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The Girl in Seat 24B

Page 20

by Jennifer Peel

  “Ok, Michael.”

  I immediately turned off my laptop. I didn’t even bother walking to my room. I just pulled an afghan over me and fell asleep on the living room couch. I was awoken at six a.m. as I turned over. I heard the faintest pop and I felt a warm, wet sensation. I jumped up as quick as I could. My water broke! I had never had that happen on its own. Then I realized this was too early. I was only thirty-six weeks and three days. Panic set it in. I immediately dialed Dr. White’s after-hours number; her service said they would notify her and she would call me. As soon as I hung up with the service, I called my in-laws and woke them up.

  “We’ll be right over,” Jack said with a mixture of excitement and worry.

  Emma called within a few minutes. “Don’t panic,” she said. “Yes, she’s a little early, but I’m not too worried about it. Are you having any contractions?”

  There weren’t any to report yet, which was odd to me. She instructed me to relax and get to the hospital as soon as I could. I know it sounds stupid, but the first thing I did was jump in the shower. I knew it could be a long day and I didn’t want to feel gross on top of everything else. Besides, my water wasn’t gushing, it was like a small trickle, and I was out and dressed by the time my in-laws got there.

  Jack woke up the kids and brought them down. He didn’t want me walking up the stairs in my condition. When I saw my children, it reminded me I should call their daddy. The thought made me cry. I wanted him there. I was scared and I needed him even though he was the bane of my existence at the moment, but he was somewhere in Virginia. I think. Just as I got my phone to call him, the front door flew open, like just thinking of him made him appear out of thin air.

  There he stood, disheveled in jeans and a tight brown t-shirt. The kids immediately ran to him and clung to his legs. “The baby is coming, Daddy,” they excitedly announced. He held them to him, but his eyes never left mine. We both stood there for a moment as time seemed to pause.

  “Why are you here?” I cried.

  He smiled warmly. “Because this is where I’m supposed to be.”

  My in-laws each swooped in and took a child. Mia and Ashton were not happy to be taken away from their daddy, but we needed a moment.

  Michael quickly made his way to me and wrapped his arms around me. I instantly felt better, but I started to cry even harder. “You know I still hate you,” I said against his chest.

  He laid his hand against my head gently. “I know, but I’ll take it as a good sign. You wouldn’t hate me if you didn’t love me.”

  True, but I wouldn’t be acknowledging that I still loved him, especially not now when I felt panicked and scared. “By the way, my water broke.”

  He loosened his hold of me and looked me over. “I guess we better get to the hospital then.”

  “She’s early.”

  He kissed my forehead. “Everything will be ok. Where’s your bag?”

  “In my room, by your old dresser. The car seat is there too.”

  He quickly went to retrieve the items. I was joined by the rest of our family. Danielle looked visibly relieved that she didn’t have to go. Jack had a sly grin on his face; he was certainly happy with the turn of events. The kids were a mixture of excitement and whininess. They wanted to go to the hospital, and they were not happy to have their daddy leave them.

  Michael came back out and picked them both up. “I need to be at the hospital with mommy, but as soon as the baby is born, Mimi and Papa will bring you to the hospital.” He kissed them both. “I love you.” I think he almost cried as he expressed his feelings for our children.

  Jack kissed my cheek. “Don’t worry, my dear. Everything will be ok.”

  “Thanks, Dad,” I replied.

  Michael did a double take when he heard me call his dad, Dad. Jack placed his hand on his son’s shoulder and gave him a look of pride mixed with warning. He didn’t even say anything.

  “I’ll take good care of her,” Michael said to his dad.

  “See that you do.”

  I was getting anxious to leave. The water wasn’t gushing out of me by any means, but I was worried that was a possibility; I was pretty sure maxi-pads weren’t meant to hold copious amounts of amniotic fluid, and I was worried about her being this early.

  “Carly, we need to take your car. I had to take cab here.”

