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'Til I Kissed You

Page 55

by Pam Howes

  Jane wrapped the baby in Roy’s T-shirt and laid her on Livvy’s stomach. Sammy, tears pouring down her cheeks, was unable to move, frozen into a kneeling position on the front passenger seat.

  The two ambulance attendants, who looked in on the scene, smiled as they congratulated a tearful Jane on the safe delivery. They cut the cord, checked the baby’s airways and delivered the placenta before Roy came round.

  Sammy smiled at her pale-faced husband as he struggled to sit up. Livvy was still lying against him and she tilted her head backwards.

  ‘Hello, Daddy,’ she smiled wearily. ‘It’s another Special Girl for your harem!’

  Jane lifted his daughter, who was now wrapped in a clean white sheet, and held her up for Roy’s inspection. He smiled as the crumpled little face, with the mop of jet-black hair and dark button-eyes, studied him unblinkingly.

  ‘She looks a bit annoyed,’ he said.

  ‘Are you surprised?’ Jane said. ‘It’s not a very dignified start for her.’

  ‘She looks exactly like Nick and Jason did,’ he said softly, looking at Sammy.

  ‘Doesn’t she just?’ Sammy agreed, tearfully.

  ‘Hold her, Sammy,’ Livvy urged. ‘She’s your daughter too.’

  Sammy took the baby from Jane and gazed in awe. ‘She’s beautiful. Thank you, Livvy. Thank you so much.’

  ‘You’re very welcome. I just hope she helps you put the past to bed.’

  Sammy smiled tearfully and nodded, too choked for words.

  ‘Right then, let’s get this little lady and her Mummy to the hospital,’ the elder of the two attendants spoke up.

  ‘She’s booked into The Melville Private Maternity Home and they’re expecting her,’ Sammy told him.

  . ‘What about you, Dad? Aren’t you getting in with them?’ asked the younger attendant as Livvy and Harley were settled comfortably in the ambulance.

  ‘Err,’ Roy hesitated and looked at Sammy.

  ‘Go on, Roy. We’ll follow in the Jeep,’ she said.

  ‘Are you sure?’ he whispered.

  ‘I’m positive. They can’t go alone. What would it look like? Go on!’ Sammy pushed him towards the ambulance doors. ‘See you soon.’

  He climbed in and sat down besides Livvy, taking Harley in his arms as the doors closed and the ambulance sped off into the night.


  Livvy looked up at Roy and smiled. ‘What do you think of your daughter, Mr Cantello?’

  ‘She’s gorgeous, absolutely gorgeous,’ he replied, tears running down his cheeks. ‘I’m so proud of you, Livvy. I can’t believe how quickly she came.’

  Livvy smiled. ‘I was actually in labour all day,’ she confessed. ‘But like I told the others, I wasn’t going to miss your show for anything. I sat through it, counting contractions and deep breathing.’

  ‘You crazy girl! You could have given birth in the theatre. Did you enjoy the show in spite of the pains?’

  ‘Very much, Roy, it was brilliant. It’s been quite a night all round, hasn’t it?’

  He kissed the baby’s head. ‘You can say that again!’


  ‘So, how do you feel now?’ Jane asked as she and Sammy followed the ambulance.

  ‘Stunned! I’ll feel better when I’m with Roy again. I had to let him go with her, didn’t I? I feel sick at the thought of it. Supposing he decides he wants to be with them now. I mean, going through all that together may bring them close again.’

  ‘He won’t want that, believe me. He did very well, considering he’d only just finished the show. He’s probably worn out now and desperate to get home.’

  ‘What about you, Jane? You were wonderful back there. I can’t thank you enough.’

  ‘Oh, it was nothing,’ Jane replied modestly. ‘Livvy did most of the work. I still can’t believe how quickly she gave birth.’


  Livvy and Roy were taken to a private suite where Livvy was made comfortable while Harley was examined by a paediatrician who declared her a fit and healthy six pounds four ounces. The hospital staff had been made aware of the situation regarding the baby’s parentage and when Jane and Sammy arrived they were taken immediately to Livvy’s suite. After a last cuddle all round for Harley they said goodnight to Livvy and promised to visit tomorrow.

