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The Captive

Page 3

by Crystal Hayes

  “Walker?” Troy called from the other side of the door. He knocked but didn’t wait for me to answer. “Hey.” He said quietly, seeing me barely conscious. “We’re you waiting for me?” He joked. Just the sound of his voice made my chest tighten and feel at ease.

  “Yes…” I whispered. He sat down next to me.

  “You were?” He asked.

  “Mu-huh.” Damn it! Why did I take the sleeping pill earlier? I should have waited. He reached over and laid his hand on my head, surprised that I didn’t flinch or pull away. Hell, I surprised myself too. Since I was 10, I’ve never been able to have a man touch me without some kind of reaction. I smiled sleepily at him. “Welcome home.” I said quietly. The next moment startled me, but in a good way. Troy leaned forward and kissed my forehead. I didn’t scream, cry, or pull away at all. My smile didn’t even fade. He laid down next to me with his arm around me. He hugged me to his masculine body. My heart was pounding in my chest. Nervously, I slowly reached up and laid my arm around his back. His blue eyes widened under his near black hair. He flashed me his charming smile. I snuggled up to his chest. I could hear his heart pounding in his chest. He was feeling the same. His thin fingers caressed my black hair. I closed my blue eyes to the warm, comfortable feeling and slipped easily into a deep sleep.

  I wasn’t sure how long Troy stayed with me after I fell asleep, but he wasn’t there when I woke up. I must admit I felt disappointed. But he had work… I rolled onto my left side and stared at the clock. 11:45 am. It was well past the start of my shift at the host café. I hope I wasn’t going to be fired. Why hadn’t my alarm gone off? I looked around for my cell phone which Troy was nice enough to buy for me. I sighed, realizing it was probably left downstairs. Did no one try to wake me? I pulled myself from the bed, changed into a pair of sweats, and walked to the bathroom. After using it, I strolled downstairs.

  “Hello?” I called hearing movement. I brushed it off as my imagination. I walked into the kitchen and found my phone sitting next to the sink. I slid open the screen to see it only had about 18% battery left. I’ll charge it later. I scrolled through my contacts and found Mitzy’s number. It was still before the lunch rush so she should have time to answer.

  “Thanks for calling The Host Café. How can I help you?” Mitzy’s voice came over the phone.

  “Mitzy, hi. It’s Walker. I’m sorry it’s a little late, but I’m not coming in today.” I heard her laugh lightly on the phone.

  “I figured you would be staying home for a couple days. You’re not going to quit, are you?” She asked.

  “No, no. I want to keep my job. I love it.”

  “I’m glad to hear it. Take as long as you need. Your job will still be here-”

  “Walker.” My body unwillingly turned around to see Shane standing in the living room.

  “Walker! What’s going on?!” Mitzy cried. Fear filled my body.

  “Shane…” I whispered as I dropped the phone and I fainted on the floor of the kitchen.

  “Walker!” She listened as the man spoke, moving closer to me.

  “Pick him up.” Shane said next to the phone. He stomped on my phone, breaking it.

  I was in so much pain when I woke up. My head hurt from hitting the floor. I slowly reached my shaking hand across my naked body down to my ass and bit back a hiss of pain as my fingers touched it. No! I was back in Shane’s room. I curled up, pulling my body in protectively. He had raped me again, while I was unconscious.

  “I’ve missed you.” Shane’s voice said. I looked up to see him walking towards the bed I laid on. I pulled back to get away, but the sound of a chain clinking made me stop. I sat up, grabbed the chain, and desperately, pulled on it. Shane’s hand grabbed my wrist and stopped me.

  “Let me go!” I yelled at him. He pushed me on my stomach. “No!!” I screamed trying to fight, tears falling down my cheeks. He held my arms down. He climbed on top of me. “NO! Get off! Stop it!!” I screamed and struggled. I could feel bruises forming on my wrists from his grip. He picked up the rope that was hanging on the headboard of the bed and tied my arms behind my back. “Stop it!!” I groaned. He pulled my ass up, on my knees, and spread my cheeks wide open. I whimpered in pain when he shoved into my hole, raw. “Ahh!!” I screamed in blinding agony as my hole stretched to accommodate his length. His hips crashed into my ass like waves on a beach as he started to move, punishing me.