  I just shook my head and told him the keys hung in the laundry room like they always had. They were just a different set of keys to a different car. As we left, I felt like I was kind of in a dream state. I wasn’t expecting to deliver this early, and I certainly wasn’t expecting Michael.

  “How did you know?” I asked him after he threw my bag and the car seat in the back seat and walked me around to my door.

  “I just remember you feeling sick the day before you went into labor with Ashton and Mia and I had a feeling.” He placed his hand on my cheek. “And I was thinking about coming home anyway. I’ve missed you so much.”

  I shook my head at him and refused to give him any inkling of a smile. I wasn’t going to let him sweet talk me.

  “What about your job?”

  “It will be there when I get back. But let’s talk about it after we get you to the hospital.”

  He helped me in and hurriedly shut my door and ran around to the driver’s side. As he was backing out of the garage and looking back, he commented. “Nice ride. Definitely worthy of a camping trip.” I’m sure he was referring to our camping trip for two in the rain.

  I just looked at him like he was crazy.

  He grinned widely and devilishly at my response.

  Two could play this game. “If you want to take the kids, I’ll let you borrow my car.”

  He laughed. “That hurts, Carly.”

  I rolled my eyes. He had no idea what hurt was.

  He picked up my left hand and held it while he drove. “Any contractions?”

  “Not yet. Does that seem odd?” I responded as I rubbed my abdomen with my right hand. “I’m worried.”

  He glanced over at me. “From what I’ve read, I think it’s normal. Try not to worry.”

  “From what you’ve read?”

  “I’m a pregnancy expert now. I even read the riveting tale on breastfeeding you recommended.” He looked over and winked.

  I couldn’t help it. He broke through and made me laugh. He was really making it hard for me to hate him this morning. But not impossible.

  “Maybe you should nurse this one then,” I quipped.

  He smiled. “I missed you, Carly.”

  I closed my eyes and laid my head back and sighed at that sentiment.

  “You don’t believe that?” he asked.

  I didn’t respond right away. I just kept my eyes closed and tried to focus on what was going on inside my body. “I don’t know what to believe anymore. The last time you told me that, we had a few great hours, but then you became more distant and you took a job without telling me and then you left … again.”

  He gently rubbed my hand with his thumb. “There is no excuse for what I’ve done to you and our family, but …”

  “Mmm!” I broke in. Contraction. I squeezed his hand tighter and breathed in and out. It was sharp, but short lived.

  “7:10.” Michael timed it. “You ok?”

  I just shook my head. I knew from experience that was nothing compared to what I had to look forward to.

  Michael brought my hand up and kissed it. “We’re almost there.”

  I just closed my eyes again and focused on breathing. I wasn’t sure I wanted to be talking about our relationship status this morning; I didn’t want to bring negative feelings with me into the delivery room. I reminded myself I had wanted him to be here, and now he was. Regardless of what happened to our marriage, today we were having a baby, and that was a joyous occasion.

  Michael got us parked. “Do you want me to get a wheel chair? Or I can carry you.”

  I shook my head no. I still felt ok and there was still no gushing water, and I ha
dn’t had another contraction. We walked in slowly. Michael carried my bag in one hand and held onto me with the other. I noticed how firmly he grasped. I also realized he was wearing his wedding ring. I wondered if he had ever taken it off. It reminded me of how empty my ring finger had felt the past couple of months. So many times I thought I had lost it only to remember I had given it back. I wondered if he kept it, and if he did, where it was. Not that I was ready to wear it again, or ever, it was just one of the many things I wondered about.

  We got checked in quickly as I was pre-registered. Libby, the nurse assigned to me took us back to a delivery room. She looked to be in her fifties, and she was as pleasant as she could be. Fabulous, I thought. The nurse you get makes all the difference.

  She laid a horrid blue gown and absorbent pad on the bed. “Ok, you know the drill, I’m sure. Take all of your own clothing off. When you’re done getting dressed, you’ll need to stay in bed due to your water being broke.”