  On the way back to the theatre, Jane reflected that the whole trip had taken less than ninety minutes, but had felt like a lifetime. Meantime, Eddie had sent Katie and Dominic home in a taxi with Jon and Jess. Tim, Pat and their sleepy daughters had also left for home. Only Eddie, Phil, Carl and Cathy, along with Frank James, remained.

  The theatre management were waiting to lock up and go, but let in Jane, Sammy and Roy who were greeted with enthusiasm.

  ‘We’ve decided to go to our place for a nightcap,’ Eddie told them. ‘You can tell us what happened when we get there. Just tell us one thing to tide us over. Boy or girl?’

  ‘Girl!’ Roy announced a big grin from ear to ear.


  Livvy traced her finger around her daughter’s face and smiled. She was waiting for Roy and Sammy to collect one-week-old Harley and take her home. After today there would be no further contact with her baby. She’d signed a document, drawn up by Roy’s solicitor, and a cheque for fifty-thousand pounds was sitting in her handbag. Roy said it would help her get on her feet in Glasgow. Well that much was true, but it still felt like blood money. She was planning on calling her friend Sheena once she was back at Sean and Tina’s place. Sheena would put her up for a few weeks while she decided what she wanted to do.

  Maybe Sheena would want to reform their duo and sing in pubs and clubs. Roy had also given her a few contact numbers and the tapes he’d recorded with her singing solo. It would be up to her, he’d said, whether she tried to get an agent interested. He could help her no further.

  Harley stirred in her arms and opened her eyes. ‘Hello, baby girl. You’re going home soon with your new Mummy and Daddy. They’ll take great care of you. Your big brother Jason will spoil you rotten. You’re a lucky little girl because you’ll never want for anything.’

  Tears dripped onto the baby’s face and she blinked. Livvy gently wiped them away with her fingertips. ‘Your Daddy will tell you all about me one day. Why I left you behind with him. But trust me, this is for the best.’

  There was a gentle tap at the door and Roy popped his head around, followed by Sammy ‘You okay, Liv?’ he asked.

  ‘I guess so,’ she replied. ‘She’s all ready for you. She’s wearing Tina’s new outfit and I’ve packed all the other gifts in that bag over there.’

  Sammy picked up the small holdall. ‘You are sure about this?’

  Livvy nodded. ‘Sean and Tina will be here in ten minutes to take me home. Best if you go before they arrive. Tina said if you change your mind, she’ll have her!’ She smiled through her tears.

  ‘I’m sure she would,’ Sammy nodded. ‘She’ll be able to come and visit whenever she wants to and we’re going to ask her and Sean to be Godparents, along with Ed and Jane.’

  ‘Well that’s lovely. They’ll be thrilled to bits. Right then, here you are, Roy.’ Livvy handed him the shawl-wrapped bundle. ‘Tell her that I did this for her.’ She turned away as he looked into her eyes. She could see something there and she didn’t want to acknowledge it. ‘Just go now, please.’

  ‘Livvy!’ Roy put his hand on her shoulder. ‘Thank you. I’ll tell her all about you as soon as she’s old enough.’

  She nodded. ‘Leave it until she’s ten.’

  ‘If that’s what you want,’ Sammy said.

  ‘I do. I’ll leave my friend’s address with Sean. Will you send me a photograph occasionally?’

  ‘Of course we will,’ Sammy replied. ‘Goodbye, Livvy. Thank you so much. We’ll love her to bits and I’ll send you progress reports. Come on, Roy. Let Livvy get ready for Sean and Tina.’

  As Roy and Sammy closed the door behind them, Livvy threw herself onto the bed and sobbed into the pillow


  Jess lay on the couch at her ante-natal appointment as the doctor frowned.

  ‘Is something wrong?’ she asked anxiously as he gently palpated her tummy. Her blood pressure was normal and her urine sample and weight was okay, the nurse had said, so why then was he looking concerned?

  ‘I’d like you to have an ultrasound scan,’ he said, scratching his chin. ‘You’re rather big for your dates. If you just wait there for one moment I’ll see if we can fit you in now.’

  ‘Okay,’ she nodded and stroked her lump as he left the room. ‘Trust you to be a big one,’ she said. ‘Just my luck!’

  He was soon back. ‘They can fit you in right away,’ he announced.

  In the scan-room, Jess climbed onto yet another couch. She lay back and hoisted up her baggy top. The doctor spread gel onto her lump. It felt cold and she shivered.