  “Damn. You’re so tight. It’s been a while.” Shane moaned by my ear. I felt sick to my stomach.

  “No!” I cried trying to move away from him. His fat fingers latched on to my hips and pulled me back slamming himself into me again. He rolled his hips. My breath quickened, panting loudly. “S-stop! Stop it!” I groaned out. I kicked him in the back trying to hurt him enough to get him to stop. He punched me hard in the back. The pain crippled me for a moment as I gasped for breath, tasting blood. He grabbed my arms, pulled them back, and shoved in deeper. I screamed again in pain. “S-stop it! No!!” I pleaded loudly. He thrust into me, deep and hard as he brutally fucked me. He gripped my hair and snapped my head back. I could feel my consciousness fading with each thrust. Every inch of my body hurt and felt weak. I just wanted it to be over.

  “Freeze!” A voice yelled as the bedroom door was kicked open. Blurry cops swarmed the room.

  “Walker!” Troy cried. He was held back by a cop. Troy came to my rescue again.

  “T-Troy…” I whispered smiling slightly. A strangled scream escaped my lips as Shane was yanked out from my ass. I felt blood and semen spill from my ass as my body fell limply on the bed. No… everything slipped away into darkness.


  Walker’s scream rocked me to my core. It hurt. I should have stayed home to take care of him this morning. I wanted to wrap him in my arms and keep him hidden away from the world but then I would be no better than Shane. I pushed the cop that was holding me, away and ran to Walker’s side as he lay unconscious. A cop took pictures of Walker’s body as he laid passed out on the bed. Another officer untied his wrists and put the rope in an evidence bag. They took a swab to Walker’s ass to have DNA evidence for a court hearing. A cop undid the chain of Walker’s left ankle as a pair of EMT’s pushed their way into the room with a gurney. The officers took pictures of the bruises on his wrists and ankle, and the many, many cuts all over his thin, pale body. The EMT’s were careful as they turned Walker onto his back. A whimpered moan slipped from Walker’s lips as they laid him on the gurney.

  “What hospital are you heading to?” I asked finally finding my voice. I asked then to go to my brother’s hospital. “Walker has a fear of men. He knows my brother.” The EMT’s glanced at each other. “Please? He’ll fight otherwise.”

  “We can do that.” One said as they covered Walker’s body with a blanket. “Give the hospital a call and let them know we’ll be in-bound.” He told the other as they strapped the body down. I followed them as they started wheeling Walker out of the room. The house was huge. Much bigger than the one I used to own around the corner. It even had its own elevator.

  “He’s in no danger.” David told me. It had been a couple hours since we arrived at the hospital. Walker hadn’t woken yet and he was hooked up to several machines. David was worried too, though he didn’t show it. “If he’s awake in the morning, he can go home with you.”

  “Where is he?” Faye asked running up the hall with Danny.

  “It he alright?” Danny asked as they stopped beside us. I rose from my seat outside Walker’s room.

  “I haven’t seen him yet.” I confessed. David opened the door for us. He was trying to calm me down before he let me see Walker.

  “He’s in no danger.” David told them. I realized he hadn’t actually said if Walker was okay or not. I steeled myself as I stepped inside, ready to take it all in. There were bandages around Walker’s wrists and his head where there was a bump. He had a tube under his nose supplying oxygen. “He has many deep bruises. A bump on his head. Several cuts all over his body.
A dislocated left shoulder and a bruised spleen. And a swollen ankle from what looks like a chain. It looks like he put up one hell of a fight.”

  “Yeah. Shane had it pretty tight. The officers had a hard time getting it off.” I muttered. I slid my hand into Walker’s and held it tight. I was angry. At myself and Shane. But I was also hurt. I failed to protect Walker.

  “Realistically, I don’t think he’s going to wake up tonight.” David said quietly. “You should go home and rest for tonight.” Faye ran her hand over Walker’s head, pushing back his hair, over the bandage.

  “We just wanted to see him. I was worried.” Faye said.

  I was going crazy. It’s been 2 days and Walker still was still asleep. I just wanted him to wake up so I could whisk him home and take care of him. I laid in the overnight fold out chair, with a thin blanket over me.