  I looked at the absorbent pad and gown and thought, oh I hope this goes quick.

  She left us so I could change. I picked up the blue gown and headed to the bathroom.

  Michael grabbed my hand on the way. “I don’t think today is the day for modesty, Mrs. Bishop.”

  I looked up into his sincere blue eyes that were smiling down on me.

  “I’ll be right back,” I replied.

  He let go of me reluctantly. “I’ll be here,” he said quietly.

  I knew I’d changed in front of him a million times, and I got it, I was pregnant with his baby, but I just wasn’t ready to expose myself like that to him. It’s not like I was prudish, I most certainly wasn’t, but I just didn’t want to feel vulnerable around him. Does that make sense?

  By the time I made it back to the bed and situated myself, the whole not changing in front of him seemed pointless. Libby came back in and pretty much exposed me by running a test to make sure it really was my water that broke; she also checked for dilation. I was at two inches and fifty percent effaced. She hooked me up to all sorts of monitors, all while Michael looked on and smirked at me. He was so annoying.

  At least he was useful. He came and held my hand as she put in my I.V. That was the worst part for me. I just stared at him and tried to breathe normally while she looked for a good vein. I noticed he looked tired, but he looked good. I was happy to see the gray back in his hair. It was even showing up in his facial hair now. His eyes looked happy and settled. They hadn’t looked like that in a year. As she went in for the kill, I closed my eyes and squeezed his hand.

  After I got stuck, Michael looked to Libby. “Is everything ok?”

  “So far, so good,” she chirped. “Dr. White will be in shortly, so just try and relax.”

  My contractions were too few and too far in between, so that’s all there was to do. Michael sat on the bed next to me and rubbed my neck. His hands felt good. I tried to relax under them to the rhythmic sound of my daughter’s heartbeat. I couldn’t believe I was finally going to get to meet her today.

  Michael’s stomach interrupted the reverie.

  “You should go get something to eat,” I admonished him.

  “You know that always makes me feel guilty.”

  “I know, but I also know how unbearable you become when you haven’t eaten.”

  He continued to rub my neck, which felt heavenly, but I knew he needed to eat—for both of our sakes.

  “Seriously, go get something.” I looked at the monitor that was showing no contractions. “It’s going to be a while.”

  I missed his hands immediately, but they quickly found my face. He caressed me softly and gazed at me for a moment. “I’ll be right back.”

  He leaned closer. He came ninety percent of the way and stopped.

  “What are you doing?” I asked.

  He moved to ninety-five percent. “Are you going to ask me that every time I try and kiss you now?”

  He didn’t wait for my response. His lips just barely brushed mine. He was testing the waters, and they weren’t all that warm, so he just kissed me once and stood up. “Someday I hope I’ll be worthy enough for you to come the other ten.”

  I just shrugged my shoulders. I didn’t know what I would do, or should do.

  Not long after he left, Dr. White came in.

  “Was that Michael I just saw in the hall?”

  I nodded my head in the affirmative.

  “When did he get back?”

  “This morning, just as I was about ready to leave for the hospital.”

  “So?” she asked.

  “I don’t know what to think. He won a stay on the divorce until the end of the year, and now he comes walking in acting like prince charming saying he misses me.”

  My heart monitor started speeding up.

  Emma grinned. “Calm down there.”

  I smiled. “Anyway, what about the baby? She’s early.”

  “She definitely jumped the gun, but like I told you on the phone, I’m not too concerned. Most babies born at this time are just fine. She may have to spend an extra day or two in the hospital, but most likely she’ll be able to go home when you do, so just try to relax.”

  Everyone keeps saying that to me. Do I look tense?

  She looked over the nurse’s notes and then at the monitors. “If your labor doesn’t start soon, though, I’m going to want to start Pitocin.”

  I grimaced. I knew that could make labor more painful.

  “I know how you are about natural childbirth, but with your water broken, we need to be careful about infection. Time is of the essence, and it won’t make you any less of a woman if you need something for the pain this time.”