  ‘I’m just going to roll this transducer across your tummy,’ he said. ‘If you look at the screen beside you, you’ll be able to see your baby.’

  Jess turned her head and stared at the image of a little alien doing gymnastics. She frowned. ‘What’s that thing behind it?’

  The doctor’s face broke into a big smile. ‘That’s its brother or sister. You’re expecting twins, Jessica.’


  ‘It’s twins,’ he repeated. ‘Look, two sets of arms and legs, two heads and those two black pulsating dots are their beating hearts.’

  ‘Oh my God! Wait ’til I tell Jon!’ Jess stared at the aliens as they waved at her. She started to laugh. ‘No wonder I’m so huge. Are they okay?’

  ‘They look just fine to me. We’ll book you in for another scan at your next appointment. Bring Jon with you.’

  Jess left the clinic in a daze. Her mum was the undisputed heroine of the hour for her midwifery skills and she and Jon had jokingly suggested they book her to deliver their baby. What on earth would she say when she learnt there were two?

  She made her way back to Hanover’s Lodge and called Jon at work.

  ‘You’d better sit down,’ she told him.

  ‘Why, is something wrong with the baby?’

  ‘Err, babies,’ she corrected him, ‘and no, there’s nothing wrong with them, they’re just fine.’ There was silence. Jess heard a clatter then Sean’s voice came breezily down the line.

  ‘Jess, is that you, love? Is everything okay? Jon’s white as a sheet and he dropped the phone.’

  ‘Ah, well, that would be because I just told him we’re expecting twins.’

  ‘Bejesus, you’re not?’

  ‘We are,’ she giggled.

  ‘Hang on a minute, Jess. Jon’s come back to the living.’

  ‘Jess.’ He sounded shocked.

  ‘Yes, Jon?’

  ‘Did you say babies?’

  ‘I did,’

  ‘How many?’

  ‘Just the two!’

  ‘Two! How on earth will we cope?’ His voice now held a note of panic.

  ‘We’ll be fine, don’t you worry,’ she reassured him.

  ‘How can you be so calm, Jess?’

  ‘I don’t know, I just am.’ She grinned, picturing his face, which she was sure, must be ashen. ‘I’m gonna call Dad now, see if I can catch him at the hotel in London to tell him and I’ll call Mum at work. I’ll see you later. Get Sean to make you a nice cup of tea and put plenty of sugar in it! Jon?’


  ‘You don’t mind, do you? It’ll save us having another later. We can get it all out of the way in one go.’

  ‘I don’t mind at all. It’s you I’m worried about. You’ve had so much to cope with the last few months and now this.’

  ‘I’m fine, Jon. I’ve got everything to look forward to, haven’t I? And I love you so much.’

  ‘I love you too. I’ll see you later. Bye.’

  Jess called both parents with her wonderful news. They were thrilled and when Eddie called Jane later they laughed together over how Katie would take it. Her brother would be a hero in her eyes for doing it right!


  Jane called Sammy, who was at home looking after Harley. Roy’s mother had stepped in to help them while Sammy was working and Roy was away touring, but today Sammy was taking time off.

  ‘How are you coping?’ Jane asked.

  ‘Great. She’s so placid, considering all the rows and upheaval the poor little mite went through before she was born. Jason and Jules are besotted. They won’t put her down. She’s the spit of Roy. I’m so glad she’s not blonde like Livvy. I don’t know if I could have handled that to be honest. But she looks just like my own babies did and it’s been so easy to take to her. How are you today?’

  ‘Fine thanks. I’ve got some news for you. Jess is expecting twins.’

  ‘No! Whatever next? How does she feel about that?’

  ‘Okay, I think. She said Jon sounded shell-shocked. Ed’s over the moon. It just goes to show you what a one night stand can amount to.’

  ‘What one night stand?’

  ‘Well, if you think about it, all this stems from Angie and Richard Price’s one night stand and we’re still counting the cost, not to mention the babies!’



  JULY 1985

  ‘Down by the orchard please.’ Jane directed the suppliers to the exact spot where she wanted the marquee erecting. As she went back indoors the phone rang out.

  ‘I’ll get it!’ Katie shot across the kitchen and snatched up the receiver. She chatted for a few minutes, then, ‘Mum, can I go to Lucy’s house and watch Live Aid? Her mum said she’d come for me because she knows you’re dead busy.’

