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The Captive

Page 2

by Crystal Hayes

  “I’ll be over in an hour. Have him rest.”

  “I will.” I muttered as I headed for the living room. “See you soon.”

  “Yup. Bye.” David said and hung up the phone.

  “He’ll be here in about an hour.” I said sitting down. “I’m sure he’s finishing with his last patient and still has some paperwork to do.” I whispered in Faye’s ear. “This looks wonderful.” I said looking down at the pot roast. I took a spoonful and glanced up at Walker as I put it in my mouth. I nearly melted. Faye had the same look, I’m sure I had on my face. Pure bliss.

  “You know, I have a friend that is looking for a part time chef. She’ll have you work as a waiter sometimes though.” She said cheerfully. Walker’s spoon stopped halfway to his mouth.

  “I can’t work with customers.” He said quietly.

  “Right. The androphobia.” She said. He nodded. “But that’s perfect.” She said happily.

  “What?” He and I asked confused.

  “Mitzy caters to 99% female cliental. It’s a host café. You’d only work with a couple of guys but they would be too busy to bother with you.” She explained.

  “Sure.” He said quietly. He seemed surprised that the words had come out so easily.

  “Great. I’ll call her after dinner.” Faye said smiling. “How old are you anyway?”

  “29.” Walker said quietly. Our jaws dropped. “What?”

  “You’re a year older than me.” I muttered surprised.

  After dinner, I told Walker to take a shower and relax in his room. It took David a little longer to show up then I expected. It was almost 2 hours. I walked with him upstairs to see Walker had fallen asleep. He looked comfortable curled up on his side. He really was cute. David lifted Walker’s shirt, revealing many cuts and scares. I bit my lip trying to hide a gasp. I hadn’t seen them when I dried him off yesterday. Walker woke up slightly. He yanked away with a small scream. He curled up in the corner of the bed, whimpering like a beaten dog. David sat on the edge of the bed and waited a few minutes for him to relax.

  “Walker, this is my brother David. He’s a doctor.” I told him.

  “Troy explained the situation to me. I took the liberty of having these filled for you.” He set two bottles of pills on the bed from his bag. “Antianxiety and sleeping pills.” He explained. We could both see Walker’s anxiety easing slightly, though he was still shaking. “Now, if you have any problems or questions, I want you to call me. I have a few connections and I can set you up with a therapist.”

  “Okay…” Walker said quietly.

  “I’m assuming all these injuries care from a man?” David asked. Walker nodded. “What else did he do?” He was quiet for a few minutes. I thought he wasn’t going to answer.

  “Imprisoned me for 3 years in his room.” He whispered.

  “I assume he…” David struggled for the right words. “Forced himself on you?” Walked slowly nodded. I walked out of the room and stepped into the bathroom. How could someone do that to him?! I filled a cup with water and returned before they even started speaking again. “Here.” David pulled another bottle of pills from his bag and laid it on the bed. “Antidepressants.” I handed Walker the cup which he reluctantly took, careful not to touch me. He set the cup down and opened the pills. He took one of each out and closed the lids. He drank them down without complaint.

  “Thank you, Troy.” He said quietly.

  “Get some rest. I’ll stop by again in a few days.” David said.

  “Thank you, David.” My brother set his business card on the nightstand as he stood.

  “Thanks David.” I told him as he walked out of the room with a small wave. I sat on the edge of the bed where my brother had sat as Walker set down the cup.

  “Why are you helping me?” Walker asked. I smiled softly at him.

  “Because I want to.” I told him. “Simple as that.” I glanced up at him. “You really scared me in the kitchen. I thought you might faint and get hurt.” I wanted to know more. “Did you have this fear before three years ago?” He thought for a moment.

  “Yeah. My biological father raped me when I was 10 years old. He never told me a reason.” I guess that’s why he doesn’t have a hard time talking about it. I couldn’t imagine what it would have been like for an adult to go through a rape, much less a 10 year old kid. He was acting like it was no big deal. “He’s in jail now.” He muttered. His pale fingers slid into his black hair. His breathing was labored. I instinctively reached out to help him lay down. He flinch and pulled away, reminding me that wasn’t ok.