  “Ok,” I sighed, but I prayed my labor would just start on its own.

  “So for now we’re just going to monitor you. Try and rest if you can.”

  When she left, I lay back against the pillow and said a silent prayer amidst the beeping of the monitors. I prayed everything would be ok with my baby and that I would know what to do about her daddy. I wanted to know what would be best for our family. Having him around muddied the waters for me. It was so easy to hate him from afar, but having him back, and acting like my Bishop, clouded my judgment.

  Michael was barely gone twenty minutes. I opened my eyes and turned toward him as he opened the door. I could see him light up as he looked at me. What was I going to do with him? I also noticed the plastic bag in his hand and I inquired. He came back over and sat next to me on the bed. He pulled out a crossword puzzle book, a couple of magazines, a bottle of lavender lotion, and some pink nail polish.

  I held up the lotion and nail polish. “Are you trying to get in touch with your feminine side now?”

  He grinned and took them both out of my hand. “In a manner of speaking.”

  I raised my eyebrow at him.

  “You’re my feminine side.”

  I just shook my head at him.

  “I ran into Dr. White. She was a little cold.”

  “What did you expect?”

  He breathed out heavily. “I’m sure everyone thinks I’m the world’s biggest jerk.”

  “I’ll second that motion.”

  He leaned forward and rested his forehead against mine. “I know this doesn’t make up for anything, and it sounds hollow, but I’m sorry. I’m going to be a better man.”

  I didn’t get to respond as our nurse walked in. She smiled at the two of us. “That’s what I like to see.”

  If only she knew, I thought. She came and checked my vitals and the monitors and informed us the baby was looking good. She sat down with us for a while and tried to get to know us better. She wanted to know what number this was for us and how long we had been married. I let Michael answer—it was a touchy subject. I felt like we could subtract the last year, but Michael proudly told her almost eleven years.

  She looked at me in amazement. “You must have been a baby when you got married; you look way too young to have been married that long.”

  “I was
a baby. I was barely twenty-four,” I responded.

  She looked between the two of us. “You both look so familiar. Have you delivered here before?”

  I shook my head no. Ashton was born in Colorado, and Mia was born in a hospital in Atlanta.

  “Hmm …” She kept trying to place us. “This sounds weird, but I’m thinking an airplane.”

  Michael and I both looked at each other.

  “Did you ever read a blog called, ‘The Girl in Seat 24B?’ ” Michael asked.

  Her eyes beamed and she threw her hands up into the air. “I loved that blog. I can’t believe it’s you. Oh my goodness, you are the cutest couple ever! My girlfriends and I were so jealous of you. I even used to beg my husband to read it to get some pointers.”

  Yeah ,well, she wouldn’t want him taking pointers from Michael now.

  She directed her attention to Michael. “Why did you quit writing? You don’t know how disappointed we all were.”

  Michael rubbed the back of his neck. “I still write, just not that.”

  “Well you should,” she said as she got up to leave. “Just wait until I tell some of the other nurses on duty, who’s in here. They’ll be so jealous.”

  That hadn’t happened in a long time. It was a little awkward now, under the circumstances. After she left, things were quiet for a couple of minutes. I thought about that blog and how much it had meant to me, and I wondered something. “All those things you wrote about me. Was any of it true?”

  “Every … last … word,” he spoke slowly as he ran his finger softly down my cheek.

  A couple of tears fell. He wiped them away. “Only happy tears today, ok?”

  I nodded my head yes.

  Time seemed to be going slower. I hated that all I could do was lay there. I wanted to walk around to see if I could get my labor to start, but with my water broken, that was against the rules. I was so anxious to meet this baby; I wanted her in my arms, as soon as possible.

  To pass the time, Michael sat next to me on the bed and we did crossword puzzles together. We hadn’t done that in ages. We took turns being across or down, and we would race each other to see who could finish first. So far, we were tied two-two. I don’t even remember when we stopped doing crosswords, but I had missed it.


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