  ‘Yes, that would be great. Get you out from under my feet,’ Jane replied. Katie excitedly told Lucy she could come and dashed off upstairs to get ready.

  Jane smiled after her. Her youngest daughter was becoming as music mad as the older kids. After seeing The Raiders concert earlier in the year, it had suddenly dawned on Katie that having a famous Dad could be quite useful. She’d recently acquired a coveted Wedding Day Barbie from a classmate in exchange for James Perry’s autograph. She’d also sold several copies of the same for a pound a time.

  Katie reappeared in the kitchen in an outfit from Sammy’s summer collection. The short skirt of the pink and white, candy striped rah-rah dress flipped out as she did a twirl.

  Jane peered closely at her and frowned. ‘Are you wearing lipstick and perfume, Madam?’

  ‘Only a bit of lipstick, Mum. It’s from my Girls World. It’s not the real stuff like you and Jess wear.’

  ‘No, but that smell’s like my real Chanel Number 5!’

  Katie went all coy. ‘I didn’t think you’d mind.’

  ‘So - who’s this little effort for then?’ Jane raised an amused eyebrow. ‘Not Lucy, I’ll bet.’

  Before Katie could reply, Jon strolled into the kitchen and whistled in her direction. ‘Morning, Mum, Katie. Wow, don’t you look nice.’

  ‘She’s off to Lucy’s to watch Live Aid,’ Jane told him.

  ‘I see, and is young Toby Johnson going as well?’ he teased as Katie glared at him.

  ‘Who’s Toby Johnson?’ Jane asked as she poured two mugs of coffee and handed one to Jon.

  ‘He’s a new boy at school,’ Katie replied sheepishly. ‘I’m going over to see Jess and the twins.’ She dashed out of the kitchen before Jane could question her further.

  ‘She can’t possibly be interested in boys yet. She’s only nine for goodness sake!’

  ‘Nine and a half,’ Jon said, sitting at the table. ‘Don’t forget the all-important half. What time are you expecting Dad home?’

  ‘Anytime soon. They were leaving Nottingham first thing. How’s Jess this morning?’

  ‘Fine thanks. The boys slept for five hours in a row last night, so we feel like we’ve actually had some proper rest.’

  Jon and Jess’s four-week-old boys were always hungry it seemed. The new parents had spent the last mon
th in a whirl of feeding and nappy changing. Help was always available, but there never seemed to be enough pairs of hands.

  ‘It’ll get easier, Jon,’ Jane said. ‘Me and Sammy have decided to sell the business and take a very early retirement. She’s got her hands full now and wants to spend time with Harley and Roy, when he’s home. I want to spend more time with your Dad and give some help to you and Jess.’

  ‘That will be brilliant, Mum. We feel like zombies at the moment. We’ve hardly had a minute to ourselves since the babies arrived.’

  ‘Next week should be easier. Your Dad will be home until Thursday and he’ll help. Why don’t you book a table for Tuesday night? Take Jess out and spoil her. We’ll look after Jack and Nathan and keep them overnight.’

  Jon’s face lit up. ‘Mum, you’re an angel. Thank you.’ He stood up and planted a kiss on her cheek. ‘I’d better go back and see if Jess needs any help. She was feeding one or the other as I came out. I’m still struggling to recognise which is which.’

  ‘Oh that’s easy.’

  ‘How?’ He looked puzzled. ‘They’re identical.’

  Well, Nathan looks you directly in the eye and Jack’s a bit coy,’ Jane said, smiling as she thought of her grandsons’ little ways.

  ‘Yeah, you’re right. They both look at me almost accusingly, as if to say, we weren’t ready for all this! Which they probably weren’t. But they’re here now and I wouldn’t swap them for the world.’ He drained his mug. ‘Right, I’ll see you later.

  Jane waved goodbye as he strolled across the garden towards his new home.


  Jon stopped briefly to speak to the men who were erecting the marquee for tomorrow’s joint christenings of the twins and Harley.

  Jess was seated beneath a tree feeding Nathan - or Jack. Jon stood for a few moments, observing her. Katie was sitting on the grass besides her cuddling Jack - or Nathan. His sisters and his sons, for he still thought of Jess as his sister, as well as his future wife. It was a strange set up in anyone’s eyes, but he was sure that there was no happier man in the world than he at that moment.


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