  “Lay down.” I said softly, trying not to raise his anxiety anymore.

  “What?” he asked confused.

  “You need some sleep. You’re wobbly.” I told him. We had woken him, shaken him up, and gave him sleeping pills. I would be surprised if he exhausted. His blinking was getting slower too. I stood up, showing him that I was going to leave him alone. I could almost see the anxiety died away on his face as he laid down, relieved to be alone. “Good night.” I said quietly over my shoulder at the door. He was already asleep. Poor thing. I didn’t know what I could do to help short of finding the recent guy and handing him over to the police. My eyes widened with the thought. I could do that. I hurried downstairs to my office and pulled up the internet on my laptop. When Walker crashed into me he wasn’t very wet so he had only been out in the rain for a very short time. I looked up the neighbors around my old place. Zachariah and Retina Olsen- they had many little kids that repeated everything. Not them. Molly Wisdom- she collected cats not people. Shane Carter- a real asshole. He could be the one. Travis Tomb-he had been out of the state for half a year. Bruce Diamond- Prick. He was married and had an interest in men. He could be the one also. Olivia Porter- she had just been married. I remember since she screamed at me the whole time that I should come over and “enjoy” myself with her single bridesmaids. The very thought made me shudder. There were 2 other houses available. He could have been held in there by squatters, but his clothes were new and his hair was clean. I sighed. I could call and have the 2 empty places searched. I picked up the phone and called a privet investigator who was a good friend of mine. I was going to have him search the two house and check on Shane and Bruce.


  I was excited to start work tomorrow. It was already Saturday afternoon. Faye had really come through on the café job. I spoke with Mitzy, in person, a couple days ago and met the staff. They were all very nice. She had also explained that I had a fear of men and should not be touched without permission. I was glad she was able to keep it light. The others didn’t seem to mind. They weren’t interested in men. Thank goodness. The head chef had me cook my specialty dish, which he and Mitzy loved. I had a sneaky suspicion that the two were dating or married. One of my new coworkers, Greg conformed that the two were married. It had been a week since I saw David for the first time. The second time he stopped by, he brought a nurse, and did a more thorough work up. Getting blood, and checking my vitals and all that good stuff. The medication seemed to be working just fine. Faye made a comment that I was smiling a lot. I was starting to feel better. More comfortable. Even around Troy. At home, I’ve brushed against him without feeling anxiety. I felt excitement instead. His very presence made me feel calm and safe. I thought it was strange that I was so at ease around him so fast.

  I was ready to go shopping, planning a feast tonight. I opened the front door, revealing a scary looking red headed man a few inches away from me. He was over 6 feet tall, had a dark gray suit on and a cigarette hanging out of his mouth. His eyes were dark brown under his mop of red hair. My body wouldn’t move. My breath got caught in my throat.

  “What are you looking at?” He asked stepping inside the house. My vision tilted and faded around the edges as I stepped back, trying to breathe.

  “Ah! Walker!” Troy cried running up to me and caught me, inches from the floor as I fainted. “What the hell, Danny? I told you to look normal!”

�I just got off work. Leave me alone.” Danny said. He stepped inside and stared at me. “This is the new pup?” He asked. Troy looked up at him. “You lied. He’s a kitten.” He flicked the cigarette out the front door.

  “You made him faint, you get to go shopping for him. He should be awake by the time you get back.” Danny growled as Troy handed over the shopping list from my pocket.

  “You better not be lying about how good of a cook he is.” He grumbled. “Better be worth it…” He walked back out the door and climbed in his car.

  I felt groggy as I opened my eyes. I rubbed my eyes and slowly sat up. I propped myself up on my elbows. I was on the couch. The front door slammed, startling me. I looked over the back of the couch to see the scary man again. He didn’t have a cigarette this time, but it didn’t take away from his ominous appearance.

  “I hope I got everything.” He told me, walking into the kitchen. He set down several bags. He glanced over at me.

  “Are you… Danny?” I asked.

  “I am.” He had a slight accent. I couldn’t place it.