  “Troy…” The whisper was so faint I also missed it. My eyes blinked open. I shot up on the chair and stared at Walker. His eyes were open a crack.

  “Walker!” I scrambled out of the chair and dove to the bed. I wrapped my arms around him tightly. He groaned slightly. I pulled away, forgetting that he was afraid of men. “Sorry.” I said quietly.

  “It wasn’t a dream?” He asked.

  “No.” I told him calmly and quietly.

  “What happened to him?” He asked.

  “He’s in jail.” I told him. I was surprised that he didn’t faint or freak out. “You’ve been asleep for two days. I have been so worried.” I sat down next to him. “How are you feeling? How’s your pain?”

  “Groggy. No pain.” He said.

  “I’ll get David.” I stood up to walk to the door but he grabbed my hand.

  “Don’t leave me.” he said quietly.

  “Ok. I won’t leave.” I laid down next to him. He buried his face in my chest. I wrapped my arms around him.

  “I was so scared.” He whispered.

  “I have you now. I won’t let him hurt you ever again.” I promised. This I could promise him. Shane was going to jail and wouldn’t be out for a very long time.

  “As… as soon as I saw you…” He started. His arms squeezed me tighter.

  “I know. I know.” I said. He looked relieved when he saw me at Shane’s house. I ran my fingers through his hair. I could feel my shirt grow damp. He was crying? “Don’t cry.”

  “I’m not crying.” He mumbled. But his voice said otherwise. I rubbed his back gently.

  “Walker awake?” David asked as he stepped into the room. “Good.” He said. Walker peek over his shoulder at him, tears in his eyes. “Your injuries have healed nicely.” He said approaching the bed. “How’s your shoulder?” He asked. Walker moved it a little.

  “Fine.” He said quietly wiping his eyes on my shirt.

  “And your head?”

  “Fine.” Walker said. David checked him over. He took his blood pressure and temperature. Walker hid his face in my chest so he wouldn’t see David check him over. Walker laid on his back once David was finished.

  “Looks good. You can go home today, but take it easy for a couple more days.” He tried to reach out for Walker, but he flinched. So he was ok with me, but no other males? “Do you want pain pills?” Walker shook his head. Maybe that’s why he was asleep so long?

  “They make me sleepy. I can take aspirin.” He said quietly. He nuzzled into my chest again. David walked to the fold out chair and picked up the duffle bag that was sitting next to it with clothes in it. He pulled out a pair of sweats for Walker and laid them on the bed.

  “Do you need me to drive you home?” David offered.

  “No. My car’s parked downstairs.” I told him.

  As soon as we got home, Walker went back to sleep, dragging me with him. It’s been several hours since he fell back to sleep and he hasn’t let go of me, even dead asleep. I ran my fingers through his hair as my door opened revealing Faye and Danny.

  “Why didn’t you tell us he woke up?” Danny asked. They walked to the side of the bed and stared at the sleeping body.

  “Why is he asleep again? Did he really wake up?” Faye asked. I laughed a little.

  “Yeah, he did. He said pain pills make him sleepy and he’s been on morphine the whole time he was at the hospital.” I caressed Walker’s hair again.

  “Troy…” Walker murmured snuggling up to me again. He slowly cracked opened his blue eyes and rose his head to see my face. He leaned up and kissed my lips, taking me by surprise then curled up to me again, muttering something about it being a nice dream. I chuckled quietly. His eyes snapped open again and he looked up at me with a blush on his pale cheeks.

  “Good morning.” I said quietly, even though it was evening already. “How are you feeling?”

  “Better.” He squeaked out. His blush darkened when he noticed he had an audience. “Hi.” He said quietly.

  “We have been so worried about you.” Faye said running her hand through his bangs. “Are you hungry? We can order something.” She said gently.

  “I want to cook.” Walker said quietly, getting his blush under control.

  “Cook tomorrow. You don’t need to be on your feet too much.” Danny said before anyone else. “At least until the morphine is out of your system.” Walker nodded slowly, agreeing.

