beautiful even when it looks as though I’ve swallowed a beach ball.” She pressed her hands against the cushions of the couch for extra momentum to get up.

  “You’ve always been beautiful to me, but now you have a glow around you like nothing I’ve ever seen. It makes your beauty radiate.”

  His words alone would sweep her off her feet if she let them. But knowing he meant them meant more to her than just the words. He’d told her years ago she was beautiful, but after that one kiss they’d shared he seemed to erect a wall that no matter how much she tried she couldn’t scale. It was what prompted her to sign up for the semester abroad. Would things have been different if she hadn’t? That she would never know.

  Chapter Six

  The snow was coming down heavily again and was forecasted to only get worse through the hours. Jessi’s nerves were shot as she waited for Michael to get back from picking James up at the airport. In Denver she had to deal with snow, but not like this. This was more than just a snowstorm, it pounded the sleepy town with ice. The roads were a disaster.

  “Ms. Macis, can I get you anything?” Cathy asked from the doorway.

  “I’m fine, thank you, Cathy.” She pulled back the curtains to look out upon the driveway again. Even though Michael had used the snow blower on the driveway before he left it was covered again. The snow was at least three inches thick already, with the possibility of four feet over the next few days.

  “I know you’re worried, but Mr. Johnson will be home soon. Maybe you should rest. I don’t want you going into labor without him here. I don’t think we could make those roads in either of our cars.”

  “I’m not due for over a week.” With her hand rested on her stomach she turned to face Cathy.

  “I’ve been around long enough to know that in multiple baby pregnancies the mother rarely make it to their delivery date.” Cathy scooted one of the chairs closer to the window. “Humor me and sit.”

  Jessi nodded and obeyed. How could she argue when the woman was looking after her?

  “I’m just in the kitchen. Holler if you need me.” With that Cathy returned to her duties leaving Jessi alone with her worries.

  Her cell phone vibrated on the coffee table, tearing her gaze from the window. “Please don’t let that be bad news.” She eased her hand toward it like it might bite.

  “Hello.” There was a hesitation to her voice as she tried to push the Pause button on her fears. She didn’t remember to be this full of worry before the pregnancy, had this brought out her motherly instincts, forcing her to worry more about those she loved.

  “It’s me.” Michael’s voice came through the phone.

  “Oh Michael, is everything okay?”

  “We’re fine, I didn’t mean to worry you. We stopped to help a car that ran off the road just on the other side of town. I didn’t realize how long it took us to get it out of the snowbank. I just wanted to let you know we’ll be there soon.” She heard the engine start up.

  “I’m glad you’re both okay. Drive carefully.” She didn’t care how long it took him to get home as long as he made it safely.

  “Will do. I love you.”

  The first time he said it she wasn’t sure how to respond but in that minute she knew she shared his feelings. “I love you too.”

  “I’ll see you soon.” By the tone of his voice she knew she caught him off guard. He hadn’t expected her to return the sentiment.

  * * *

  Most of the evening Michael hung back giving Jessi time with her brother, biding his time until they were alone. When James finally retired for the night, Jessi snuggled up on the couch.

  He rose from his chair, wanting to be closer to her. “May I join you?” She moved her legs to give him space to sit. “I was thinking the other side. I enjoyed when you snuggled against the chest last night. Scoot down and let me sit behind you.” Last night they sat in the light of the tree talking of Christmases past.

  “With the weight of me and my stomach against you I don’t know how you could have been comfortable.” She moved enough for him the room to squeeze in beside her to cuddle.

  “You’re light as a feather. Now come here.”

  After they were comfortable, his arm around her body, he finally brought up the earlier call. “Did you truly mean what you said before?”

  “About my weight?” She leaned back enough from his chest to look up at him.

  “No. That you love me.” He felt as nervous as a schoolboy waiting for her answer.

  “Yes. I think part of me always loved you, but you were always out of reach. Now well, we can finally have what we wanted.” She yawned and he knew they should call it a night.

  He ran his hand down the length of her arm with the knowledge that he had everything he wanted right there with her by his side. “Come upstairs to my room. Sleep beside me so I can feel you next to me. Allow me to wake with you beside you to know none of this was a dream.”

  “Okay. I’ll change and meet you in your room.” She rose from the couch headed toward the steps.

  “I’ll be up after I check the house.” Clearwater was a safe town, with very little crime, thanks to Sheriff Ryder, but growing up in Denver instilled habits of locked doors. He moseyed around the house checking the doors before making this way back to the living room to unplug the tree.

  He took a final look at the tree before unplugged it. “If this Christmas goes well I’m going to have more than I ever knew I wanted.” With only days left before Christmas he had a few final things he needed to finalize to tie everything up in one big Christmas bow.

  Chapter Seven

  Christmas morning Jessi woke in Michael’s arms, his fingers gently gliding along her shoulder blade. “How long have you been awake?”

  “Only a few minutes.”

  She twisted her head to look up at him. She wasn’t sure what she would have said, but before she could he kissed her. The unsaid words died on her tongue. His kiss was full of heat and need. She opened her mouth, meeting his kisses with her own desire.

  When the kiss ended she snuggled tight against his body. Wishing her large stomach wasn’t in the way so she could lay the length of his toned body, feeling him pressed against every inch of her.

  He stared at her so long she started to feel nervous and had to ask, “What?”

  “You’re beautiful.” His face told her he wasn’t lying, he honestly found her beautiful. Her cheeks heated with a blush she couldn’t restrain.
r />   He reached under the covers and pulled out a small ring box. “I asked you once before, but this time I want to do it right.” He tried to slip out of bed, away from her.


  “I haven’t asked yet.” He smiled at her a twinkle in his eyes.

  A light laugh escaped her lips, taking a bit of her apprehension with it. “Stay here, ask me where you are.”

  “I wanted to get down on one knee, but if you insist.” He opened the box, taking the beautiful diamond ring from its bed. “Jessi Ann Macis, years ago when I was just a measly medical intern I fell in love with you and over the years that love has only grown stronger. Will you do me the honor of being my wife? Marry me and make me the happiest man alive.”

  “Yes. I love you and it would be my pleasure to be Mrs. Johnson.” He slid the engagement ring on onto her finger. “You have any connections that could see us married quickly? I’d love to do it before the girls are born, to give them a proper family right from the start.”

  “Tomorrow I’ll see what I can do. Until then, we have a Christmas to get to and you have to break the news to James—preferably before we got to the Christmas party at the hospital.”

  “I’ll deal with him.” She got out of bed ready to get dressed and tell her brother. Hopefully he would be as happy for her as she was.

  * * *

  Later that afternoon, the gifts were opened, the news of their forthcoming marriage had been delivered to James, and now they gathered in the family room. Michael was content with Jessi’s head resting against his chest, while James took the chair cattycorner to them, each relaxing before the night’s excitement was upon them.

  “James, I know you have a promising practice in the city but have you ever thought of settling for the slower life?” Michael took a drink of his coffee.


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