  “Troy told me you had food allergies. I hope Mexican is ok.” I said sliding my legs off the edge of the cushion. My medicine and a glass of water sat on the coffee table next to my knees. “If you like sushi, I can make it another time.” I told him picking up the pills. I swallowed them down with the water and stood up. I walked into the kitchen. Danny moved away giving me plenty of space.

  “Marry me, please?” He joked, smiling.

  “No.” I answered nervously.

  “You seem more at ease now.” He muttered watching me as I washed my hand, ready to cook.

  “I was just startled.” I said quietly.

  I made pulled chicken enchiladas, a pot of beans, and corn with diced peppers. I made homemade Pico, guacamole, and a salad with mandarin oranges. I knew I wouldn’t have time to make chips so I had bagged chips on the list. I set the dishes on the table and walked to the office.

  “Troy, dinner.” I called. He glanced over at me.

  “Be right there.” He said. I stared at him, not moving. “Okay, okay.” He saved his work and stood up. “I’m coming.” He closed his laptop and walked around the desk.

  “Is Faye upstairs?” I asked.

  “She’s out in the backyard.” He told me. I walked around the stairs, down the short hallway, and opened the back door.

  “AH!” I cried covering my face, and turned away. Faye was laying naked in a lawn chair by the pool. The other two men hurried down the hall and crowded the doorway. “Put some clothes on Faye!” I moved towards the door. The men moved aside and squeezed past them, running into the house. Safe inside, I caught my breath and calmed down a little. “Faye, dinner.” I called, remembering why I went out there.

  “Alright.” She muttered. She sat up and donned her clothes. The three followed me to the kitchen a moment later. I was trying to calm down my red face still. “You weren’t supposed to see that.” She said smiling at my blush.

  “I guessed that.” I whispered. “Drinks?” I asked.

  “Wine.” Faye muttered.

  “Same.” Both Troy and Danny said together.

  “Red or white?”

  “Red.” I heard in triple stereo. I snagged a root beer from the fridge and the bottle of red wine from the island counter then made my way around to the table. I set the bottles down and turned to grab wine glasses from the cabinet by the fridge. I set the glasses down on the table. Troy took up the wine bottle and filled the glasses. I plopped down in the chair next to Faye. Danny scooped out food onto plates and dished them out. Drinking was not my strong suit.

  It had been 2 months already. I was working hard as a part time cook and a server most of the time. My phobia was easing a lot more. I could brush against men and not have a bad anxiety attack. It was down to a dizzy moment before I was able to move again. I was getting along with my coworkers. Each of them were extremely nice. They were all dating, and happy. Ethen was a trained martial artist that spent his weekends teaching students at the YMCA near his home. Greg also knew a bit about karate and wanted to teach me but he didn’t have much time between this and his other job. Charlie helps bake in the mornings. And Milo was the most energetic one of all. He was cheerful all the time, brought a smile to everyone’s face no matter how bad of a day someone was having. He was going to college for physical therapy in the evenings. He always made me laugh and I seemed to be happy more than depressed lately.

  I moved among my daily customers, delivering sweets and drinks. It was mid Monday morning so there weren’t very busy. Charlie and Milo were due to come in any minute.

  “Walker.” A familiar voice said behind me. My blood ran cold. I could feel the color drain from my face as I slowly turned around. Shane held out his hand. He was over 6 foot and his stare made me feel like I was inches tall. One on Shane’s goons stood next to him, blocking my path to door. “Let’s go home.” I gasped for breath that wouldn’t come. My unfocused eyes landed on Greg, past Shane, across the room, pleading for help. Shane grabbed my arm. My fear paralyzed me from fighting back.

  “No…” I whispered. My vision vanished and I felt myself falling before I blacked out completely. Shane scooped me up into his arms and turned around. Mitzy and Ethen blocked his path.

  “Let go of him.” She demanded.

  “I’m just taking back what’s mine.” Shane said. He tried to push his way past them but Ethen stepped in front of him.

  “Drop him.” He ordered. He stepped forward, swiped me out of his hands and tossed me into Mitzy’s arms in a flash. He grabbed Shane’s arm and twisted it behind his back. Greg had a hold of the goon’s arm, and twisted it behind the guy. Milo and Charlie stepped in the door and saw what was going on. Ethen pushed Shane out the door, twisting his arm harder. “Get out.” The goon followed, shoved out by Greg. Mitzy called Troy.