  Walker moved into my room with me the next day. He made the excuse that I made him feel safe. And I know that to be true, but I also think he just didn’t want to be alone. It was three more days before we agreed to let Walker go back to work. It took a while for him to get comfortable around his coworkers again that he wasn’t sent into a full blown panic attack if they accidently touched. His ankle and shoulder took about a week to fully heal to where he could use them like normal. After a few months, I noticed that Walker’s hands would wander while we were sleeping. Several times I found his hand in my sleeping pants. I wanted him to want me more.

  “Troy?” Walker asked one day. It had been about 6 months since he moved into my room. I looked up from my laptop, eager for an answer for the bright blush on his cheeks.

  “What’s up?” I asked. I saved my progress and walked across the room to his side.

  “Do… do you have plans t-tonight?” He asked tentatively.

  “No. I’m free.” Wait, was he?

  “Would- would you like to- to have dinner with me?” His voice was shaking. He was! He was trying to ask me out!

  “Do you want me to pick something up for everyone?” I asked, mostly to pick on him.

  “No. That’s not what I meant. Just you and me.” He explained. He seemed to struggle to find the words. “Like on a d-date” He squeaked. I slipped my fingers under his chin and lifted his tomato face to see mine. I kissed his lips lightly.

  “I would love to go on a date with you.” I told him. His blush darkened. He couldn’t really be that embarrassed, could he? I wrapped my arm around his thin waist and gently pulled him to my body. I couldn’t get enough of him. I kissed his lips again. He opened his mouth, giving me full access. He hadn’t done that before. Kisses usually were tight-lipped and quick. He reached up his hands and slowly wrapped them around my neck, kissing harder. His body was growing anxious. He pushed his pelvic against mine. I could feel his hardness. I wasn’t sure if he was signaling me that he was ready to have sex with me or just showing what I did to him.


  Damn it. I wanted Troy. I think I’m ready. We’ve been kissing a lot lately. His kisses have been making me hot and bothered recently. So when Troy stepped away from me, I was left disappointed and confused.

  “We should get going if we want to want to make it to dinner.” He said, rubbing my shoulder. Did he not want me? I know he was hard. I felt it when I rubbed against him. I had saved up about $800 dollars to take him out to dinner and to a winetasting vineyard afterwards. I know he agreed to go with me but I was still unsure if he wanted to be with me. I’m sure he saw the disappointment on my face. I didn’t bother hiding it. He stepped up and kissed me again. “Let’s get ready.
” We walked upstairs to our room and dressed in suits.

  Our table wasn’t ready yet at the restaurant I had picked so we had to wait about 15 minutes. It was already turning out bad.

  “Maybe we should just go home.” I muttered as we waited for our appetizer. The waiter swung by and delivered a plate of bite size tomato and mozzarella puffs.

  “What are you talking about?” Troy asked.

  “I don’t know.” I said quietly. I stuffed a puff in my mouth. Maybe this was a bad idea. I frowned at my own thoughts. Why couldn’t I just be happy that I finally got the courage to ask him out? “I’ll be right back.” I told him. I hurried away to the bathroom to collect my thoughts. Relax. Calm down. When he rejected my advance at home, it threw me off. I remembered my goal was to sleep with him to night, not just share a bed. We were going to a winetasting vineyard after this but this restaurant offered winetasting as well. I took a deep breath and walked back out of the bathroom. I could have one glass of wine, even though I think it taste gross. I sat back down and smiled at Troy. “Sorry. Just needed a minute.”

  “It’s fine. You look better.” He said. “You seemed worried before.”

  “I was… nervous.” I said. I wasn’t really lying, just not saying the whole truth. “They offer winetasting. Want to try some?” Troy smiled.

  “Of course.” He said. “You don’t have any other plans for tonight? If you do, you probably shouldn’t have much. Remember what happened last time.” He said laughing lightly. I frowned.

  “Agh. Don’t remind me.” I muttered. The memory of me stripping and laughing so hard I started crying, while drunk, and passing out, pushed its way into my head. “I’ll have a glass. Though, it’s a good thing we came by cab.” I offered a nervous smile. Troy raised his hand to wave over a waiter before I could.

  “We would like to do the winetasting.” He said sweetly.

  “Yes sir.” The waiter said. “I need to see I.D.” We pulled them out and showed them to him. He seemed surprised that I was of drinking age.


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