  “Someone just tried to kidnap Walker.”

  “What?!” Troy yelled over the phone. “Is he still with you? What happened? Is he alright?”

  “Ethen got him back. The guy said he was taking back what was his.” Mitzy explained. Troy sighed.

  “I’ll be right there.” Troy said before hanging up.

  Troy showed up 20 minutes later and collected my unconscious body from the break room.

  I woke up screaming hours later, at home in bed. I was in sheer panic mode. My body was shaking and I could barely breathe. I could feel his hands on me. Tears flowed from my eyes. I squeezed my arms tight trying to calm down. I needed a boiling shower. I rolled onto my left side to see a hand on the mattress. I pulled away and sat up, gasping for breath. I pulled my knees to my chest, shaking worse.

  “I heard what happened.” David said taking his hand off my bed. “How are you holding up?” He asked calmly, though I’m sure he already knew the answer.

  “I- I’m-” I stammered, squeezing my arms even tighter, trying to stop shaking. “Not okay.” He handed me a bottle of water. I didn’t take it. He set it next to me on the bed.

  “Did you take your pills this morning?” I nodded. He set the pills on the bed next to the water. When the shaking eased, I opened pill bottles and took out one pill each, including a sleeping pill. I drank them down with the water. “I think it would be best if you stayed home a few days.”

  “Y-yeah…” I agreed.

  “Troy will have this all sorted out before you go back to work.” He muttered.

  “All of what sorted out?” I questioned. My voice wasn’t strong. I felt pathetic.

  “With Shane. Troy is working hard to find out everything about him and put him in jail.” How did they know his name?

  “I-I can’t ask him t-to do that.” I tried to protest.

  “You’re his precious friend. He wouldn’t let you live with him if you weren’t.” David explained. I hugged my knees again. I felt depressed. “Troy said you were a chef so I picked this up.” He pulled a thick recipe book out of his bag and set it on the mattress. “Make me something so
metime, will ya?” He asked. “I’ll eat anything but raw fish.” He smiled brightly at me.

  “Join us, if you don’t have plans. I promised Danny I would make sushi tonight.” I offered.

  “I can do that.” He said quietly. I inches forward to the edge of the bed and slid off, with the book. I set it on the banister before I went into the bathroom.

  I cooked a lot of sushi for dinner, while reading a few recipes from the book. All different kinds but it seemed everyone had the same preference, no raw fish. Near the end of rolling the rolls, I started to feel tired. I figured the sleeping pills were kicking in. Luckily, I had been snaking on my “messed up” rolls, so I wasn’t really hungry. I finished the rolls and cut them.

  “Go get some rest.” David told me. He was helping me roll the seaweed stuffed full of rice, cream cheese, carrots, cucumbers, avocado, and crab, shrimp, or salmon. I made sure to wash my hands and lay the salmon rolls on a separate plate due to Danny’s shellfish allergies. I made a few deep special fried tofu ones for him as well. The sides were spicy mayo and soy sauce.

  “I’m alright.” I said quietly. I set the plates on the table along with a pitcher of Sake Champagne Mojito on the table. I figured they would like a change from wine that would go with the meal. I glanced at the clock. They would be home in about 5 to 10 minutes. I felt dizzy. I caught myself on the table and hoped David hadn’t seen.

  “I saw that.” He muttered.

  “What?” I asked stupidly. I popped a cut shrimp roll in my mouth. Damn, it was good. I hope everyone else likes it too. I sighed to myself. I really wasn’t going to make it till they got home. “Fine. I’m going to bed.” I muttered, giving up.

  “Good night.” I wandered up the stairs. I used the bathroom before I walked into my room. I flopped down on my bed. I heard the front door open and Troy’s voice call out that he was home.

  “Welcome home…” I whispered as my eyes fell closed. I wanted to tell him in person, but there was no way now. I pulled my blankets in and wrapped my right leg over them. I just had to wait. Just hold on. I told myself. I heard footsteps come up the stairs. Stay awake just long enough to see him.


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